The unknown figure walks through the corridors of a large underground laboratory holding a cooler used by hospitals to store organs with his only arm as the planet shook around him. He wasn't shocked however he knew this day would come that she'd find her way to this backwards planets. It was a good thing he had created this hideout hidden from sight deep underground and absent from all documents and blueprints. Inside his workshop the body of kickback and many others lay incomplete along with a dozen of large unhatched eggs. The man entered what appeared to be an operating room where laying on a table was a human man grossly mangled being kept alive only by his life support. But yet even with the immense pain he remained awake and conscious. He stared at his partner with his only remaining eye his left arm and right leg ripped off and his intestines struggling to remain inside his stomach.
????: So it has begun.
His friend said to which the man nods.
????: As we predicted.
The man lays the cooler down on a separate table and gathers his medical tools.
????: Feeling the immense earthquake I assume the core has collapsed which was her doing no doubt.
????: They were foolish to attempt to control the absolute solver something that even now we fail to understand. We could not control it then what chance did we have controlling it now?
????: We don't even know where it came from.
The human coughs up blood as the man injects him with painkillers and then grabs a surgical saw.
????: So now we must follow through with our plan. A shame I must say goodbye to my human body however.
????: This is a contingency plan you are lucky Cyn didn't decide to kill you I almost lost my last arm helping you escape to place you onto the operating table. But are you certain this procedure is possible?
????: A human to drone mind transfer is possible with the right amount of skill and intellect something we both have a great deal of.
????: Excellent I have another subject I aim to test this form of operation on.
????: I don't need to guess on who that subject may be.
????: Good now we can commence the operation.
The man hovers the saw across the humans cranium taking great care at where he will cut.
????: Will this procedure be painless good doctor?
????: No.....this is going to be unbearable still.
The camera focuses on the cooler as the operation begins the man holds back his scream as the camera shows that inside the cooler was a human brain on ice with stains of blood covering it.
We cut back to the modern day where we see Y/N and Cyn saying goodbye as they were at the bunker doors.
Cyn: I had a wonderful day with you Y/N satisfied smile.
Y/N: And so did I Cyn a shame you can't stay though.
Cyn: I know disappointed frown. But don't worry we will see each again I pinkie promise.
Y/N and Cyn gives eachother a pinkie promise.
Y/N: I look forward to it silly.
Cyn: Giggle only I can say that Y/N you are so silly.
Cyn kisses Y/N on the cheek.
Cyn: Bye bye future husband.
The door comes down separating the two with Cyn outside and Y/N inside.
Y/N: Heh what a goober.
K walked next to Y/N.
K: She's a freaky one I'll give her that.
Y/N: But in an adorable way she is.
K: Don't know something about her just feels off......
Y/N and K walk towards Y/N's home at which point Y/N decides to bring up a topic with K.
Y/N: So have you heard about the prom next week?
K: The what?
Y/N: Basically evrey year the colony has this prom they go to. They get to drink, dance, laugh and they even have a prom queen. Take a wild guess who's always the prom queen.
K: Lizzy?
Y/N: Ding ding ding! It's always her and evrey time she is lizzy asks me to be her "prom king".
K: Do you say yes?
Y/N: Nope I can't her dad won't allow it he runs the school. Not after an incident when lizzy invited me around her place....
A flashback shows lizzy, Y/N and lizzy's dad relaxing on a couch watching T.V.
Lizzy: Ugh this movie is so boring. Daddy can you pass me the remote?
Lizzy's dad grabs the remote but Y/N also grabs the remote at the same time.
Lizzy's dad:
It returns back to Y/N and K.
K: But he's her dad not......hold up.
Y/N: Yeah he didn't like that lizzy did but not him. Haven't seen the inside of her house since.
K: You have no chill Y/N.
Y/N: Never have never will.
The two hear a pained cry from around the corner followed by laughter.
Y/N: The hell is that?
Y/N and K head towards the source of the noise to find Braidon and Chad laughing at S who was on the floor in tears.
Chad: Ha she's meant to be a murder drone? Is this some type of joke?
Braidon: She can't even throw a punch!
Chad: And she honestly thinks anyone will go to the prom with her.
Braidon: She's just like the purple freak unloved and will die alone!
Y/N: What did you just say about my sister?
Braidon and Chad see Y/N with a pissed off K with her hand turned into a blade. Y/N's turned hollow summoned and a knuckle duster in his right hand.
K: Get away from my friend you pair of trash cans!
Y/N: Did your mothers ever teach you to be more respectful of ladies? Or was she too much of a streetside slut to teach you that?
Chad: Uhhhhh disrespectful?! No! No we weren't doing anything to the murder drone right Bradion?
Bradion: Y-yeah! She just fell and we told eachother a funny joke that's it!
Y/N: A joke oh really? Well if that's the case I got one for you two. What did the clown say to the drone after he knocked him out?
Chad: Ummmm he......
Bradion: I dont know what did he-
Y/N swings his fists sending the two drones flying across the hall and into the wall covering his hands with thier oil.
Y/N form returns to normal as he looks back at K who picked up S from the floor.
K; Are you okay pal?
S: (Sniff) No.
K: Sorry we let those punks push you around like that.
S: It wasn't your fault K don't blame yourself.
Y/N: Those guys never learn even after all the fights I've had with them.
S walks over to Y/N.
S: Thank you for standing up for me Y/N.
Y/N: Hey I didn't help you because you were in trouble.....mostly. I stepped in because they were badmouthing my sister and that's it.
S smiles and hugs Y/N with a smile wiping her tears away.
S: Sure you did Y/N.
Shocked Y/N looks at S and awkwardly pats her back before pushing her away.
Y/N: Alright, alright your grateful I get it no need to hug me for soo long. I'm gonna go home and think of a way to ask doll out to the prom and.....maybe apologise to my mom for shouting at her.
Y/N walks away K smirks at S with a sly grin.
K: Looks like somebody's warming up to you.
S doesn't say anything and just smiles with a warm feeling inside her chest.
Y/N stands in front of his house door reluctant to walk inside.
Y/N: Okay Y/N the plan is simple just go in there, go to mom, tell her your sorry for calling her a monster, hug eachother and relax for a few hours piece of cake.
Y/N takes a deep breath ready to face his mistake but his phone had other ideas.
Y/N picks up his phone turning on the screen to see an unknown caller ringing him.
Y/N: Huh? Who's calling me? Better question how does this planet have any reception?
Y/N swipes and picks up putting the phone next to his ear.
Y/N: Hello? New phone who dis?
????: The old Jcjenson testing site on the border of the city north west from the bunker.
Y/N: What?
????: Come alone.
Just like that the unknown caller hangs up not before sending a message with the photo and exact location and directions towards this unknown testing site.
Y/N: That's not completely suspicious or ominous at all. Who was that?
Y/N looks at the photo of the old facility thinking to himself.
Y/N: But if this place is a testing site for Jcjensons toys it might have some clues to my parents or maybe the pods we were shoved in. If it is an ambush I can handle it now sweat so I guess apologies have to wait.
Using the solver he summons his revolvers, rifle and machine gun equipping them.
Y/N: Off towards this mystery site I go!
Y/N tries to teleport their but instead teleports outside the bunker falling from a large height onto the snow.
Y/N: Owwww......urgh guess teleporting around still needs some work.
On the floor in the basement a worker drone was busy wrapping tape around the scene of kickbacks body first taping the entrance and then he would tape the scene of kickbacks corpse.
Worker drone: Oh man I feel like a real life cop right now taping up the crime scene! Officer Teddy is on the case!
Teddy goes over towards kickbacks body but it was gone with a trail of oil leading up into the vents.
Teddy: Uhhhh that's not good does that mean that thing is still alive!? I need to warn Nori!
Teddy hears something coming from above and looks up only to be impaled in the chest by a crab like claw and dragged up kicking and screaming into the vents followed by a crunch with the floor being covered in his oil.
Y/N continues his journey towards his destination but started to grow inpatient with how long it would take to get there. He entered a run down tower and walked up to the roof via the stairs and looked across the landscape for any sign of the site.
Y/N: Ugh nothing no sign of this place and walking is gonna take hours if not days. I haven't got the grasp of teleporting but maybe if I........Hey voice inside my head! You there!?
????: ........Oh so now you wanna talk to me do ya?
Y/N: Yeah I do so you wanna show yourself now?
????: Love to but I'm just a program installed inside your brain.
Y/N: A program inside my brain? But that doesn't make sense.
????: Buddy you live in a post apocalyptic frozen wasteland filled with autonomous robots with cyber voodoo powers nothing makes sense.
Y/N:.......Good point.
????: So my dear dense and heavily and mentally scarred host what do you want from me?
Y/N: So you know how we have god knows how far to go to reach this testing place?
????: Mhmm.
Y/N: And we can't teleport but you know how the murder drones can use wings right?
????: Oh and let me guess you want to use the solver to give you wings right?
Y/N: Yeah it could definitely help getting around and having wings would be badass.
????: Okay yeah we can do that it is possible there will be a pretty nasty side effect later on though.
Y/N: Side effect? What side effect?
????: Ehhh we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right if you want wings just focus your mind and pull the matter and fabric in your body and around you into your back and it should work.
Y/N: Put evreything into my back.....
Y/N closes his eyes and focused creating a null blackhole in his right arm that sucked up and absorbed all forms of life and matter nearby. From dead plants, small metals and robotic cockraoches it was all absorbed into the black hole which also fulfilled a small hunger that started to spread through Y/N's stomach. A black liquid covered Y/N's body and his eyes turned from E/C to yellow then black and then he screamed in pain as two black wings sprouted from his back flicking off his blood before spreading themselves out revealing the wings in their glory under the bright moon.
Y/N took a second catching his breath recovering from the painful transformation before he looked at his new set of wings in awe.
Y/N: Woah.....are these-
????: Your wings? They sure as hell are. Yours to use whenever you like. Just retract them if you want them to go back into your....Well back. It won't hurt bringing them back out though so your good it's just a first time transformation thing.
Y/N looked down and saw he was floating in the air and laughed flying up above the tower and soared across the sky.
Y/N: This is so sick haha! The adrenaline, the feeling of the air blasting into your face! Now wonder why murder drones fly all the time this feels great! Getting to the site should be a breeze now!
????: Glad to be of service my host.
Y/N: Thanks uuhhhh.......what's your name again?
Hollow: The former piece of the absolute solver now separated from its master free from it's control. But hollow just call me hollow it's got a better ring to it.
Y/N flaps his wings and flies across the city with speed and grace. This new form of transportation for Y/N made the journey short and an hour later he found the site he was looking for. Landing at the entrance he retracted his wings and ignored the trespassing sign entering the building. At the reception was a large map of the building showing the floors above and below ground each being labeled for what type of tests they performed.
Y/N: Jcjenson sure were busy here. Let's see....biological tests, drone performance testing, cybernetics, chemicals, prototype weapons......cryogenic? That what those pods were called that me and my parents were put in. Well I know what I'm investigating first.
Y/N walks around finding an elevator that somehow had power and was fully functional.
Y/N: Looks like our caller has been busy i wonder where he's hiding though.
Y/N steps inside and presses the elevator buttons.
Y/N: Floor B6 cryogenic studies.
Y/N presses the button which causes the elevator doors to close and the elevator began to descend.
Y/N: Going down.
Y/N waits as he slowly began to descend looking at a small T.V placed on the corner of the elevator.
Y/N: And there's the cheesy elevator music.
Y/N started to play games on his phone to pass the time.
Y/N: Oh god not another kashtira deck that's the fifth one I've dealt with today.
Suddenly all power in the elevator cuts off halting the machine and stopping the music trapping Y/N inside.
Y/N: Oh now that's just great.
The T.V in the elevator turns on showing static gaining Y/N's attention.
Y/N: What the hell? Why's that got power though?
The T.V emits a painful static noise making Y/N block his ears before the static fades. Moments later Y/N gasps in shock as someone appears on the T.V.
????: Mmmmm now what's this?
Do I feel something squirming it's way beneath my skin?
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