Natsu - Chapter 5
"Fuck you." I spat at E.N.D's feet. I was chained, in a torture room, my arms dangling above my head and my feet tied together. I was weak, bruised and hurt.
"You know Natsu, I'm surprised you don't remember me. We were one once. In the same body. But I need to be stress free, not chained together by a mere human." E.N.D spoke.
"Where are my friends?!" I say with the little breath I had.
"With the rest of your human buddies. Under ground, locked up."
"All of them?!" I shout.
"Well one of your little friends did escape. She's probably dead now, is been a year she couldn't survive that long alone."
"Ah, the (H/C) haired one. You know the one with the (F/C) emblem on her chest."
"I swear to fucking god if (Y/N)'s dead, I'll kill you!"
"Natsu please. You're a wizard. A pathetic one too. Don't expect to se your friend any time soon." He walked around in a tux, circling me like a vulture.
"Natsu, do you know how I was brought back alive? When you met up with Zeref again on Tenrou island after the battle of Tartaros, you were going to kill him. Would have too. If I hadn't intervene, he'd be dead, and if he died, so would I. My brother was always an idiot. But, I guess he's your brother in a way too."
"Shut the hell up! He's not my brother!"
"Well you're right. Just as much as you're not E.N.D. As far as everyone knows at least, you are. So let's keep it that way. Besides you should be grateful. You get your own room away from every other human. Lucky duck." He laughs. I wanted to strangle him, right here, right now. But I can't, these fucking magic-resistance chains won't let me do shit.
All of a sudden there was a loud gust of wind and howls of wolfs. Like a tornado, blowing everything away. Thank god I had windows to at least see the outside.
"What the hell was that?" I demand. He stared outside, I could see his face. He looked, scared almost. But his face returned to his usual sneer.
"It would appear as though your friend is alive. And she's got some help from someone you know all too well." He turned to face me.
"What are you talking about?!" He walked up to me and took my face in his hand. He stood inches away from me. It's like Edolas all over again.
"That gust of wind can only mean one thing. Your little friend and a demon have summoned Zeref. We should prepare for your friends arrival. She'll be here soon, my sweet child." And he turned away from me and walked to the doors. He turned to face me one last time.
"She-she could never team with Zeref! And another demon-"
"Love can make us do things we'd never thought we'd do. I'd say this little friend of yours must really love you if she'd go as far as to team with The Great Black Wizard." He smirks.
"Shes my best friend- of course she'd do something this stupid because I would too!"
"Im not talking about friendship love, my boy."
I didn't respond to him. What does that even mean-
"Listen carefully Natsu. Our brother will be here soon, to kill me. Once he does, So does every demon in Fiore. And of course, that leaves victory to you and your little friend. Now what makes you think I would allow that?"
"Why are you telling me this-"
"Because my dear boy, if I die, so do you. Our bodies are bonded, remember? Why do you think I keep you alive? And I hardly believe you want to end your life this soon. Let me give you a helping hand to your victory in defeating me. You'll need it of course. If I die, You and every demon will too. But if you somehow manage to kill Zeref, well then only me and Zeref die, including all the demons from the Books of Zeref. Not you. But can you really kill the only family you have left alive? After your daddy Igneel died I hardly believe you want to kill you own brother."
"He's not my brother, and we are not one. I'm Natsu Dragneel, I'm a wizard, I have a life! If killing Zeref means killing you and every fucking demon out here, it's my pleasure!"
"But did you forget, your little friend plans on killing me? If she and Zeref somehow manage to succeed, well, you and me are both done for, love."
He closed the door and I was alone with only my thoughts..
If I kill Zeref, E.N.D dies.
If (Y/N) kills E.N.D, I die.
I have to kill Zeref before she kills E.N.D.
I have to kill E.N.D's brother.
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