The Heartfilia Children - Chapter 19
The demon boy backed up, his face, filled with pain... I can't believe I just said that. How could I?
"Demons can't love.." He whispered.
"Kcalb? Can we come in?" I look behind the boy and see.. Them.
"L-Lucy.. Gray?! Erza!" One by one, my team mates started coming in through the doors. Their faces, mixed with emotions. They- they don't believe I'm E.N.D, right? 10 seconds seemed like 10 years before one of them said something.
"N-Natsu.." Gray walked up first. His face, all of them- they looked.. Like zombies.
He did this to them.
"I missed you guys." I whisper, breaths shallow. All at once my friends bursts into tears and smiles, running up to me, embracing me into a hug.
"I knew we'd all be together.. I knew it!" Lucy cried.
"Our Natsu.. Is back!" Wendy whispered.
"Don't ever leave us again, flame brain." Gray laughed through tears.
"I'm glad you're okay, Natsu.." Erza said smiling.
"I love you guys." I let my friends love warm my heart. I forgot the feeling of having them around..
"Sorry to rain on your parade, but where is (Y/N)?" The demon known as Kcalb asked.
"I hate explaining things." Zeref sighed. He filled the guys with all the information about (Y/N) being a demon, the prophecy, True Loves Kiss-
Kcalb loves her. Does she love him back? Is he the love of her life?!
"Natsu!" Gray yelled. I looked up to their worried expressions.
"S-sorry. Jut got caught up in things I despise." I say looking into the eyes of the demon.
"Please quit you petty love-drama. She's my little sister, if she's picking one of you two, I have to approve." Zeref said rolling his eyes.
"Is anyone gonna get me out of here?" I ask, still chained. Kcalb rolled his eyes and unlocked them, since he was the only demon here.
"Thanks.." I mumble. It's good to be free. I sigh, stretching. I quickly fall to the ground, considering it has been a year, I forgot how to walk. Gray lifts me up and sits me down on a chair.
"Thanks, Ice Perv." I laugh.
"Good to see you're still you." He smiled.
"Still, hard to believe (Y/N)'s part demon." he added.
"Hold on- I heard E.N.D took Lucy away-" I said.
"My brother has never been the smartest. I know all of his tricks. I made him." Zeref yawned.
"Wait wait- you created E.N.D and (Y/N). How can Layla and Acnologia be all three of your parents?" Lucy asked, still not fully believing she could be related to a demon.
"And aren't you like what- four hundred years old?" I asked.
"Wouldn't that make (Y/N) four hundred years old too?" Erza asked.
"Questions, always in three. Sit down, I'll tell you." Zeref said pulling up a chair. We all waited patiently for him to start.
"My parents are Acnologia and Layla Heartfilia. They were born in the year X331, and I was born in the year X351. I was the product of true love."
"Wait- you?" Gray said snorting.
"Mind your mouth, peasant." Zeref gave a killer stare to Gray.
"Yes, I was. My mother was a hundred percent pure good, and my father, was a hundred percent evil. But I wasn't an only child. I had a twin, but he died after I was born. He lived only for two minutes.." Lucy held Zeref's hand, smiling sympathetically.
"But quickly after my brothers death, mother noticed changes in my father. He became driven with anger, wanting to kill every dragon known. He had this idea that dragons were the mothers of sins, and believed if he could kill them all, no one would suffer like he did. But mother never left my father. She loved me too much to leave me with such a monster. And through our family's suffering, she taught me magic. She believed all magic was hope, good, pure. But the magic she had back then was not celestial magic. It was Light Magic. She told me, as long as the Light ran through my skin, I would live forever. That is why mother lived for so long; her good heart kept her alive."
"But as Mother grew stronger with love, father grew with hate. Soon his hatred forced him to become the one he despised most on the world: a dragon. Before I became engulfed with Dark Magic, I was one with Light. My good heart made me believe I could bring back father to his true form. If only he had the child he lost. So I looked for every possible way to create another being. My mother could bear no more children with a man she didn't love, so I also hoped this child could bring back the family I once loved. But alas, no good magic could create such a fairy tale. Until, one day, I found a book in my mother's study. A book filled with the most darkest of magic. I don't know why she kept it, but in there I found a spell that could grant my wish. I collected all the ingredients, but the last one, I could not find. I had to find the most powerful wizard alive. I thought all hope was lost until one day, I found a spell that would tell me where and when the most powerful wizard would be born. Natsu Dragneel, Would be born in the Year X371, March Ninth, in Magnolia, Fiore. I waited for years until the day finally came. The day Natsu was born and brought to his family, I kidnapped him in the night."
"You took me away from my family?" I raised my voice.
"I did it to save mine, Natsu. I was only twenty at the time! I'm not asking for forgiveness. I know what I did could never be forgiven.. I'm sorry, Natsu." My heart felt caught up in my throat. I'm four hundred and twenty year old.. I had two human parents!
"Who were my parents?!" I ask, voice cracking. He looked at me, with so much regret in his eyes.
"Two simple town folk named Kate and Oscar. You would've lived on a farm, grow up raising sheep and live a simple life. You would have never known how powerful you could be." He said. Gray hugged me tightly, knowing how much pain I was really in. My family was ripped away from me.
"After this mess is done, I'll find them!"
"This was four hundred years ago Natsu. They're gone." Zeref whispered.
"I collided all of the Ingredients together, and fed them to Natsu. I chanted the spell however othing happened. But then, there was a flash of bright light illuminated by Natsu's heart. Unfortunately, me casting this spell ripped away my pure heart, and replaced it with the Dark Magic I have now.. My mother burst into the room, she heard the loud crash and screamed. I remember everything she said.."
-Zeref's POV-
"Zeref! What have you done?!" My mother screamed.
"I made my brother mom! Now you and dad don't have to fight anymore!" I carried my baby brother to my mother.
"You are twenty years old, Zeref! You should know better than to use such dark magic! Do you know what you created! You made a demon!" She yelled and grabbed the spell book. The words on the cover quickly changed from 'Magic' to..
She opened to the first page where I found the spell and read it out loud.
"To create another life, the creator must be pure of heart. The user who makes the First Demon shall be granted with the curse of eternal life, but the life that he creates will be broken in two, one girl and one boy. One good and one evil. One demon and one half. But there can only be one, in the E.N.D." I looked back to where I grabbed Natsu, and found another child. A girl.
"Zeref, these children were created by you. Now you must get rid of them." I look back to her.
"Bu-but I risked everything for them! My magic is gone!"
"It's not gone, Zeref. It's Dark. One of these children are evil. Until they are older, we can never know which one. The demon inside one of them is asleep, but once true anger and hate has overcome the vessel, the demon will be awoken, and hell will have reached Earth Land." Tears start to rise, I had never felt so evil.
"Mother, please tell me what do I do?!" I scream.
"Kill them."
-End of Flashback-
Natsu's POV
"But you never did. Or else I wouldn't be here." I whisper. Zeref spared my life..
"I put you and (Y/N) in a preservation spell. Then I placed you both trapped in ice, and left you in a forest in Magnolia, where I first found Natsu. I left only a note.. Who ever finds these two, please only give them love and kindness. Let them never suffer with pain or hatred. Their names are (Y/N) and Natsu. I suppose 400 years later, Natsu and (Y/N) were founded by Atlas and Igneel."
"Why did the spell break when they found them?" Lucy asked.
"Like any curse, it could only be broken by True Love." Zeref sighed.
"So that's my story.." So many emotions mixed, I didn't know what to feel.
"A tale of the strongest demons to have ever lived." We all turned to the door and found E.N.D smirking... And he had company.
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