Pain of the past
Y/N sat on his chair inside his room playing some computer games with a heavy mind. He couldn't take his mind off on his and ratchets fight with kickback. He wasn't a murder drone or a worker drone and he wasn't with Jcjenson neither and whoever sent him wants Y/N for some unknown reason whether it be good or bad.
And getting spawn killed wasn't exactly clearing his mind neither.
Y/N: Argh ya.....damn camper! Stop sitting in the corner with a god damn shotgun come out and fight me like a man!
Y/N was playing CS:GO and was getting pissed off by some drone camping him for kills and nobody likes a camper in any game.
Drone: Haha your soo bad!
Y/N: At least I'm not some little faggot who sits in a corner all game because he's a pansy with no skill!
In the living room Uzi and nori sat with K and S hearing him rage from his room.
Nori: Here we go again with that temper of his.
K: Does this happen evrey time he plays video games?
Uzi: Yeah all the time.
Nori: Your not any better Uzi.
Uzi: Yes i am mom!
S: Shouldn't we try to help him calm down or get him off the computer?
K: Nah I'm not going near him when he's mad.
Nori: I'd rather not have him trash the bunker a second time.
S: Soo miss doorman about this unknown killer drone your son fought.
Y/N: (Muffled) Okay that's it I've had enough I'M GETTING RACIST!
S gasps and K and uzi look at eachother and nori stands up ready to whoop Y/N's ass.
K: He's not going to-?
Uzi: Say THAT word is he?
Nori: He better not!
Y/N: (Muffled) Yeah you heard me right prick I'm saying it I'm saying it right here right now!
Nori; Young maaaaan!
S: (gasp) He actually said it!
Uzi: Ooooooooh!
K: Oooooooooh!
Nori stomps into the room.
Y/N: No wait mom i didn't say it I swear I said something else-
K, Uzi and S flinch with each slap and scream heard. K looks at the other two with a curios look.
K: You know you we know what kinks Y/N is into do you think....that's he's....secretly enjoying this?
Uzi and S look at her thinking about it because it did make sense.
Minutes later Y/N is lead out the residence by the ear by Nori and smacks his backside one last time before letting him go.
She slams the door shut leaving Y/N to rub his whooped ass.
Y/N: Owwwww.
Opal walks over to Y/N who looks at her trying to play it cool.
Y/N: Oh h-hey opal.
Opal: Are you okay? You look like your in pain?
Y/N: Nah....just got a.....(squeaks) Sore ass.
Opal: (Smirks) Your mom?
Y/N: (Nods).
Opal: Yeah thought so.
The two walk around the bunker together.
Y/N: Soo how have you been fairing since your dad went rouge?
Opal: Fine I guess just really lonely I live by myself now.
Y/N: Must suck being by yourself. Do you miss your old man by any chance?
Opal: A little he was my only parent after mom died but.....he tried to kill you even though you saved us and he lied to me saying that you were the one that got my mom killed.
Y/N: I was only a child at the time Opal.
Opal: I know and I wished I listened to you sooner. Thanks for giving me a shot after being such a bitch to you.
Y/N: (Hands up) Ay you called yourself a bitch you admitted it you said it not me!
Opal laughs.
Y/N: Hey i know this might be sensitive but if you don't mind me asking...just how did you mother die?
Opal stops in her tracks and looks down and Y/N panics.
Y/N: Oh crap I shouldn't have asked something like that my bad I knew it was sensitive topic just pretend i didn't say-
Opal: It's fine.
Opal looks at Y/N tearing up.
Opal: I know how your parents died and I think it's fair I tell you how I lost my mom.
Y/N:.....Go ahead Opal take your time and stop whenever you feel uncomfortable.
Opal: I was just a small baby when it happened my dad and my mom were not living in the bunker at the time. It was a military base a well hidden one too-
The scene changes to the past where we find a small military base deep inside a forest. The hangars were repaired by dozens of worker drones that had called it home fortifying the doors and setting up tents. Out of the many workers were silas who had all his regular worker drone parts and looked joyful. His wife was in his left arm and in his right was a little baby Opal giggling at her father.
Opal: It wasn't the best but it kept us hidden from the murder drones who flew by multiple times and never found us.
Silas is then seen working on a military mine sweeping vehicle painting it with the WDF logo a faction he supported dearly in hopes of giving his family and friends a safer way of wandering copper-9.
Y/N: It sounded like the perfect hideout.
Opal: It was.
Y/N: So how did the murder drones find you?
Opal: They didn't.
It then shows a group of unknown individuals approaching the military base.
Opal: Someone else did.
The drones continue thier day with silas holding his daughter when they heard something from outside only for the door to get blasted off moments later.
Opal: Someone far worse.
Silas's wife looked at the attckers in horror with one of them being a human.
????: Capture a few worker drones for my tests and kill the rest.
Opal: was a massacre.
Baby Opal cried as the military base went up in flames with the attackers slaughtering any drone they saw while taking a few for god knows what vile purpose. Silas held his child shushing her as he looked for his wife. A drone behind him got ripped in half by one attacker as another laughed like a lunatic as he froze a drone solid and smashed him into pieces. Silas spots his wife running with a friend who is caught by a web that drags her into the ceiling screaming. Reaching his wife silas takes her hand and runs towards the exit where a few worker drones waited for him. Silas hears footsteps coming from behind and looks behind his shoulder and sees an energy bolt racing towards him. He had no chance to react as the bolt hit him head on. The impact was enough to blast his arm and leg clean off and damaged the left side of his visor. His wife stops and screams his name while silas held his crying child in his now only functional arm.
Opal: A human....
Y/N: What?
Silas looks at the attacker and his face grows shocked. He sees shades of human skin from the figures arm as he walked through the fire towards his prey. The only other thing visible was a bright red eye that stared at him.
Opal: A human led the attack and.....
The figure aims his cannon at silas and his daughter that screamed in fear. Silas held his daughter hoping to take the brunt of the blast when his wife attacked the human jumping on him punching his head.
Opal: (crying) My mom he-
Silas screamed to his wife when two worker drones dragged him and his daughter away. The human threw silas's wife to the ground and looked at her slowly aiming his weapon towards the drone.
Opal: He!..
Silas screams at his wife along with his daughter and the camera goes into the wife's POV reaching out towards silas and then turns to the human who fires his cannon turning the screen red before it turns back to the modern day with Opal in tears. Y/N hugs her comforting the drone.
Y/N: It's okay don't need to finish it.
Opal stays in the hug and wipes away her tears before slowly letting go.
Opal: Dad was never the same since that night. It's why he hates you soo much.
Y/N: Because when he sees a human like me-
Opal: It reminds him of the one that took my mom away.
Y/N: But he needs to understand that I'm not like this mystery man and unlike him I don't wanna kill evrey drone on sight.
Opal grabs Y/N's hand.
Opal: Y/N can you try to promise me something?
Y/N: What?
Opal: If you have to fight my dad and his friends please, please don't kill him unless you absolutely have to. He's a horrible drone.....but he's still my family.
Y/N: I can't make no promises opal.....but I can try.
Opal: That's all I'm asking.
Opal hugs Y/N once again.
Y/N: (Whoever this guy was could he be the one that sent kickback after me and why did he kill opals mother? What's this guys goal?)
They remain unaware that the man responsible was watching them through the camera systems.
????: So the daughter lives.....
A loud beep from another moniter grabs his attention and turns to it. On the screen it showed a yellow blip signaling a powerful energy signature one that the figure recognised. He immediately searches the location of the signature and to his suprise it was right outside the bunker.
????: Why is it approaching the bunker? Could it want to study Y/N as well?
It skips ahead to class where Y/N stayed in his seat trying to listen to music and not the teacher who rattled on about the history of butter.
However as he listened to music his and doll's solver played up as if to warn them. Nori and yeva felt this and become hostile. Y/N then suffered another vision which showed a set of flashbacks.
One showed a mansion covered in blood-
Another showed an injured silas with baby Opal looking up in fear as the murder drones flew down upon them before ratchet dragged him and her to safety while the rest were slaughtered-
The third showed ratchet on the floor screaming in pain his visor malfunction as he stared at Y/N with a look he's never seen from the good doctor-
The next was him in an angered state transforming into a form other then his hallow form-
And the final had him in a dark void looking at his hollow form.
Hollow Y/N: Find the labs.
His hollow self creates a small black hole showing a camp then a lab and then a church.
Y/N screams as he suddenly wakes back up in the class. Doll, uzi, lizzy, Emily, Rebecca, k, S and thad were worried while the teacher was not pleased.
Y/N: Uhhhhh what was that?
Teacher: That was me explaining on what butter is meant to be spread on up until you screamed.
Y/N sees evreyone looking at him and he sheepishly sits back down.
Y/N: (Laughs) Sorry nodded off for a second. Bad dreams you know how it is.
Some drones in class snicker but a look from doll shuts them up.
Teacher: As I was saying class before I was interrupted-
A knock on the door cuts the teacher off.
Teacher: (Sigh) Why do I even bother? What is it?
A member of the worker drone force allows himself in.
Worker drone: Heeey sorry for barging in but could I borrow Y/N for just a moment?
Y/N: Me? What for?
Worker drone: We got a situation at the doors that we need your help with.
This was the first time Y/N got a request like that and it intrigued him.
Y/N: Ooookay. Yeah I can pitch in. (To the class) Don't have too much fun without me!
Y/N follows the worker out the class.
Rebecca:.....Wait schools meant to be fun?
Teacher: No its meant to be like me....miserable.
At the entrance of the bunker three drones stood next to the door controls as they heard thumping on the other side of the door. Y/N walked with the fourth worker rifle in hand in case they would run into trouble.
Y/N: Alright guys what's the problem? I'm missing lessons not that I care though.
Worker drone: Uhhh hey Y/N so for the past 20 minutes someone's been banging on the door.
Worker drone: Whoever they are apparently wants to see you.
Y/N: You reckon it could be one of silas's traps or murder drones?
Worker drone: I dunno that's why we wanted to have you here just in case...
Let me in.
Y/N froze when the voice rang out.
Y/N: Hold on.
Worker drone: What?
Let me in.
Worker drone: You know who that is?
Y/N: I think so.
Let me in.
Worker drone: In a good or bad way?
Y/N: (Smiles) Good definitely good.
Let me in.
Worker drone: Uhhh i don't know Nori said not to just let anyone in after the weird robobug got in from the vents.
Let me fu-(glitches)-ng in.
Y/N: Trust me guys me and her are cool open it up.
Worker drone: Ooookay if you think it's a good idea.
The drones enter the code for the keypad and the door opens. Y/N ran out looking around left and right but there was no one there.
Y/N: Wait.....where is she-
Down here silly.
Y/N looks down and he meet his old friend this time not in a dream but face to face.
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