Fright at the museum
Copper-9 two years prior to the events of pilot...........
Ratchet: (Sigh) I thought my day would be simple but here you are in my doctors office once again......Y/N.
Ratchet looked at Y/N who was now in his teens holding a bag of ice to his head with a black eye giving the doc a dismissive look.
Once he settled down with Nori and uzi Y/N's personality began to shine but having Uzi by your side twenty four seven tends to make Y/N a little....... rebellious to say the least.
Yes Uzi's defiant personality rubbed off on Y/N turning him into her male counterpart becoming the schools badboy always late for class, never paying attention and getting into fights.
Which is the reason why he's in the doctors office.
Y/N: Don't blame me blame Todd! He kept talking smack about uzi! He wanted to fuck around so I made sure he found out.
Ratchet: And are you proud it's ended you up with a black eye?
Y/N: You think that's bad? Haha you should've seen what I did to that punk.
The camera shows Todd in a hospital bed with both of his arms in a cast along with his entire face before it cuts back.
Ratchet: Hmmm I'd rather not.
Y/N: Whatever you say uncle R.
Y/N kicks his feet up on the desk knocking over a set of glass vials filled with different oil types.
Ratchet: Y/N! I NEEDED THAT!!
Y/N: Sorry doc.
Ratchet: (Sigh) It wasn't soo long ago that you were a scared yet innocent child and now look at you. The bunkers biggest menace.
Y/N: You like me really.
Ratchet: I never said I didn't.
Y/N: So what happens next?
Ratchet: Well this should come as no suprise but you've been suspended from school for today and your mother has probably been informed.
And just like that Y/N starts to sweat buckets he and his sister feared incuring Nori's wrath. If there's one thing a man fears it's the rage and fury of a mother. Nothing on this frozen planet could bring more terror to anyone be he man or machine.
Ratchet: Should I arrange your will?
Y/N: (Gulps) Yeah make sure uzi doesn't inherit my games bury my gaming systems with me.
Y/N gets up and walks towards the door.
Y/N: Welp seeing mom might be in a bad mood I'll just wander about the bunker and let her chill out.
Ratchet: And by that you mean sneak out of the bunker looking for more weapons?
Y/N: Noooooo?
Ratchet wasn't convinced knowing the rebellious teen all too well.
Ratchet: I'm not an idiot Y/N.
Y/N: You gonna tell her?
Ratchet: If she comes to me asking where you are then yes! She's my closet friend I wouldn't lie to her about anything. You just......(Sigh) Be careful out there she's already lost her husband and I don't think she or uzi could handle losing you.
Y/N smiles and puts his hand on a strap on his waist.
Y/N: Don't worry about me doc those freaks couldn't kill me before and they ain't gonna kill me now.
Y/N leaves the doctors office.
Ratchet: I hope your right Y/N...truly I do.
Y/N whistled as he walked down the halls passing classroom after classroom receiving glares from many of the worker drones. He had gotten used to the stares however and just wandered past them that is until he came across one of the few friends he had made during his time as a resident of the bunker.
Y/N: Yo guys and girls what is hanging!?
Thad was the only male drone in the squad having the apperance and clothing choice of a typical bully/jock from those cheesy, mediocre high-school movies and musicals. His personality however was anything but as he's an overall relaxed drone who doesn't really harbour a grudge against Y/N seeing that he's really done nothing to warrant any anger and considers the human as a close friend.
Doll was the child of yeva and yuri who as we know are close friends to Nori so it didn't take long for Y/N and doll to meet and become close with one another. Some drones even began spreading rumors that the two were in a relationship which both sides insist is not correct much to the relief of uzi. Although secretly doll wishes that was the case but her nerves prevent her from admitting her feelings.....typical shy teen girl stuff.
The last drone in the group was a more interesting story. Lizzy was the popular girl in the class who's dad runs the school as the principal. She often harasses Uzi up until Y/N tells her to stop which she surprisingly does. Many were shocked at first why she was so nice to Y/N and not his sister but soon the shocking truth came to light....
Lizzy loved herself a badboy and she found Y/N hot as hell.
Hey can you blame Y/N? He's just got that type of aura round him. It helps especially when lizzy asks her father not to expel Y/N who he always let's off the hook with a light slap on the wrist and a little worser grade.
She does have a posse of other female drones around her who also had a crush on Y/N like a drone with blue hair and another with twin ponytails but they were otherwise preoccupied today.
Lizzy: Heeeeeeey Y/N~
Doll: (Smiles) Hello Y/N.
Thad: Sup Y/N where you been? Lessons about to start.
Y/N: Uhhhh yeah bout that remember a few hours ago when me and Todd kinda got into a fight?
Thad: Yeah evreyones been talking about it. I heard it got nasty.
Y/N: So apparently breaking some punks arms and his face is something that can get you suspended.
Doll: So your out of school for today because you sent someone to the A&E?
Y/N: Yeah pretty much.
Lizzy: Awwwww so I won't see my favourite badboy for a while?
Y/N: Nah I'll still pop by make sure Uzi's good. Hey Lizzy do me a solid and make sure your dad doesn't hit my grades will ya?
Lizzy smirks and gets closer to Y/N.
Lizzy: Depends what's in it for little old me?
Going along with it Y/N strokes lizzy's cheek. Something that doll REALLY didn't like.
Y/N: How's a day out with just you and me sound?~
Lizzy: Just you and me?~
Y/N: You know it~
Doll: Okay I think that's enough.
Doll drags lizzy away from Y/N.
Lizzy: Okay! Okay! Settle.
Y/N: (Someone's jealous) Anyway I'm gonna head out of the bunker and scrounge about for more firepower.
Gonna need it for when I bring the head of those monsters back to the bunker.
Thad: Uhhh don't you think what you have is already enough?
Thad motions to Y/N's holster. Y/N grins and pulls out two fully loaded old western revolvers from thier slots and spins them around.
Y/N: These? Yeah don't get me wrong these two bad boys are great but they're really only cover mid and short range. I need something that can shoot from a distance and a melee weapons like a sword. Cover all basis just in case a murder drone wants to get up close and personal. I'm gonna be a walking armoury before I'm through with em!
Lizzy: I love that bravdo.
Doll: I know right?
Lizzy: Say what?
Doll: (Blushes) Nothing.
Thad: Just make sure you get back safe dude.
????: Or not and die out there that would be better.
Y/N is shoved by the now grown up daughter of silas who also hated humans like her old man.
????: Human freak.
Y/N: Nice seeing you too Opal glad to see you still care!
Opal scoff and struts off.
Y/N: (Whispers) Ya slag on heels.
Doll: As we say in russian...Kakaya suka.
Lizz: What's that mean?
Doll: What a bitch.
Lizzy laughs at doll's remark.
Thad: Ignore her man she's just stuck up like her dad. Not giving an honest guy like you a chance.
Y/N: Meh she don't bother me not for a sec. I'll see you guys around.
Lizzy: Byeeeee!
Waving goodbye to his friends Y/N walks off towards the bunker exit as a pair of purple eyes watched him depart.
The camera shows the cold harsh landscape that is copper-9. The warmth and protection of the bunker was replaced by a sense of loneliness and dread. The only things that wandered the snow covered landscape were the three disassembly drones that prowled the skies swooping down and killing any worker drone unlucky enough to cross thier path.
But among the endless white was a small speck a figure cloaked in a black vest, black pants and a mask trekked through the snow holding his two six shot revolvers steady.
Y/N rubbed his mask clearing the snowflakes off of it and looked at the building in the distance a building he had visited once before.
The ruins were the remains of a grand museum that people and workers of Jcjenson could visit on thier time off work. Many of the exhibits were totalled when the core of copper-9 exploded but a few exhibitions were only partially damaged. But a certain room thanks to its design as a bunker was left practically unscathed.
Y/N pushed the broken door aside allowing himself inside and walks past the old relics lost to time and treks deeper into museum taking evrey step and corner slowly in case a disassembly drone would be waiting for him. He takes staircase after staircase down towards the last floor and finds an iron door and twists the lever to the right and opens it walking in ignoring the sign saying only military and Jcjenson officials were allowed in here.
Y/N: Oh baby my favourite room in the whole museum.
Y/N smiles as he stares at the many old classic firearms displayed on the walls with boxes of ammo underneath them. Y/N eyes brighten up unlike uzi who loved the more futuristic star wars like weapons Y/N had a personal love for the more old weapons used in wars long ago. His personal favourite weapons are those from world war one and world war two subjects he read in a book he found.
Many of the weapons could still be used after having a little tinker with them. They have been left to rust for lord knows how many years after all. Y/N could only take back one weapon for today he didn't have time to grab his duffel bag from his room or......more like he wouldn't dare going back to his house with the fear of Nori waiting for him.
Y/N: Which one of you lucky guns is coming home with me tonight?
Y/N looked around considering his choice until he comes across a rifle that screamed his name he felt an urge to pick the gun up and fire it gaining satisfaction for evrey shot and even the reload.
Y/N: You........its you......
You are perfect.
Y/N picked up the gun and the ammo he checked the weapon out and whistled taking a knife next it meant to be equipped as a bayonet if needed a useful feature for later on Y/N thinks.
Y/N carefully placed the bullets into the clip and then loads the gun pulling the trigger back loading a round.
Y/N: I'm gonna enjoy using you. I probably should get back to mom though and accept my fate.
He walks through a hall past multiple rooms.
Y/N: Just get back try to sneak in undetected and make up an alibi if you run into mom great plan.
Y/N passes a door with an exhibit for Jcjenson and stops looking at the door.
Y/N: A display for evreyones least favourite company? Hmmm maybe I could find something for uzi she does need parts for that rail gun she's making.
Deciding to spare a few more minutes Y/N opens the door and wanders into the dark room passing prototype models of worker and disassembly drones left for the public to see.
Y/N: So that's what the drones could have looked like? Urgh creepy.
He walks past the drones and at the corner of the room spots three pods standing behind a red barrier. Interested Y/N approaches and peaks through the small window of the pod.
Y/N: What the hell is this?
Suddenly a yellow X flashes inside the pod scaring Y/N who stumbles back pressing a small button on the pod before he fell onto the floor.
Y/N scrambles for his rifle as the pod opens and to Y/N's dismay a disassembly drone drops from the pod slowly rising like a zombie.
Y/N pulls the trigger but the gun jams due to its poor condition.
Y/N: Oh yeah it's rusty! Revolvers it is!
The drone raises its claws as Y/N wips out his dual revolvers.
Twelve 45 rounds fired out the chambers in quick succession with eight hitting around its body while the last four tearing through its head. An error message pops up on the broken visor before the disassembly drone collapses to the floor and powers down. Y/N spins his guns around blowing away the smoke at the end of the gun.
Y/N: Yeehaw chucklefuck.
Y/N looks down at the disassembly drone and the reality of the situation sets in.
He killed a disassembly drone.
He has just dropped a disassembly drone a highly advanced drone just like that!
Y/N: I.....I actually did it I....I killed a murder drone! Haha I just merked a disassembly drone! In your face yeah! ♫i killed a murder drone! I killed a murder drone♫
Y/N celebrates and turns away from the corpse prideful of his accomplishment.
Y/N: Not so tough now are ya? Even with your fancy gadgets you couldn't beat good old western firepower! Oh man wait till mom and uzi hear about this they're gonna be stunned!
Unknown to Y/N the drone had slowly began to heal its wounds and rises up.
Y/N: Forget them actually think about what silas will say. Oh Y/N we're so sorry for judging you for so many
years aren't we opal? (Mockingly) Like O.M.G totally your actually really hot Y/N I'm just soo jealous.
The drone laughs and breaths down Y/N's neck.
Y/N: Hold up........
He turns around coming face to face with the murder drone this time without a gun to protect him.
Y/N:..........Well I'm dead aren't I?
The X on her visor disappears and an eye replaces it the other eye hidden by its hair.
????: You......human. Are you with the company?
Y/N: Uhhhhhhh wha?
????: Did Jcjenson send you?
Eager to stay alive he nods and says...
Y/N: Y-yeah! I only just arrived a few days ago.
This eases the drone who takes a step back and looks at Y/N and bows.
M: I apologise for my threatening behaviour. My name is serial designation M and I'm the leader of my squad.
Y/N got a better look at M and was baffled by two things.
Y/N: (Okay one what's with the legs and two why did they have to make the drones hot?) I'm Y/N uhhh what were you doing down here in a museum anyway?
M: We were put on display for the public so they could get a grasp as to what would defend them from rebel worker drones. Speaking of which I need to free my other two teammates.
Y/N: Wait.....there's more of you?
M: Yes I did just tell you that didn't I?
M goes to the other pods and tinkers with them.
Y/N: But are you aware that the planet's core kinda went kaboom and all humans who were on the planet went-
M: Extinct? Yes we were trapped in the pods as the core collapsed we couldn't move but we were online we just kept powering off only for the pods to recharge us so yes we are well aware.
Y/N: Great that's wonderful news!
M opens the other two pods and her teammates jump out.
Y/N: (Oh no now there's six of em! I really screwed up this time!)
????: M.....i-is that you?
M: Yes it's me.
????: About time! Man I thought I was gonna rust away in that thing.
M: Y/N I would like to introduce to you my co-workers. The one with the headphones is serial designation K and the blue one is serial danger designation S.
Y/N looked at S who shyfully waves back wondering why she's classed as dangerous even though all murder drones are dangerous from the get go and....why is she blue?
S: H-hi.
Y/N: Sup?
K smirks and wraps her arm around Y/N.
K: Wassup dude thanks for helping M get out of that coffin! You like music? I love it man it really helps to express yourself ya know?
Y/N: Yeah I'm kinda of a heavy metal and rock type of guy.
K: You gotta try dubstep here listen to this!
She puts the headphones on his head and plays dubstep.
Y/N's ears screamed when the bass dropped K laughs and takes her headphones back and dances along.
Y/N:.............I think my ears are bleeding.
M: Enough playing around K we have a job to do. Y/N is there any other disassembly currently on copper-9 aside from us?
Y/N: Yeah three others haven't met them yet but I think I know where they hang out.
As he lied fingers crossed.
S: Where are they?
M: What are we looking for?
Y/N: Mountain of worker drone corpses smack bang in the middle of the city bigger then any other building very hard to miss.
M: Then let's go.
Y/N: Yeah great idea! Was nice talking to you-
M: That means you as well Y/N.
Y/N: Say what?
K leads Y/N with M and S towards the museum exit up the stairs.
K: Your with the company you doofus so that means your sticking with us as a team.
Y/N: Nah I'm good honestly-
M: It's not a request Y/N it's company policy.
And so with no other option that would not drive any suspicion from the drones towards him Y/N is forced to show the way towards the spire where he will be forced to meet the three drones that tore his old life apart.
Y/N: (Oh crapbaskets how do I get out of this one?)
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