A silly suprise
Y/N picked cyn up hugging evreyones favourite little goober and laughs.
Y/N: You actually came by to the bunker I'm soo happy! How you been?!
Cyn: Cute smile I've been fine Y/N busy but fine.
Cyn grabs Y/N's hand.
Cyn: Now give best friend cyn her favourite head pats.
Y/N obliged and pats cyn's head earning a cute smile and giggle which she of course worded out.
Cyn: Yay headpats from my favourite human I am such a happy drone.
Y/N: And seeing you happy makes me happy cyn!
Y/N puts cyn down and leads her inside.
Worker drone: Shouldn't we tell nori that drone is inside?
Y/N: Naaaah it's fine she's with me!
Cyn: Suprised look nori is here too? Excited smile I cannot WAIT to see her again.
Y/N: You two know eachother?
Cyn: In a way Y/N.
Y/N guides Cyn throughout the bunker.
Y/N: I have to introduce you to my sister and my friends they are a riot!
Cyn: Smiling. Who are your friends who are not better then best friend cyn?
Y/N: Well there's uzi my little sister a bit of a wildchild got my rebel side from her. There's thad my brother from another mother can always count on him. There's lizzy, Rebecca and Emily don't know how they'll react to you though. Opal was a bit of a jerk for a while but she's really a good drone when you get to know her. Then there's mom and aunt yeva I could not ask for a better aunt or parent.....They're really scary when mad though so I try not to anger them.
Cyn: My my Y/N you sure sound like a popular person.
Y/N: It's all natural can't be helped. Then there's my girlfriend Doll-
Cyn: WHAT?
Y/N looks at cyn who stared right at him flickering her solver.
Y/N: My......girlfriend? We've been dating for at least a year now. She's amazing even taught me russian too she's also got the solver like you and me. Oh mom and aunt yeva have it aswell.
Cyn: Humming curious what a funny coincidence.
Y/N and Cyn approach the doctors office.
Y/N: Now we got uncle R good old doc or ratchet as evreyone else calls him.
Y/N opens the door greeting the doctor who had his back turned.
Y/N: Hey doc! I got someone here to meet you!
Ratchet: (Sigh) Y/N I'm still doing work on what type of drone kickback was so unless it's a patient-
Ratchet turns around and freezes spotting cyn looking at him with a smile.
Y/N: Ratchet this is my buddy cyn.
Cyn: Waves hand hello.
Y/N: Uhhhh doc? Are you.....good?
Ratchet begins to suffer from a traumatic flashback from years ago. The detail of the past were limited being in ratchets vision which constantly glitches out. All it showed was the sight of blood, oil burning flames and labs. The screams of men and women echoed through his receptors as his vision switched showing cyn smiling at him with an evil look before attacking before it switched to ratchet holding a screaming drone by the neck all the while all of his old friends were ruthlessly gutted.
Y/N just watched confused why ratchet was just standing there motionless.
Cyn: Confused I think he's very shy.
Y/N: He's always been introverted but not like this though......doc I think we'll just go....keep up the good work.
Y/N awkwardly leaves the office with Cyn leaving the doctor by himself.
Ratchet: (Breaths heavily)...........(Scared wheeze)
Y/N and cyn left the doctor to his trauma and continued thier way around the bunker.
Y/N: Well that was weird wonder what got into him?
Cyn: Thinking who knows?
Y/N spots Thad with Doll, Lizzy, Rebecca and Emily up ahead.
Y/N: Hey its Doll and the others! Hey guys!
Thad waves back and doll smiles while lizzy and her posse start to fangirl.
Thad: Hey man what's going on? Lessons just ended and you were still not back.
Lizzy: He was probably being rebellious again.
Emily: And in a hot and cool way...
Y/N: Just had to deal with a special guest that's all.
Doll notices Cyn standing behind him and narrows her eyes at her.
Doll: Sweetheart? Who is that behind you?
Y/N: (To cyn) Oh this little fella? She's Cyn the drone that gave me the solver in the first place.
Cyn steps from behind Y/N and walks towards the group and looks at them.
Y/N: I'd be dead long ago if it wasn't for her.
Cyn: Blushes oh Y/N stop it your making me blush.
Thad: Heya little ma.....uhhh girl.
Lizzy: Sooooo she was the one that made you super strong and super hot?
Y/N: Basically.
Rebecca: Then she's cool in my books!
Emily: What do you think lizzy?
Lizzy: Duh of course settle!
Doll: Y/N I don't know. There's something about her I don't trust and if she's strong enough to give you a power like this-
Doll flashes her solver casuing Cyn to smile.
Doll: God knows how dangerous she might be.
Y/N: Dangerous? Come on Doll she's hasn't harmed anyone.....that I know of. I mean come on Doll look at her.
Y/N grabs Cyn picking her up and showing her to doll.
Y/N: Is this really the face of a drone who could hurt anyone?
This.......this is the face of pure evil.
Cyn: Sticks out tounge I am soo scary.
Y/N: Just trust me Doll.
Doll:........(Sigh) Alright I trust you.
Y/N: Thanks babe.
Y/N kisses Doll on the head making her smile while leaving the other girls especially Cyn jealous.
Rebecca: Awwwwww I so wish that was me!
Thad: Best couple in the bunker no question about it.
Emily: I hate to agree but your right.
Cyn: Jelous pout.
Lizzy: Tell me about it sister.
Y/N: You should go tell aunt yeva cyns here. Better for her and mom to know a new drone is wandering about.
Doll: Will do take care my love.
Doll blows Y/N a kiss and walks away with a sway in her steps leaving Y/N lovestruck.
Y/N: (Whistles) What a gal.
Lizzy: Okay you!
Lizzy grabs cyn's hand.
Lizzy: If your gonna be around the popular girls AKA us your gonna need some better clothes then that!
Cyn: Confused frown. What do you mean?
They are then joined hy Rebecca and Emily.
Rebecca: Come on that get up! Maid dress? hellooooo! The nineteenth century's called they want thier clothes back!
Emily: You need a new more modern look if you want evreyone to adore you (whisper) Especially Y/N.
The mention of Y/N immediately gets Cyn on board.
Cyn: Oh whoopsi daisy I did not know.
Lizzy and her squad lead cyn towards her house.
Lizzy: Don't worry girlfriend leave evreything that is fashion to big sister lizzy!
Cyn: Smiles okay big sister!
Thad and Y/N watched the girls leave.
Y/N: Looks like Cyn will hit it off with lizzy and the others just fine.
Thad: Must be a girl thing.
Y/N: Probably......
Thad: Must be nice having all those girl on you I wish I was more like you man.
Y/N: Why would you want to be a gun loving fanatic like me?
Thad: Dude ain't it obvious? Badass powers, all the girls over you, the popularity your the talk of the town just like my sister is!
Y/N: Hold up.......you have a sister?!
Thad: Yeah she lives in a different colony though she wanted to do her own thing. From what other drones have been saying about her she's become a drone to look up to second in command of her bunker from what I'm told.
Y/N: Wow must feel proud having a sister that well thought of.
Thad: Yeah even though we barely see eachother anymore I still love her she is my sister after all......she was always my parents favourite.
Thad got a notification on his visor.
Thad: One sec Y/N just gotta read this.
Thad reads the message and his eyes shrink and starts to panic.
Thad: Oh crap.
Y/N: What's wrong?
Thad: Uhhh Y/N it was nice hanging with you but mom and dad want me back home see you around some other time!
Thad runs down the corridor as Y/N watched him confused.
Y/N:.......Aight then? I'll see you later I suppose......
Yeah cause that doesn't scream concerning or suspicious does it?
Y/N hears that same voice again and starts looking around for the source.
Y/N: What the?!-
Well done Y/N you just let the most dangerous being in the entire universe into your home handing over evrey drone here like a meal with an entrée and desert on the side. How does that make you feel?
Y/N: (Groans) Shut up.....
Meh don't worry Y/N enjoy your day with the genocidal robot me and you will have our own little one to one chat real soon.
The voice stops causing Y/N to shake his head.
Y/N: Urgh I wish that would stop and Cyn? Genocidal? Yeah right.
Lizzy: Oh Y/N we're baaaaaaack!
Rebecca: And look at the new and improved Cyn!
Y/N looks at the girls who had returned with Cyn who had a complete makeover.
Cyn: What do you think Y/N? Seductive smile.
Emily: Doesn't she look great?
Lizzy: I told her this was the best way to impress you along with a flirty attitude.
Y/N: Lizzy that's thoughtful and also thanks for being kind to cyn but you don't need to dress up or act sexy to impress me Y'all are good enough as you already are.
Rebecca: (Squeals) Y/N said I look cute!
Emily: No way he said that to me!
Lizzy: Settle!
Cyn: (Sad thought I want my black bow back)
After that lizzy, Emily and Rebecca went thier separate ways from Y/N leaving him with Cyn who used her solver to replace her new clothes with her old one's bow and all.
Cyn: Much better big sister lizzy can be quite annoying.
Y/N: Yeah she's like that at first but she'll eventually rub on you.
Cyn: Doubt.
The two reach the doorman residence and Y/N guides Cyn inside.
Y/N: And this is home sweet home my domain!
Cyn: Excited I can't wait to see your room Y/N!
Y/N spots uzi sitting on the couch with her laptop.
Y/N: Hey sis!
Uzi spots Y/N and smiles at him.
Uzi: Hey bro.
Y/N: Aren't you meant to be at school?
Uzi: Got expelled turns out setting someones head on fire is against school rules.
Y/N: Not the worst thing you've done in class.
Uzi: True.....
Uzi notices cyn.
Uzi: Uhhh Y/N? Who's the weird drone?
Y/N: Uzi be respectful. This is Cyn she's the drone that gave me the solver.
Cyn stumbles towards Uzi and smiles.
Cyn: Hello big sister uzi smiles.
Cyn: Giggles well we will be related when me and Y/N get married thinks romantically.
Uzi: (Darkly) Whaaaaat?
Y/N: (Blushes) I have no idea where this came from I did not tell her to say that.
Uzi: Cyn you do realise that Y/N already has a girlfriend? (Sadly)
Cyn: He can always have a harem.
Y/N: Huuuuuh!?
Uzi: Harem.....you watch anime?
Cyn: From time to time.
Uzi:.......Maybe I judged you too harshly.
But what type of music do you like?
Cyn: The screams of the tortured and dammed.
Y/N:.....Ohhhhhhh you like heavy metal! I see your a drone of culture.
Cyn: Sheepish nod yes that's what I meant.
Y/N: Hey sis quick question but where's mom?
Uzi: In her room talking to doll's mom.
Y/N: Aunt yeva?
Uzi: Yeah.
Y/N: Tell them I'm gonna be in our room with cyn.
Uzi: (Smugly) Make sure to use protection you two.
Y/N: Uzi!?
Cyn: Oh don't worry I like it raw and rough~
Uzi: Jesus!
Cyn walked around Y/N's room looking at all his belongings and his weapons as Y/N sat on the bed chilling.
Y/N: Pretty nice place huh? Me and Uzi have really put some character into this room over the past few years.
Cyn: Nods yes it is very-
Cyn spots the open drawer that held Uzi's pictures.
Cyn: Unique.
Cyn takes one of the drawing uzi made and looks at it before giggling mischievously.
Y/N: Hmm? What's wrong cyn?
Cyn: Big sister uzi has made a frisky picture of you Y/N naughty naughty how incestuous.
Y/N: She's what!?
Uzi heard this from the room next door and her heart stops.
Uzi: Ohhh crapbaskets....
Y/N walks towards Cyn and takes the photo from her and looks at it. Y/N's mouth drops open seeing a drawing of him pinning uzi to the bed making out with her half naked.
Y/N: Sweet......lord.....alabama....
Cyn: She has many more in here too.
Y/N picks up all the fanart and flicks through page after page rubbing his eyes at what he was looking at.
Y/N: I.......I didn't know......she started to...see....me like.......I cannot even....
Y/N folds up the fanart and puts it in his bag.
Y/N: One's things for sure though I'm definitely having a word with uzi about this. Thank you for making me aware of this cyn.
Cyn: Proud smile I appreciate the praise Y/N.
Suddenly the door swings open and Nori and Yeva burst in thier eyes going wide as they stared at Cyn next to Y/N activating thier solvers.
Yeva: Y/N!
Y/N: Jesus Mom, Aunt yeva ever heard of knocking?
Nori: What are you doing here Cyn!? Get away from my son!
Cyn: Scared jump.
Y/N gets in front of Cyn.
Y/N: Woah hey calm down mom what's with the anger? She's just here for a visit!
Yeva: Y/N we need you to step away from Cyn. She's dangerous.
Y/N: What!? Yeva she hasn't harmed a soul since she's been here.
Cyn: Nods that is correct please calm down nori and Yeva.
Y/N: And how do you know Cyn anyway?
Nori: That's not important and not for you to know what is important is that she gets scrapped here and now!
Cyn: Whimper crying Y/N please protect me.
Yeva: No Y/N she's using you move aside!
Y/N: Using me?! She's saved me! If it wasn't for her giving me the absolute solver I would have died back out in the wasteland when J impaled me or when silas did so too!
Nori: Y/N that solver she's given you could turn you into a monster!
Those words cut deep into nori as yeva gasped while cyn looked at them behind Y/N with a smug look.
Yeva: Y/N!
Nori slowly deactivates her solver and stares at her son with a heartbroken look.
Y/N: Get out of my room.
Nori: Y/N-
Y/N: Get out we can argue later and if you don't like cyn then just stay away from her.
Nori:.........(To yeva) Let's leave.
Yeva: But nori....
Nori: Yeva please......
Seeing her friend so distraught she backs down and escorts her out of the room. Cyn regains her frightened apperance as Y/N turns around.
Cyn: Crying Y/N...
Y/N: Cyn I am soo sorry that had to happen.
He scoops up Cyn sitting her and him on the bed and strokes her hair to help her calm down.
Y/N: I don't know what got into those two they've never acted like this before.
It's okay they'll leave you alone now it's just you and me.
Cyn: Sniffle just you and me?
Y/N: For as long as you want.
Cyn stops her fake crying and smiles cuddling Y/N.
Cyn: Then can I have a nap with you Y/N?
Y/N: Sure thing Cyn if that's what you want.
Cyn: Yippee cuddle time with my best friend!
Cyn uses her solver to wrap the blanket around her and Y/N and nuzzles into his chest turning off the lights.
Cyn: Sighs your human flesh feels soo warm and nice I never want to let you go.
Y/N smiles patting her head closing his eyes.
Y/N: Goodnight cyn.
Cyn: Night night Y/N.
Nori stared glumly into her cup of black coffee with yeva standing next to her. Uzi had suddenly ran out the house so it was just her and yeva in the room as Y/N and Cyn slept.
Yeva: Nori please listen to me. what Y/N said wasn't true he probably just said it in the heat of the moment.
Nori: I know but to hear that coming from Y/N....it really tears me up. If only he knew what type of monster Cyn is.
Yeva: And that leads me to question something. Why does she care about Y/N soo much? We both know she despises all humans....all for except Y/N.
Nori: So why? Why is my son special?
Yeva: Maybe she and Y/N had know eachother on earth. Shame he can't remember his past though.
Yeva puts her hand Nori's shoulder.
Yeva: Nori look at me Y/N does not see you as a monster so don't beat yourself over it. He'll calm down and apologise all kids his age do.
Nori: I just don't want to lose him like I did with Khan.
Yeva: The same with me like when I lost yuri. We'll help him control what cyn gave him and make sure that no matter what he does not turn out like her.
Nori smiles and hugs yeva.
Nori: Thank yeva.
Yeva: Don't mention it.
Nori: But you do know Y/N or uzi might start snooping around our past right?
Yeva: And when they do we'll tell them evreything.
Nori: And what if uzi also has this-
Yeva: One step at a time nori. Let's focus on training Y/N first.
Nori:.....(smiles) Yeah even though he's already strong as he is.
Yeva: Don't forget brave and......quite the cute one too. I feel jelous for my daughter.
Nori: YEVA!!
Yeva: Oh please I've seen the way you look at him like the same way you looked at Khan.
Nori: (Looks away) Bite me!
Yeva: My point remains proven.
However peeking through Y/N's door was cyn who had a hungry smirk and quietly crept back to Y/N who was holding a pillow instead of cyn who kisses his head.
Cyn: Wait right there Y/N. Best friend Cyn has to do something.
Cyn teleports and the camera switches to where kickbacks body layed which was now covered in black tar like liquid. Cyn walked over towards the corpse and her form glitched revealing it to be a disguise to hide her real form which was glitching out preventing the camera from getting a full glimpse.
Cyn: Impatient tapping I hate how long this has been taking let's speed up the process shall we?
The corpse suddenly springs to life. Kickbacks upper body rises up being formed into a new creature that grew a set of yellow eyes and pincer like claws.
Cyn: Much better now let's make sure nothing gets in the way of our Y/N ever again.
Cyn laughs along with the mutated kickback that also shared her voice.
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