*Evolution of the Daleks*
A/N: really sorry about the wait. With everything that's going on, my anxiety has been all over the place and my focus has been pretty much non-existent. I didn't even realize that it's been a month since I've updated 'The Last Royal'. I want to get another chapter out soon along with updating my other DW fics, but no promises. I hope you guys understand and that you're staying safe!
Anywho, was 7961 words, is now, 10654! Enjoy! :D
I was staring at the Dalek-Human in shock, horror, and disgust when I feel a tug on my hand. Looking up at Kas, he holds up the radio and nods to the side. I keep an eye on Dalek Sec as he pulls me behind the Daleks' computers. "These Humans will become like me. Prepare them for hybridization!" he orders, his tone a bit strained. Understandable, really, since he just rewrote his entire biology.
The Doctor drags me off and I take the radio off him, searching through the stations. I smile widely when I find Happy Days Are Here Again and turn the volume all the way up.
"Leave me alone! Don't you dare!" Martha was screaming as a couple of pig-men grab her before the room falls quiet. Well, except for the loud music.
"What is that sound?" Dalek Sec looks around.
"That would be us," I smile, stepping into view and setting the radio down.
"Hello! Surprise! Boo! Et cetera," Kas waves off, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Dalek Sec looks between us in surprise, "Doctor! Star!"
"The enemies of the Daleks!" one of the others scream. I wish they were a bit more identifiable. I mean, Dalek Sec was all black and they're just the standard bronze.
"Wait!" Dalek Sec holds his hands up to stop them from shooting us, making me raise an eyebrow.
"Well, then, a new form of Dalek," the Doctor eyes him in disgust. "Fascinating... and very clever," he muses with a slight hum.
"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter!"
I grab onto his lapels and slam him into one of the pillars, "our slaughter!?" I snarl, my light flowing around my hands and Dalek Sec presses himself against the pillar more with a barely audible yelp. "I lost my baby sister because of your little conquest! I have lost everything because of you and your filth! All you do is destroy! Give me one good reason why I should let you live! Why I should not turn you to ash where you stand, Dalek!"
"It would be a waste," he retorts with his eyes widening as his lapels start to smoke under my hands.
"I think it would be a fucking gift," I glare, breathing heavily as tears well up. "Getting rid of the last four Daleks in the entire universe? Nothing would make me happier at this moment."
Kas pulls me back by my coat tie, making me stumble back with a quiet squeak. "Calm down, tiny," he whispers in my ear, wrapping an arm around my waist. "How did you end up in 1930?" he asks Dalek Sec.
He pushes himself off the pillar, pulling at his suit to straighten it as he eyes me warily. "Emergency Temporal Shift," he explains with a shrug.
"That must have roasted up your power cells," I snort loudly. "Ha, now you're stuck!"
"Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world," Kas taunts, rubbing my side as he tries to calm me while his own anger washes over me continually. "But instead you're skulking away! Hidden in the dark! Experimenting! All which results... in you," he eyes Dalek Sec.
"I am Dalek in Human from!"
"Bang-up job, really," I roll my eyes, my hand twitching as it hovers over my blaster. "What does it feel like, though?" I raise an eyebrow, stepping away from Kas to circle Dalek Sec slowly. "You can talk to us, Dalek Sec- it is Dalek Sec, is it not?" I ask, leaning closer to him and my lips twitch up when he takes a step back. "That is your name?"
"You've got a name and mind of your own," Kas adds, glancing at me as worry hits me. "Tell us what you're thinking right now."
"I... feel... Humanity!"
"Good, that's good," Kas nods.
"I feel... everything we wanted from mankind! Which is ambition, hatred, aggression, and war! Such... a genius for war!" he breathes in awe.
"No, that is not what Humanity means," I wrinkle my nose.
"I think it does," Dalek Sec retorts, putting his hands behind his back as he continues to watch me circle him. "At heart, this species is so very... Dalek," he smirks. "Your pet mouse showed that quality with his guns and soldiers," he taunts, making me tense. "Or your sister when she destroyed the Emperor. She was a good Dalek."
The Doctor grabs me and pulls me back when I lunge forward with a snarl as my light flows around my entire body. "Alright, so what have you achieved, then?" he raises his eyebrows, keeping me firmly by his side. "With this Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! Cause I can show you what you're missing with this thing," he pats the radio with his free hand. "Simple little radio," he smiles.
"What is the purpose of that device?" Dalek Sec starts at it with a frown.
"It plays music, genius," I roll my eyes. "What is the point of that, I wonder?"
"Oh, with music you can dance to it," Kas grins, twirling me and then pulling me back to him, starting to dance with me. "Sing with it... fall in love with it," he dips me.
"Charmer," I tease his attempt to lighten my mood and he clicks his tongue, sending me a cheeky wink. "Unless you are a Dalek, that is," I smirk at Dalek Sec when the Doctor pulls me back up. "Then, of course, it is just noise," I take the Doctor's sonic and aim at the radio.
A high-pitched wail comes from the radio and Dalek Sec holds his head in pain with the other three Daleks spinning around in almost panic. The Doctor and I turn to the prisoners, "run!"
All of us run through the sewers. We reach a cross-section to see Martha stopped in the middle. "Come on, move! Move, move, move, move!" Kas shouts, pulling me after him. I grab hold of Martha's hand as we pass her and she yelps as she's pulled along as well.
I roll my eyes when I see Tallulah standing in the middle of one of the tunnels, looking around - lost. "Oi, Tallulah! Move your arse!" I call and Martha grabs her hand with her free one as we pass.
"What happened to Laszlo!?"
"Come on!" the Doctor calls and pulls us to a stop when we reach a ladder. "Everyone up! Come on!"
All of us had made it back to Hooverville in one piece and Martha, Frank, and Tallulah were sitting around a fire pit. I was standing over the fire with the Doctor and my coat both around me, holding my hands over the fire to try and keep warm while I get Solomon up to speed on the situation.
Kas moves to sit beside Martha, making sure she's alright. "Is Star alright?" I hear her whisper, making me glance over with furrowed eyebrows. Why was she worrying about me? "I haven't ever seen her that angry. It was sort of... frightening..." Ah. That's why.
"She will be," the Doctor answers and I look down, chewing on my bottom lip. I didn't know I'd scared her with my outburst. Just... seeing the Daleks and hearing Dalek Sec talk about 'our' slaughter and how Mouse and Rose made good Daleks. It made me snap. Not my finest moment. "After we take care of the Daleks... she'll be fine, don't worry."
Solomon's voice brings me back to our conversation, "these Daleks... they sound like the stuff of nightmares," he shudders. "And they want to breed?"
"Yes, they want to splice their DNA onto Human bodies," I nod, rubbing my hands together. God, why did it have to be November that we came? Why not summer? Or even spring?
The Doctor stands, coming to stand beside me with his hands in his pockets, "and if we're right, they've got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. You've got to get everyone out."
"Hooverville's the lowest place a man can fall," Solomon shakes his head. "There's nowhere else to go."
"We're sorry, Solomon," the Doctor sighs, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "You've got to scatter - down the railroads, travel across state. Just get out of New York."
"There's got to be a way to reason with these things," Solomon looks between us for answers.
"There's not a chance," Martha scoffs, standing and pulling her jacket around herself tighter. I glance at her, feeling guilty. I'll have to talk to her after all of this is over. If we make it out in one piece, that is.
"You ain't seen 'em, boss," Frank agrees, standing beside Martha.
"Daleks are horrible in the best of circumstances, but now?" I raise an eyebrow, wrapping my arms around myself. "Now they are vulnerable and that makes them unpredictable - makes them more dangerous."
A loud whistle sounds and one the Hooverville guards scream along with the sound of squealing, "they're coming! They're coming!"
"A sentry!" Solomon turns to the man rushing over. "He must have seen something!"
"It's started," Kas grits his teeth, looking around.
"We're under attack, everyone to arms!" Solomon orders.
Getting my blaster out, I pull Martha behind me as rifles are passed about. There were people screaming as they run and the pig-men were dragging people off, herding the rest of us into a circle. It was absolute chaos and everything was happening so quickly. The thought of someone who would enjoy this floats through my mind and I shake my head - heart aching and stomach knotting up in guilt. Now is not the time to be thinking about them. "Martha, do not move from out behind me," I order seriously and she nods, gripping onto my back as she looks around with wide eyes.
"I'm ready, boss," Frank nods, turning to the people gathered around us. "But all of you, find a weapon! Use anything!"
"Come back!" Solomon shouts to people running off into the dark. "We've got to stick together! It's not safe out there! Come back!"
"We need to get out of the park," Martha mutters, tightening her hold on me.
"We can't, they are on all sides," I shake my head.
"They're driving everyone back toward us," Kas nods to the people running back to our little circle of people fearfully.
"We're trapped!" Tallulah screams.
"Then we stand together! Gather round!" Solomon orders. "Everybody, come to me! You there - Jethro, Harry, Seamus! Stay together! They can't take all of us!"
The men form a protective circle around the women and children as they start shooting at the pig-men. I manage to stun a couple, causing them to fall to the ground with a squeal before becoming unconscious.
"... if we can just hold them off till daylight," Martha tries and my lips twitch up at her optimism.
"Oh, Martha sweetheart... the pig-men are just the foot soldiers," I reach back with my free hand to grab hold of hers. She grips onto it tightly, scooting closer to me.
"Oh, my God!" she gasps and I look up to see a Dalek flying over to us. I run my thumb along the back of her hand in soothing circles, trying to comfort and calm her.
"What in this world is...?" Solomon stares up at it in shock and fear.
"It's the devil! A devil in the sky!" the sentry screams. "God save us all! It's damnation!"
"Oh, yeah?" Frank scoffs. "We'll see about that!" he starts to fire his shotgun at the Dalek. Though, the shots just bounce right off it with a clang. Stupid bloody pepper-pots and their force-fields.
The Doctor pushes the gun down. "That's not going to work," he shakes his head.
"There's more than one of them," Martha nods to another Dalek flying over to us, her grip tightening around my hand even more.
"The Humans will surrender!"
The two Daleks begin shooting, causing explosions and blowing up the tents and wooden shacks. I swallow hard, angry tears welling up as the people that were hiding in them scream and run out, anger washing over me. Gritting my teeth, I push my way to the front of the group to stand beside Kas with Martha right behind me. Good.
"Oi, pepper-pots! Leave 'em alone!" I shout, raising my blaster and their eye-stalks swivel down to me.
"They've done nothing to you!" Kas shouts.
"We have located the Doctor and the Supernova!" one of the Daleks announces.
"No, Solomon," Kas grabs his shoulder when he steps forward. "Stay back."
Solomon ignores the Doctor and looks up at the Daleks, "I'm told I'm addressing the Daleks! Is that right?" he asks and their eye-stalks move to focus on him. "From what I hear, you're outcasts too-"
"Solomon, don't," I cut in sharply, not taking my aim from the Daleks.
"Star, this is my township - you will respect my authority," he gives me a pointed look and I growl under my breath. Why does no one ever listen!? "Just let me try," he pleads, his tone softer and I shake my head sadly. "Daleks, ain't we the same? Underneath, ain't we all kin?" He puts his rifle on the ground and moves to stand right in front of the Daleks. "Right... see, I've just discovered this past day, God's universe is a thousand times the size I thought it was! And that scares me! Oh, yeah! Terrifies me right down to the bone! But surely it's got to give me hope - hope that maybe together we can make a better tomorrow! So, I beg you now: if you have any compassion in your hearts, then you'll meet with us and stop this fight! Well? What do you say?"
The Dalek considers him for a short moment before shouting, "exterminate!"
"No!" I scream, jolting forward as it fires. I get about a foot from Solomon before he's shot. I stumble back, tears sliding down my face as he screams. His body glows green with his skeleton showing before he slumps to the ground - dead.
"No! Solomon!" Frank screams, rushing to kneel beside Solomon's lifeless body.
"They killed him!" Martha cries in shock, her hands flying to her mouth. "They just shot him on the spot!"
My light flows around my body and I snarl, turning to the Daleks and ignoring the Doctor's hiss from behind me. "Alright, so it's my turn! Kill me!" I shout with my light growing brighter and brighter, holding my arms out and dropping my blaster to the ground. "Come on! Do it!"
"Kill us!" the Doctor shouts, coming to stand beside me and he grabs my hand in his. I wince at his powerful mix of emotions and he squeezes my hand when I open my mouth to tell him off and to get back. "Kill us if it'll stop you attacking these people!"
"I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemies!"
"Then do it! Do it! Just do it!" the Doctor screams, beating his chest with his free hand as his voice breaks.
"Do it, you bloody coward! Kill us!"
I clutch onto Kas' hands, closing my eyes as I wait for the energy beam to hit us. When it doesn't come, I open one eye to see the Dalek had paused. It must be communicating with Dalek Sec, but what could he possibly want that would make them pause in killing us?
"I do not understand! It is the Doctor and Princess Star!" There's a long pause. "The urge to kill is too strong!" it screams and there's an even longer pause. "I... obey..." it replies, sounding as if it were having to force the words out. As if it were painful to say them.
"What's going on?" Kas demands, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me to his side.
"You will follow!" one of the Daleks orders, making my eyes widen.
"No! You can't go!" Martha moves in front of us with wide eyes.
"We've got to go... the Daleks just changed their minds..." I murmur, still trying to wrap my head around that fact.
"Daleks never change their minds," Kas adds.
"But what about us?" Martha frowns.
I look around at all of the people huddled around Hooverville in fear. "One condition!" I glare up at the Daleks. "If we are to come with you, then you must spare the lives of everyone here! I will not see them harmed!"
The Dalek's eye-stalk twitches, "Humans will be spared... Doctor and Star: follow!"
"Then I'm coming with you," Martha scoffs, folding her arms.
The Doctor moves forward and grabs her by the shoulders, "Martha, stay here. Do what you do best. People are hurt, you can help them. Let us go," he pulls her into a tight hug.
When he pulls away, I take Martha's hand in mine, "can I just say? Thank you very much," I wink at her widened eyes when she feels the psychic paper. I pull her into a tight hug and she wraps her arms around my waist just as tight. "You can do this, Martha, I have complete faith in you," I squeeze her, closing my eyes as I bury my face against her shoulder. "Empire State Building, alright? Please, please stay safe," I pull away, holding her arms. "Oh, and watch my baster for me, will you?" I smile, letting her go and moving over to Kas.
"You're completely reckless," he scolds, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as the Daleks lead us off.
"I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, Kas," I shake my head, wrapping my arms around myself. "They killed Solomon... would've killed everyone there and then moved on and the killing would have gone on and on and on without end."
"... I know," he sighs, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
The two of us are escorted into the Dalek lab once again and my light had calmed down to where it was just dancing around my fingers now. The Doctor and I march up to Dalek Sec, me grabbing his tie and pulling him down to my height. He tries to get out of my hold as I snarl, "those people were not only innocent, but they were defenseless! You only wanted us, but no! That was not good enough for you!"
"You had to start killing!" the Doctor growls from behind me. "Because that's the only thing a Dalek's good for!"
"The deaths were wrong," he tells us, making me let go of him out of shock as my light fizzles out completely.
"... I'm sorry?" the Doctor stares at him.
"That man... their leader, Solomon," Dalek Sec moves away from me, straightening his suit. "He showed... courage," he frowns.
I raise an eyebrow, folding my arms, "and that is a good thing?"
"That's an excellent thing," he nods.
"Is it me or are you just becoming a little bit more Human?" Kas eyes Dalek Sec curiously.
"Not just you," I tilt my head, looking Dalek Sec over with narrowed eyes.
"You are the last of your races, and now I am the first of mine," he shrugs.
"Brilliant," I roll my eyes. "Now on top of being vague and an absolute pain in my arse, you're a poet."
"What do you want from us?" Kas cuts in, putting a hand on my lower back.
"We tried everything to survive when we found ourselves stranded in this ignorant age," Dalek Sec explains. "First: we tried growing new Dalek embryos, but their flesh was too weak-"
"Yeah, we found one of your experiments."
"Left to die in the dark," I glare, clenching my fists.
Dalek Sec continues as if we hadn't spoken, flipping a switch to light up the place. "It forced us to conclude what is the greatest resource of this planet: it's people," he nods up.
I follow his line of sight and gasp softly as my stomach churns. Floating above us were hundreds of stretchers. Dalek Sec flips another switch and one of them comes down and stops right in front of us at waist level. There was a figure on the stretcher underneath a white sheet and tears well in my eyes as I glare at Dalek Sec. "We stole them," he tells us. "We stole Human beings for our purpose. Look inside," he gestures to the body. Kas slowly pulls the sheet back and my heart aches at the deathly pale man as horror, pity, anger, disgust, and sadness wash over me. "This is the true extent of the Final Experiment."
"... is he dead?" I whisper.
"Near-death," Dalek Sec answers, stroking the man's hair. "With his mind wiped - ready to be filled with new ideas."
"Dalek ideas," I scowl, turning my head and wiping at my eyes quickly.
"The Human-Dalek race," Dalek Sec nods.
"All of these people," Kas nods up to the stretchers. "How many?"
"We have caverns beyond this storing more than a thousand."
"... is there any way to restore them? Make them Human again?"
"Everything they were has been lost," Dalek Sec shakes his head.
"So, they are nothing more than mere shells," I grind out, glaring at him. "You have taken these people from their homes - their families - and have emptied them out... ready to be converted."
"That's going to take a hell of a lot of power," Kas notes, moving closer to me. "This planet hasn't even split the atom yet. How're you gonna do it?"
"Open the conductor plan!" Dalek Sec orders and holo-screen appears before us, showing a diagram of the Empire State Building.
"Yes, yes, the Empire State Building," I roll my eyes. "We are right underneath it."
"We worked that out already, thanks," Kas looks it over, slipping his 'brainy' specs on. "But what, you've hijacked the whole building?"
"We need an energy conductor," Dalek Sec replies.
"What for?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I am the genetic template - my altered DNA was to be administered to each Human body. A strong enough blast of gamma radiation can splice the Dalek and Human genetic codes and waken each body from its sleep."
The holo-screen shows a simulation of Human DNA and Dalek DNA being spliced together. I glance at Dalek Sec, "I hope you don't expect me to help you my light? Where do you plan-" I cut myself off when the image on the screen changes to one of the sun. "Oh... the sun. You're using the sun."
"Soon the greatest solar flare for a thousand years will hit the Earth," Dalek Sec explains as the screen shows just that. "Gamma radiation will be drawn to the energy conductor and when it strikes-"
"The army wakes," Kas finishes. "I still don't know what you need us for if it's not Star's light."
"Your geniuses," Dalek Sec replies and the Doctor eyebrows raise while I roll my eyes. "Consider a pure Dalek: intelligent, but emotionless."
"Removing emotions makes you stronger," I turn to him, raising an eyebrow. "That's what Davros thought all those years ago, anyway."
"He was wrong," Dalek Sec retorts and my eyes widen in shock.
"He was what?" the Doctor stares at him in just as much shock.
"It makes us lesser than our enemies." My eyes widen even further at that. "We must return to the flesh and also the heart," he places a hand over his own heart.
"... but you wouldn't be the supreme beings anymore," I point out.
Dalek Sec nods, "and that is good."
"That is incorrect!" one of the other Daleks turns to us.
"Daleks are supreme!" another puts in.
"No, not anymore," Dalek Sec shakes his head.
"But that is our purpose!"
"Then our purpose is wrong!" Dalek Sec raises his voice, making the Doctor and I share a look. Was he... having a moral crisis? "Where has our quest for supremacy led us? To this! Hiding in the sewers on a primitive world! Just the four of us left! If we do not change, then we deserve extinction!"
"So..." the Doctor cuts in, staring between the Daleks. "You want to change everything that makes a Dalek... a Dalek?"
"If you can help me," Dalek Sec turns to us - hopefully and a bit... desperately?
I bite my lip, glancing at the Doctor, "us... helping the Daleks? After everything they've taken from us?"
"Maybe they really can change, though," Kas shrugs, folding his arms. "Just look at Sec," he nods to him.
"... I'm going to regret this," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.
Dalek Sec relaxes and leads us back to the man on the stretcher, "your knowledge of genetic engineering is even greater than our-" Oberon was better. My heart aches and I ignore Kas' glance of worry. "-the new race must be ready by the time the solar flare erupts."
"But you're the template," Kas frowns. "I thought they were getting a dose of you?"
"I want to change the gene sequence."
"Wait... let me make sure I understand what you're telling us," I shake my head. "You want to make them even more Human?"
Dalek Sec nods, making my eyes widen. "Humans are the great survivors, we need that ability."
"Hold on a minute, there's no way this lot are going to let you do it," the Doctor scoffs, pointing to the three Daleks behind us.
"I am their leader."
I look at the other Daleks, raising an eyebrow, "really? That's enough incentive to let him rewrite your entire race?"
"Daleks must follow orders!"
"Dalek Sec commands - we obey!"
"If you don't help me, nothing will change," Dalek Sec looks between us.
"There's no room on Earth for another race of people," the Doctor shakes his head.
"You have your TARDIS," Dalek Sec retorts, moving to stand with his fellow Daleks. "Take us across the stars, find us a new home and allow the new Daleks to start again!"
"... when is the solar flare?" I ask hesitantly.
"Eleven minutes."
"Right then, better get to work," the Doctor nods, rubbing his hands together.
The Doctor, Dalek Sec, and I were working as fast as we can to create the new gene solution."There is no point in chromosomal grafting," I shake my head, lips pulling into a frown. "It's too erratic..."
Kas hums in agreement, "you need to split the genome and force the Dalek-Human sequence right into the cortex."
"We need more chromatin solution," Dalek Sec turns to the others.
"The pig slaves have it!"
A few pig-men carry a huge wooden crate into the lab and I glance over to see that Laszlo was with them. I walk over to Dalek Sec, "the pig slaves... what happens to them at the end of your plan?"
"Nothing," he shrugs, not looking up from his work. "They're just simple beasts. Their lifespan is limited, none survive beyond a few weeks," he explains. "Power up the line feeds!"
I share a look with Kas, my heart aching as pity and anger wash over me. The two of us approach Laszlo cautiously. "Laszlo, we can't undo what they've done to you, but they won't do it to anyone else," Kas whispers.
"... do you trust him?" Laszlo glances at Dalek Sec.
The Doctor hesitates a moment while I wrap my arms around my waist. No, no I didn't trust him. "I know that..." the Doctor sighs. "One man can change the course of history. Right idea in the right place - it's all it takes. I've got to believe it's possible."
"The line feeds are ready!" a Dalek announces.
"Then it's all systems go," the Doctor nods, rushing over to fill a huge syringe with solution. He moves over to the sill and puts the solution into it. I give Laszlo a reassuring smile before rushing over to help.
"The solar flare is imminent! The radiation will reach Earth in a matter of minutes!" Dalek Sec calls.
"We will be ready for it!" I call back. "The compound will allow the gene bonds to reconfigure in a whole new pattern."
"Power up!" the Doctor orders. A pig-man and Laszlo move over to the throw the breakers.
"Start the line feeds!" Dalek Sec orders and the solution is pushed through the tubes that were connected to the bodies above.
"There goes the gene solution," Kas looks up, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"The lifeblood..."
There was an alarm that starts to go off. "What's that?" I frown, looking to see a Dalek connected into one of the computers.
"No, no, no! The gene feed!" the Doctor shouts, rushing over to another computer to try and stop it. I hurry to another one, trying to help as best I can but the Daleks have completely taken over.
"They're overriding the gene feed!" I snarl, slamming my hands against the controls.
"Impossible! They cannot disobey orders," Dalek Sec denies, his eyes wide as he looks up at the bodies.
"The Doctor and the Supernova will step away from the controls," a Dalek points its gun at us.
Kas immediately pulls me behind him, leveling the Dalek with a dark look as my light flows through my hands. "They seem to be really following through with the whole 'you're their lead' bit," I glare at the three Daleks.
"Stop! You will not fire!" Dalek Sec orders.
"They are enemies of the Daleks!"
"And so are you!" another aims their gun at Dalek Sec.
"I am your commander! I am Dalek Sec!" he shouts and the Doctor places a hand in front of him to keep him from moving forward.
"You have lost your authority!"
"You are no longer a Dalek!"
"What have you done with the gene feed?" Kas demands, keeping me behind him at all times.
"The new bodies will be one hundred percent Dalek!"
"No, you can't do this!" Dalek Sec cries.
"Pig slave, restrain Dalek Sec, the Doctor, and Princess Star!"
Two pig slaves grab hold of Dalek Sec and me while Laszlo is the one to grab hold of the Doctor. "Release me!" Dalek Sec shouts. "I created you! I am your master!"
The Daleks ignore him as another alarm sounds. "Solar flare approaching!"
"Prepare to intercept!"
"There's the lift," Laszlo nods back to it.
"After you," Kas smiles.
"What about you, Star?" Laszlo frowns at me in worry.
"Oh, I'm not really being held against my will," I smile, letting my higher setting flow through my arms. The pig-man holding me squeals in pain and lets go of me.
The Doctor opens the lift up with his sonic and we make a run for it. I push my lower setting light out to keep the pig-men at bay while we rush in and the Doctor closes the doors with his sonic. "We've only got minutes before the gamma radiation reaches the Earth," he mutters quickly, folding his arms and bouncing slightly. "We need to get to the top of the building."
Laszlo leans against one of the lift walls, panting heavily. "Laszlo, what is it?" I ask worriedly.
"Out of breath, it's nothing," he waves off.
"Are you sure?" I move forward to feel his forehead. "You're burning up..." I frown, cupping his neck and letting my light flow through my hand to soothe him a bit.
He sighs in relief, leaning into my touch, "we've escaped them, Star, that's all that matters..." he mutters before smiling. "So, a princess? Should I bow, Your Highness?" he raises an eyebrow, making me groan under my breath and the Doctor snorts quietly.
"Absolutely not," I huff, shooting the Doctor a look and he sticks his tongue out.
The lift doors open before anything else can be said - thank God. "Star! Doctor!" I hear Martha shout and look to see her with Tallulah and Frank.
"First floor, perfumery," the Doctor jokes, making me cover my mouth to hide a laugh and he sends me a wink.
Tallulah rushes straight for Laszlo, "I never thought I'd see you again!"
"No stopping me," he hugs her tightly, burying his face against her neck and I smile between the two.
"We've worked it out," Martha's voice brings my attention back to her. "We know what they've done!" she smiles and I see her and Frank were surrounded by building blueprints. "There's Dalekanium on the mast!"
"See, I knew my faith wasn't misplaced," I nudge her.
"It's good to see you, by the way," she nudges me back.
"Aw, come here!" I beam, holding my arms out and she hugs me tightly.
Kas makes it a three-way hug, making Martha and I giggle. The lift doors close, though, "no, no, no!" Kas groans, rushing over and trying to use his sonic to bring it back up. "See, never waste time with a hug! Deadlock seal," he huffs, slamming his hand on the wall beside the lift and I hiss at the slight sting. "I can't stop it!"
"Where's it going?" Martha frowns.
"Right down to the Daleks," I groan.
"And they're not going to leave us alone up here," the Doctor sighs. "What's the time?"
"Um... 11:15," Frank answers.
"Six minutes to go," I nod. "Brilliant!"
"I've got to remove the Dalekanium before the gamma radiation hits," the Doctor informs them.
"Gammon radiation? What the heck is that?" Tallulah frowns.
"Gamma radiation," I correct absently as I'm dragged over to an open area on the far side of the room where there's a ladder. "It comes from me, solar flares, supernovas, the space around black holes. On Earth, it comes from lightning, nuclear bombs-"
"What bombs?"
"Ah..." I wince, slapping the Doctor's arm when he snorts loudly. "Not... not quite yet, sorry," I glance at Tallulah, wincing again when she stares at me like I grew another head.
"Oh, that's very high," the Doctor holds onto a beam when we reach the ladder and stares down. "That's very... blimey, that's high," he swallows thickly as unease and a slight pang of fear washes over me.
"And we've got to go even higher," Martha groans, looking up the ladder. "That's the mast up there! Look! There's three pieces of Dalekanium on the base. We've got to get them off."
"That's not we, that's just me," Kas retorts, grabbing onto the rungs and staring up the ladder.
"I won't just stand here and watch you," Martha huffs before slapping my arm. "Star, help me out!"
"Ow," the Doctor and I both whine, grabbing our arms. Girls got a slap. "You don't have to be so violent," I shoot her a look, making her mutter a 'sorry' and bite her lip sheepishly. "Look, you and I are going to have our hands a bit full."
"I'm sorry, Martha, but you've got to fight," Kas pulls her into a tight hug before pulling away and cupping my face in his hands. "Be careful, both of you," he presses a soft kiss to my lips, pulling away and tapping under my chin before heading up the ladder.
"Oi, twiggy!" I call up and he looks down with a raised eyebrow. "Don't die, or I'll kill you myself!"
"I'll work really hard on not dying, then," he rolls his eyes with a smile before heading up.
"Come on, Martha," I grab her hand and drag her into the work area. "Alright! Everyone grab a weapon, it can be anything!"
Tallulah finds a spanner, Frank and Laszlo find large sledgehammers, and Martha grabs a big metal pipe. I look them over and shrug, pulling my blaster out and switching the safety off. "The lift's coming up," Martha nods to the dial above. It was starting to move.
"I should have brought that gun," Frank groans.
"Tallulah, stay back," Laszlo pushes her behind him. "You too, Martha. Star. If they send pig slaves, they're trained to kill," he warns us.
"I think I can handle 'em," I snort, rolling my eyes.
"The Doctor and Star need to me to fight," Martha stands her ground, holding her pipe up. "I'm not going anywhere," she shakes her head and I give her arm a reassuring squeeze, making her send me a slight smile. You're too good, Martha Jones.
"They're savages, I should know," Laszlo retorts, his breathing picking up. "They're trained to slit your throat with their bare teeth-" he falls to his knees, using the hammer for support and I glance at him sadly, tightening my grip on my blaster.
Tallulah kneels beside him, starting to fuss, "Laszlo? What is it?"
"No, it's nothing," he tries to wave her off. "I'm fine, just leave me."
Tallulah ignores him, feeling his forehead, "oh, honey, you're burning up! What's wrong with you? Tell me," she coos, pushing his hair back.
"Great... one man down, we ain't even started yet," Frank sighs.
"It's not looking good, Frank," Martha shakes her head.
"Nope," he agrees.
"We're going to get slaughtered," she breathes, holding her pipe tighter as her hands start to shake.
"Right, I've got this," I holster my blaster. I can't let her do this. It's not right. "Everyone needs to stand over there behind that pillar," I nod to it. Moving over to Laszlo, I help him to his feet.
"What are you doing?" Martha stares at me incredulously.
"My light can cause endothermic vaporization," I explain quickly, leading Laszlo over to the pillar and setting him down gently to lean against it. "I'm going to use it on the pig slaves..." I whisper, looking down as my stomach knots up. I feel a pang of worry, making me wince.
"I can't let you do that," Laszlo grabs my arm, his voice weak.
"Shh," I cup his face in my hand and let my light soothe him. "It's alright, you just rest," I smile and he relaxes against the pillar with a sigh.
"Star, don't-"
"I'll be fine... it is them that won't be," I cut Martha off, standing and brushing off my trousers. "My light will vaporize anything organic, but it won't be high enough to go through this," I pat the pillar. "Don't come out for anything, got it?" I look at each Human in turn.
"Got it, ma'am," Frank nods while Tallulah just sits beside Laszlo, fussing over him still. They really deserve better. Poor things.
"Martha, I mean it," I give her a pointed look when she hesitates. I pull her into a tight hug, "Please stay behind the pillar? I would never forgive myself if I hurt you with my light," I whisper, burying my face against her shoulder.
"I won't," she sighs, pulling away.
I nod and wait for her to huddle up with the other three before moving to stand in front of the lift. Raising my hands, I let my higher light flow around them and prepare myself for what I'm about to do. The lift pings open and I project my light into it, tears streaming down my face and heart aching as the pig slaves squeal in pain before there's nothing. I fall to my hands and knees, seeing the shadows of them on the lift walls - the only thing left of them. "I'm sorry," I whisper.
There's a sudden pain that shoots through my entire body and I scream, falling the rest of the way to the floor. It was like being electrocuted. "Star!" I hear Martha and feel myself be turned onto my back. I see her frantic - but blurry - face above mine. "Star, what's wrong!?"
"It's not me!" I scream, my back arching off the ground. "Doctor!" my voice breaks at the force. The pain stops a moment later and I grab hold of Martha's arm, panting heavily. The aftershocks of pain make me whimper and I close my eyes tightly.
"Star?" Martha asks hesitantly, voice shaking a bit.
"I'm fine," I assure her, keeping my eyes closed. "The Doctor's fine, I can feel him... must've passed out. God, that hurt," I wince.
"Don't scare me like that!" Martha pulls me to sit up and into her arms.
"Sorry," I whisper, hugging her back tightly and breathing out slowly. My eyes widen and I pull away, "I told you not to come out for anything!" I push her shoulder and she blinks in surprise.
"You were screaming in pain!"
"I could've hurt you!" I glare, cupping her face and looking her over for any sign of burns. "I didn't, did I? My light didn't burn you?" I ask, tears welling up. If I hurt her...
"I'm alright, you're light was already gone when I came out," she assures me and I sigh in relief.
"You did it!" Tallulah's voice makes me look to see her, Frank, and Laszlo coming out. They were all three staring at the lift in shock.
"They used to be like Laszlo," I whisper, a tear sliding down my cheek. "They were people... people that had families... and I killed them. I used my light to take their lives," my voice cracks and Martha pulls me into another tight huge. I bury my face against her neck, taking the comfort as I sniffle.
"No, the Daleks killed them long ago," Laszlo argues softly.
After a moment, I pull away from Martha and wipe my eyes. "Come on," I sigh, standing and giving Martha a hand up. "Let's go see what my idiot husband did to hurt us both so bloody badly."
Walking over to the ladder, I tie my trench coat and let my light flow around my body. It was freezing, especially with the wind. Martha and I head up the ladder and about halfway up I see the sonic lying on one of the beams.
"Idiot," I huff quietly, grabbing it and handing it to Martha. At the top, Kas was lying by the mast - unconscious. I hurry over, falling to my knees beside him. "Doctor? Doctor honey..." I brush his hair back and he groans as he stirs awake, making me wince at the massive headache.
"Look what we found halfway down," Martha waves the sonic in his face from beside me. "You're getting careless," she teases even as she looks him over worriedly.
"Oh, my head," Kas whines, leaning into my hand as I let my light soothe him.
"Your head," I scoff lightly, hugging him when he sits up. "What about my head?"
"Sorry about that..." he murmurs, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me against him tightly. Kas pulls me even closer when I kiss his cheek and let my light flow through my lips to heal him, making him let out a quiet groan. He pinches my side when I smile against his skin, making me giggle and he huffs.
"Hiya," Martha cuts in, making me pull back and bite my lip... oops.
"Hi," Kas grins up at her, rubbing my back as I nuzzle his neck with a bright red face. "You survived, then," he notes happily.
"So did you, just about," Martha snorts. "I can't help noticing... there's Dalekanium still attached."
I pull away from Kas, "brilliant, so you got struck by lightning for nothing!"
"Not nothing," he smirks and I raise an eyebrow. Kas stands, giving Martha and I a hand up. "I got in the way," he wiggles his eyebrows.
I look between him and the mast a few times before breaking out into a huge grin, "oh, you're a genius," I breathe.
"I love when you say that," he mock-shudders, making me roll my eyes and Martha snorts loudly. Kas smirks and puts his hand on my waist, pulling me to his side and leaning down to my ear, "you get a bit of reward back at the TARDIS for it," he whispers, nipping my earlobe teasingly.
"... looking forward to it," I mutter, biting my lip as my face burns and he chuckles lowly, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Right, then!" Kas pulls away and claps as if he didn't just tease me. Bastard. "Let's go ruin the Daleks' big night," he grins.
Getting back to the room, my heart aches when I see the lift again. The Doctor pulls me into his arms and I wrap mine around his waist, leaning my ear against his chest to listen to his dual heartbeats. "It wasn't your fault," he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. He rubs my back and raises his voice for the others, "the Daleks will have gone straight to a war-footing."
I look up and turn in Kas' arms, "they will be using the sewers, spreading the soldiers out underneath Manhattan," I tell them as I let my light flow around Kas and I both. The Humans edge closer to us, making me bite my lip to keep from smiling.
"How do we stop them?" Laszlo asks.
"There's only one chance," Kas sighs. "I got in the way. That gamma-"
"Lightning! Again!" I look back, giving him a pointed glare.
The Doctor just ignores me, pulling me closer and I huff, folding my arms. "-strike went zapping through me first," he explains.
"Yeah, but what does that mean?" Martha frowns.
"You'll see," I smile, making her roll her eyes. "We need to draw fire before they can attack New York. The Doctor and I need to face them."
"Where can we draw them out?" the Doctor pulls away from me, starting to pace as he runs his hands through his hair. My hand twitches with the want to run my own fingers through it but I shove it down. There were more important things going on at the moment. "Think, think, think, think, think," he hits his forehead with the heel of his hand. Not enough for me to feel it this time. "We need some sort of space - somewhere safe."
"Somewhere out of the way," I nod, playing with my sleeve.
Kas suddenly turns to Tallulah and gestures to her with both hands as he shouts her name. "That's me: three Ls and an H," she smiles, raising her hand and I snort quietly.
"The theatre! It's right above them! And, what - it's gone midnight? Can you get us inside?"
"Don't see why not," she shrugs.
"Is there another lift?" I ask, refusing to look at the one where the pig-men's shadows are.
Martha grabs my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, "we came up in the service elevator."
"That'll do," Kas nods. "Allons-y!"
When the six of us get to the theatre, we walk through the middle of the seats. "This should do," Kas hops up onto a seat and takes out his sonic. "Here we go," he points it to the ceiling, using it to send a signal to the Daleks.
"There ain't nothing more creepy than a theatre in the dark," Tallulah shivers, pulling her ridiculous fur coat around her more tightly. "Listen, Doctor, I know you got a thing for show tunes, but there's a time and a place, huh?" she huffs, making me roll my eyes with a smile. She really is a character, isn't she? "Laszlo! What's wrong?"
I look over to see him sitting in a seat and move to run my fingers through his hair with my light. "Nothing... it's just so hot," he groans and I amp up my light a bit.
"But it's freezing in here," Tallulah frowns, sitting beside him. "Isn't that making it hotter?" she watches my light dance around my fingers.
"No... no, it feels good," he sighs, closing his eyes as he relaxes. "Thank you, Star," he smiles and I grip his hand in my free one, giving it a squeeze.
"What's happening to him?" Tallulah looks at me with tears in her eyes.
"Not now, Tallulah... sorry," I murmur, continuing to soothe Laszlo.
"What are you doing?" Martha asks and I glance over to see her looking up at the Doctor.
"If the Daleks are going to war, they'll want to find their number one enemies," he replies with a shrug. "I'm just telling them where we are," he raises the sonic higher, the whirring growing louder.
"Martha, you need to leave," I tell her.
"Like hell I am," she scoffs folding her arms.
"I'm telling you to go," I shoot her a look. It wasn't safe. I can't lose anyone else. "Frank can take you back to Hooverville," I point to him with my free hand.
"And I'm telling you: I'm not going!"
I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose with my free hand. "Martha, that is an order," I glare.
"Who are you, then?" she glares right back. "Some sort of Dalek?"
I look away in hurt and anger, chewing on my bottom lip as I get a rush of anger. I feel someone grab my free hand and look to see Tallulah giving me a sympathetic look. I squeeze her hand in thanks while continuing to soothe Laszlo with my light.
"Don't ever say anything like that her again," the Doctor warns in a low, dark tone. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Y-yeah..." Martha whispers guiltily.
"Doctor! Star!" Tallulah jumps to her feet with a scream when the doors burst open and the Human-Daleks file in with guns like the Daleks. "Oh, my God!" she pulls Laszlo to his feet and behind her.
"It's alright, it's alright," the Doctor tells the Humans quickly as he hops down from the seat. "Just stay calm. Don't antagonize them," he pulls Frank back before he can do something stupid. He was brave... but bravery can make you daft sometimes.
"Humans... with Dalek DNA?" Martha asks, staring at them all.
"But what of the Dalek masters?" Laszlo looks around, his arm around Tallulah's waist. "Where are they?"
An explosion comes from the stage. Martha and Tallulah scream as we all keel behind the seats. I peer over the back of a seat to see two Daleks glide to the front of the stage. My hand flies to my mouth when I see Dalek Sec between them. He was on his hands and knees and there was a collar around his neck with two chains that go to cuffs on his wrists. The end of the chains were wrapped around one of the Dalek's guns.
"The Doctor and Princess Star will stand before the Daleks!"
Kas hops up onto the back of the seats and helps me up as well. The two of us walk over the seats, stopping at the front row and standing on the armrests. The Dalek's eye-stalks swivel to us. "You will both die! It is the beginning of a new age!"
"Planet Earth will become New Skaro!"
"Oh, and what a world," I glare, folding my arms. "With anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt!"
"That's Dalek Sec," Kas nods to him. "Don't you remember? The cleverest Dalek ever and look what you've done to him!"
"Is that your new Empire, then? Is that the foundation for a whole new civilization? Anyone that tries to drive your race forward - to better you - gets chained up and punished for their efforts?"
"My Daleks, just understand this," Dalek Sec speaks in a strained voice and my heart actually aches for him. "If you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you!"
"Incorrect! We will always survive!"
"Now we will destroy our greatest enemies! The Doctor and the Supernova!"
"But they can help you!" Dalek Sec tries to reason with them.
"The Doctor and Star must die!"
"No, I beg you! Don't!" Dalek Sec screams, fighting against his chains.
I grip the Doctor's hand when one of the Daleks scream 'exterminate' and fires. My eyes widen and my free hand flies to my mouth when Dalek Sec jumps up and takes the bolt for himself. "Oh, my God..." I whisper in horror as he glows and falls to the ground - dead.
"Your own leader," Kas scowls at the Daleks in disgust and anger. "The only creature who might have led you out the darkness and you destroyed him!"
"Do you see what they did?" I glance at the Human-Daleks.
"You see what a Dalek really is?" Kas asks them. "If we're going to die! Let's give the new boys a shot!"
"What do you think, eh?" I raise an eyebrow. "The Human-Daleks," I mock with a glare. "Their first blood!"
"Go on! Baptize them!" Kas raises his free arm and our joined hands, intertwining our fingers.
"NO!" Martha screams and I glance back to see Frank keeping her from rushing forward.
"Dalek-Humans, take aim!" one of the Daleks order.
They aim their guns at us, all aiming at the Doctor and I. "What are you waiting for? Give the command!" the Doctor snarls.
"No, don't do it!" Martha screams, her voice cracking.
The Doctor tightens his hold on my hand and I hold my breath. I really, really hope it worked. Nothing happens and I slump slightly in relief. Thank goodness.
"Obey! Dalek-Humans will obey!"
"They're not firing," Martha breathes out. "What have you done?"
"You will obey! Exterminate!"
"... why?" the man that was in the front of the line on our right asks as all the Human-Daleks lower their guns.
"Daleks do not question orders!"
"But why?"
"You will stop this!"
"But... why?"
"You must not question!"
"But you are not our master," the man retorts, making me smile. "And we, we are not Daleks!"
"No, you are not," I smile at him. "And you never will be, you gorgeous new species!"
"Sorry, I got in the way of the lightning strike-"
"Again!" I shoot him a look.
"Hush, tiny," he waves me off, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Time Lord DNA got all mixed up! Just that little bit of freedom," he smirks.
"If they will not obey! Then they must die!"
"Get down!" Kas shouts as the Daleks and their creations start to fire at each other. He hops down from the seat and grabs onto my waist, making me let out a surprised yelp as he yanks me down under him. I hold onto him as he shields me with his body and lasers fly overhead. The shooting stops after the Daleks are blown up and I breathe out, laying my head against the floor. Kas leans over me. "Well, that was climatic," he grins.
I roll my eyes with a smile, giving him a quick kiss and humming against his lips. Shoving him off me, I get to my feet and brush my clothes off. Kas stands up and holds his hands out to the Human-Dalek-TimeLords. "It's alright, it's alright, it's alright," he tells them quickly, his tone soft and soothing. "You did it! You're free!" he smiles.
All of the hybrids suddenly scream, clutching their heads as they fall to the ground. "No! Stop!" I scream as they all go limp.
"No, they can't! They can't! They can't! They can't!" the Doctor shouts.
"What happened? What was that?" Martha stares at the bodies in shock and horror.
"They killed them... rather than let them live," I whisper, my heart aching as my light starts to crawl up my arms.
"An entire species: genocide," the Doctor snarls, rage flowing over me as he clenches his fists at his sides.
"Only two of the Daleks have been destroyed," Laszlo points out. "One of the Dalek masters must still be out there."
"Oh, yes," the Doctor glares, his tone low and dark and deadly quiet. "In the whole universe - just one," he growls.
The Doctor and I reach the Dalek lab and the third was there - wired up to the control center. "Now what?" I raise an eyebrow, folding my arms.
"You will be exterminated!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," Kas rolls his eyes. "Just think about it, Dalek- what was your name?"
"Dalek Caan!"
"Dalek Caan," Kas glares, stuffing his hands in his pockets as we walk up to it. There was a continuous wave of rage washing over me. "Your entire species has been wiped out, and now the Cult of Skaro has been eradicated - leaving only you."
I level Dalek Caan with my own glare as my light flows around me, "right now, you are facing the only two people in the entire universe who might show you a semblance of mercy."
"Because we've just seen one genocide, we won't cause another," the Doctor shakes his head. "Caan, let us help you," he offers, his tone softening just a bit. "What do you say?"
"Emergency temporal shift!" Dalek Caan screams before disappearing.
I shout in anger, kicking at the computer next to me and hear the Doctor yelp in shock and pain. "Sorry..." I glare at the ground, rubbing my foot against my leg.
"Star! Doctor!" Martha calls and we turn to see her and Tallulah coming in, helping Laszlo walk. "He's sick!"
I rush over and help them lay him on the ground gently, Tallulah bringing his head into her lap. Laszlo clutches onto his chest as he wheezes. "Shh, it's alright," I coo, tears welling up as I stroke his cheek with the backs of my fingers.
"It's his heart, it's racing like mad," Martha tells me sadly. "I've never seen anything like it," she shakes her head.
"What is it? What's the matter with him? He says he can't breathe! What is it?" Tallulah fires off frantically, holding Laszlo's hand tightly in hers as tears run down her face.
I stand and back up beside the Doctor to give them a little space. Laszlo looks up at Tallulah, his breathing even worse now. "It's time, sweetheart," he whispers.
"What do you mean, 'time'? What are you talking about?"
"None of the salves survive for long... most of them only live for a few weeks," Laszlo explains. "I was lucky... I held on because of you," he smiles up at her and a tear slides down my cheek. "But now I'm dying, Tallulah-"
"No, you're not," Tallulah cuts him off thickly. "Not now! After all this!" her voice cracks. She looks up at Kas and I desperately, "can't you do something?"
"Oh, Tallulah with three Ls and an H," the Doctor smiles, sharing a look with me. "Just you watch us! What do we need, love?" he asks, walking backward as he throws his coat off to the side.
"First: that's really unsanitary," I point to where his coat had landed and he rolls his eyes. "Second: hm... I don't know," I shrug, hands behind my back. "How about a great big genetic laboratory?"
"Oh, look! We've got one," he grins, turning in a circle with his arms held out and I giggle at how ridiculous he is. "Laszlo, just you hold on! There's been too many deaths today," he points to him as we get to work.
"Way too many people have died today," I agree.
"Brand new creatures and wise old men and age-old enemies," Kas lists off. "And I'm telling you! I'm telling you right now, I am not having one more death! You got that? Not one!"
"Tallulah, out of the way, cause..." I trail off, pointing to Kas as he puts his stethoscope around his neck.
"The Doctor is in!" he grins widely.
The Doctor, Martha, Tallulah, the now healed Laszlo, and I were in Central Park. It was morning now and we were waiting for Frank to come back. He'd gone ahead to see about talking his way into a space in Hooverville for Laszlo and Tallulah.
"Star...?" Martha sits beside me on the bench I was on and I hum for her to go on. "I'm sorry for comparing you to a Dalek," she wraps her arms around herself. "That was wrong," she bites her lip guiltily.
I smile, leaning my head on her shoulder and letting some of my light warm her up. "You didn't mean it. I'd never hold something you said in the heat of the moment against you," I assure her. "And... I'm sorry as well," I mutter, playing with my coat tie.
"What for?" she frowns, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I... I did not mean-" I cut myself off, burying my face against her arm and groaning. "I apologize for frightening you yesterday. It was not my intention..."
Martha nudges me and I look up at her, my face burning out of shame and embarrassment. "I wasn't... really scared of you," she assures me, making me raise an eyebrow in disbelief. "It was just sort of shocking to see you lose control like that... you looked like you going to kill Dalek Sec right then and there."
"I was going to," I look down, playing with my fingers.
"But you didn't, you stopped," Martha points out.
"Because Kas stopped me... I would have if he-"
Martha cuts me off by wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a tight hug. "I get it," she squeezes me and I wrap my arms around her waist, burying my face against her shoulder. "They were the ones from the Time War... they took your people, your family. I get it."
"Thank you," I whisper. The Doctor was right, she is good. Too good. I don't think I deserve someone like her. She's so sweet and caring and understanding and brave. But I think I might need her. Her along with the Doctor make it hurt less. Pulling away, I brush a piece of hair out of her face, "I'm really glad I met you, Martha," I smile.
"Yeah, me too," she smiles back, a bit shyly and I curse myself. I really need to be more cautious and aware of my actions toward her.
"Well, I talked to 'em," Frank's voice makes me look to see he'd come up and I stand, wrapping my arms around my waist. "And I told 'em what Solomon would've said... and I reckon I shamed one or two of 'em," he smirks.
"Good on you, Frank," I beam.
"What did they say?" Kas asks, practically bouncing with impatience.
"They said yes," Frank grins, turning to Laszlo and putting a hand on his shoulder. "They'll give you a home Laszlo. I mean, um... don't imagine people ain't gonna stare. I can't promise you'll be at peace but, in the end, that is what Hooverville is for: people who ain't got nowhere to go."
"Thank you, I can't thank you enough," Laszlo grins, pulling Tallulah into a tight hug.
After saying goodbye, the Doctor, Martha, and I head back to Liberty Island and the TARDIS. "Do you reckon it's going to work? Those two?" Martha asks.
"I don't know," Kas shrugs, turning to look at the Manhattan skyline and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Anywhere else in the universe, I might worry about them, but New York? That's what this city's good at! 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses'... and maybe the old pig slave Dalek-mutant-hybrid too," he jokes, making me snort loudly.
"The pig and the showgirl," Martha beams.
"The pig and the showgirl," I giggle.
"It just proves it, I suppose," Martha shrugs and I raise an eyebrow in question. "There's somewhere for everyone," she elaborates.
"Maybe," Kas grins, pulling me to the TARDIS with Martha behind us.
"Meant to say... I'm sorry," she mutters.
"What else could you possibly be sorry for?" I frown while the Doctor unlocks the TARDIS.
"Just because that Dalek got away... I know what that means to you both." I send her a small smile, she's so thoughtful. "Think you'll ever see it again?"
"Oh, yes," the Doctor nods, holding the door open for us. "One day..."
A/N: another chapter down! Wahoo! Again, hope you're all staying safe! This is a crazy time and my thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope that my little fanfic can give you a bit of distraction. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think by dropping a comment or a vote! :*
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