A/N: so, this is not where it should be, but I'm putting it here anyway! Fair warning that there will be a bit of POV changes going on. It was so I could get as much of the episode into this chapter... hope it comes out ok! Anywho, enjoy! :D
Sally Sparrow climbs the wrought iron gates of Wester Drumlins, at night and in the rain. There was a sign 'Danger Keep Out', but she didn't pay it any mind as she hops down on the other side. Walking up to the massive house, she breaks through the boards that were covering the door and walks into the entryway. She takes a photo of the aged chandelier in the foyer and smiles up at it before walking into the drawing-room to look around. There was a chandelier with plastic over it on the floor, the wallpaper was peeling off in multiple places, and there was ivy coming down through the fireplace.
Taking photos of everything she could, wording behind the wallpaper catches Sally's eye. She could just make out a 'B' and - curiosity taking over - she moves to the wall and starts to pull at the paper until it reveals more of the message. 'BEWARE THE WEEPING ANGEL!' was written and she frowns, backing up a bit before shaking her head and pulling to reveal more. 'OH, AND DUCK! REALLY, DUCK! SALLY SPARROW!' she gasps, jumping back when she reads her own name and she reaches out shakily with her heart pounding in her chest to see 'DUCK, NOW!' written.
Following the advice, she ducks quickly just as a huge rock crashes through the window and hits the wall right where she was standing before crashing to the ground. Shining her torch in the direction where the rock had come from, she sees a statue of an angel with its hands over its eyes in the garden. Looking between the angel and the writing frantically, she moves back over to the wall and pulls at the paper to see if there was any more... and there was. 'LOVE FROM THE DOCTOR AND LIZZIE (1969) P.S. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ROSE FOR US?'.
1st Person POV:
I wrinkle my nose, burying my face deeper into my pillow when I feel something brushing against my temple. My pillow chuckles and I freeze, realizing that it was not, in fact, a pillow but a Time Lord... my Doctor. What happened yesterday comes crashing back to me and my face burns as my heart speeds up. The Doctor and I had retired to my bedroom after being snuggled up in the library for hours - talking, reading, kissing. The two of us hadn't gone further than kissing and some perfectly innocent touching before I'd fallen asleep.
The Doctor wraps his arms around me and turns so that I was laying on top of him. "You know, it's hard to talk to you when you're hiding from me," he tilts my chin up with one hand - the other still around my waist - smiling.
"S-sorry," I mutter, blushing more when he runs his thumb along my bottom lip.
"Morning," he grins, leaning up and pressing his lips against mine.
I couldn't help the dopey smile that forms when he pulls away. "Morning," I fold my arms underneath me, messing with his shirt collar. "What's the plan?" I ask curiously.
"It's a surprise," the Doctor smirks, running his thumb along my side and speaking before I could when he sees my pout. "You said you had more than one tattoo," he raises an eyebrow and I blink a few times at the subject change.
"Um..." I trail off, realizing that of course, he'd have been looking for more yesterday. "I... I do," I look down shyly.
I let out a squeak when the Doctor sits up extremely fast, forcing me to straddle him and I grab onto his shoulders to keep steady from the sudden movement. "Don't do that," I push his shoulder, huffing when he laughs but I quiet when he kisses me.
"A much better way of shutting you up," the Doctor smirks, making me roll my eyes with a smile. "Now, if you have more," he runs his hand down my tank top covered side, following along my tattoo and stopping where it ends at about mid-thigh - close to the end of my shorts. "Then where are they?"
"W-well," I shake my head slightly, a trail of heat having followed the Doctor's hand and shivers running down my spine from where he was now stroking circles into my thigh with his thumb. "I, um..." I clear my throat, ignoring his smirk as he continues his gentle touch. "I have just- just one more."
I smile, deciding to tease him a bit, "wouldn't you like to know," I rub my nose against his before going to get up.
The Doctor flips us over quickly, hovering above me with his hands either side of my head and straddling my thighs, "I didn't say you could leave," he smirks, leaning down and nuzzling his face against my neck. "If you won't tell me... I'll just have to find it myself," he whispers and I bite my lip when his graze against my skin.
"You could ask Rose," I suggest quietly as he leaves kisses along my neck and down to my collarbone.
The Doctor moves to look down at me, "I'd prefer a more hands-on approach," he smirks, chuckling when I cover my face as it burns.
My door flying open makes us both freeze and I stare up at the Doctor through my fingers with wide eyes. "Look at you two lovebirds! Moving a bit quick there, Doctor," Rose laughs from the doorway, making him groan and lay beside me on his back.
"Nothing happened, Rose," the Doctor huffs, clasping his hands on his chest as he stares up at the ceiling.
"Course not, Lizzie would've told me. Anyway," she jumps onto the bed, settling herself on the other side of me and I sigh, sitting up. "What we doing today?" she asks excitedly.
"Twiggy here-" I put a hand over the Doctor's mouth when he goes to protest, Rose and me trying not to laugh. "-won't tell me, says it's a surprise," I roll my eyes.
Swatting my hand away, the Doctor stands, "exactly, so you two get ready," he smiles, leaning down to press a soft kiss against my lips. "Shut it," he pulls away and flicks Rose's nose when she snickers, making her jerk back with a yelp. "I'll be waiting in the console room!" he heads out.
I yelp, falling onto my hands and knees. "Ow..." I groan, reaching up with one hand to rub my temples. "Wait, where?" I shoot up, looking around to see I was in a dark alleyway and I remember the Weeping Angels at Wester Drumlins. "Oh, no!" my hand flies to my neck and my breathing quickens when I don't feel my necklace. "No, no, no, no," I grip my hair, wincing when my mind goes fuzzy and- "what was I?" I frown, looking around. "Doctor!" I see him laying on the ground and I kneel beside him. "Are you alright?" I ask worriedly, brushing his hair back.
"Ow," he groans, sitting up. "Time travel without a capsule, not fun," he shakes his head.
"Where are we?" I ask, helping him to his feet. "The last thing I remember was- Rose!" I gasp, my eyes going wide. "Doctor, what if she got taken too!?"
"She's fine," the Doctor assures me, gripping my shoulders. "Trust me, alright?" he presses a kiss to the top of my head.
"Now," he ignores me, stepping away and scanning the area with his sonic. "I'd say we're in 1969... still in London," he mutters.
"1969..." I frown, the date sounding familiar. "Oh, that file Sally Sparrow gave us!"
"Yep," the Doctor nods. "I read through it and thought that now would be as good a time as any to check it out," he mutters, walking down the alley with me behind him. "Told Rose what she'd need to know and she should be by the TARDIS now and then she'll go to the police to meet Sally... sorry I didn't tell you anything," he sends me an apologetic smile.
"That's fine, at least Rose is safe," I shrug, taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. "How long are we trapped for, then?" I ask curiously.
"Um... three months," the Doctor rubs at his earlobe with his free hand, his voice high.
"Three months!?"
3rd Person POV:
The next day, Sally and her best friend, Kathy Nightingale, head to Wester Drumlins. Sally had gone round to Kathy's last night and they'd decided that they'd come to investigate when it was daylight. "Ok, let's investigate!" Kathy smiles as they climb the gates and hop down on the other side. "You and me, girl investigators! Love it!" she laughs. "Hey, Sparrow and Nightingale! That so works!"
"Bit ITV," Sally smiles.
"I know!" Kathy grins, gripping Sally's arm as they walk up to the house. "What did you come here for anyway?" she asks curiously when they head in and she looks around.
"I love old things, they make me feel sad," Sally shrugs, her hands shoved in her pockets as she moves to the drawing-room.
"What's good about sad?"
"It's happy for deep people," Sally rolls her eyes with a smile.
"Oh..." Kathy makes a face, poking one of the crystals on the chandelier and smiling when it makes a tinkling sound.
Sally shakes her head before moving out into the garden with Kathy following. "The Weeping Angel," she nods to the statue that was still there with its eyes covered.
"Not going in my garden," Kathy wrinkles her nose, her arms folded as she looks the statue over.
"... it's moved," Sally frowns.
"It's what?"
"Since yesterday," Sally stares at it, her heart starting to race. "I'm sure of it, it's closer... it got closer to the house," she shudders before moving back to look at the writing some more and Kathy follows. "How can my name be written here? How is that possible?" she asks just before the doorbell rings.
"Who'd come here?" Kathy frowns, groaning when Sally starts toward the door. "What are you doing? It could be a burglar!" she grabs her wrist to stop her.
"A burglar who rings the doorbell?" Sally raises an eyebrow.
"Ok," Kathy lets her go. "I'll stay here in case of..." she trails off.
"In case of?" Sally smiles.
"Incidents?" Kathy offers.
"Ok," Sally laughs, moving to the door and opening it to reveal a man, Malcolm.
"I'm looking for Sally Sparrow?"
"How did you know I'd be here?" she frowns.
Malcolm's eyes widen and he takes a step into the doorway, Sally taking a step back. "I was told to bring this letter on this exact date at this exact time to Sally Sparrow," he holds out an envelope.
Sally glances at it, "looks old..." she comments.
"It is old," Malcolm shrugs. "I'm sorry... do you have anything with a photograph on it? Like a driving license?"
"How did you know I was coming here? I didn't tell anyone," Sally gets her wallet and hands him her license. "How could anyone have known?"
"It's all a bit complicated... I'm not sure I understand it myself," Malcolm tells her sheepishly as he looks over her license. "I'm sorry, I feel really stupid but I was told to make absolutely sure. It's so hard to tell with these little photographs, isn't it?"
"Apparently," Sally mutters under her breath, folding her arms.
"Well, here goes, I suppose," Malcolm hands her license back. "Funny feeling after all these years," he smiles.
"Who's it from?"
"Well, that's a long story, actually-"
"Give me a name," Sally cuts him off.
"Katherine Wainwright," Malcolm answers. "But she specified I should tell you that prior to marriage, she was called Kathy Nightingale."
"... Kathy?" Sally asks, her face paling a bit and her stomach twisting as she backs away a step.
"Kathy, yes," Malcolm nods, not understanding her reaction. "Katherine Costello Nightingale."
"Is this a joke?" Sally demands.
"... a joke?"
"Kathy, is this you? Very funny," Sally scoffs, heading into the drawing-room. "Kathy?" she calls, not seeing her anywhere and moving to the stairs. "Kathy? Kathy!"
"Please, you need to take this," Malcolm holds the envelope out to Sally. "I promised," he insists.
"Who are you?" Sally comes back down the stairs, glaring at him. "Why are you here?"
"I made a promise-"
"Who to!?"
"My grandmother, Katherine Costello Nightingale."
"... your grandmother?" Sally breathes out, the information not really settling.
"Yes, she died twenty years ago," Malcolm nods.
Sally scoffs before taking the envelope and opening it. Inside, there were old photographs and a letter. Sally's face pales more and more as she looks through them, but it hasn't quite sunk in yet. "So, they're related?"
"I'm sorry?" Malcolm frowns.
"My Kathy, your grandmother, they're practically identical," she shakes her head, moving onto the letter and reading it in her head:
Feb 7th 1987
My dearest Sally Sparrow,
If my grandson has done as he promises he will, then as you read these words it has been mere minutes since we last spoke. For you. For me, it has been over sixty years. The third of the photographs is of my children. The youngest is Sally. I named her after you, of course.
"This is sick, this is totally sick," Sally throws the letter and photographs down and runs upstairs. "Kathy? Kathy! Kathy?" she calls, stopping when she comes to the landing to see three angel statues - all facing different directions and hiding their eyes.
Looking at the statues, Sally notices that one has a Yale key on a piece of string in one hand and a necklace in the other. As she crouches down to get a closer look, the statue behind her uncovers its eyes, unnoticed by Sally. Making a split-second decision, Sally grabs the key and necklace and turns, the statue now with its eyes covered again. Sally's eyes widen when she hears the front door close and she runs down the stairs just before the statue that had the key and necklace can grab her. "No, wait! Hold on!" she calls, groaning when she sees Malcolm leaving.
Turning with a sigh, she sees that the letter and photos had been picked up and placed on the bottom of the railing. Sally grabs them and runs outside with the angels watching from the windows.
Getting to a cafe, Sally reads the rest of the letter with tears running down her face silently:
I suppose, unless I live to a really exceptional old age, I will be long gone as you read this. Don't feel sorry for me. I have led a good and full life. I've loved a good man and been well-loved in return. You would have liked Ben. He was the very first person I met in 1920. To take one breath in 2007 and the next in 1920 is a strange way to start a new life, but a new life is exactly what I've always wanted. My mum and dad are gone by your time, so really there's only Lawrence to tell. He works at the DVD store on Queen Street. I don't know what you're going to say to him, but I know you'll think of something. Just tell him I love him.
Next, Sally goes to the cemetery where Kathy and Ben were buried next to each other and lays flowers down. Seeing the date of birth on the gravestone, Sally smiles, "1902? You told him you were eighteen? You lying cow," she scoffs lightly, her eyes red and puffy.
Sally's next stop was Banto's DVD Store - new, second hand and rare. Inside there was a man, Banto, sitting at the counter with long hair and a beard watching a film on the TV hanging on the wall. Noticing a customer, Banto holds up his finger and waits for the scene to change before gesturing for Sally to talk. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Lawrence Nightingale," she smiles.
"Through the back," he nods to the backroom.
Sally nods, walking through the doorway and she looks around the crowded room, "hello?" she calls, not seeing anyone
There was another TV in the room that was playing a video with the Doctor - his 'brainy' specs on - and Lizzie on the screen:
"Lizzie!" the Doctor groans, giving her a pointed look.
"Sorry," she giggles, straightening and sending the camera a wink.
The Doctor shakes his head with a fond smile. "Quite possibly," he nods before pausing a moment. "Afraid so."
"Oh, hello," Lawrence, or Larry, comes in. "Can I help you?"
Sally jumps slightly, turning to him, "hi," she smiles, shoving her hands in her pockets.
"Thirty-eight," the Doctor corrects.
"Um, just a mo," Larry winces, pressing pause on his remote. "Hang on," he frowns, eyeing Sally. "We've met, haven't we?"
"It'll come to you," Sally smirks, remembering their encounter the night before.
Larry's eyes widen, "oh, my God," he covers his groin with his hands.
"There it is," Sally snorts quietly.
"Sorry... sorry again about the whole..." he nods down to his crotch.
"Message from your sister," Sally cuts in.
"Oh, ok," Larry nods and Sally just stares at him, not knowing what to say at all. "What? What is it?" he frowns. "What's the message?"
"... she's had to go away for a bit."
"Just a work thing... nothing to worry about," Sally assures him.
"And... and what?"
"She loves you," Sally smiles.
"She what?" Larry laughs.
"She said to say... she just sort of mentioned it," Sally shifts on her feet awkwardly. "She loves you, there, that's nice, isn't it?"
"Is she ill?" Larry's eyes widen in horror.
"No," Sally shakes her head. "No!"
"... am I ill?"
"Is this a trick?"
"No, she loves you," Sally repeats, just wanting this to be over.
"Yeeaaahhh, people don't understand time," the Doctor tries to explain.
"It's not what you think it is," Lizzie agrees.
Larry huffs slightly, pausing the TV again. Sally leans against one of the shelves, looking down at the screen, "who are they?"
"Sorry, the pauses thing keeps slipping," Larry explains. "Stupid thing," he rolls his eyes.
"Last night at Kathy's, you had them on all those screens," Sally looks them over. "Those same two people, talking about... I don't know, blinking or something."
"Yeah, the bit about the blinking's great," Larry smiles, sitting in his swivel chair. "I was just checking to see if they were all the same."
"What were all the same? What is this? Who are they?"
"An easter egg," Larry shrugs.
"Excuse me?"
"Like a DVD extra, yeah? You know how on DVDs they put extras on, documentaries and stuff? Well, sometimes they put on hidden ones and the call them easter eggs - you have to go looking for them, follow a bunch of clues on the menu screen."
"Complicated," the Doctor sighs.
"Sorry," Larry hits pause again. "It's interesting actually, they're on seventeen different DVDs," he turns back to Sally. "There are seventeen totally unrelated DVDs, all with them on. Always hidden away, always a secret. Not even the publishers know how they got there! I've talked to the manufacturers, right? They don't even know! They're like a ghost DVD extra, just show up where they're not supposed to be! But only on those, those seventeen."
"Well, what do they do?"
"Just sit there, making random remarks and teasing each other," Larry shrugs. "But it's like we're hearing half a conversation," he shakes his head. "Me and the guys are always trying to work out the other half."
"When you say 'you and the guys', you mean the internet, don't you?" Sally smirks.
"How'd you know?" Larry's eyes widen.
"Spooky, isn't it?" Sally teases.
"Very complicated," Lizzie shrugs.
"Lawrence? Need you!" Banto calls from the front of the store.
"Excuse me a sec," Larry winces, getting up and walking off.
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of-" the Doctor tries to explain, miming a ball with his hands. "-wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff..." he finishes lamely, putting his hands down. "... it got away from me, yeah," he nods.
"Doesn't think before he talks," Lizzie giggles.
"Hush, tiny," the Doctor pinches her side lightly.
"Rude," she narrows her eyes.
"Not ginger," he smirks.
"Old man," she sticks her tongue out.
"Wasn't kidding about the teasing, was he?" Sally smiles, thinking the couple was rather cute together.
They both jump, "s-sorry..." Lizzie murmurs, the Doctor clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Ok, that was weird," Sally frowns. "Like you can hear me..."
"Well, we can hear you," the Doctor shrugs.
Sally grabs the remote and pauses the screen, "ok, that's enough! I've had enough now! I've had a long day and I've had bloody enough!" she snaps, jumping when she sees Larry staring at her from the doorway. "Sorry, bad day," she winces, pressing the end of the remote to her forehead.
"... got you the list," Larry holds up a sheet of paper.
"The seventeen DVDs, I thought you might be interested?"
"Yeah, great, thanks," Sally nods, taking the paper from him and heading out of the shop.
Banto's voice stops her and she turns to see him talking to the TV, "go to the police, you stupid woman! Why does nobody ever just go to the police?"
1st Person POV:
I land face-first on the bed with a groan, making the Doctor chuckle. "A month," I huff, kicking my shoes off. "A bloody month we've been here and nothing!"
The Doctor had found us a small flat while we were staying here and I'd gotten a job at a shop that was just down the street. I was so incredibly bored and I just wanted to leave. All that's happened is the Doctor's been working on his 'timey-wimey detector' and fixing everything in the flat that he decided needed fixing... oh, and we left the message for Sally at Wester Drumlins. Also, about a week ago I came into the flat to him covered in blood and feathers. Apparently, his detector can boil an egg at thirty paces, even when it's still in the hen... nearly had a heart attack from that.
"Still two months to go," the Doctor reminds me.
"I'm gonna die of boredom!" I groan, leaning my chin on my folded arms. "How are you not dying of boredom?"
"I've got you to entertain me," he retorts, making me smile slightly and I feel him straddle the backs of my thighs. "I think you just need to relax," he tells me, starting to rub my shoulders.
"That your medical opinion?" I tease.
The Doctor chuckles as he starts to massage down my back... pretty sure his hands are magic. I sigh, feeling myself relax under him as he works out the knots. After a few minutes, I'd nearly fallen asleep. "This feels amazing," I smile, letting out a quiet moan as he moves to my lower back.
"Glad you think so," the Doctor chuckles and I feel him press a kiss to the back of my head before continuing.
At a certain spot low on my hip, he presses down firmly with the heel of his palm and I gasp, gripping the covers and feeling wide awake now. I freeze and the Doctor stills his hands, a pang of worry hitting me, "sorry, did I hurt you?" he asks quickly, making my face burn. "I felt it, but I didn't think it would..." he trails off and the worry fades.
"Shut up," I huff, wanting the bed to just swallow me up.
"That didn't hurt," he realizes and I can practically hear his smug grin as he leans down, moving my hair from my face. "Did it?"
"Shut up!"
"You're adorable," he smirks, kissing my cheek and chuckling when I groan miserably.
"I hate you..."
"No, you don't," he gets off and nudges my side until I turn over onto my back. "You couldn't hate me if you tried," he smirks, hovering over me and pressing light kisses all over my face, making me giggle quietly.
"You're an arse," I narrow my eyes playfully, making him wiggle his eyebrows before he leans down and presses a kiss to my lips.
I bury one hand in his hair, the other holding onto his shoulder as I pull him closer. A shiver runs down my spine when he grips my hip firmly with one hand, brushing his fingers of his other hand along my side leisurely. The kiss quickly becomes heated, the Doctor slipping his tongue past my lips as his hand at my side curls into my cardigan. Tugging on his hair, I pull away to start trailing kisses along his jawline. I move my hand on his shoulder to his shirt and start to undo the first button.
The Doctor pulls away at that and I sigh, laying back and looking away. He's done this all month - pulling away when I make any sort of move that's not strictly kissing. I feel a pang of guilt and go to sit up, but the Doctor places a hand on my shoulder to keep me there. I chew on my bottom lip, still not looking at him, "look, if you don't... want me that way-"
"That's not it," he buries his face against my neck. "Trust me, it's... really, really, not that," he assures me, pressing a kiss to my skin.
"Then what?"
The Doctor groans miserably, holding himself up with one hand by my head, "you're..." he trails off, brushing the back of his free hand down my face.
"If anything resembling innocent comes out of your mouth, you're sleeping on the sofa for the next two months," I narrow my eyes and his hand stills as he stares down at me with furrowed eyebrows. "There's a big difference between being a shy, awkward person and being 'innocent'," I make quotations.
"That's not it, either," he shakes his head, making me frown. "I mean, it's good to know but..." he trails off and groans again, moving off me and sitting with his back against the headboard.
I sit up on my knees, "are you going to tell me mum was right?" I ask, biting my lip to keep from laughing.
"What?" he frowns and I glance down with raised eyebrows, making his eyes widen. "No, that's not... that's not a problem, either," he shakes his head. "When I'm... with someone-" he starts delicately, his cheeks turning pink and I smile at how flustered he is. "-it forms a sort of bond, a sort of... mental link."
"Well, that shouldn't be a problem," I smile, scooting closer. "You and I already have a bond," I shrug.
"This is different, stronger, and not pain either," the Doctor shakes his head. "It can be overwhelming and I..." he trails off when I move to straddle him. "Lizzie," he sighs, leaning his forehead against mine and gripping my waist. "... I don't want to hurt you," he whispers.
I can't help the wide grin that forms at his concern, "you worrying about me is really sweet," I kiss the tip of his nose, making his lips twitch up. "But... I mean, if you want to of course... we could try?" I offer, chewing on my bottom lip and messing with his shirt collar.
"... you'll tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything?" he asks, searching my eyes and I nod quickly, making him smile. "You're sure?"
"Y-yeah, are... are you?"
I squeak when I'm suddenly on my back with the Doctor hovering over me, hands on either side of my head and his hips settled between my legs. "Very sure," he smiles, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.
I wrap one arm around him, one leg around his waist, and pull him closer as he moves to unbutton my cardigan. The two of us were both giggling between kisses as he finishes with my cardigan and throws it on the floor and I fumble with the buttons on his shirt as he starts to work on mine. I move to kiss along his jawline and down his neck, reaching the junction between his shoulder and neck and biting lightly. The Doctor groans quietly, pushing my shirt open and starting to kiss down the newly exposed skin, stopping to suck and bite at certain spots. My breathing starts to quicken and I squirm under him, letting out a moan when he soothes the slight sting just under my bra with his tongue.
The Doctor huffs quietly when I continue to squirm and pins my wrists above my head in a move far too fast for a Human, "don't move," he orders in a low tone as he looks up at me and I very nearly whimper at that tone and the dark, almost predatory look in his eyes.
I bite my lip, trying to relax against the bed as my heart tries to break out of my chest. A reaction from the 51st century floats through the fog of my mind and I decide to test it, letting out a breathy 'yes, sir'. The Doctor's eyes darken even more and his lips twitch up in a smirk. Moving up, he brushes his lips along the shell of my ear, "good girl," he whispers, making my breath hitch and he chuckles, nipping at my earlobe playfully.
I was laying on my stomach, hugging my pillow under my head and smiling like a complete idiot. The Doctor was beside me, trailing his fingers along my bare side as he presses soft kisses to my shoulder. "That was... something..." I mutter, making the Doctor smile.
"Hm, it was," he gives me a chaste kiss. "... found your other tattoo," he brushes his thumb along it.
(^her tattoo^)
(^where it is^)
"Yup," I giggle, moving to snuggle against his chest and he wraps his arms around me, running his fingers through my hair. "Did you... ever see Mouse's tattoo? The one with the infinity symbol made out of a feather?" I ask quietly and he hums. "It's the other half of my tattoo... we got them at the same time and I chose to put mine in a more discreet place so mum didn't freak out over it like she did my first one," I mutter, making him breathe out a laugh. "Anyway, the infinity symbol is to show that... we'll always be there for each other... forever..." I sigh, nuzzling my face against the Doctor's neck.
"I'm sorry I can't take you and Rose to see him," the Doctor murmurs.
I give a non-committal shrug, pressing light kisses along his neck and smiling when he holds me closer. I would've never believed that I could feel this happy, this wanted, or this loved in my entire life. I've given everything to the Doctor and, "I..." I trail off, closing my eyes and forcing the words out before I could talk myself out of it like last time. "I love you, Doctor," I whisper, feeling him freeze and I start to panic a little. "I don't expect you to say it back, so don't feel obligated to," I assure him quickly and I keep my eyes shut when he pulls away a bit, a strong mix of emotion hitting me. "I mean- I just... you might not be there yet or- or never... but I want you to know that you mean everything to me and... I love you and need you-"
"Lizzie, look at me," the Doctor cuts me off gently and I take a deep breath before opening my eyes, my breath hitching at the vulnerability in his. "My Lizzie... my beautiful, selfless, funny, adorable, clever tiny," he smiles softly, cupping my face in his hand and stroking my cheek with his thumb. "After everything we've been through? Do you still have no idea how much you mean to me and how desperately I need you?" he asks, holding eye contact and I feel... not trapped because, honestly, I don't want to be anywhere else but held in place as I stare at him. "Of course, I love you," he whispers, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Oh..." I breathe out, feeling as if the air got knocked from my lungs.
"Yeah," the Doctor smiles.
My eyes widen as it really sinks in that he just said he... he loves me! I pull away slightly, covering my mouth when a laugh slips out. The Doctor grins widely, pulling me back as he moves my hand to kiss me - soft and sweet and slow and making my mind go fuzzy in the best possible way.
The two of us break away when the 'timey-wimey detector' goes off. The Doctor's eyes widen, "Billy Shipton!" he hops out of bed, gathering his clothes.
"Who?" I frown, sitting up and pulling the sheet over me as he throws my clothes on the bed.
"Billy Shipton," the Doctor repeats, not explaining further as he gets dressed quickly. "Explain on the way, get your clothes on," he orders before heading out of the room with his detector.
3rd Person POV:
At the police station, Sally was soaking wet from the rain and trying to explain what was happening to the desk sergeant, "look, I know how mad I'm sounding!"
"Shall we try it from the beginning this time?"
"Ok," Sally nods, trying to collect her thoughts. "There's this house, a big house, been empty for years, falling apart. Wester Drumlins, out by the estate, you've probably seen it-"
"Wester Drumlins?"
"Could you just wait here for a minute?" the desk sergeant walks off.
Sally sighs, running a hand through her wet hair and looking out the window. Her eyes widen when she sees two angel statues just like the ones at Wester Drumlins on the church just across the street. The moment she blinks, though, they disappear and she shakes her head, "ok... cracking up now," she frowns.
"You're really not," a voice mutters from beside her and she jumps, turning to see a blonde standing there. "Sally Sparrow, yeah?"
"How do you know my name?" Sally snaps.
"Rose Tyler, nice to meet you," she ignores the question, holding her hand out.
"Rose..." Sally frowns before his eyes widen. "The Doctor and Lizzie's Rose? Who are you? How come a couple from 1969 wrote my name on a wall? Do you know what's happening? What are those statues?"
"Look," Rose cuts her off, grabbing the woman's shoulders and giving her a sympathetic look. "I... don't understand what's happening, not really, but my sister and the Doctor got taken by an angel just like your friend and... I need your help to get them back," she lets go of Sally and folds her arms. "Please? The Doctor told me I had to wait for you at the police station... but he didn't tell me what I was supposed to do after."
"How could this Doctor and your sister have known I'd be here? And how do you know about Kathy?" Sally demands.
"I... can't tell you that, sorry," Rose smiles awkwardly at the glare she gets. "I know how mad this sounds-"
"No kidding," Sally scoffs, running a hand down her face. "They did warn me about that rock," she sighs, making Rose frown in confusion. "... and asked if I'd look after you... so yeah, I'll help if I can," she nods.
"Thank you," Rose sighs in relief, really glad she didn't have to work too hard to convince her.
A young man with a strong accent comes up to the desk, setting down a file, "hi, DI Billy Shipton," he introduces, not really paying attention. "Wester Drumlins, that's mine. Can't talk now, got a thing I can't be late for, so if you could just..." he trails off, turning and letting out a groan when he sees Rose. "Look, I told you that you can't just stay here," he shakes his head before catching sight of Sally. "... hello," he smiles, eyeing her up.
"Oh, that's nice," Rose rolls her eyes, her lips twitching up a bit. "And I've got a ride, so don't worry, I'm leaving now," she assures him.
"Yeah... I'm the ride, also the one asking about Wester Drumlins," Sally smiles. "Hello," she waves awkwardly.
"Eh, Marcie," Billy calls. "Can you tell them I'm going to be late for that thing?"
Billy takes Sally and Rose down to the car park under the station where there were several cars. "All of them?" Sally asks in shock.
"Over the last two years, yeah," Billy nods, walking beside the girls with his hands in his pockets. "They all still have personal items in them and a couple still had the motor running."
Rose looks around at all the cars sadly, thinking about how all these people were displaced in time and none of their families knew or would know what happened to them. Seeing the TARDIS, though, she brightens a bit. DI Shipton hadn't let her come down here while she was waiting in the station in case she 'tried anything'. It was fine, though, she'd only been there for about a day and a half waiting for Sally to turn up. Also, she'd snuck down last night to sleep in the TARDIS, so she wasn't too bad off. She walks up to her and rests her hand on the door, smiling when she feels the TARDIS thrum under her fingers.
"What's that?" Sally asks curiously, moving over to get a closer look.
"Ah! The pride of the Wester Drumlins collection," Billy smiles, walking up to the blue box as well. "We found that there, too. Somebody's idea of a joke, I suppose."
"But what is it? What's a police box?"
"Well, it's a special kind of phone box for policemen," Billy shrugs.
"Like a prison cell - shove a criminal in and call for help," Rose smiles.
"They used to have them all over," Billy adds, watching Rose carefully. "But this isn't a real one," he shakes his head. "The phone's just a dummy and the windows are the wrong size, can't even get in. Ordinary Yale lock, but nothing fits," he pulls on the door and Rose sighs, reaching into her pocket and gripping her key - there wasn't anything she could do to get the Doctor and Lizzie and she felt so useless. "But that's not the big question," he turns to Sally. "See, you're missing the big question," he smiles.
"Ok, what's the big question?"
"Will you have a drink with me?"
"... I'm sorry?" Sally stares at him.
"He asked if you'd have a drink with him," Rose tells her, leaning against the TARDIS and folding her arms.
"I heard him," Sally waves off, making Rose snort quietly. "Aren't you on duty, Detective Inspector Shipton?" she raises an eyebrow.
"Nope, knocked off before I left," Billy smirks. "Told them I had a family crisis."
"Because life is short and you are hot," Billy shrugs. "Drink?"
"No," Sally scoffs, starting to walk off.
"Ever?" Billy follows after her, Rose following as well with an amused smile.
"Phone number?"
"Moving kind of fast, DI Shipton!"
"Billy, I'm off duty," he smiles, stepping in front of her.
"Aren't you just," Sally shakes her head, getting out a notepad and pen.
"Is that your phone number?"
"Just my phone number," Sally nods. "Not a promise, not a guarantee, not an IOU - just a phone number," she rips off the paper and hands it to him.
"... and that's Sally?"
"Sally Shipton," she answers immediately before her eyes widen in horror, Billy looking at her as a smile starts to form. "Sparrow! Sally Sparrow," she corrects.
"Talk about him moving fast," Rose snorts.
"Shut up, we're going now," Sally grabs Rose's arm and starts to drag her away. "Don't look at me!" she calls over her shoulder.
"I'll phone you!" Billy calls with a wide grin.
"Don't look at me!"
"Phone you tomorrow!"
"Don't look at me!"
"Might even phone you tonight!"
"Don't look at me!"
"Definitely going to phone you, gorgeous girl!"
"You definitely better!"
"He was cute," Rose smiles as Sally drags her across the street.
"Shut up," Sally groans before stopping. "Hold on..." she trails off, pulling out the key she'd taken from Wester Drumlins. "Yale lock," she murmurs.
"That's the Doctor's key!" Rose's eyes widen and she snatches the key from Sally. "How'd you get it?"
"An angel had it... along with this," she pulls out the necklace.
"That's Lizzie's!" she takes that as well, smiling sadly as she runs her thumb over it. "She's probably going mad without it, she never takes it off," she shakes her head. "Hold on, where are you going?" she calls, seeing Sally heading back to the car park.
"Maybe we can get into that box!"
Rose groans, following after her and the two of them stop in their tracks when they get back inside and see that Billy and the TARDIS were gone. "Ok... that's bad," Rose frowns.
Sally's mobile rings and she gets it out, frowning at the unknown number. Answering hesitantly, she presses the phone to her ear, "hello? Billy!" her eyes widen and she holds out a hand to Rose when she goes to ask something. "Where are you?" she asks, frowning after a moment. "Where?"
1st Person POV:
The Doctor had loosely explained who Billy Shipton was as we followed the signal on his detector. It wasn't much, but enough for me to understand that we needed him. I felt bad that he would have to wait for so long to see Sally again and that it would the day he dies. It was awful and wrong and I wish there was something I could do to help him but it would mess with the timelines. Getting to an alleyway, I see Billy slumped on the ground against the brick wall and looking as if he was going to sick.
"Welcome!" the Doctor smiles as we come up to the railing that was in front of him.
"Where am I?"
"1969, I'm afraid," I wince, moving to lean on the wall beside him. "Still... not as bad as you could've got," I give him a small smile.
"You've got the moon landing to look forward to," the Doctor grins.
"Oh, the moon landing's brilliant!" I beam, folding my arms. "Rose made the Doctor take us four times.... back when we had a lift," I give the Doctor a pointed look.
"Working on it," he rolls his eyes, moving to sit beside Billy.
"How did I get here?" Billy looks between us.
"The same way we did, the touch of an angel," the Doctor gestures between him and me.
"Must've been the same one since you ended up in the same year," I put a hand on his shoulder when he tries to stand. "No, you don't want to get up, just relax," I soothe, rubbing his shoulder.
"Time travel without a capsule, nasty, catch your breath... don't go swimming for half an hour," the Doctor murmurs, making me snort quietly.
"I don't... I can't..." Billy shakes his head.
"It's alright, sweetheart," I smile, kneeling down on my knees beside him. "Try and take slow, deep breathes," I advise.
"Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels," the Doctor muses while I continue to soothe Billy. "The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss, they just zap you into the past and let you live to death. The rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye."
"You die in the past, and in the present, they consume the energy of all the days you were supposed to have," I explain.
"All your stolen moments," the Doctor nods. "They're creatures of the abstract, they live off potential energy."
"What in God's name are you talking about?" Billy stares at us.
"Sorry... it's a bit complicated," I wince.
"Lizzie and I tracked you down with this," the Doctor holds up his detector. "This is my timey-wimey detector, it goes ding when there's stuff," he explains, sending me a wink when I roll my eyes.
"It detects temporal anomalies," I explain.
"Also... it can boil an egg at thirty paces - whether you want it to or not, actually," he frowns. "So I've learned to stay away from hens... it's not pretty when they blow," he winces.
"Really not pretty," I agree, shuddering.
"I don't understand... where am I?"
"1969, really sorry," I pat his shoulder.
"Normally, I'd offer you a lift home but somebody nicked my motor," the Doctor sighs. "So I need you to take a message to Sally Sparrow, and we're sorry, Billy... very, very sorry," he looks at him seriously. "It's going to take you a while."
3rd Person POV:
Getting to the hospital Billy had said he was at, Rose and Sally walk into the geriatric ward. In the bed by the window, was the only patient and they walk over to him. "Billy?" Sally asks quietly.
"It was raining when we met," Billy, now an old man, smiles up at Sally.
"It's the same rain," Sally shakes her head, tears welling up.
Billy was showing Rose and Sally photos of his life and wedding photos. "She looks nice," Sally smiles.
"Her name was Sally too," Billy chuckles.
"Sally Shipton," Rose smirks, leaning against the wall by the window with her arms folded.
"Sally Shipton," Billy laughs. "I often thought about looking for you before tonight, but apparently it would've torn a hold in the fabric of space and time, and destroyed two-thirds of the universe," he shakes his head. "Also, I'd lost my hair," he jokes.
"Two-thirds of the universe," Sally frowns. "Where'd you get that from?"
"There's a man and woman in 1969, they sent me with a message for you both," Billy tells the girls, making Rose smile at the mention of her best mate and big sister.
"... what man and woman?"
"The Doctor and Lizzie," Billy smiles.
Sally glances back at Rose, "and what was the message?"
"For you, Sally, just this: look at the list."
"What does that mean? Is that it? Look at the list?"
"They said you'd have it by now - a list of seventeen DVDs," he tells her, making Sally's eyes widen. "I didn't stay a policeman back then. Got into publishing... then video publishing... then DVDs, of course," he smirks.
"You put the easter egg on," Sally realizes.
"Sorry... bit out of the loop here," Rose cuts in. "Easter egg?"
"There's this easter egg on these DVDs of your sister and the Doctor, they keep talking about blinking or something," Sally explains quickly.
"Have you noticed what all seventeen DVDs have in common yet?" Billy asks and Sally just stares at him blankly. "I suppose it's hard for you, in a way," he smiles.
"How could they have known I had a list? I only just got this," Sally shakes her head, pulling out the list that Larry had given her.
"I asked them how, but they said they couldn't tell me," Billy sighs. "Lizzie was very sweet about the whole thing, tried to comfort me as best she could," he smiles, thinking of the kind brunette and Rose smiles at that. "They said you'd understand it one day... but I never would," he shakes his head.
"Soon as I understand it, I'll come and tell you," Sally smiles.
"No, gorgeous girl, you can't," Billy shakes his head sadly. "There's only tonight... they told me all those years ago that we'll only meet again this one time - on the night I die."
"Oh, Billy," Sally whispers, tears in her eyes as she sits on the bed beside him.
"It's kept me going," Billy smiles. "I'm an old, sick man but I've had something to look forward to... ah, life is long, and you are hot," he chuckles, placing his hand over Sally's. "Oh, look at my hands, they're old man's hands," he sighs. "How did that happen?"
"We'll stay with you," Rose smiles sadly, sitting on the chair beside the bed and placing a hand on his arm.
"We're going to stay with you," Sally agrees. "Ok?"
"Thank you, girls," he smiles between them. "I have until the rain stops..."
"Billy..." Rose trails off and he looks over at her. "What was the message for me?"
"Ah," Billy laughs quietly, shaking his head. "Your sister wanted me to tell you that she misses you and that if you do anything to get yourself hurt, she'll 'bloody kill you'," he tells her, making Rose laugh.
After the rain had stopped and Billy's body was taken away, Rose and Sally head to Wester Drumlins. Sally had her phone between them on speaker with Larry, "the DVDs on the list - the seventeen DVDs - what they've got in common is me," she tells him. "They're all the DVDs I own! The Easter Egg was intended for me!"
"... you've only got seventeen DVDs?" Larry asks incredulously, making Rose snort.
"Do you have a portable DVD player?" Sally asks, ignoring his question.
"Of course, why?"
"I want you to meet me."
"Wester Drumlins."
Sally opens the door, letting Larry into Wester Drumlins. "You live in Scooby Doo's house," he stares around the old, rundown house.
"For God's sake, I don't live here," Sally rolls her eyes, leading him into the drawing-room where the writing was. "This is Rose, Rose this is Larry," she introduces quickly.
"Hello," Rose smiles and Larry waves awkwardly before setting up his DVD player on an old armchair.
"Ok, this is the one with the clearest sound," he tells them, holding out a DVD. "Slightly better quality on this one," he holds up another. "But I don't know..."
"It doesn't matter," Sally shakes her head.
Larry nods, putting the one with better sound in the player, "ok, there they are," he nods to the screen when Lizzie and the Doctor come on - the Doctor slipping on his 'brainy' specs, making Lizzie glance at him with a smile.
"The Doctor and Lizzie," Rose smiles, glancing at the screen before looking back at the angel outside the room.
"Who's that?"
"They're the Doctor and Lizzie," Sally points to the screen.
"Yup, that's us," the Doctor nods.
"Hi, Rosie!" Lizzie smiles, waving happily.
"Ok... that was scary," Sally frowns, staring between the screen and Rose, who'd giggled and waved back.
"No, it sounds like they're replying but they always say that," Larry shakes his head.
"Yes, we do," the Doctor nods.
"And that," Larry points to the screen.
"Yup! And this!" Lizzie grins.
"They can hear us! Oh, my God, you can really hear us?" Sally stares at the screen in shock, kneeling down in front of it.
"Of course, they can't hear us," Larry shakes his head, getting out a folder. "Look, I've got a transcript, see? Everything they say: 'yup, that's us' 'yes, we do' 'yup, and this'," he reads off. "Next, it's-"
"Are you going to read out the whole thing?" the Doctor raises an eyebrow.
"Sorry..." Larry mutters.
"Who are you?" Sally asks.
"I'm a time traveler... or I was," the Doctor sighs. "I'm stuck in 1969-"
"Excuse you? We're stuck and I'm going bloody mad!" Lizzie cuts in with a pout, folding her arms. "Rose, can you believe him? I've got a job in a shop! I've got to support him!" she huffs, her lips twitching up.
"Lizzie!" the Doctor groans, giving her a pointed look.
"Sorry," she giggles, straightening and sending the camera a wink and the Doctor shakes his head with a fond smile, nudging Lizzie with his shoulder.
"I've seen this bit before," Sally smiles.
"Quite possibly," he nods.
"1969, that's where you're talking from?"
"Afraid so."
"But you're both replying! You can't know exactly what I'm going to say forty years before I say it!"
"Thirty-eight," the Doctor corrects.
"I'm getting this down! I'm writing in your bits," Larry smiles, sitting down and starting to write in his transcript.
"How? How is this possible? Tell me," Sally demands.
"Not so fast," Larry huffs.
"Yeeaaahhh, people don't understand time," the Doctor tries to explain.
"It's not what you think it is," Lizzie agrees.
"Then what is it?"
"Complicated," the Doctor sighs.
"Tell me!"
"Very complicated," Lizzie shrugs.
"I'm clever and I'm listening, and don't patronize me because people have died and I'm not happy," Sally glares and the Doctor straightens, raising his eyebrows. "Tell me!" she orders, making Lizzie grin widely.
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of-" the Doctor tries to explain, miming a ball with his hands. "Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff..." he finishes lamely, putting his hands down.
"Yeah, I've seen this bit before," Sally nods. "You said that sentence got away from you.
"... it got away from me, yeah," the Doctor nods.
"Doesn't think before he talks," Lizzie giggles.
"Hush, tiny," the Doctor pinches her side lightly.
"Rude," she narrows her eyes.
"Not ginger," he smirks.
"Old man," she sticks her tongue out.
"Guys!" Rose groans.
They both jump, "s-sorry..." Lizzie murmurs, the Doctor clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Next thing you're going to say is 'well, we can hear you'," Sally mutters.
"Well, we can hear you," the Doctor shrugs.
"This isn't possible!" Sally argues.
"No, it's brilliant," Larry grins.
"Well, not hear you, really, but we know everything you're going to say," Lizzie cuts in, folding her arms.
"Always gives me the shivers, that bit," Larry shudders.
"Sorry... that sounded creepy, I know," Lizzie winces.
"How can you know what I'm going to say?" Sally asks.
"Look to your left," the Doctor replies, nodding to Larry.
"What does he mean by 'look to your left'? I've written tons about that on the forums," Larry tells the girls. "I think it's a political statement," he raises his eyebrows.
"He means you," Rose rolls her eyes.
"What are you doing?" Sally frowns.
"I'm writing in your bits," Larry shows her. "That way, I've got a complete transcript of the whole conversation. Wait until this hits the net! This will explode the egg forums!" he grins.
"We've got a copy of the finished transcript, it's on our autocue," the Doctor points to the camera.
"How can you have a copy of the finished transcript? It's still being written!"
"Like he said: time traveler," Rose shrugs.
"Exactly," Lizzie nods, pointing to the screen. "We got it in the future," she smiles.
"Ok... let me get my head round this," Sally rubs her temples. "You're reading aloud from a transcript of a conversation you're still having?"
"Yeah," the Doctor nods.
"Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey," Lizzie giggles and the Doctor narrows his eyes, making her stick her tongue out.
"Never mind that," Sally shakes her head and the two on the screen straighten. "You can do shorthand?" she asks Larry.
"So?" he frowns.
"What matters, is we can communicate," the Doctor cuts in. "We have got bigger problems now. They have taken the blue box, haven't they?"
"Yeah, thanks for the warning on that, by the way!" Rose rolls her eyes.
"Sorry," the Doctor winces, rubbing at his earlobe. "But the angels have taken the phone box-"
"'The angels have taken the phonebox' that's my favorite," Larry cuts in, smiling. "I've got it on a t-shirt!"
"What do you mean, angels? You mean those statue things?" Sally asks.
"Yeah, the Weeping Angels," Rose nods.
"Creatures from another world," the Doctor puts in.
"But they're just statues," Sally argues.
"Only when you see them," Lizzie retorts.
"What does that mean?"
"The lonely assassins, they used to call them," the Doctor leans forward, his elbows on his knees. "No one quite knows where they came from but they're as old as the universe, or very nearly and they survived this long because they have the most perfect defense system ever evolved."
"They're quantum-locked," Lizzie nods, folding one leg over the other. "They don't exist when observed - the moment any sentient being looks at them, they freeze into rock. They haven't got a choice, it's a fact of their biology."
"In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn to stone... and you can't kill a stone," the Doctor shakes his head. "Course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away, then you blink and oh, yes it can."
"Don't take your eyes off that," Sally points to the angel that was still outside.
"Haven't really since we got here," Rose mutters.
"That's why they cover their eyes - they're not weeping, they can't risk looking at each other," the Doctor explains.
"Their greatest strength is also their greatest curse, they can never be seen... the loneliest creatures in the universe," Lizzie puts in sadly. "And I'm sorry, really I am... we both are, so very, very sorry but it's to you now."
"What are we supposed to do?" Sally asks.
"The blue box, it's my time machine," the Doctor tells her. "There is a world of time energy in there they could feast on forever but the damage they could do could switch off the sun, you have to send it back to me."
"How?" Sally asks and neither of them replies. "How?"
"... and that's it," Lizzie shakes her head. "There's no more from any of you on the transcript, that's the last we've got... I don't know what stopped you talking but... I can take a guess," she murmurs. "They're coming, the angels are coming for you."
"But listen, your life could depend on this," the Doctor leans forward seriously, slipping his glasses off. "Don't blink, don't even blink! Blink and you're dead! They are fast, faster than you can believe! Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink! Good luck."
"Oh, and Rose? Be sure to hold onto the console, alright?"
The screen freezes and Sally shouts, "No! Don't! You can't!"
"I'll rewind them," Larry offers.
"That'll be helpful, listening to the same thing over again," Rose scoffs.
"Keep looking at it," Sally looks up at the angel. "Keep looking at it!"
"There's just one, right, there's just this one," Larry stands, staring at the Weeping Angel with wide eyes. "We're ok if we just keep staring at this one statue... everything's going to be fine."
"There's three more," Rose winces.
"They were upstairs before... but I think I heard them moving," Sally mutters.
"Moving where? Three of them? Moving where?"
"I'm going to look around, I'm going to check," Sally starts to back up.
"I'm coming with you, there's only one here and we don't know where the other three are," Rose backs up as well, keeping her eyes on the angel. "You keep looking at this one, Larry, don't blink, ok? Don't even blink," she warns.
"Who blinks? I'm too scared to blink," Larry whispers.
"Ok... we're going to the door, the front door," Sally grabs his arm, pulling him back to the doorway.
"We can't all go to the door without taking our eyes off that thing," Rose puts in, her heart racing.
"You stay here," Sally tells Larry, grabbing Rose's hand.
"What?" Larry panics.
"We'll be just round the corner, you stay here," Sally assures him, pulling Rose to the front door.
Rose pulls on the door, groaning, "they've locked it! They've locked us in!"
"Why?" Larry calls, still staring at the angel.
"I've got something they want!" Sally calls back.
"They key, I took it last time I was here and they followed me to get it back-"
"I've got one too," Rose puts in.
"Oh, my God... we led them to the blue box, now they've got that," Sally's eyes widen.
"Well, give them the key!" Larry shouts.
"No way!" Rose argues. "I'm going to check the back door, you wait here," she tells them before heading to the back door.
"Give them the key! Give them what they want!" Larry shouts. "What if they come behind me?"
"I'm here," Sally assures him from the doorway.
"It's locked!" Rose pulls on the door frantically. "It won't open! They've blocked off the back door!" she comes back and stops at a door in the hallway. "But there's a cellar!"
"There might be a way out!" Sally grins. "A delivery hatch or something!"
"Coming!" Larry calls, he and Sally running to where Rose was.
Down in the cellar, the three stop in their tracks when they see three of the angels around the TARDIS. "Ok, boys, I know how this works," Sally glares at them. "You can't move as long as I can see you. Whole world in the box, the Doctor says... hope he's not lying because I don't see how else we're getting out of this..."
"Oh, he wasn't lying," Rose smiles. "Really is a whole world in there... a library with a swimming pool, a kitchen, a trampoline room-"
"Oh, and there's the other one," Sally cuts her off when the other angel comes up behind them.
"Why's it pointing at the light?" Larry frowns.
The light begins to flicker on and off, allowing the angels to get closer and closer to the TARDIS. "Oh, my God, it's turning out the light!" Sally screams.
"Quickly!" Larry shouts, running to the TARDIS with the girls right behind him.
"I can't find the lock!"
"Oh, move it!" Rose shouts, getting out her key and unlocking the door.
The three of them run in and Larry and Sally stare around the console room in shock. A holoimage of the Doctor appears on the upper level of the room. "This is security protocol seven-one-two. This time capsule has detected the presence of an authorized control disc, valid one journey." the holoimage tells them and Larry takes out the DVD case from his pocket and opens it, his eyes widening when he sees the DVD glowing. "Please insert the disc and prepare for departure."
"Here," Rose takes it and slams it into the console.
The TARDIS starts to shake and Rose holds onto the console tightly as the engines start. Larry and Sally scream as the TARDIS starts to disappear without them, crouched down and holding onto each other. "Oh, my God, it's leaving us behind! Doctor, no! You can't!" Sally screams. "Rose!"
"I'm sorry!" Rose shouts before the TARDIS disappears fully.
"Look at them! Quick, look at them!" Sally screams, her and Larry trying to look at the angels frantically.
"... I don't think we need to," Larry mutters when he sees them not moving. "They tricked them! The Doctor and Lizzie tricked them! They're looking at each other! They're never going to move again!"
1st Person POV:
It's been three months and I was counting the days down for when the TARDIS would come back with Rose. The Doctor and I were snuggled up on the sofa, watching some old - or new - movie when the 'timey-wimey detector' goes off. The two of us shoot up with wide eyes, "the TARDIS!" the Doctor shouts, getting up and gathering his things as I do the same.
We rush out of the flat and down the streets, following the signal and I squeal loudly when we see her parked in an alley. "Oh, you gorgeous thing!" I run over and open the door.
"At last!" the Doctor laughs.
"Rose!" I rush up to the console and tackle her in a hug, both of us crashing to the ground.
"Lizzie!" she laughs, wrapping her arms around me tightly and we both grunt when the Doctor lands on us.
"My girls!" he beams, wrapping us up in a tight hug and we all laugh as the TARDIS hums happily.
The three of us untangle ourselves from each other and stand, the Doctor wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and leaning his chin on top of my head. "What have you two been up to?" Rose asks.
"Oh, this and that," the Doctor waves off as my face turns beet red.
"This and that?" Rose raises her eyebrows, folding her arms. "Three months you were trapped and I don't get anything other than 'this and that'?"
"There's... nothing to tell, really," I shrug, moving to sit on the jump-seat while the Doctor sets the TARDIS to float around in deep space.
"Nothing?" Rose scoffs. "Come on! Give me something!" she sits beside me. "You two were trapped - alone - for three months and nothing happened?" she nudges me and I lift my legs up, hugging them and burying my face against my knees as it burns brighter. "Oh. My. God... you didn't," she gasps. "You two had sex!"
"How did you know?" the Doctor squeaks out and I groan miserably.
"Holy shit!" Rose laughs. "You have to tell me everything," she pokes my side.
"No, I really don't," I shake my head, slapping her hand away and smiling when she yelps.
"That's not fair," Rose pouts, continuing to poke me over and over.
"Rose?" the Doctor asks sweetly and Rose looks at him with a 'yeah?'. "Shut it," he pulls a lever down and Rose screams as she's thrown off the jump-seat, making me laugh as I hold on so I don't fall as well.
A/N: and there's Blink! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Next up is The Impossible Planet/The Satan's Pit and I'm SO excited to edit those chapters along with The Last Royal interlude! As always, thank you for reading and let me know what you think by dropping a comment or a vote! :*
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