Chapter 1
"Hey this isn't far! Give me my house back! Come on this isn't how you'll treat me!" I yell, my cape sways and my ice blue eyes burned with a raging flame. This was positively the worst week yet! I hate it, every thing was going wrong. Now I was being thrown out in to the filthy rat filled streets of London.
"Well you haven't paid for any thing for 5 months Mr. Keging. Five months!" A professional man with long hair and a tight suit said angrily, the small glasses on the bridge on his nose wobbled warning that they could fall off.
"I...I was going to get the money tomorrow" I stutter, I wasn't but I couldn't thing of anything else.
"I have heard that too many times. Sorry Mr. Keging if you get the money you can get the house back." He sneered putting his top hat on and pushing me out of my three story mansion. They lock the door with a tight lock and swiftly walked away, I sigh and start
walk haphazardly away from my mansion and in to the disgusting, dirty, slum filled streets of London. I walk aimlessly around the cold streets wondering were I was going to stay. Minx? No she was off on a world tour. Ken? Nope of course not he was visiting a dying friend. Ian? Anthony? No Anthony was long gone since he got married, and Ian was heart broken and was taken to a hospital. Ryan? Nope, wait yes he was here! I have to go see him! I missed him, after all he is my best friend.
I make way to Ryan's place. It was a nice little cottage that was on a privet beach. I smiled I'm glad I met Ryan, he was weird but funny, and clumsy but cunning and he made the smallest things the best things. I was about half way there when the paper caught my eye. I turn my head to the boy that was selling the newspapers and walked over.
"Hey! Hey! Get your daily paper! See the news, a fire last night! Hurry hurry quick get it now!" The boy haulers trying to bring in customers.
I walk over and scan the papers with a gasp. The front cover was a picture of Ryan's whale oil factory but it was burnt down and people where being dragged out dead or alive. I shivered and started shaking, it happened last night. God, Ryan, I have to see if he's okay. I hurry away from the boy and towards Ryan's cottage. I was now panicked and sprinting to Ryan's, I wasn't there, he could be hurt or worse, dead. My thoughts made me push my body to move faster and I was only about three minutes away from Ryan's. My feet hurt and my body was in hyper mode, I came around the corner and saw the beach. Forcing myself to be fast I almost tripped when I came to the small gate blocking his small piece of paradise from reality. Hopping over the gate I was panting and sweating but I couldn't stop thinking about my friend.
He could be dead. I wouldn't get to see his smile, hear his deep husk laugh, or see the white expressionless, poker face mask.
I've never really seen his face, he was quite mysterious. He never showed his face, at all to anyone! But I didn't really mind it, but sometimes I got the urge to take off the mystery mask, I think everyone does. Any time I'd ask him about it he would ignore me and continue talking about something else.
I open the door and yelled out to Ryan. No answer, oh no. I tried again and again but their was no answer. He...he...was dead. Gone, he didn't deserve it! No! He...he can't be. I broke down and started crying, Ryan was gone just like that.
I yell out in rage, no he was smart he was cunning. He couldn't be dead it wasn't possible. No! I wouldn't accept that. My eyes look at I looked at the small rustic table and saw many papers and notes. Moving to the table I curiously look at everything, tears still drip from my eyes and i was right. He was kicked from his house. Three days before the fire. I realized that last time I was here he was worried, even angry a bit. I spot a note that read:
'Dear Felix its Ryan here obviously, but I need to let you know, I'm sorry I can't be here anymore. You remember the stories I told you about the crazy man that would try and kill the hero, he was insane. But those worn't stories, that was me being chased by my father. He was insane, he hurt me and my mom, badly. I hated him so much, but he was so much stronger and fierce then me. I couldn't do anything, nothing at all, he killed my mom and I ran, and never stopped. He lost me when I entered London but he found me. If he finds me he will kill me. So I ran again. I'm sorry. I really am friend but I can't come back I'm sorry. I lost my house. It's my last night here I'm sorry. But don't worry okay friend. I'll miss you.
~ Ryan
P.S Follow the story
He...he is gone. Follow the story what! What the hell! He couldn't just leave every thing! Our friendship! What was it nothing? Why did he leave me? Why couldn't he just face him? He was a grown man! I knew him for seven years, and he just up and left!
I couldn't take it anymore, I broke. I crawled to his room and passed out cold on his bed.
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