A new family
Two figures sat on the floor one drone and one boy.
The drone wearing a maid outfit smiled hugging the child with love a gesture the child gladly returned.
The small boy laughs petting the black bow placed on top of the drones hair earning a giggle which the drone spoke out before it nuzzles into his chest. Another girl ran towards the two and the three entered a group hug enjoying thier company together as possible childhood sweethearts before the moment was rudely shattered.
The girls father yanks her and the drone by the arm and drags them away scolding them causing the girl to cry. The parents of the boy held him back patting him as he reached his hand towards the two who look at him with pain and sadness before a door slams shut separating the three as the screen suddenly cuts.
Ratchet gently picks Y/N's left arm up surveying any damage. He breathed an audible sigh of relief the color in his arm had started to return and his temperature warmed up. A black line scarred his arm however going from his palm up to his shoulder. A scar from the frostbite no doubt but it shouldn't cause him any pain thank robo-god. The last thing Ratchet wants to do is perform an amputation on a small child he could imagine the horror on tbe boy's face when he wakes up seeing the small stump where his arm once was.
Ratchet: Vitals are becoming more stable temperature is improving this is excellent progress. But one thing will wonders me. How is this boy even alive even before the hyperthermia? The planet's toxic air should have done him in the moment he breathed it. It makes no logical explanation then again this is a planet filled with sentient robots thriving on a frozen wasteland. Not exactly normal in human terms.
Ratchet hears shouting coming from the bunker entrance.
Ratchet: Nori's going to have her work cut out convincing evreyone else to let the boy stay. If anyone dares harms this child so help me in the name of windex-
His visor glitches causing him to panic. Ratchet runs over to his counter opening his cupboard taking out a vial filled with a liquid and drinks it's contents calming down.
Ratchet: Easy now Ratchet keep a cool head don't want to lose it like last time deep breaths now.....
He breaths in and out taking deep breaths brushing his coat.
Ratchet: Okay......I'm good.
He hears groaning coming from Y/N and his instincts go into override immediately running to his patient as Y/N awoke from his week long slumber.
Nori and Yeva stood in front of the colony evrey drone who lived behind the bunker walls had gathered round expressing thier extreme displeasure at the revelation that a human was now sharing the bunker with them. Something many of the workers did not appreciate.
Nori: Oh my god can you all calm down for just one second!?
Worker drone: ARE YOU INSANE!?
Worker drone: Wait.....they can do that?
Worker drone: Meh probably.
The entire bunker shakes as nori shouts shutting evreyone up.
Nori: Let me make make this clear to all of you. One he's not a murder drone in disguise. Two he's not gonna harm anyone he's only a kid and three I bought him here because he was close to death and from now on I'm going to take care of him!
No way as if we'll live in the same bunker as that freak.
This insult came from a male worker drone holding a little girl drone in his arms. His left side of his visor was clawed out and his right arm was replaced by a disassembly drones arm claw and all.
Yeva: Of course Silas you would be the one to say that.
Nori: This isn't up for discussion the child is staying and that is final.
Silas: I'm sorry but is our dead families a joke to you nori? Didn't khans death teach you anything?
Yeva: DON'T go there silas!
Nori: You keep Khan out of this he's suffered enough let him rest.
Silas: But even after watching him die you still choose to save a brat that's from the race that sent those devil's after us. The same drones that killed my wife scarring me and taking my daughters mother away from her.
Nothing good will come out of him staying here no doubt the murder drones will come for him. We need to get him out of here!
Nori: You will do no such thing!
Silas: Either you will or I will drag that mistake out of-
Hearing enough nori walks up to him and flashes her solver growling.
Nori: You lay one finger on that boy and you'll answer to me and once I'm done with you your insides are going to be on the outside. Do I make myself clear silas?
Silas sucks his teeth and backs off attending to his daughter who was now beginning to cry.
Silas: Your making a grave mistake nori I hope you realise that before it's too late.
Yeva walks over to her friend.
Yeva: Should have seen that coming his wife's death still haunts him.
Nori: Just because other humans were horrible to us doesn't mean the kid is. He's innocent.
Yeva: I hope we can let evreyone see that eventually.
Nori: I hope so too......
Yuri runs into view straight towards Nori and his wife.
Yuri: You two come with me ratchet just told me the human's awake he wants you to be there with him!
Yeva: He's awake!?
Nori: Lead the way!
Yuri nods and they all rush towards the doctors office.
Y/N rubs his eyes as Nori and the others stood around him. He stayed under the blankets mainly because he was cold and secondly he was afraid. He remembered Nori and ratchet but he hasn't got a clue who the other two drones were.
Ratchet: His pulse has stabilised and the frostbite has passed although it has left a scar on his arm.
Nori: But he's going to be okay now....right?
Ratchet: Yes he's made a full recovery all he needs now is some food and comfort he's been through hell. Not many can encounter those disassembly drones and live to tell the tale he should be considered VERY lucky.
Nori sits next to Y/N.
Nori: Hey little guy feeling better now?
Y/N shakes his head in the affirmative.
Nori: Great! You must be hungry here we found you some chocolate eat up
Y/N takes a bar of chocolate from nori and quickly scarfs it down.
Yeva: You must have been really hungry your sweet little thing.
Y/N: Uh huh.
Ratchet: Hey kid do you remember what your name is?
Y/N: i-im......Y/N.
Yeva: That's a nice name.
Y/N: Where am I?
Nori: Your in a bunker with me and all the other drones. We have reeeeeeally good doors so those big bad robots can't get you.
Ratchet: Speaking of those big bad drones......can you remember anything that happened before you found nori? If your comfortable with it of course.
Y/N looked scared but Nori stroked his cheek reassuring him Y/N was suprised by the warmth of her touch.
Nori: Take your time.
Y/N: We.......w-we were getting ready for bed when they found us. Mommy and daddy told me to run but I didn't want to leave them I was too scared but then......(Sobs) Then they killed my mommy and daddy and I ran away they chased me I thought I was gonna die!
Y/N breaks down in tears the laughs of the three drones haunted his mind. Nori quickly pulled him into a hug knowing exactly how the child felt she had been through the same thing as he did but unlike her Y/N was not used to the sight of murder and death. She had no doubt Y/N was traumatised by the experience and wanted nothing more then to comfort him.
Nori: Oh you poor thing it's okay I'm here. Mama Nori's got you.
Yeva held her hand over her mouth and yuri curled up his fist disgusted by the drones vicious act.
Yuri: Savages........God damn savages.
Yeva: How could they? To a mere child?
Ratchet: Poor lad......must be going through a severe case of trauma he's going to need all the support he can get.
Nori held back her tears holding the boy tight refusing to let go.
Ratchet: Nori......I think it would be best if you took him with you back to your house. But if you ever feel like Y/N could use some therapy I'll be more then happy to arrange an appointment at any time.
Nori: Thanks ratchet.
Ratchet: Anything for an old friend.
Nori: (To Y/N) Come on sweetie let me and aunt yeva show you your new home.
Y/N: Okay......m-mommy.
Nori felt her heart melt when Y/N said that. The hole in her heart just got a little bit small. Yeva also found Y/N adorable.
Aunt yeva?
Yeah she can definitely work with that.
Nori carried Y/N towards her house where a special little drone would be waiting for him. Along the way many of the passing worker drones looked at the boy. Some with hatred while others felt pity for him.
Yeva: I hope your daughter will be kind towards Y/N.
Nori: Oh I'm sure Y/N and uzi will hit it off.
Y/N: Who?
Nori: Your little sister Y/N only by one year though.
Y/N: I'm.....a big brother?
Nori: Yes you are.
She boops his nose making him giggle.
Nori: (He's soo precious).
Nori arrives at her humble domain unlocking the door allowing her and the others inside where a small girl with purple hair walked over to nori excited to see her mom again.
Uzi: Mommy!
Nori: There's my little girl. Have you been good while I was gone?
Uzi: Of course I was why wouldn't I?
Yuri: Didn't you break a lamp earlier?
Uzi:I did not!
Nori rolls her eyes of course her daughter would inherit her attitude this had to be karma.
Uzi: Mommy?........why is there a human with you?
Y/N looked nervous as Nori's lowers him down introducing him to ber daughter. Y/N slowly approaches scared at how she could react.
Nori: Uzi this is Y/N he's going to be your brother from now on so be nice to him okay?
Uzi: But....didn't you say humans were big meanies?
Nori: Y/N is different uzi he's nicer then the other humans. Isn't that right Y/N?
Y/N: H-hi.
Uzi walks up to him.
Uzi: Your not gonna be nasty to me like the others right?
Y/N: W-why would I?
Uzi: They think I'm weird and bully me! You won't bully me will you?
Uzi seemed afraid.
Y/N: No.....why would I?
Uzi was silent for a second Y/N panics thinking he messed up but uzi grabs his arm excitedly and cheers.
Uzi: Yay finally i have a friend! Come on let me show you my room!
She gently drags him towards her room.
Y/N: Wait I still need to look around first!
Uzi: Bite me you can check the place tomorrow!
Nori smiles and turns to her friends.
Yuri: I think they'll hit it off just fine.
Nori: Oh thank god.
Yeva: But oh where did she learn to say all that I wonder?
Nori: Haha screw you.
Uzi and Y/N were sitting on Uzi's bed uzi was excited this was her first time seeing a human in her life and she never dreamt of a human being her brother of all things!
Uzi: So you really saw those scary drones?
Y/N: Y-yeah?
Uzi: What did they look like?
Y/N: They had really really sharp claws and had long sharp teeth and they had wings too!
Uzi shudders.
Uzi: They sound scary! You must be really brave.
Y/N: I tried too.......my mommy and daddy said I had to before they.......
Uzi: Before they what?
Uzi grew concerned.
Y/N: They.......killed them.
Uzi's eyes lowered and she hugs Y/N.
Y/N: (Tears up) Uzi?
Uzi: It's okay...........they hurt my daddy too........
The two newfound sibling tear up in thier embrace before they huddled under the blanket holding eachother tight as they fell asleep in eachothers arms. Nori quietly walks in and lies in the bed pulling the two close to her cuddling her children.
She had lost her husband but had now another child to care for another soul to cherish and to protect.
She lost Khan but she was going to make damn sure she would never lose Y/N to those things.
It was a solemn vow. One she aimed to keep no matter the cost.
Nori: (Whispers) I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Not to you uzi.........and not you......Y/N.
The mother closes her eyes and holds her children as they fall asleep in eachothers arms.......together..........
As family.
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