Chapter 4
"Hey, Avie, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping today—"
Carol blinked in surprise at Avila, who was sat topless on her bed wildly sifting through her closet.
Avila snatched up a long red dress. "This is too fancy!" Then she held up a shirt and jeans. "And this is too casual!" She threw both outfits down with a wail. "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAAAAR!"
Carol smiled, bemused. Avila never cared much about what she wore at home. "Okay, okay, calm down and let's go!"
"Nope. Nope. Nope. Not this one." Avila rummaged through the clothing racks frustratedly. She needed to wear something stylish and expensive if she wanted to impress Tony.
On the other side of the store, Carol was trying on some shoes, posing at the mirror enthusiastically. Avila walked up to a shop attendant.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for something for a first date." Was it a date?
The shop attendant's face lit up. "Looking for anything in particular?"
"Something stylish and expensive. He has very good taste."
"I can tell," replied the shop attendant, whose name tag read "Anna", grinning.
Anna eyed the clothing racks. "Where are you gonna go?"
"He didn't say."
Anna nodded. "Well, how about this?" She held up a tight, bright pink dress.
Avila backed away, horrified. "Not really my colour."
Anna nodded again. "Thought so. Try this."
She held up a crimson summer dress. It had short sleeves and looked perfect—breezy but elegant.
"I love this." Avila stroked the skirts happily.
"I knew you would!" Anna clapped her hands gleefully.
Avila put on some white sandals and danced around the bedroom in her dress. She decided to let her hair down, with a dark red clip to keep any from falling into her eyes. Makeup? Nah, she didn't like makeup.
"Lookin' nice."
"Heyyyyyyy, Carol!" Avila laughed, spinning around joyfully.
"Soooo, you've got your new dress, and I've got my new shoes, how 'bout we go clubbing?"
Avila's phone pinged. It was from Tony.
Be there soon! ❤️
Avila's breath quickened at the sight of the emoji. "Sorry, Carol. I'm busy."
"With what?" Carol raised an eyebrow.
"Got a date."
"Oooooooh!" Carol winked. "With Tonyyyyyy?"
"Yes." Avila replied, trying to stop herself from blushing and failing miserably.
"Oooooooh!" Carol exclaimed, "well, I'll be going clubbing, and I'll make sure not to be back until noon, don't worry!"
Avila rolled her eyes. "I don't think we'll go that far."
"But if you do, it can't be at the Avengers Mansion 'coz Steve gets up at like 6am for his run so people are gonna be awake when you leave and there'll be questions," Carol said, grinning.
A car engine sounded outside.
"That's him. Gotta go. Seeya Carol." Avila dodged around her and hurried to the front door.
Yup, short chapter!
Anyway, everyone who read this, thanks for spending your precious time to do so, I appreciate it so much. Merry Christmas y'all!
P.S about the picture, that is (obviously) not what Avila looks like, but that is pretty much what her dress looks like. Ok thats all I'm done ranting now! Bye y'all!
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