Death in the family
Y/N sat in class groaning in sheer boredom sitting next to his secret crush doll who shyfully looks his way. It hadn't even been one whole week and Y/N was already bored with school finding subjects such as math, english and science useless.
He was wasn't alone neither uzi was also tired having her face down on her desk.
Teacher: Now cheese is a substance that's made from the milk that comes from the udder of a cow. A cow is an earth animal that-
Y/N phased out and closed his eyes eager to just sleep it off that is until he felt something touch his hand. Opening his eyes he looks down and sees doll's hand wrapped around his. A blush covered his face and so did hers the two childhood sweethearts enjoyed this moment although Uzi, Lizzy and the two other drones previously mentioned did not feeling rather jealous.
Y/N was about to try lean his shoulder on hers but the moment was ruined when a piece of paper was thrown at his head. Hearing the laughs behind him he looks at the paper showing a drawing of him being killed by the murder drones. It was braidon who sent that so Y/N decided to send a drawing of his own. Quickly scribbling on a paper he throws it behind him hitting braidons visor. The drone grabs it and sees a pic of Y/N with braidons head on a spike the words "Well fuck you too!" scribled underneath.
Ticking braidon off braidon throws a pencil at him this time Y/N turns around and threatens him directly.
Y/N: It's not even been a week and your trying this shit with me already? Do you really want to ride this train? Do you want me to open up a can of whoop-ass?!
Braidon: Oooh I'm soo scared the human freak is threatening me!
Some of the drones laugh until Y/N sighs.
Y/N: That's it.
Y/N reaches into his bag and pulls out a can he personally labelled as "whoop-ass" and opens the top of the can.
Y/N jumps over braidons desk and starts beating him down.
Uzi: Kick his ass bro!
Thad: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Braidon: AH AH! I'M SORRY!
The teacher sighs and marks Y/N with yet another suspension.
Teacher: Just another day in the office.
Hours later outside of the bunker a figure spots the entrance in the distance and laughs two claws appears as the figure approaches trying to figure out a way in.
Y/N was at his locker with lizzy, doll and the other two female drones who roll with lizzy.
Rebecca was the girl with blue hair with a red hat resting on top of it with white eyes and a matching blue dress to boot-
And Emily was the drone with the twintails wearing a shirt, skirt with a pair of glasses on her visor. Whether she needs them for sight or just for apperance is unknown.
Rebecca smirks at Y/N eyeing him up while Emily blushes being the more shyful one of the group.
Y/N: So there I was surrounded by not one not two but SIX murder drones all eager to tear into my human flesh and drink my blood.
Emily: What happened next? How did you even escape?
Y/N grins twirling his revolvers and arming his rifle.
Y/N: With these badboys. They thought I was easy prey but moments later I grab my revolvers and I start blasting! Two seconds later four out of the six drones are down and with the slash of my knife and the power of the rifles bullet I decapitate and blow a hole through both of thier heads and I rip them apart and take thier parts as trophies!
Rebecca: (Blushes) Wooow your totally brave and strong!
Lizzy: Especially strong I bet you have some nice abs under that shirt.
Y/N: Eh I do work out and keep my strength up.
Doll: So that means the murder drones are dead right?
Y/N: Not really I saw them regenerate from death before so they're probably back to hunting. But next time I'll make sure they stay down you'll see.
So that's the false story you've come up with?
The hall becomes tense and Y/N sighs while the girls backed off. Silas the father of opal was looking at Y/N with his daughter behind him. His fused disassembly drone claw curled up sick of the very sight of Y/N.
Y/N: Well well if it isn't the bunkers frankiendrone and his ever lovely/bitchy daughter. Here to have a go at me again grumpy?
Silas growled and walks towards Y/N.
Silas: I'm here to call bullshit on your little story. I know for a fact you were out there assisting those things in killing us off.
Y/N: Uhhh FYI? Did you not hear about the murder drone parts I have?
Silas: And what's stopping me from believing you merely asked them to give them to you to prove your claims?
Doll: Seriously silas?
Silas: Stay out of this.
Y/N: HEY! don't talk to her like that punk!
Silas: Sharp tounge-
The two squared up to one another inches apart.
Silas: Freak.
Y/N: Look in the mirror pal or did it break when it saw you?
Silas: Once I gather enough support from the other workers I will personally drag your lifeless body out of the bunker and leave it for the murder drones.
Y/N: Try to do that and I'll send you to the same place those things sent your wife.
Silas raises his claw and Y/N puts his hand on his rifles trigger.
Ratchet: Back off silas.
Ratchet said as he emerged from behind Y/N and the others.
Ratchet: Now.
Silas growls and steps back.
Silas: How could you not regret saving this thing Ratchet? You should have let him freeze to death.
Ratchet: The same way I should have not fused that murder drones arm onto you and let you bleed to death.
Silas: Do you forget what those things and the humans have done?
Ratchet: The same "things" that your now a hybrid of? No I haven't and I'm sure you haven't neither so tell me this. How would your wife feel if she could look at you now? A freakish combination of worker and disassembly drone? The very thing that took her offline as you and your daughter watched helplessly and pathetically!?
Y/N: Jeeeeesus christ doc you just buried him alive.
Lizzy: Settle doc settle.
Ratchet: So silas anything else you would like to add?
Silas:...........Watch your back human. Come on opal.
Silas walks past and opal follows but Y/N shouts to her.
Y/N: Opal riddle me this! If your dad's saying its my fault that your mom's dead then how could I kill her if I was only a little baby!?
Opal stops and looks at him before following her dad.
Ratchet: Why oh why hasn't nori gotten rid of him yet?
Y/N: Great question.
Lizzy: Well that almost got really nasty.
Y/N: I would have won the fight by the way.
Emily: A hundred percent.
Doll: Are you okay Y/N?
Y/N: I'm good dealt with him before are you good?
Doll: Yes thanks for sticking up for me.
Y/N smiles and the two blush.
Y/N: Doll uhhh I gotta talk to ratchet about something real quick after I do would you spend some time in my place? Just you and me like a...
Doll: Date?
Doll goes red and blushes playfully kicking her feet.
Y/N: Well......(Rubs head) If that's the way you wanna put it.
Doll: Yeah.....I'd love that.
Y/N: Really? Great! I'm free in 20 minutes uhhhh doc? Can we go to your office? I need to speak with you about something.
Ratchet: (Sigh) It better be important.
Y/N and ratchet head towards the doctors office and doll skips away leaving a fuming lizzy, Emily and Rebecca.
Lizzy: O.M.G! So unfair!
Rebecca: WTF!
Emily: Awwww now he's got a girlfriend!
Lizzy: (Growls) NOT SETTLE!
Doll was nervous as she looked in the mirror staring at her own reflection. This was a moment she had been waiting for years to come. Her and Y/N were finally going on a date it's only Y/N's room but still a date nonetheless.
Doll: Mom, dad I'm really nervous.
Yeva walked to her daughter and brushed her hair while yuri sat on the sofa relaxing.
Yeva: It's alright to be worried sweety I was nervous on my first date too we all are!
Yuri: Besides you and Y/N are perfect for eachother you loved one another since little children.
Doll: But what will the other drones think?
Yuri: Forget them!
Yeva: The only people who matter in this relationship should be you and Y/N. Who cares what others think as long as you and him are happy! I know that you two are going to have a happy life together and a plus for me nori will become my sister in law! Win win!
Yuri: You do need to hang around uzi more though doll.
Yeva: That girl does need more friends and it wouldn't hurt hanging around others then just that lizzy girl.
Doll: Yeah.....(smiles) your right.
A knock on the door is heard.
Doll: That must be Y/N!
Yeva: Have fun and remember to use protection!
Doll: M-MOM!?
Yeva: Just kidding.
Doll walks towards the door and opens it smiling expecting to see Y/N.
But upon seeing who it was her pupils grow small and her heart stops.
Inside the doctors office Y/N sat with ratchet who was waiting patiently for Y/N to speak.
Ratchet: Soo what bone have you broken this time?
Y/N: Well its not that.....for once I actually need to tell you something.
Ratchet: Yes?
Y/N: A little while ago after I beat the murder drones I looked in my mirror and for a split second saw something in my eye.
Ratchet: There was something in your eye?
Y/N: Yeah a.....a symbol! Weird looking thing too.
Ratchet grew worried surely it wasn't what he thought it it?
Ratchet; I-interesting could you try to remember exactly what this symbol looked like?
Y/N: Let me think uhhhh kinda like a triangle? It was black and had three sharp points and I swore it spun round but can't be sure of that.
Ratchet trembled Y/N had just described the one thing he dreaded the most something he prayed Y/N would never hear of let alone contract!
Ratchet: When did this thing start to appear?
Y/N: Just after a weird dream with me and this other drone in a big room.
Ratchet: Wh.......what was the drones name?
Ratchet felt weak terrible memories resurfaced with that very name he had to sit down breathing heavily barely able to cope.
Y/N: Doc are you okay?
Ratchet: I'm fine.......I'm okay.
Y/N: Soooo about this thing?
Ratchet: It's nothing to be worried about Y/N just a harmless flu in the eyes it will go away in due time......hopefully. (My god she's trying to get to Y/N I need to warn Nori!)
Y/N: Oh okay if that's the case I won't bother you anymore just had to be sure!
Ratchet: It's fine Y/N better safe then sorry.
Y/N: Gotta go doc need to head to doll's place got a date with a very lucky lady-
The loud scream was heard throughout the colony. Panic sets in and Y/N got up from his seat.
Ratchet: What was that?
Y/N: A scream funny it sounded just like............DOLL!!
Y/N slams open the door and rushes through the corridors towards doll's home his rifle in hand loading the clip.
Y/N: Hold on doll!!
Y/N saw the door to doll's house wide open and hears a gunshot and starts to fear the worst.
Y/N: Oh god doll not you anyone but you!
He barges in following the screams leading into the bedroom and kicks down the door.
Y/N spots doll scared in the corner looking ahead. Y/N looks to the right and his anger rises. V stood there holding a gun towards a terrified Yeva.
V turns round shocked to see Y/N.
V: Y-y-
She couldn't finish her sentence as a round slammed into her side.
Doll: Y/N!!
Yeva: HELP US!!
Yeva was badly injured only making Y/N more enraged. Without hesitation he blasted V with 6 rounds from his revolver. V however didn't want to harm Y/N and dodged and blocked the bullets pushing him to the ground before making a break for the exit.
Y/N gives chase firing round after round at the fleeing V who sliced any worker drone in her way.
Nori was made aware of the breach and saw V dart past with Y/N in hot pursuit.
Nori: Y/N stop no don't go after her!
Nori ran after her child with Uzi also joining the pursuit.
Uzi: Bro slow down!
Y/N fired three times.
Bang! The first shot hit her back-
Bang! Second struck her neck but she kept going.
The third nothing.....
Dammit Y/N thought the rifle was jammed.
The entire colony watched as Y/N chases V to the door. V quickly killed the drones guarding the door and slashed the controls forcing the door open.
V: Y/N wait!
Nori: Y/N!
V flew out just as Y/N unjamned his gun and loaded the final bullet. V had already made great distance but still he aimed. The black symbol appearing once again spinning around his rifle empowering the caliber of the firearm.
He focused on V aiming for the back of the head-
He breathed in his heart beating slowly in his chest-
And opened fire......
The sound of the metal clip ejecting from the rifle echoed out and the clip fell to the ground at the same time V did in the far distance. The one in a million shot traveled far and hit V in the head shooting right through the other side with its enhanced power. The symbol vanished as quickly as it appeared. Nori and uzi didn't see it neither did the other drones what they did see however was Y/N shoot the murder drone out of the sky with marksman precision. A impressive feat many had to admit.
Uzi: Woah what a shot.....
Nori: He got her he actually killed her.
Y/N breathed out before immediately turning back round running back to doll.
Y/N: Mom, uzi hurry that thing might have hurt doll and yeva!
Nori gasps and runs alongside her son uzi followed close behind. They followed Y/N to doll's home the screaming had stopped only to be replaced by crying.
Inside the house doll cried her mother moved to tears.
In yeva hands was the now cold lifeless body of her beloved husband Yuri.
While Y/N made it in time to save yeva her husband was not so lucky. He sacrificed himself putting himself in front of his family taking that one fatal shot.
Y/N heart broke seeing yuri's dead body nori and uzi felt the same Y/N cursed internally hating himself for not coming sooner. Nori crouched down to her friend who cried yuri's name and tried to comfort her.
Doll looks at Y/N who dropped his rifle and walks to him still in tears. Y/N looks back and doll runs into his arms and breaks down Y/N refused to let go as uzi watched unsure of how to react or handle this grimm scene.
Those were the sounds that came from the basement. Y/N slammed his fist into the metal wall tears streaming from his eyes. Anger fueled him as he kept on hitting his knuckles on the cold steel bruising them. He didn't care however he wasn't in a mood to care nor in the state of mind.
Up above in the daylight of copper-9 the rest of the colony had gathered together with the bodies of 12 drones killed in V's sudden attack including yuri. Yeva and doll held eachother in sadness as the bodies were buried nori looked down hiding in the shadows at the bunker entrance how could this have happened? How did V get in? Where was the chink in the armour?
Uzi watched from a distance she didn't stand beside her mother she didn't fit in like the rest. She felt horrible for the dead of course and wanted revenge more then ever just like evreyone else but she didn't fit in she never has. She walked away back into the colony when she heard the sound of Y/N's anger from the basement his scream roared like an enraged lion.
Worried for her brother she slowly walks down the basement towards the bottom and approached the room where Y/N stood punching the wall.
Uzi: Y/N?
He didn't answer so she got closer she could see him punching the metal and the pain on his face.
Uzi: Y/N what are you doing?
No answer.
Uzi: Bro stop your hurting yourself!
She walked up to him now worried sick and then saw the blood coming from his knuckles. He had hit the wall soo many times it caused his skin to rip open spilling the crimson liquid the floor growing more red with each hit.
Uzi: Y/N your bleeding stop punching the wall!
But his back remained facing towards her and the punching continued.
Uzi: Y/N!!
And he went for one more hit.
Uzi grabs his bloody hand and forces him to look at her turning him around. Her eyes lower and her soul breaks seeing Y/N bursting into tears gently grabbing his head by both sides with her hands making her look at him.
Uzi: Y/N.........
Y/N: I wasn't fast enough uzi.....I wasn't fast enough.
Uzi pulls Y/N into a warm embrace his head buried into her chest dampening the jumper with his tears.
Uzi: I know Y/N......
The siblings fall to the floor as uzi comforts her greive striken brother as the scene fades to black.
Uzi: I know.
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