*Guilt of War*
A/N: hey, look, another new part! ;) Changed the name of this chapter cause I forgot there was an episode called Night Terrors in season 6, lol. Also, quick thanks to Alphawolfgirl666 for being my test reader of this chapter and giving me feedback! :*
I jolt awake when there's several sharp trills in my mind and massive waves of fear rush over me. "What's wrong, girl?" I frown, stroking the wall beside my bed with my thumb.
The trills become more insistent as she gives a loud, worried hum, my lights flashing. "Alright, alright, I'm up," I get out of bed, slipping my boot-slippers and a jumper on. "What do you need, then? What's wrong with the Doctor?" I ask and my door opens up.
I head out of my room and follow the lights that the TARDIS was using to lead me. They stop at an old wood door that has Gallifreyan on it and I frown, tracing it lightly. I hear a scream from inside and rush in, my eyes widening in shock. The Doctor was thrashing around on his bed, screaming in absolute terror. Oh, my God...
"I don't know what to do..." I shake my head and the TARDIS hums worriedly. "I've never dealt with someone who's having a night terror before! Do I wake him up?" I ask, my heart aching as I watch the Doctor.
The TARDIS just trills again and I huff... really helpful. I walk over to the Doctor cautiously, touching his shoulder and shaking it while I call his name softly. Faster than I thought was possible, I find myself underneath the Doctor, one of his hands around my throat while he stares down at me with glazed over eyes. I gasp for breath, my instincts taking over as I claw at whatever I could reach. My vision starts to blur at the lack of oxygen and my heart was pounding in my chest.
I kick out, thrashing under him and he seems to snap out of whatever state he was in. He lets go and I turn over on the bed, grabbing my throat as I cough, taking gasping breaths. I hear the Doctor faintly, he was freaking out from what I could tell. "Lizzie? Elizabeth!" he grabs my shoulder, turning me to him and he pales when he sees my neck. "Oh... oh, Lizzie, I'm so sorry," his voice cracks as he backs away from me, horror and guilt washing over me.
I sit up on my knees and hold my hands out, "it's alright," I assure him, my voice raspy.
"Alright?" he stares at me, face contorting when he glances at my neck again. "Alright!? I choked you! I could've-" he breaks off as his breathing gets quicker and he clutches his head in his hands.
"Hey," I scoot over, cupping his face in my hands and forcing him to look at me. "You didn't know what you were doing, you were dreaming," I tell him softly before frowning. "You're bleeding..." I mutter, running my thumb gently along a few cuts that were on his cheek, both of us hissing quietly. "I hurt you," I look up at him.
"Me? Don't worry about me... we need to get something on that," he touches my neck with his fingertips before drawing back when we both hiss and he pushes me away.
"I'll get the first aid kit," I hop out of bed. "Don't," I hold up my hand when he opens his mouth to argue and he draws his knees up, refusing to look at me.
There's a hum and a door pops up in the room. I raise an eyebrow and walk through it, finding myself in the TARDIS med-bay. "Thanks, girl," I smile, patting the doorframe and she hums again.
I look around and find some supplies before going back into the room. I set them on the bedside table and turn to the Doctor, who still wouldn't look at me as he scoots further away. "Come on," I click my fingers, pointing to the edge of the bed. "You can fuss over me and be all guilt-ridden and broody after we get those cuts dealt with, get over here," I tell him firmly.
The Doctor moves quietly to the edge of the bed, not saying anything and still not looking at me. I sigh, getting out an antiseptic wipe and standing between the Doctor's legs. Both of us hiss at the sting when it hits the cuts and I murmur a quick sorry as I clean him up. "I found some of this in there... the label says it's for superficial injuries," I pick up the tube I'd found, showing it to him. "This the right one?" I ask and he nods after he glances at it. "You can't ignore me forever," I point out, putting some of the ointment on my thumb and brushing it along the cuts gently.
"I could've killed you..." he whispers as I watch in slight awe as the cuts close up, leaving faint pink lines.
"But you didn't," I retort, putting the cap back on the ointment and running my fingers along the newly healed cuts on his cheek. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask quietly and he shakes his head.
"My turn," he glances at my neck and takes the ointment from me, wincing as I get a wave of guilt.
The Doctor squirts some in his hands and rubs it together a bit. I watch as he lifts his hands up, stopping before he actually touches me. I sigh, shaking my head, "you aren't going to hurt me," I tell him softly.
The Doctor keeps his eyes on my neck while he carefully rubs in the ointment. I wince slightly and he murmurs a soft apology, continuing more gently. After he was done, he wipes his hands off on the towel I'd brought and goes back to not looking at me. I place my hands on his shoulders, frowning when I feel how tensed up he is. "Can I try something?" I ask and he glances at me questioningly. "Budge up," I tap him on the shoulder.
The Doctor moves over and I climb onto the bed, sitting down with my back against the headboard and crossing my legs. "Come on, lay down and put your head in my lap," I pat my lap, smiling at his incredulous expression. "I don't bite..." I pause, smirking slightly. "Unless you want me to, of course," I tease.
"Careful what you offer, tiny," the Doctor smirks right back, making me bite my lip as I blush bright red; why can't I make him flustered for once? "Might just take you up on it," he winks.
"You shouldn't talk like that," I shake my head as he lies down, leaning back in my lap. "You're quite a few centuries older than me, big-ears," I smile, making him snort quietly. "Trust me?" I ask hesitantly, not sure about the answer.
"Stupid question," he rolls his eyes, looking up at me and I raise my eyebrow down at him. "Course I do..." he sighs.
I smile slightly, my heart doing a little flip in my chest at that. I reach down and place my hands on his temples, starting to massage there gently. The Doctor's breath hitches slightly as he tenses before relaxing, closing his eyes. "I used to do this for Mouse whenever he had a nightmare and it always worked to calm him down... thought it might work for you," I murmur quietly.
"Ricky," the Doctor scoffs with a small pang of anger hitting me, folding his arms.
"Quit it," I roll my eyes with a small smile, unfolding his arms and going back to massaging his temples and moving down to his neck then moving to his shoulders and back up slowly.
After a few minutes, the Doctor sighs in content, "this is nice," he mutters, smiling slightly.
"Yeah? Laying there while I massage all your problems away?" I smile. "It's hardly fair, you know," I tease.
"I could always return the favor," he smirks, chuckling when I freeze in my work.
The thought of me laying down while the Doctor has his hands all over me... rubbing any sore muscles I may have... getting lower until- I cut off my thoughts, clearing my throat awkwardly as my face burns. The Doctor sends me a cheeky wink as if he could read my mind and my heart stutters for a second... what if he could? I mean, he's telepathic! Ok, Lizzie, no more inappropriate thoughts when you're touching the Doctor, I tell myself firmly. I go back to giving him his massage and he laughs quietly, closing his eyes.
"I can't read your mind unless I form a link, by the way," he mutters, making me pause. "You're not that hard to read, especially with that blush all over your face," he smirks.
"T-that... I-I-I..." I stutter, making him laugh. "I hate you..." I mutter miserably.
"You don't," he retorts with a way too smug grin. "You should, though," I frown when his face contorts suddenly and he sits up, looking away from me as guilt along with grief wash over me. "Gallifrey... it wasn't the Daleks," he whispers.
"What do you mean?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing at the sudden change in subject.
"The Daleks... they weren't the ones who caused it to burn," he tells me. "I... I was the one who made it happen," he admits quietly and I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth. "It was the only way," he says quickly before I could even process what he'd said. "The last days of the war... there was so much destruction, so much killing, so much death... I couldn't let it go on," he shakes his head. "The High Council, they were planning... they wanted to live at any cost. I stole an ancient weapon called the Moment... I took it and I set it off, destroyed my own planet, my own people..." he whispers, starting to shake.
"I don't-" I shake my head, tears welling up.
"I killed them, Lizzie!" the Doctor shouts suddenly, standing and starting to pace. "Not just those who were doing the killing, not just the High Council or the Daleks! 2.47 billion-" his voice cracks and I frown in confusion at the number as a massive, overwhelming wave of disgust and guilt washes over me. "That's how many children were on Gallifrey that day," his face contorts. "I killed them all..." he whispers, falling to his knees and looking about ready to be sick.
"Doctor..." I whisper, moving to kneel in front of him, my eyes widening at the tears running down his cheek silently. "It wasn't-" I cut off, not really sure what I could say to the broken man before me. "What would've happened if you didn't?" I ask quietly.
"The universe would've been ripped apart," he whispers thickly.
"Oh, my God..." I pull him into my arms and he shudders against me. "I don't even know- I'm so sorry," I hold him to me tightly as he shakes, tears running down on my neck and shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm here, I'm not leaving, not ever," I promise, running my fingers over his hair. "I'm so sorry, Doctor," I mutter.
After a while, I was starting to cramp and I try to move. The Doctor's arms tighten around me as he nuzzles my neck, "stay?" he pleads in a small, quiet voice.
My heart aches at the vulnerability in his voice and the emotions that hit me. "Not going anywhere," I promise. "But... this is a bit uncomfortable, especially since you've got a nice, comfy bed right there," I mutter, making him breathe out a laugh. "Come on, up you get," I pull away, helping him to his feet and getting him into bed. "Move over," I poke his leg.
The Doctor scoots over and I climb in beside him, blushing when he wraps his arms around my waist the second I do and pulls me flush against him. My face heats up even worse when he lays his head on my chest, closing his eyes. "You're very comfortable," he smiles slightly, pulling the covers over us. "I don't deserve you..." he whispers, slight guilt washing over me as he tightens his arms around me.
"Doesn't matter if you think that," I shake my head, making him look up at me. "Do you think I care if you 'deserve' me?" I roll my eyes. "You're my friend and you're in pain, there's no way in hell I'm leaving when you need me," I tell him firmly. "Now, go to sleep... I'm still tired," I sigh, rubbing his back soothingly.
A/N: Thanks for reading, let me know what you think! :) Drop a comment or a vote or whatever! I'm very open to any sort of feedback or suggestions! :*
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