*Birthday Present*
A/N: was 2267 words, is now 3025! Enjoy! :D
After getting back to the TARDIS, the Doctor had gone off somewhere. I assume it was to give me some time to gather my thoughts and... maybe he needed to get his own in order? I had changed into some more comfortable clothes and settled down in the library with the musical instrument I liberated from Van Statten and a cup of hot tea. I smile at the soft melody that plays as I run my fingers over it softly.
"Thought I'd find you in here," the Doctor's voice makes me jump and drop the instrument. "Careless," he chuckles and stands in front of me, picking it off the floor.
"... you scared me..." I mutter, looking at my hands and wringing them.
"Sorry," he sits on the arm of my chair. "So..." he trails off.
"You... k-kissed me..." I bite my lip, not looking up at him.
"You kissed me back," he retorts, sounding calm but I could feel slight fear washing over me.
"Y-yeah... I... I did," I nod, smiling despite how incredibly awkward I feel right now.
"Hm, Rose was right," the Doctor muses.
That makes me frown, looking up at him, "right about what?"
"You would be a red, stuttering mess," he smirks, brushing a piece of hair from my face. "Cute one, though," he winks.
"W-what?" I squeak out, getting up and folding my arms. "You... you talked to my baby sister about- about kissing me?"
"Well, it was after you practically attacked me back on New Earth," he retorts, raising an eyebrow and his smirks widens.
"I- I-" I turn away from him, my face burning brighter. "That was Cassandra! N-not me!" I defend myself.
"Please, don't remind me," I hear the Doctor groan and feel hands on my hips, making me jump. "I was disappointed to find out that it hadn't been you that kissed me back then," he tells me lightly and I turn in his hold, blinking up at him.
"You... you were?" I ask quietly.
The Doctor hums with a nod, rubbing circles into my hips and I fight down a shudder. "After I found out it was Cassandra... it made me feel like something had been taken from me," he mutters, reaching up with one hand to cup my cheek. "Our first kiss and it wasn't even really you," he runs his thumb along my cheek.
"It um... wasn't exactly... not me," I mutter.
"What do you mean?" the Doctor frowns. "Cassandra was in control of you..." he trails off, his hand stilling as his eyebrows furrow.
"W-well... the thing is..." I trail off, chewing on my bottom lip and blushing when the Doctor's eyes catch the movement. "Cassandra... she, um... well, she- she only kissed you because of... how I- I was reacting to you..." I admit, looking away. "She... was using how I react to you... to-" I swallow thickly, folding my arms more tightly. "Have some fun..." I mutter.
"... and how do you react to me?" the Doctor asks, making me look back up to him and I mentally groan when I see his smirk.
"Like you don't know," I roll my eyes.
The Doctor chuckles, brushing his thumb across my bottom lip, "yeah, suppose I do," he smirks when I do shudder this time, letting out a shaky breath.
"You said you were disappointed that it wasn't me?" I ask quietly and he nods, moving to my jawline. "You... never said anything after that, though... never tried to..." I trail off.
"You're human, Lizzie," he cuts me off gently, pulling me closer. "I'm nine hundred years old and I don't age... I couldn't," he shakes his head. "We couldn't."
"I remember our conversation about that," I mutter, tears welling up as I think about the pain I'd caused him for my own insecurities. "But you- you kissed me... I didn't ask you to and I most certainly was not expecting it..."
"It was selfish and wrong of me," he sighs, continuing to stroke my jaw.
"So you don't-" I cut myself off, looking away again and gripping the sides of my jumper. "I don't... expect anything from you because I know that wouldn't be fair to you... but I've got to know if..." I trail off as he turns my face back to him and I feel his lips against mine.
I let out a squeak of surprise, making him smile against my lips as he forces me to unfold my arms, taking one hand and bringing it to rest on his chest. I grip his waist with my other hand and giggle slightly when I feel that his hearts were beating just as fast as mine was. I pull away and smile up at the Doctor and he beams down at me, "I've decided I'm going to keep being selfish and wrong," he pulls me into another kiss.
I grip him tighter and pull him closer, his arm going around my waist and lifting me slightly as his other hand gets buried in my hair. The Doctor runs his tongue along my bottom lip and I part them, moaning softly as he deepens the kiss. My mind goes fuzzy as the Doctor properly snogs me and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan when he tugs on my hair.
I squeak when suddenly I'm sitting on one of the tables in the library and the Doctor pulls me tight against him, wrapping my legs around his waist - all without breaking the kiss. I whimper slightly when he bites at my bottom lip and curl my fingers in his hair, pulling on it and my entire body flushes when he lets out a low growl.
The Doctor pulls away, holding himself up on his hands as he stares down at me with dark eyes, his breathing heavy. I lean back on my hands, panting with what I'm sure is going to be a permanent blush at this point. "... I think I like it when you're selfish," I breathe out shakily, unwrapping my legs from his waist and making him chuckle lowly. "But... um," I shake my head, trying to clear it. "What about the whole... I'm human and you're- you're not," I frown. "I'll age and... you won't..."
"I don't care anymore," the Doctor tells me firmly, leaning his forehead against mine. "I'm done with not acting on how I feel, done keeping us from being happy... if you want me, of course," he looks at me, searching my eyes.
"As if I haven't been painfully obvious," I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I want you," I smile, making him beam down at me and press a chaste kiss to my lips. "What does this mean?" I move back a bit to see his face better.
"We're together?" he asks, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "I... haven't done this sort of thing in a long time... and never with a human before," he chuckles, shaking his head.
"... we're dating?"
"Hm... dating," the Doctor muses, smiling softly. "Yeah, I like that," he rubs his nose against mine, making me giggle. "Now, come with me," he straightens, pulling me off the table.
"Why?" I ask curiously as he turns me and places his hands over my eyes.
"You didn't think the 50s were your only present, did you?" he asks, starting to lead me out of the library.
"Well... yeah," I shrug.
"It's your birthday and I'm going to spoil you rotten, tiny," the Doctor tells me and I feel him press a kiss to the back of my head, making me smile.
The rest of the walk had been silent and I could feel the Doctor's warmth coming off him the whole time. It'd been very distracting and had made me trip a few times - something the Doctor found highly amusing.
I frown slightly when I hear the console room flooring under my slippers and the Doctor lets go of me, "don't open them yet," he orders and I nod, hearing the TARDIS doors open.
I...hadn't heard us land anywhere. The Doctor moves back to cover my eyes and he leads me outside. I feel a soft wind, smell something sweet, and feel... is that sand under my feet? "Open up," the Doctor whispers in my ear, removing his hands.
I open my eyes, my breath hitching in my throat at the sight. It was the most beautiful beach I'd ever seen - a nebula in the sky, deep blue sand, waves of every color imaginable, and it seems to go on forever.
I look around and notice that it was empty save the Doctor and I. "It's... it's... oh, my God, Doctor... it's beautiful," I breathe out in complete awe.
"Hm, I've seen better," the Doctor says lightly, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and nuzzling his face against my neck.
I blush madly despite my exasperation with him, "straight into the cheesy lines, eh?" I tease, making him chuckle and I shudder when it vibrates against my neck.
"Here," he lifts his head, holding up a small cup in front of my face and I take it with furrowed eyebrows. "Taste the water," he takes his arms from me, giving me a little nudge toward the water.
"... taste the water?" I frown, looking from him to the cup.
"Yes, Lizzie, taste the water," he nods to it with an amused smile.
I eye him skeptically for a moment before turning to the ocean and filling my cup. I turn the cup in my hand, watching the almost luminescent quality to the rainbow-like water before cautiously tasting it. My eyes widen and I turn to the Doctor, who was standing there with his hands in his pockets and a smug smile on his face. "It tastes like cotton candy!" I squeal, looking at the cup in wonder.
"It's from the sand," the Doctor grins, coming to stand beside me. "It has an extremely high glucose content. Over the past... ooh, five hundred million years? The sugar has leached into the water, creating a cotton candy ocean," he holds his hands out. "Welcome to the Sugar Coast of Acluna!"
"That's amazing!" I laugh, sipping the water and beaming. "But... people seriously need to come up with better names for things," I shake my head. "I mean, New Earth? New York times fifteen? Cybermen? I mean, come on! Even Time Lord's a bit on the nose," I roll my eyes, making the Doctor pout. "Can I..." I trail off, bouncing on my toes.
"Can you what?" the Doctor raises an eyebrow.
"... can I swim in it?"
"What do you think?"
"Oh, my God!" I squeal happily. "I'll be right back!" I run past him and into the TARDIS.
Getting to my room, I see that the TARDIS had already gotten an outfit for me and I grin widely, "thanks, girl!" I look up at the ceiling and she hums in reply.
I hurry to get ready, putting my necklace and new ring into my jewelry box so I don't lose them. I run from my room and beat on Rose's bedroom door repeatedly. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" she shouts before the door opens. "Going swimming?" she smirks, taking in my bikini.
"Oh, my God, Rose! You'll never believe it! The Doctor's given me the best birthday present ever! Outside the TARDIS is the most beautiful beach I've ever seen and the water tastes like cotton candy! Actual cotton candy! It's so amazing, he's the absolute best! Do you want to come swim with me?" I squeal all in one breath, bouncing up and down excitedly.
"Ok, first of all: breathe, Lizzie," Rose laughs, putting her hands on my shoulders to stop my bouncing and I take a few deep breaths. "Second: I know cause he told me a while back he was planning on bringing you here for your birthday-"
"Co-conspirators!" I accuse jokingly.
"Third," she laughs, squeezing my shoulders. "No, I don't want to get all sticky," she puts a hand over my mouth when I go to protest. "This is your present, not mine. Go on, enjoy it," she turns me around and starts to push me down the corridor. "Go spend some alone time with your Doctor," she smirks.
"... ok," I nod, giving her a quick hug before running off.
I step back outside and smirk to myself when I see the Doctor staring out at the ocean, completely oblivious to me being back. I sneak up behind him and jump on his back, making him yelp in surprise. "I'm back!" I giggle, wrapping my arms and legs around him.
"I can see that," he laughs, putting his hands under my thighs to hold me up.
I bite my lip when his hands grip bare skin and hurriedly get off, "so!" I clap my hands. "I'm going to go swim in the cotton candy ocean! Are you just gonna stand there and watch me like a creep?"
The Doctor turns to me with an offended expression, "I am not a creep, I'm-" he cuts himself off as his eyes trail over my body slowly, making me blush as I shift on my feet. "Wow..." he breathes out, swallowing hard. "You... wow..."
"Heh... y-yeah... so... l-later!" I squeak, running over to the water.
I slide my cover off and kick my sandals off on the way before jumping into the water. I shriek, "it's bloody cold!" at the temperature change, wrapping my arms around my self.
I take a deep breath and go underwater, swimming around a bit to get used to the water. When I come back up, I look to the beach and frown at the obvious lack of Doctor. I shrug and lay on my back to float, watching the nebula over me... his loss. After a few minutes, I feel arms go under my back and knees. I scream as I'm lifted and thrown. My scream is cut off when I hit the water. I get my bearings and then stand up, glaring at the Doctor. He was bent over, laughing hysterically and I huff, "you bastard! That was not..." I trail off when he straightens.
The Doctor was wearing only a pair of brown swim trunks and my eyes widen as I take in his bare torso. I'd always known how thin he is in this body, but I didn't expect him to be so... toned. It must be all the running we do. I bite my bottom lip, taking in the spattering of hair across his chest and the line of hair that leads down- nope! My eyes snap up to the Doctor and I squeak when I see him staring at me with a smirk and raised eyebrow. "See something you like, sweetheart?" he asks innocently.
I squeak again and turn, diving into the water. I come back up to him laughing and I narrow my eyes, splashing water at him. The Doctor gasps and I smirk, "water war!" I shout, splashing him again.
"Oh, tiny, you're on!" the Doctor laughs.
I flop down on the sand, staring up at the sky and breathing in the sugary scent of the sand. The Doctor and I had spent hours swimming around, splashing each other, him throwing me in the water, and just having fun. I couldn't throw him in the water, but at one point I had snuck up behind him and jumped on him, taking us both down. The Doctor flops down beside and pulls me to him, rolling us over. "Doctor!" I squeal as he continues to roll us and we end up with me straddling him, making my face burn.
"Happy Birthday, Lizzie," he beams, flipping us over again so he was hovering above me and kissing my forehead. "Mm, you taste like sugar," he pulls back with a wide grin.
I giggle with a bright red face as he kisses my forehead again, then both cheeks, my nose, my chin, and finally my lips. I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck loosely. "Thank you, Doctor," I beam up at him when I pull away, messing with his soaked hair. "This was amazing, the best birthday present I've ever gotten," I lean up to kiss his cheek and smile at the taste. "You're sweet," I giggle.
"Sweet? I'm not sweet," he shakes his head with a grimace.
"Yes, you are! Undeniably sweet!" I smirk and lick his cheek.
"Elizabeth Mae Tyler!" he gapes at me. "Did you just lick me!?" he asks, his lips twitching up.
"Yep!" I laugh, licking his other cheek.
I hook my leg around him and wiggle my eyebrows before flipping us over. I lean down, pressing my lips against his and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I smirk against his lips, slipping my tongue past them and deepening the kiss. The Doctor groans and pulls me even tighter against him. I pull away, making him pout but he shudders under me when I lick up his throat, loosening his hold. "See ya," I whisper in his ear and hop up off him before he could react, running to the TARDIS.
"Oi, I wasn't done with you!" the Doctor scrambles to his feet to chase after me.
"I regret nothing!" I call over my shoulder, pushing myself faster. "You want to kiss me, you've got to- ah!" I squeak when I'm suddenly lifted and shoved up against one of the console room walls and I quickly wrap my legs around the Doctor's waist so I don't fall.
"What? Catch you?" the Doctor smirks down at me, gripping my hips. "Well... gotcha," he leans down, pressing a kiss to below my ear and trailing his lips down and across my jawline. "I've been holding myself back and have a lot of catching up to do," he pulls away, grinning down at me.
"I'm certainly not going to complain about that," I beam up at him, giggling when he kisses me over and over and over again.
A/N: aren't the Doctor and Lizzie a couple of cuties!? Next chapter will be Blink! Thanks for reading and let me know what you think by dropping a comment or vote! :*
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