Chapter 5
(Tony P.O.V)
"Hey Tony, where ya off to?" Bruce called.
Tony checked his watch. "Appointment."
"Yeah? What kind?" Rhodey asked.
"Just another conference," mumbled Tony.
"Is Pepper going?" Nat called, obviously sensing something was up.
Tony gave an exasperated sigh. "I'm going on a date, okay? Why are you so nosy?"
"Oh, really? Who's the lucky lady?" Jarvis asked suddenly.
Tony made a mental note to go over Jarvis' programming and make him less nosy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Mostly to find out if Steve was using the Tinder app Tony downloaded for him (which he didn't, because he tried it once and got so many responses the app crashed) or if Clint was still climbing around in the vents and stealing Thor's poptarts (yes) or if Nat was eating all of Bucky's plums again (yes, which in Tony's opinion was the worst idea on Earth). But now it was just plain annoying.
"Ohhhhh, I know!" Rhodey exclaimed, "It's Avila, isn't it?"
"Who's Avila?" Steve asked.
"Ohhhh, is she that Asian chick you were dancing with at the party?" Bucky said.
"Yes, that's Avila," Tony mumbled.
The others whistled and cheered. Tony rolled his eyes.
"Good luck!" Wanda grinned at him.
Clint wolf-whistled until Nat elbowed him into a wall. Steve nodded awkwardly and Rhodey nudged him.
"Okay, okay, thanks guys, but can I go now?" Tony groaned, edging towards the door.
He bolted from the room as his friends called their last "good luck!"s.
Tony walked up to the front gates. Hi Avila, you look beautiful tonight, he rehearsed in his head. Hi Avila, you look beautiful tonight. Ready for my surprise date? He identified himself in front of the camera and the gates opened. He walked in. Hi Avila, you look beautiful tonight. Ready for my surprise date? He knocked on the front door. Hi Avila, you look beautiful tonight. Ready for my surprise date?
Avila answered the door. She was wearing an amazing crimson summer dress and sandals. Tony's carefully rehearsed speech flew out of his ears.
"Hey," she said, smiling at him.
"Hey, Avila." Tony replied, fighting down panic. "You look great."
"Thanks." She stepped out of the house, closing the door behind her. "Where are we going?"
"Ah, that's a surprise," Tony answered, regaining composure and ushering her to the car.
(Avila P.O.V)
Avila answered the door, heart pounding. Tony was waiting there, grinning at her.
"Hey," Avila said casually.
"Hey, Avila," he answered, "you look great."
Avila admired how calm he sounded. "Thanks. Where are we going?"
"Ah, that's a surprise," he replied, taking her hand and showing her to the limo.
They drove in silence. Avila wondered where he was taking her. A fancy restaurant, maybe? Suddenly she saw a huge building looming in front of her, a big, flashy, A emblazoned on it.
"Is that the Avengers Mansion?" She breathed.
Tony nodded. "But that's not where we're going."
He parked the car and they got out. He led her behind the building and down a narrow trail through the forest behind the mansion. A moment later they appeared on a beautiful beach.
The sand was golden, and behind them were forest-covered cliffs where the trail had led down. The gray-blue water lapped gently at the sand.
"There's no one here," stammered Avila, hardly able to believe it.
"It's the Avengers private beach," explained Tony, "but none of them are here now."
Avila wandered down the beach, Tony beside her, holding her hand. Suddenly she spotted a picnic table with a candle on it, set with a delicious dinner. She gasped.
"Oh, Tony!" She turned to him, gaping. "That's—that's so sweet! Thank you so much!"
"That was Pepper's idea, actually," Tony admitted, "I had no idea where to take you and she had some suggestions."
"Well, thank her for me," said Avila, "this is amazing!"
Tony escorted her to her seat, like the gentleman he was, and sat opposite her. It was the best dinner Avila had ever eaten. The location, the food, the company...everything was perfect. After they had finished, they strolled up and down the beach, chatting. It was perfect.
Yep, two chapters in like five minutes! I'm copying and pasting from Microsoft Word where I write my stories lol. They're both short, but hey, length doesn't matter, does it?
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