Y/N's bio
Name: Y/N doorman.
Your look: Your choice.
Natural marksman and gun wizz especially with ww2 and ww1 guns.
Gunslinger and a quick hand with a revolver.
Hand to hand combat and has knowledge of martial arts. He is also naturally skilled with a blade.
Y/N's absolute solver:
Known powers:
Weapon enchantment.
Your family:
Mother: nori doorman
Nori: Y/N doorman did you take my badge AGAIN!?
Y/N: Haha I'm in danger.
Sister: Uzi doorman.
Y/N: So sis about that fanart.......
Uzi: W-what about it? It's none of your business Y/N have some privacy dammit.
Y/N: But what are you drawing about me?
Uzi: Nothing important!
Y/N: But if its about-
Father: None.
Y/N: Bah who needs a dad? I'm already the man of the house.
Uzi: (Whispers) Yes daddy.
Y/N: What was that uzi?
Uzi: Nothing!
Aunt: Yeva
Yeva: Y/N how on copper-9 did you find my vodka stash?
Y/N: Hehe HIC evreything is all spinny!
Yeva: Your mother's gonna kill me.
Uncle: Yuri (Deceased)
Y/N: Rest well uncle yuri don't worry I'm gonna take care of doll and yeva. I'll protect them no matter what.....I promise.
Y/N puts his head on yuri's tombstone.
Y/N: See you in the other side.
2nd uncle: Ratchet
Y/N accidently bumps into a oil pressure machine and breaks it.
Y/N: Whoops sorry doc.
Y/N: Here it comes.
Best friend: Thad the man.
Thad: Sup Y/N!
Y/N: Thad.....my bro my guy....my brother in christ......why....WHY are you wearing a cat maid outfit?
Thad: Oh this? Some of the girls said wearing it would make me the coolest drone in the school!
Y/N looked at a group of female drones fantasising about thad.
Y/N:......Ohhh now that's just fucked up.
Y/N's harem:
Doll: Main girl and alpha of the harem.
Doll: Promise me you'll never leave me Y/N I lost my dad and I don't want to lose you too.
Y/N: I'm not going anywhere doll I'll be your sword and shield till the very end.
Doll and Y/N smile and kiss one another.
Y/N sneaks into his room and opens uzi's drawer.
Y/N: Now let's see what this fanart is about.
Y/N takes out a stack of papers and has a look. The pictures showed uzi and Y/N with uzi taking it from behind by Y/N and another showing her on the ground with a chocker calling her Y/N's bitch and he made out with her.
Y/N:......What....the actual fuck?
Uzi peaks through the door and runs to the bathroom on the verge of overheating.
Uzi: Oh shi-i-i-it!
Y/N knocks on his mom's door.
Y/N: Mom you will not believe what I found in Uzi's-
He opens the door slightly but stops seeing his mom in bed with a body pillow of him kissing and grinding on it. Y/N closes the door, drops the fanart and leaves the house.
Y/N: Nevermind.
Yeva pulls Y/N into her chest.
Yeva: Stay a little longer Y/N I love your company it's just been soo lonely without.....male company.
Y/N: (Y/N.exe has stopped working)
Lizzy: Soo I heard the proms coming up Y/N. Wanna be the prom king to my prom queen?~
Y/N: Uhhhh depends do I get free food and better grades?
Lizzy: You'll get more the just that~
Y/N:.......I'm down.
Rebecca: Oh god this camping trip is soo boring.
Y/N: Wanna make out?
Rebecca looks at Y/N and smiles.
Rebecca: Yeeeeeees!
Emily: Wait if you two are going to do that could.....could I join?
Rebecca: Hmmmm depends what do you think Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah sure let's make this a threesome.
Emily: (Blushes) A threesome?!
N: Y/N tell me.....tell me anything I can do to make things right.
Y/N: There's nothing you can do to make up for what you did. Not a single thing on this frozen planet can make me forgive you!
N rushes over to Y/N and wraps herself around him.
N: I can always try.....
Y/N raises his fist but his tough guy bravdo wavers and he lowers it slowly entering the embrace and cries.
N: It's okay I know you feel scared and alone you can cry....I'm here for you.
V: Come here Y/N let me make things right~
V stares at Y/N with lust who immediately backs up out the spire.
Y/N: Hah no not getting raped.
J blocks the way out and her and V licks thier lips as they corner Y/N.
Y/N: Well would you look at that! I'm bout to get raped!
J: It's not rape if you enjoy it~
Y/N:You..........might have a point there.
Opal sees the six murder drones incoming but Y/N stands in thier way.
Opal: Y/N what are you doing?
Y/N protecting you what's it look like?
Opal: But I thought you....hated me?
Y/N: Why would I hate you Opal? That's just your dad's shit getting to you. Now stand back and get to safety I got this!
Opal runs leaving Y/N with his rifle and the drones looking back with a blush on her face.
M: I'm sad to hear about your parents so I came here to see if you needed any emotional support.
Y/N: Why would a murder drone care about a human? Stop lying.
M puts her hand on his face showing genuine concern.
M; I wasn't Y/N........
Y/N: Soo whats with the weird blade hand?
K: Oh this? It's something I can use to kill dromes and i can transform to into a regular arm whenever I like.
Y/N: That's pretty sick
K: (Blushes) Thanks you wanna kiss now?
Y/N: The fuck!?
K: Whaaaaat? I'm playing!.........(whispers) No I'm not.
Y/N looks at the shy S and sighs.
Y/N: Seeing that no one wants to take you to the prom and I hate it when someone cries would you.....like to go to the prom with me?
S looks at Y/N and nuzzles into her chest and breaks down.
S: Yes. It would mean the world to me. Thank you.
Y/N groans and helps her calm down much to the joy and jelousy of N, M, and K.
K: Someone's softening up.
Y/N: I'm not growing soft.
M: Whatever helps you sleep at night Y/N.
Tessa: (Gasp) Y/N? Is that you?...After soo many years?
Y/N: In the flesh you look great as a drone by the way. Less mysterious black aura hiding you it suits ya!
Alice: Your pretty cute for a surface slacker. Beau get the scissors i want me a piece of him.
Y/N: Man i always get the crazy bitches.
Cyn says nothing as she watched Y/N fight a monster version of a worker drone. She looks at her fleshy hand before using her tendrils to climb towards the fight between the monster and the now out of control Y/N.
Cyn: Determined look. Hold on Y/N friend Cyn is coming to save you.
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