The Last Mermaid
Mediterranean Cruise, Greek Islands
12 days on board
Upper exterior cabin
€ 970
Minami hadn't thought much about it. She had the money saved, the date coincided with her vacations, and she was convinced that after the hard year she had experienced, she deserved it. She needed to clear and detoxify her mind; forget numbers, obligations, problems and routine.
Although the sea had always instilled fear to her (which was pretty ironic, considering the name she carried), as the days and new destinations passed by, her enthusiasm for adventure was increasing.
They had already visited Nafplion, Athens, Crete Island, and that same evening they left Mykonos Island. At night the cruise would go into the Aegean Sea to arrive at the city of Volos at dawn.
Already in her cabin and feeling very exhausted, she put her camera to charge and lay down, succumbing to the arms of Morpheus.
Suddenly, Minami was torn from her dreams by the outbreak of the general alarms.
She sat up in bed, disoriented, and instinctively looked out the window. The night was dense and dark.
Suddenly a deep roar, accompanied by a violent attack, inaugurated the nightmare. By the time Minami fell to the ground, adrenaline had snatched her senses, her pupils were dilated and her teeth were clenched. Under the red emergency lights, she stayed paralyzed for a few seconds, in a panic.
All the memories that would cling her to life, flashed through her mind like a lightning. The only thing she was sure about, was that she didn't want to die.
She lunged for the door and began to run through the corridors, the walls were creaking, her muscles still tense. Her limbs didn't feel her own, she was out of control.
Everything seemed to go by in slow motion, people pushing, stumbling, falling; emptying their lungs with screams and heartrending cries. Faces deformed by horror. That was Dantesque. A stampede of despair and contagious frenzy.
She succumbed to a father running with his son in his arms, and while hitting a wall, Minami felt that sanity (nothing could be further from the truth) was awakening her: she had to make it to the deck.
But she was small, her strength wasn't enough to make way through efficiently.
A new shuddering noise, the structure gave way. The ground began to tilt sharply, and a few meters away, the inconceivable: the helmet broke in two.
Minami, stared with astonished eyes, the god Cronos rising from the depths of the ocean, mocking, separating the halves of the ship with his arms, with the ease of who opens the curtains of a window.
More eternal seconds passed by, feeling frozen in time. Through the crack, Minami could see the sky, the night was closed, without stars; and the icy breeze made her aware of how sweaty she was, by the thermal shock. For a moment, everything seemed quiet.
In the distance she spotted Poseidon, even bigger than Cronos,he was sinking the prow of the ship with all of his fury.
The giant hand of Cronos almost reached her, his fingers snaked slowly towards her, and facing terror, she began to flee terrified in the opposite direction.
Without knowing how, Minami realized she was on the congested deck, where they were boarding women with children in lifeboats. She was still confused, her head felt stunned among the unrestrained crowd.
Someone handed her a waistcoat, and without being able to finish putting it on, received a shove so brutal that she slipped to the final railing of the stern. She went under it. Her reflexes responded, but her fragility won her over, when she hung on the edge.
Nobody helped her.
She couldn't sustain herself.
She saw herself falling into an endless hole, flapping her arms as if trying to fly, but no miracle happened.
Then, hit the surface. The cold water swallowed her, the cold hurt in his marrow, and she couldn't scream, because she kept sinking.
The surface seemed so far away, and swimming against suction was almost an impossible job.
She felt the forces leaving her body, desolately. She didn't want to die like that, but was going to die, she knew, she was dying. Her lungs were on the verge of collapse.
Minami's last vision was a triton swimming towards her, quickly but heroically, a ray of hope.
His long hair flamed in the water like a trail behind him. His whole body was muscular, his scales and fins glowed like fireflies in the field on a summer night.
She felt his warmth arms as he took her to the surface. Minami was almost unconscious.
The tug was strong. Part of her body fell on those who had pulled her out, but her head hit the boat's floor. Although she felt no pain.
Minami took a deep breath.
—We got you. It's over! You are safe! —She managed to hear, before fainting.
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