First Name:Maruto
Last Name:Hirmada
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Blue
Nickname:Mark,Forever Red,Spectacular Sixth
Alias:Red Ranger,the last male Ranger, Sixth Ranger.
Personality:Kind,Caring,Heroic,Cocky at times,Serious at times,a jokester,a big brother at times,naive at times, loyal,hateful,loner.
Likes:Being a Ranger,protecting the innocent,protecting his new home,his girlfriend Naomi,his friend at Union academy,Zordon,and more.
Dislikes:His and Naomi's bullies(until they are forgiven),the rest of Union (until they are forgiven),Villains,Lord Drakkon(for now),Ranger Sentries, remembering what happened to earth more.
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced reaction time
Enhanced Senses
Master Marksman
Superior Swordsman
High Intelligence
Healing Factor
Future Vision
Master at hand to hand combat
Amazing Leadership skills
Perfect Tatical Genius
Superior adoption
All the abilities of the red and sixth/extra rangers to name some.
Spirit of the Tiger(Jungle fury/GekiRanger)
Phoenix Fire Magic(Mystic Force/MagiRanger)
Fire element(Samurai/Shinkenger)
Power of Air(Ninja Storm/Hurricanger)
Transferring Rangers powers of a limited time
Make Ranger Clones
And More
Primarily Red Ranger form
Armor Mode
Main Weapon
Name:Power Sword
Name:Lord Drakkon
Main Girlfriend/Bio part 2
First Name:Naomi
Last Name:Shinji
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Purple
Age:16(younger then Maruto)
Nickname:Nene,power of pink,love.
Alias:Pink ranger,the last female ranger,yellow ranger
Personality:Kind,Caring,Heroic,Cocky at times,Serious at times,a jokester,a big/little sister at times,naive at times, loyal,Clingy to Maruto.
Likes:Being a Ranger,protecting the innocent,protecting his new home,her boyfriend Maruto,her friend at Union academy,Zordon,and more.
Dislikes:Her and Maruto bullies(until they are forgiven),the rest of Union (until they are forgiven),Villains,The Ranger slayer(For now),Ranger Sentries, remembering what happened to earth more.
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced reaction time
Enhanced Senses
Master Marksman
Superior Swordsman
High Intelligence
Healing Factor
Future Vision
Master at hand to hand combat
Perfect Tatical Genius
Superior adoption
All the abilities of the female rangers to name some.
Spirit of the Cheetah(Jungle fury/GekiRanger)
Sprot air and Mermaid water Magic(Mystic Force/MagiRanger)
Fire and air element(Samurai/Shinkenger)
Power of Water (Ninja Storm/Hurricanger)
Transferring Rangers powers of a limited time
Make Ranger Clones
And More
Primarily Ranger form
Armor Mode
Main Weapon
Name:Power Bow
Name:Ranger Slayer
Other Weapons
Name:Power Lance
Name:Power Daggers.
Name:Power Axe
Main Zords
First:Red Tyrannosaurus Zord
Second:Black Mastodon Zord
Third:Blue Triceratops Zord
Fourth:Yellow Saber Tooth Tiger Zord
Fifth:Pink Pterodactyl Zord
Main MegaZord
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