Chapter 2
Ellie's P.O.V
I woke up by a sound of banging against the main door. I stood up and headed downstairs. As I was half way through descending the stairs, someone shouted, "Open the door or we'll break it!"
"Shit!" I whispered as I headed up the stairs again going to Joel's room. As I reached his room I saw him packing his bag. "Go get your stuff ready now!" He said whispering as nearly shouting.
I ran to my room and got my things ready. I then saw Joel head downstairs holding his Hunting Rifle. I followed him holding a Semi-Auto. As we ran to the backdoor, the front door bursts open. "There they are! Get 'em!" One of the men shouted. They all began shooting rapidly as we kept making our way to the woods.
"Get the fuck back here!" The man shouted again and began chasing us. Bullets were passing by us as we kept running and dodging branches and hopping over logs. Joel kept turning around and shooing back. But he was a pretty good aimer! Not bad, Joel!
My legs began to ache after running for more than half an hour and not even taking a break. As we kept running, we finally lost them. We finally slowed down and walked. "Fuck... They nearly got us!" I said as I collapsed on the ground taking in breathes.
"Let's sit here for a little but then we gotta move outta this place 'cause they get us again." Joel said as he laid next to me.
"Didn't really expect us to run this much and my legs ache as hell!" I said taking deep breathes.
"It's alright, sweetie. Well have to go more farther to be safe." He said. "We gotta be careful." I just nodded back.
I looked up and saw colorful bird fly over us. One of them landed beside me only a meter away. If I moved it'll fly off. So I just laid there hearing all birds chirping in the trees.
I suddenly heard a branch snap. I sat up and looked at Joel who was fast asleep. I look back up and saw two twisted horns picking out of a bush. I got out my bow and arrow and aimed at it. As it lifted its head up I noticed that it's a deer.
I took in a deep breathe and aimed at its head. I then released the arrow and saw it curve as the wind pushed it aside making the arrow hit it's right horn. Soon, the deer sprinted away horrified. "C'mon really?" I said looking at the trees. "Thanks to you mother nature for missing my clear shot." I said to my self frustrated and rested back down on the ground and took a nap.
"Wake up! Ellie! Wake up!" I quickly shot my eyes open and got up, looking surprised at Joel. "What?!" "We need to move!" He whispered. I suddenly heard people talking but couldn't make out what it sounded like.
I quickly got my bag and Joel began to move. Following him, a man shouted,"I see them, fuckers!"
"Oh fuckin' great.!" I said. "Just keep running!" Joel ordered and we kept running.
AUTHORS NOTE: so whatcha guys think of this? I hope its nice but I believe it sucks :( leave a vote and comment. ~PurpleDino
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