Chapter 4
I feel my body but warm and a very light breath
I open my eyes
It was Lloyd but when did he get here? !!
Ah yes I just remember
I couldn't move much because he was hugging me
Hm lloyd * I squeeze your cheeks *
Lloyd - hmm what not ~ lloyd wants to sleep but a little * says slow solo *
Then my god, cuteness
Come on lloyd you gotta rope i need to get out of bed
Lloyd opens his eyes And let me go And turns around
Lloyd - ready now let lloyd sleep!"say angry"
Hey none of this let's get up!
Lloyd - no ~
I sigh and roll my eyes
I start shaking it
Lloyd turns to me and grabs my arm and hugs him
Lloyd! Let go of my arm !!
Lloyd - but he is so warm ~ ..
to god why did he have to be so cute?! ..
Lloyd laugh - Okay, I raise teddy bear ..
Little Bear? He just called me Little Bear..ok ..
Little Bear?|I ask|
Lloyd - Yes ~ you are my Little bear~
I blush a little bit I'm not blushing! i cant him and just a child! Ok Calm down Kai
"Lloyd lets go of my arm and sits down "
He yawns her god he is so cute
Lloyd - ready lloyd is ready to get up
Ok let's go | I get up from the bed and pick up Lloyd and put him on the floor
"Skips time in the Kitchen"
Nya was cooking eggs
Nya - and then lloyd how did you sleep?
Lloyd - well first Lloyd had a nightmare and then Lloyd went to sleep with My little bear! I the nightmares were gone now lloyd wants to sleep only with Little Bear !!
I choke on the water I was drinking
Nya laugh - Little Bear? So you are doing well now
Yes, until he is a nice guy
Lloyd smile
Nya turns off the heat and takes a plate and puts the egg on the plate and hands it to Lloyd and takes a spoon
Nya - very lloyd and very simple to eat with a spoon ok i will teach you
Lloyd - ok ~
Cole goes down the stairs - good morning guys
Good morning Cole
Cole sits next to Lloyd
Lloyd - good morning!
Cole - look it looks like someone is very excited here *Mess up Lloyd's hair *
The kitchen and this one
Nya - right back to class you get the spoon
Lloyd takes the spoon and keeps looking at Nya's movement
Nya - stick her in the food like that
Lloyd does the same
Nya - and the hottest part puts it in your mouth
Lloyd puts the spoon in his mouth
lloyd - hmmm "swallows" delicious Naked
Nya - wow you learn fast
Cole - look finally started eating with a spoon
Nya - and even I was already forgetting Sensei is waiting for you outside for training
Lloyd - Training?
Nya - well how can I explain to you and like a Just kidding and a very aggressive Just kidding
Lloyd - Aggressive !!
Lloyd look directly at me he had tears in his eyes
Nya - II said something I shouldn't have! ??
Lloyd - Lloyd doesn't want his Little Bear to hurt him!
Cole - Little Bear? seriously "laugh"
What's so funny Cole * folds his arms *
Cole - nothing just thought it was cute well I go to training "get up" until Little Bear "laughs"
I roll my eyes
Nya - relax Kai are just idiots
Yes I know ..
Lloyd - Lloyd doesn't want to
What lloyd?
Lloyd - Lloyd doesn't want you to get hurt!
Nya - how cute is he worried
Is he worried about me? I think I took your trust ...
*I walk to your side*
Lloyd I have to go
Lloyd - because you have to go
I have to protect ninjago and people
Lloyd - Ok lloyd understands but if you get hurt Lloyd will be very angry!
I laugh - ok ok I won't get hurt
Lloyd POV
I don't want anyone to hurt my Teddy bear but if he insists ...
"he gets up and leaves the kitchen leaving me and Nya alone"
Nya I can at least see them I just want to make sure he won't get hurt "I insist to her"
Nya - ok ok but will you behave?
Yes yes I promise!
Nya - ok so let's go
I get out of the chair Nya takes my hand and takes me out
they were wearing strange clothes
Nya why are they wearing like that?
Nya sits next to me and speaks
And training clothes server to hurt less
Hmm I understand "look back at them"
Wu - well let's start training It would be Kai against Cole Jay against Zane
and so the training started Kai created flames
Those flames
A castle on fire tears starts to form on my face
End off fleshback •
I was looking at the ninjas until I felt something trembling on my side I look it was lloyd I was crying it looked scared I took your hand
I squeeze - lloyd hey friend is everything okay?
Lloyd blinks three times fast and looks at me and his tears come down
Lloyd - hmm what happened?
Well you were paralyzed because it started shaking and you started crying
Lloyd clean your eyes
Lloyd - hhm "duck your head"
lloyd Want come in Nya
Lloyd is weird ok so small let's go
I get up I take lloyd's hand and take him back inside
Lloyd was so quiet out of the blue
Skips time after ninja training
The ninjas come in tired
I'm dead "says Jay sitting on the couch"
Cole - yes it looks like I caught but heavy with us
Kai - well we are ninjas we have to be prepared for everything
Lloyd was sitting on the floor drawing I handed him a paper and pencil it looks like he loved it
Cole - Sure Teddy bear "laugh"
Jay - Teddy bear?
That was the nickname that Lloyd gave Kai
Jay - oh how cute
Lloyd POV
And very good drawing I really loved it I liked it so much that I didn't even realize
Kai - cute lloyd drawing
Kai mine gave a fright
I liked it so much that I didn't even realize that Kai was on my side
Kai - I'm sorry lloyd didn't mean to scare you
Lloyd was so deft drawing well forget it look!
I take my drawing and monster to lloyd
(The art is not mine I just edited it like I put the blanket and lloyd like Oni and the pillows and the red in the background )
Kai - O-O the god
Nya - what was Kai?
I show it to Nya
Nya - how cute and to use her age and her first time drawing it and it looks really good!
Jay - I want to see it too
I turn my drawing to the rest of the people
Cole - I'm speechless ..
Jay - How a boy your age draws just like you!
Cole - but why are you sleeping with Kai?
Well yesterday lloyd had nightmares so lloyd decided to sleep with Kai so lloyd drew this * smile *
TIC TOC (Doorbell rings)
Nya - THIS IS GOING "Scream" Kai and it is certainly Skylor tries to hide Lloyd
Kai - Ok Jay take lloyd to your room and Cole where is Zane?
Cole - Zane went out with sensei maybe they went to the market
Jay - come Lloyd
I grab my drawing quickly Jay take my hand up the stairs
Jay what's going on?
Jay - no and nothing Lloyd comes in
Jay opens the bedroom door and I enter and then Jay and he also closes the door
Jay's room was really cool
Jay - so what would lloyd do?
I was looking around that I didn't even notice what Jay said
Jay - lloyd?
Hmm god blame Jay lloyd was thinking "smile"
Jay laugh a little but soft
I sit on the furry carpet it's so warm and soft I lie on the carpet
So good ~ "mumble"
Jay laugh at Lloyd's reaction to the carpet
• With Kai • Kai POV•
I was sitting on the couch Mechendo on my phone Cole is in the kitchen Nya went to meet Skylor
Skylor - hi love how are you
I look at Skylor "yes baby I'm fine and you?"
Skylor - and boredom without you "sitting next to me"
Yes but what are you doing here?
Skylor - What am I doing here? I'm your girlfriend, I can come here! Or is it hiding something?! ..
-Skylor has always been very jealous-
What would I be hiding from you baby?
Skylor - I don't know but wait don't move
Skylor pulls something from me
Skylor - Kai what is that blonde hair
Well-well I can explain and that-
Skylor - of course it is! So Explain that hair that I know there is no one here with Blond hair
Well there's Zane
Skylor - Zane's hair is white!
Sure of that?
Skylor - YES! But if it were, I would recognize "take a deep breath" Let's go to your room I want to make sure of this
"I roll my eyes" ok Let's go
Skylor and I go to my room I stayed at the door while Skylor investigated my room
God "I cross my arms"
Skylor - Kai because there is but a strand of blond hair in Thread In Hair
"I swallow a dry one"
I already said I don't know what you're talking about Skylor
Skylor - You cheating on me and you don't want to say you want to know! I'm leaving!!
Skylor passed my bedroom door but stopped in the middle of the hall
Skylor - Kai where is Zane Cole and Jay
Well Jay is in his room and Cole is in the kitchen. Zane left with Wu because
Skylor turned and looked at me - there really isn't but anyone here?
Skylor turns around he goes to Jay's door
"Skylor what are you doing? "I was getting more tense because lloyd was in Jay's room and if she finds out about Lloyd this is going to be a problem!
Skylor Kick the door
Skylor - BUT WHAT-
I was getting very worried about Kai Skylor and very jealous if she sees anything she already thinks Kai is cheating she wanted to know what Kai found in her
Lloyd - Jay what's going on I'm hearing screams
tears form in your eyes
Damn he will cry !! Now I don't know how to take care of Children, much less Oni !!!
I squat down to stay the size of Lloyd
No and nothing too small will be okay
Lloyd hugs me I am surprised by the hug from nowhere but I return the hug
I start to hear sounds coming from the door I open lloyd but strong
Lloyd - Jay Lloyd is scared
I know I know
The door opens strong it was Skylor she had kicking the door
Skylor - BUT WHAT-
Lloyd couldn't stop crying
Skylor regaled his eyes as he looked at Lloyd and then a disgusted face
Skylor - but what is this freak!
Kai -HE IS NOT A Freak !!
Skylor - he's blond like the hair on his bed
Skylor started to approach
Skylor - Jay give me that Freak
POV Reader
Skylor gets more nervous and punches Jay in the face throwing him back Kai goes to try to help Jay but Skylor pushes him back and she catches Lloyd by the neck and lifts him Lloyd couldn't stop crying And he also choked because Skylor was hanging him
Nya and Cole Get there fast Cole pulls Skylor by the hair Skylor lets go of Lloyd and Cole throw Skylor back
Nya runs over to Lloyd and the Lloyd hug was out of breath
Cole slaps Da Skylor in the face
Skylor - you will get it!
Skylor runs away
Nya - my Lloyd are you okay my god
Lloyd Pena shook his head negative and kept crying
Cole goes to Jay
Cole - Hey Jay is everything okay !? Did she hurt you ?!
Jay - I'm fine Cole Skylor is crazy
Kai gets up and goes to lloyd and hugs him
Kai - I'm sorry Lloyd was my fault
Lloyd just keeps crying
• With Skylor •
Skylor takes out his cell phone and calls an unknown number
?? - hello what can i help?
Skylor - remembers those creatures called Oni
?? - But of course I remember but because the question?
Skylor - I just found one
Skylor smirking
Well that was the chapter it was the first chapter I got to 2 thousand TwT words well thanks who read this far until the next chapter
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