Chapter 29- The New Form
People!! I'm sorry for the delay in updating my Last Oni!!, I would really like to update this story more often, but I also have to translate the chapters of this story In Portuguese and Spanish
And my other books, sorry about that!!
And sorry if I'm forgetting something, it's just that I forgot some things from the book, but don't worry I remember where I left off
I'm really sorry!!!
i'm surprised to see several blue dots approaching and fast "apparently we don't have time until they arrive" my hand moves over my forehead "what are we going to do?"
What do I do?! No time, These scorpions are very strong! We didn't even manage to win against one, Imagine several!? And also Lloyd is not fully recovered
I let out a long breath, I feel Lloyd get up "Lloyd?" he looks at me and looks away
"They're here" I mutter, I quickly look at the tracker and we really are surrounded "Lloyd I-" he puts his finger in my mouth to silence me
"don't worry, Little Bear" he mumbles and kisses my forehead and walks away and walks out the door "It won't...." I mumble
"Dude wanted some popcorn to watch this novel" I'm surprised that nothing came out of Cole's mouth and I start to blush "oh be quiet!" I murmur
And I get up and leave my room "Aah!" I see akita scream, I quickly run down the stairs
At where? I quickly run to the kitchen and see a more purple scorpion on top of akita "AKITA!" I scream the scorpion look at me
Lloyd quickly walks past me and jumps on top of the Scorpion, the Scorpion screams I look back and see more scorpions
Akita quickly runs and hugs me "Akita where are the others!?" She looks at me with tearful eyes "They're out there fighting the other scorpions"
I grit my teeth, and make flames in my hands "Hey you idiots" the scorpions look away and Cole throws their couch "Ahh Cole the couch no!" I scream
"it was the only weapon that was around" says Cole while laughing,
"I liked that couch!" Akita whimpers, I look away and see Lloyd grabbing the scorpion's stinger and pulling it out and the blue blood flying away as the scorpion screams in agonizing pain
Blue blood flew and the scorpion screamed in pain, Lloyd drove the scorpion's stinger into the scorpion, killing it completely.
"Lloyd!" He looks at me with his red eyes, and turns his head and runs to the door "hey wait!" I grit my teeth and turn to Akita "Akita here take this phone and call Yumi"Speak as I hand her the cell phone
"I'll give it a try" she mutters "okay, go upstairs it's safer than here!" I scream she nods positive and run away
"let's strangle those scorpions!!" Says Cole I smile "let's go!" I speak running to the exit
"agh! you bastard!" yelled Nya as she throws a sword at the head of a scorpion, screams her in agony and is frozen by Zane
And Lloyd broke the ice breaking the creature to pieces "oh~ didn't know the ninjas were involved in this" says a girl in a black hood coming out of the trees
"Who are you!?" I scream, she smiles "My name is Asly, a hunter and I came looking for the number 007 and 018" It was obvious that she is talking about Lloyd and Akita
"I never-" I'm interrupted by Lloyd trimming in front of me looking at the girl she laughs
"I'm surprised I didn't think you would recognize the smell from this distance" she says taking something from her belt, it was a necklace with an emerald and another around the emerald
Recognize? I look at Lloyd he couldn't take his eyes off that necklace Asly was holding
"m...m...mum" I'm surprised to hear him whisper "oh~ so the young oni remembers his mommy" she shadows and then lets out a mocking laugh
POV reader•
terrifying memories run through Lloyd's mind, Lloyd took a step back as scenes of destruction
"No..." He muttered and stayed Ashley blocking his memories, he closed his hand and quickly ran to attack Asly but she dodged, making Lloyd punch the tree
The tree snapped in half upon receiving gravity and Lloyd's brute closes, Asly is terrified to see such force
"Lloyd..." Murmur Kai seeing such a scene, Lloyd remains silent and head bows "I'm going to kill you..." I growled as he glares at her with his red eyes glowing with hatred
"a-Attack!!" screamed the girl crawling back, three more scorpions
Lloyd is exploding wildly with anger at this point, Lloyd's tattoos start to glow brightly as a green aura surrounds his body. Green flames spill over his straight horn and tail.
a scorpion jumps on Lloyd, more Lloyd held him in the air and Lloyd's flames engulfed the scorpion turning him to gray dust
The other two scorpions run away "Hey wait! Where do you guys think you're going?!" yelled Asly, drawing Lloyd's attention
Lloyd started walking towards Asly, Asly was transfixed "what the hell are you" she whisper, green flames spill from Lloyd's hand as he approaches
"LLOYD STOP!" Kai yelled grabbing him from behind "PLEASE STOP IT IS ENOUGH!!" Lloyd growled and began to move brutally in an attempt to get Kai to free him.
"I have to kill! Kill, kill! Release me, AGH AHH!" growled Lloyd "Lloyd please, you're not like that! Lloyd" yelled Kai trying to hold him back
"aghh!!" Lloyd continues to struggle, Asly sees it seize and runs off "Ahh no!" shouted Lloyd
Lloyd Grabs Kai's arm and hurls him against the tree, knocking him unconscious "Lloyd..." His last words before fainting
Seeing Lloyd felt a great pain in his heart, it only angered him further by increasing his flames, and he let out a loud scream as he tightened his hair.
"On here!" Shouted the voice and an iron net was thrown at Lloyd, Lloyd Fought furiously to get rid of the net "Aghh!!"
Two arms wraps Lloyd from behind "Relax buddy" says Felix, But Lloyd keeps trying to get free "I don't seem to have any other option" says Felix pulling a needle from his pocket
"Let go of me!" Lloyd yelled, Felix gritted his teeth and stuck the needle in Lloyd's shoulder.
The purple liquid from the needle starts to calm Lloyd down, "Little.. Bear...." was her last word before falling into a deep sleep
"Ah Kai!" Shouted Nya seeing her brother passed out "Damn, we're late" says Yumi approaching
"Yumi there's no time we have to take them with us" said Felix slowly putting Lloyd on the ground, Yumi sighs "right"
"Nya where are the others?" Yumi asks turning to Nya "they're fighting the last scorpion" says Nya looking at Yumi "ok, Felix take Lloyd Kai and Nya to the ship, I'll go after the others"
"right!" said Felix raising the unconscious oni, a big blue ship begins to land
(people I had to put the small photo because the big one wasn't coming, sorry)
The ship lands and the mouth opens "Felix!" yelled Sora running towards Felix "oh no Lloyd" she says seeing the young oni, unconscious
"So what are you doing here!?" yelled Yumi approaching "I was kind of hiding in the ship~" says she looks away
Yumi lets out an angry sigh "But that doesn't matter they're my friends too and I'm here to help!" Says Sora firmly in his tone
"If it's like that, then take Kai and Nya inside I'll go after Akita" Sora raises an eyebrow "Akita?" she says confused
"Then we talk, we have to go fast!" yelled Yumi walking away "Ok!!!" screamed sora
"Folks!" Yumi yelled to the other ninjas "Yumi what are you doing here!?" Jay shouted when he saw Yumi "we are here to help, but for now we have to retreat! There are a lot more scorpions coming than these!"
"Yumi!!" Yumi turns to see and see Akita stop by the door "Akita HEY!" Akita smiled and ran and hugged Yumi
"Ninja have to go!" She yelled once more "We heard!" Cole yelled back, Zane froze the other Scorpions "Come on!" Yumi nods positively
"follow me!" yelled Yumi running so the ninjas run right behind Yumi
Yumi runs into the blue ship's mouth and the ship's mouth closes, and the ship begins to float and fly away at high speed
Yumi POV•
I sit on the metal floor of the ship as I take a panting breath "Is everything alright?" I talk while lifting my head
"Yes, that was close" says the robotic voice of Zane "yes we almost became scorpion lunch" says Jay trying to catch his breath
"and where is Kai and Lloyd and Nya?" Cole asks, "Lloyd and Kai are unconscious but being taken care of" Fala sora appearing with Nya beside her
Akita and Sora face each other "who is she" the two talk together, I let out a laugh "Well Sora and this is Akita and Akita this is Sora"
"So why don't you take Akita to her room on the ship, I'll take the Ninjas to rest too" she smiles "right, let's go Akita?" Sora asks while holding out his hand
Akita gives a shy smile and nods and takes Sora's hand, Sora smile and leave taking Akita
"Yumi I can decipher the code " Says Pixel approaching "finally good news" says Nya crossing her arms
"It turned out that this was a code for a location, we were able to decipher the code reaching the conclusion that"
"the location is from the ancient island of the Onis" I'm surprised "are you talking about the one where the war happened?" I ask still surprised
"exactly" I cross my arms as I get thoughtful "this guy really has an addiction to Oni" says Cole laughing
"and lunatic to experiment with what creatures pounds" I talking looking at them
"I still wonder what happened to Lloyd in there" say Jay, looking away while ducking his head "unfortunately I just work as a tech helper there, I'm not allowed to see any experimental creatures"
"And how did you know about the great Scorpioes?" Zane asks, I smile "I'm not the only spy hired there" they look at me in surprise
"so there are more spies?" Cole asks surprised, I shake my head positive "we are a team of 3 inclusive Sora is a member of the team"
"a child is a spy??!" Jay screams "the younger the more disguised" I say conveying pride "Please don't tell me the third member is a baby" muttered Jay laughing a little
"Hmm no, but she is a great scientist"
"ok wait and group of three girls" I laugh at Jay's comment "liked" says Nya Smiling
"want to be part?" I ask while raising an eyebrow "No, I'd rather remain a ninja" I laugh "right alright" I say in agreement
An Alarm sound is activated on the ship "What is this?" Jay asks quickly hiding behind Cole "we're getting to base let's go!" I call them
And I drive them to the control room, and a big vision screen showing everyone outside
We passed a big tree, And going straight to a waterfall and the waters open and A big secret gate opens and we enter
"a passage secret inside a waterfall?!" Jay screams and I laugh "yes this is one of our bases, I doubt the Mystery Man will find us here"
"Pixel why don't you take the ninjas to the dorms" she looks at me "I'll do it right now"
"tomorrow I need to take Lloyd to room V" they look at me confused "DNAV room, known as the DNA Verification Room"
"But why does Lloyd need to make him go to that room?" Asks Cole stepping forward "I believe your friend ended up activating a new form"
"A new way?" they mumble at the same time, I shake my head positive "Nya do you have the book?"
"Since I took it, I have never let go" she says taking the book out of her bag, and handing me the book
I open it and start vascular the sheets "here!" I mumble finding
--Oni Pyrus
Also known as fire Oni, unlike the others its left and larger horn and contains flames and is one of the elemental Oni
Just like the tip of his tail can catch on fire depending on how angry he is
They hide in caves near volcanoes, when they see a caution they are incredibly aggressive
In addition to being able to burn your enemy to the point of turning to dust
"they are identical!" They look at me confused "What?" I smile and look at them "Well when Lloyd freaked out-" "Wait Lloyd freaked out!?" yelled jay
I sigh "you probably didn't notice because he was a little distant, but Lloyd got more out of control in a different way"
"how so different?" Zane raises an eyebrow I shake my head positively "Different from the fire-like type" I say turning the book so they can see the photo
"so~ Lloyd is a Pyro?" Says Nya confused, "more or less~ when he went into an unconscious state he went to the original form" I speak as I hand the book back to her
That jabber Jay is ready to yell until Cole covers his mouth with his hand "I assume Lloyd is of some sort who can not only shift shape but shift elements"
"you don't know anything about any species that have this ability?" I shake my head in the negative "unfortunately not, but it just made the search easier"
"But I still need to ask some questions when Kai wakes up"
"Now that I realize where's Kai??" Jay said looking around
"of all the things in this world, will you just notice that my brother isn't with us right now??" Jay looks away "what can I do since he met Lloyd he's been completely different"
"Oh that Jay is right, Kai has changed a lot since he started hooking up with Lloyd"
Nya laugh "yes for the first time i saw that hot head be so calm and patient" river talking "talking like that it looks like he was a bomb"
"Bomb? my friend he was more than a bomb" chuckled Jay making me laugh along with the imagination "right right else where is he?" speaks Cole seriously
I sigh "well Lloyd kind of... attacked Kai" they look at me surprised "no he wouldn't..." mumbles Nya
"yes... And Kai ended up being unconscious..." Everyone was quiet at this point "well~ at least I wasn't the one who was unconscious this time" says Jay trying to lighten the mood
"Jay it's not time" says Cole, Jay looks down "Well I guess I better take them now" says Pixel
"yes.. let's go" says Nya leaving "Nya" she stops and looks at me "when Kai wakes up I'll let you know" she smiles and nods his head
So follow pixel out of the ship with the boys
I sigh, They almost managed to get Lloyd again... We should be a lot more cautious now
"I need to talk to Kai" I mumble as I walk towards the door
It's all dark "where am I-" my voice echoed in the dark "teddy bear?" I turn around and see Lloyd as a child
"Lloyd" I mumble he started running "hey wait!" I yell running after him "Lloyd!!" But he was running too fast
I tried to follow him more the more I tried to run after him, don't move "Lloyd HEY!!!" It starts to disappear from my sight "wait!"
"Wait!!" I quickly open my eyes and sit down "where do I.." I mumble as I take a panting breath and my face is all sweaty
I look around "I'm not in my room..." I mumble and look to the side and see Lloyd "Lloyd" I quickly get up and walk over to him
"Lloyd hey wake up" I mumble as I shake him but he doesn't respond "Lloyd..."
"I don't think it's a good time to wake him up" I quickly turn around and see Yumi standing at the door, I breathe a sigh of relief
"Yumi... Where were we?" She approaching "we're in the Sea blue for now"
"Sea blue?" I mumble "yes, Sea Blue is the name of our half-submarine ship, but it doesn't matter now... I have a question to ask" I raise an eyebrow
"before you went unconscious, what exactly happened?" I open my mouth to speak another wave of headache interrupts me
I quickly put my hand over my head "relax" said Yumi approaching and putting her hand on my shoulder "I think you better sit down"
I sigh and sit on the bed where the incident was "it was weird..." I mumble and look at Lloyd unconscious on the bed
"It was just that girl showing a necklace and Lloyd... just lost it, it was like... Lloyd wasn't anymore... Lloyd himself......"
"Do you expect a necklace? would that be it?" she asks pulling a necklace from her pocket
"Yes that's it!" She looks at the necklace "didn't she do anything but show it to Lloyd?" she asks she looks at me
"Hmmm... when she showed the necklace, He called him mother" said trying to recover the blank memory
"oh god...probably this necklace must belong to Lloyd's mother, so it had to have unlocked an old memory making him lose his temper."
"more..apparently the memory wasn't very good" I say looking down "he seemed very angry at the time, and in all the time I've been with him...I've never, ever seen him so angry"
"angry? is that what married this transformation?" I look at her "what do you mean?" I ask confused
"In Lloyd's DNA test, I found a lot of DNA from other Onis, in short I'm starting to think that Lloyd is able to transform into other species on the basis of feelings"
I'm surprised "Wait... how's this?" She looks at Lloyd "when I took Lloyd's blood, I started to vascularize the files from that lab and ended up finding a file that has all the DNA of Onis"
"so I took DNA from Lloyd's blood and started comparing it to other DNA from the other Oni in hopes of finding Lloyd's species"
"but I ended up realizing that Lloyd's DNA is compatible with all the DNA I had tested"
"Are you telling me Lloyd doesn't have a specific species?" I ask still confused, She Sighs "I mean Lloyd is not just one species but all!"
I look at Lloyd "but how is this possible??" He rubs his head "I would like to know too, Lloyd turned out to be a big ball of lines all embarrassed"
"but now that it's a little clearer I'll know the right exams to test" I smile "Little bear~" I hear Lloyd mumbles
I quickly get up and walk over to him "Lloyd" I mumble he seems still asleep more it doesn't seem like he's having good dreams
"Little Bear~" He raises his hand in the air, I take his hand and reach for his ear "It's alright I'm here and I'll never leave you" I whisper
he squeezes my hand tight, And opens his eyes but they are completely purple "Lloyd why are your eyes purple!?" he moans as he curls up
"must be the effect of the tranquilizer Felix injected it with to erase it" I look at Yumi "effect?"
"yeah... Kind of the effect can make the victim's vision a little blind"
I look at Lloyd, and lift my hand to caress him, but he pulls away as he shivered, and lets out a mumble.
"hey it's just me" I mumble as I reach my hand again, "Little Bear?..." He mumbles closer to his face, and I pat his head "yeah it's me"
He purrs "I'm sorry about that Kai, but it was the only way to calm him down" I sigh "I understand Yumi, but how long will he be like this?"
"Well it was quite a lot of liquid from the tranquilizer, and it's a very strong type of tranquilizer, so I think by the morning his vision will be back to normal."
"why can I never protect you? Why?" I mumble, He lets out a long yawn
I feel a hand on my shoulder, "You're not the only one failing to protect you Kai"
I grit my teeth "no!" I scream and remove her hand from my shoulder "you don't understand Yumi, I'm not just failing Lloyd Yumi, I'm failing myself"
"I was trained to be a ninja to protect Ninjago! I've been through so much training!! I should be able to protect him!! But I can't, I'm always failing and failing" I scream "Kai-"
"I just can't stand to fail Lloyd anymore!!!" I feel my eyes sting as tears start to form in my eyes, until I hear a whimper
I turn around and am surprised to see Lloyd curled up as he shivered.
"Little Bear, where are you? Please don't leave me alone" My heart pounded as I saw him in that situation
"hey~ I'm here" I say back patting his head, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream" he purrs
I withdraw my hand as I notice him trying to get up, "Hey take it easy" I mumble as I put your arm around my shoulders
he turns around, and lets out little whimpers as he puts his feet on the floor, and gets up slowly as he puts some weight on my shoulders now to balance.
I slide my hand to his waist, he yawned slightly "I think I'd better take them to the dorm long" suggested Yumi upon seeing Lloyd's exhaustion
"Yes, really"
"Well, can you get Lloyd to the dorms?, Kai?" I look at "I think so" she nods her head "okay we better get going then" Said Yumi, turning to face the exit
I sigh, and shift my gaze to Lloyd "can you take the first step?" I question as I watch your worried face
"uh-huh" He mutters, "I'm going to start walking," I say as I take the first step, and Lloyd follows, and we started to walk to the door of the blue sea
as soon as we left we came across a large ramp, "Let's start going down a long ramp, ok?" I question as I look at him, he lets out a small growl and grabs me tighter
"hey~ it's alright, I'm with you... Hmm, I have an idea~" I whisper and notice Lloyd turning his face towards me slowly "huh?" I smile and approach his ear and whisper
"i promise i let you kiss my whole fac"
He looks at me as he pulls his face closer, I quickly place my fingers over his lips and push him back "That's only if you're a good boy and go down the ramp with me"
he growls "Lloyd, nice boys don't growl-" he opens his mouth in an attempt to bite my finger but I withdraw before "oh~ bad boy!"
I snort "seriously, sometimes I think you have an obsessive urge to bite me" He grumbles as he looks away , I sigh "ok, let's go" I mumbled walking a step over the ramp
Lloyd followed suit, and we started slowly down the ramp.
and with every step I took I could hear Lloyd whimper, I don't know if it's because he's half blind
the grip of his hand on my shirt got tighter as we moved, Not to mention that the first time I see his tail so quiet
He suddenly stops and tries to step back "Hey~ hey calm down, We're getting to the ground, okay? It's alright" I whisper in his ear, he whimpers
Lloyd recoiled a little as he placed his foot on the flat floor, but I held on tighter, "See? It wasn't that hard, was it?"
I raise an eyebrow, he snorts
He turns his head and shoves his face into my hair "hey!" I laugh as I feel Lloyd removes his arm from my shoulder, and tucks it under my arm down to his waist, and my arm slips from his waist.
i can feel him moving to stand behind me as both of his arms wrap around my waist "he really loves cuddling with you doesn't he?" I feel my heart jump with fright when I forget that Yumi was around
"oh-hum, yes hehehe" I say awkwardly and hear Lloyd's cute yawn on my shoulder "Well come on I'll guide you to the dorm" I smile at her "okay!" I say walking towards her,while Lloyd will follow me from behind
we came across a metal door and it opened leading us into a completely white hallway.
"I didn't expect the mystery man to send that amount of scorpions" she mutters "he must have been irritated by the fact that we managed to get Lloyd and Akita out of his clutches"
"Can be it, More... And when that necklace? How did he get that?" I sigh "I'd like to know too..." I slide my hand to Lloyd's arm as I feel him holding me tighter
"huh, Kai" she turns to me as she walks backwards "what?" I question as I raise an eyebrow "I was just wondering, it's okay for you and Lloyd to sleep together, isn't it?"
"Oh that's okay, I don't think I can sleep anymore without Lloyd around, actually it calms me down more" She smiles "I understand"
"Well, we're here" said Yumi stopping in front of a white door and a small camera on top, Yumi reached into her pocket and took out a badge and showed the camera
There was an unlocking noise, and she yelled at the doorknob and opened it as we entered.
"I hope it's comforting enough for you" I hear her "this is amazing Yumi" She smiles "I'm glad you liked it"
I smile at him, and shift my gaze to Lloyd who seems to be sniffing out the new dwelling.
"Well I guess now I better go" I look at her as she turns to leave and faces the door and turns around "By the way, the walls and the door are soundproof ok?", I feel my heart stop beating
"oh- ah o-okay..", she smile, why do i feel bad about that smile?, "well i'm going now" she says walking through the door and the door closed
I sigh, and feel Lloyd undo the hug "huh? Lloyd" he starts walking slowly, "Hey go carefully, your eyesight isn't good at all for you try to walk into a room that's the first time" He huffs and raises his arms to try to reach something
"You stubborn oni..." I mutter as I walk over to him, I slide my hand over his arms and guide him to the bed, and he sits on the bed and crawls onto the bed and gets under the blanket.
I raise an eyebrow, "why are you acting this way?" I sigh and look away, and I see the light switch
I walk over to the light switch and slide it down to turn off the lights, and I go back to bed and I sit up, and I pull the blanket a little and, and I see Lloyd cringing
he's upset?
I lie down and put the blanket over me, and I crawl over to Lloyd and I start to stroke your back in a circular motion
"Little Bear..."
He turns to me "Am I... a bad boy?" I'm surprised by his words, "uh? Wait, is that what you're upset about?" He looks away, I smiled
I lift my hand over his chin and turn him to face me as I approach him "Aren't you a bad boy, maybe a little, but you know the basics of everything?" I mumble as I run my thumb over his lips "You are my Oni, Lloyd~"
He purred, I came closer and our lips touched, so soft, I'd like to kiss you all night~
my heart would always race like crazy
he walks away, a laugh escapes my throat "morning will be a busy day my big guy~" I mumble as I lift my arm caresses he head
He purred as he bent down and buried his face in my chest, and hugged my waist.
I smile, I hear your yawn "Goodnight my last Oni", "hmm" he hums, a yawn escapes my mouth, and I bury my face in Lloyd's golden hair as my eyes close.
"My master- my master!!!" Shouted the young black haired girl running breathlessly through the forest "What's up Asly?" The girl quickly turned to face the hooded man.
"my-my master"
"hmm~ apparently you couldn't do the simple job, what insolence"
"I swear I did my best to get them for you, mo-more-"
"But what?"
"that creature is a demon!! Those green flames flowing in his body, the hate in his eyes"
"Did you say green fire?" the man smiled
"this is amazing, he only stayed a few days and has already managed to transform"
"Are you... are you happy with that?, he is stronger!!" The girl exclaimed "And this is perfect, soon he will become invisible!! And the new King will be!" laughed the man wildly.
Asly was terrified by her master's words "Have you gone mad!?" Screamed the girl, the man just smiled more, his master had finally lost his mind
And I let out a long sigh "Crazy? For now, until I reach my goal completely" the man turned away from Asly "I expected more from you Asly"
"my master-" Asly is knocked out by a boy in black clothes "I'm sorry sir, but.. she is too scandalous" muttered the boy "I understand my boy"
"Well~ get ready, My king"
thank you for reading this far, Sorry for the English errors and The update delay, and until the next chapter!!!
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