Chapter 18
On 18th of february the Adventure event for Milange had begun. It was one of the best windows of opportunity to market their event. Madhav and his team were rather successful in getting a good deal from one of the virtual gaming zones that was situated in lower parel. The deal was simple, the owner will provide his premises his equipment to conduct the event and around 120 members of the committee will be allowed to play the various games, and while they are at it they will have to take videos and post it on their social media and promote the paying zone or the company.
The first day of the event was quite eventful. Divya had wanted to bail out of this and stay far away from Madhav as much as permissible, but Madhav had other plans.
"I want you to be there with me, Aman and Rishi are fine but I think you will manage it much better, I am already a short tempered person and so are Aman and Rishi, us together here won't be good. We need someone who can balance us out." He had explained
With no stronger grounds to argue on, Divya had given him a tight lipped smile, and nodded her head. She knew that he knew that she wasn't really into coming for this event... although she was glad that the reason was nowhere near his knowledge. "Alright then I will ask Aman to take over the social event and I will come with you."
When they had reached the premises, Madhav and Divya had distributed their work according to their conveniences, where Divya worked on the slots Madhav checked out who had uploaded the things and who hadn't. At times the two would fill in for each other helping each other in cases of confusions. There were times when Madhav had legit lost his patience, and surprisingly, Divya at that time had walked up to him , ignoring the chill that she felt as she looked at his blazing face, and snatch the paper from him and had asked him to go and take some air while she sorted that issue. she had that day realized that Madhav, when angry, was really scary, but then she realized she should have got an idea about it long back during the spotlight event itself.
On the second day it was their turn to play the games, the whole group was there and the ruckus that they had caused was surely minimal but the third day was something she could have never forgotten. She and her sister along with Madhav were going to the venue, for some reason Madhav wasn't doing well, after a long conversation with his parents, Madhav had hung up the call and had called out to Divya who was walking towards the BTM garden. Divya sauntered towards him quite confused as to what he was doing in casual clothes when they were supposed to be wearing their committee t-shirts.
"look what I got today!" Madhav had literally exclaimed, and opened his bag and fetched out a momento from his bag and handed it to Divya.
"Ohh this is beautiful." Divya beamed at him.
"I know right, earlier sir was planning to give just the certificates I said we still have some money left from the budget, give momento to the student it will make yet another benchmark."
"that's right... this is really amazing congratulations." The two hugged each other and soon made their way to the station while making a stop at a few medical stores in search of medicines.
The three of them were standing on the bridge of the railway station when Madhav saw a train lining up on the platform. He quickly asked if they wanted to go in it or should they go in the next one. At first Divya was reluctant to go, but then soon changed her mind and said let's go. The three of them took off running as if their life depended on it. Madhav had an earlier start than Divya and her sister whereas the two were running behind him, but the moment they saw Madhav running Divya couldn't help but fall into a fit of laughter.
Mdhav running was no less than a duck or a hen running on a plain road or ground, his feet would take him all over the place, or maybe it was way funnier than that, whatever it was Divya couldn't explain it in right words but it was hilarious. As they descended the stairs, she couldn't wipe out the image of him running, for a short while she stood right on one of the stairs and continued to laugh, but at that very moment Madhav looked back and called out to her,
"Divya come quickly"
Divya shook her head and decided it was better to laugh at him once they were seated in the train, she then quickly got down the stairs and ran as fast as she could and got into the train. Turning around she saw that her sister was already there as well, while Madhav was still running , the scene in front of her made her want to coe at Madhav and at the same time feel sorry for him and as well laugh her ass off. She didn't know what was best in this. However as the motorman blew the whistle she called out to madhav and asked him to fasten up; the latter did so and quickly took hold of the stretched hand of Divya and got into the train. The three took a seat and tried to catch hold of their breath but one look at each other all of them fell into fits of laughter. Divya knew for once she could never forget this day ever in her life.
Natasha's POV
The lane to the college had always been a headache for Natasha, she didn't really like the way it would be all cramped up, for most of the time she had even resisted herself from coming to college. The intentions hadn't been outright prodigious, just a normal mood swing that she would come face to face time and again. Nevertheless now with the two years of college been already dumped down the drain, and a somewhat happening trip on the week of New years, as she made back to these lanes she realized it was high time to start getting back to college, make sure somehow people knew that there was a Natasha as well... who was their classmate, and that she was very much alive.
Besides, Natasha had been adamnt, no matter what had came her way, the stupid mood swings, that irritating Math teacher who wouldn't really understand how she wasn't really interested in being the mentor for equally dumb students of her class or be it that stupid class mate of hers who didn't really understood where was it that a line should be drawn, this time she wouldn't really back off, not that the later two reasons had been that of a vast infectors, she believed in doing what she felt like... more like why let someone else hold the reins of your life?
Natasha, Nats for her friends, made her way finally towards the exit after long hours of lectures, as usual she saw a huge mob standing right outside the gates. The air around, she found to be somewhat dull, yet had this weird charm in it, it was pleasant but at the same time had that moisture in it that made her think what would be more preferable to sit here wait for something really interesting to happen, or go back home, plug in her ear phones and tune in to the best of the music that her playlist had. The latter sounded too fascinating. She could practically imagine herself being wrapped in the blanket and if not that at least laying back relaxing on the couch in the living room.
Stepping out of the gates smiling brightly at her thoughts, she was almost ready to go ahead order Frankie and take that cab and go home, until she was greeted by a smiling Nandini and an equally smiling Divya who were bouncing about. The source as well as the level of energy, of their so happy mood was altogether questionable for her tired and lazy ass.
"Natashaaa, Hii" the two singsong and looped their hands into her as they began making their way ahead.
"Woahh, what's wrong with you two? " She turned to look back at Simran who was right behind her and asked her, "what's wrong with them, am I in trouble? Trust me I don't know I haven't done anything, instead now a days I am quite regular for the lectures while you two ditch us."
"Aree Nats, why are getting so worried, for once in your life chill out a bit will you?' Nandini said, as she waved her hands to a group of people, Natasha kept on looking at her very much fascinated as to how she knew almost the whole of the college, and then was as well surprised when even Divya lifted her hand and waved at the group.
Any other day it would have been normal to find Divya waving out at someone, but then today she waved back to Madhav and his group of people, the ones of whom she had only heard stories of from Nandini, the ones who worked in the college fest, and as much as she had known though Divya was quite friendly with Madhav the rest were still a surprise for her.
But then again, the first time she had seen Divya talking with Madhav had as well been quite shocking for her. She wasn't really aware that her friend actually knew so many people in college. Nandini's case was quite acceptable with her being in so many committees at the same time, but Divya was a surprise. It was one of those days when she was back from her trip and was about her second or third day back in college, Divya had walked up the stairs along with Madhav and had seen her. She was so happy that she had waved at her and had hugged her. Though she didn't wait for a long while as she had at that very moment turned around and instructed a very confused Madhav on a few things as he stood there holding a diary, a bag and a water bottle. Being lost at what was happening there; Natasha at that time had kept mum and had decided to ask her some other time.
When that some other time had come, Natasha had wondered if Divya had gotten so busy that she had hired Madhav as her personal assistant. Anywhere that she would see Divya, Madhav would be there right beside her at times even behind her or at least walking ahead of her. If only she wouldn't have known Divya the way she did, she might have as well thought that they had a thing going on.
Alas it was one fine day, in the beginning of February, that day she couldn't really forget anytime soon. Her mood had been on the worst page with the parlor that she was supposed to go to for getting her hair colored being shut for the day, and then there was just this aura around that didn't really suited her, besides that there were those stupid notes and again that idiot of her class mate being persistent and asking questions that she wasn't even interested in answering. It was at that very moment she saw Divya walking towards her, her hands were filled with a Diary and a water bottle and once again Madhav was trailing behind her. Though that hadn't really caught her attention it was something she had just made a note of...an incident of utmost importance that she would ponder upon later on... one fine day, however at that moment it was the way Divya came up to her and smiled at her that made her feel a bit cautious.
Divyas eyes were sparkling as if she had found a huge diamond in the backyard of her house and now she was the richest person in the whole world, for a moment Natasha wondered how was it that she was going to keep up with her enthusiasm for whatever minute it was that they were going to talk. But things with her friends were never normal, and how could they even be when she herself was yet another case of abnormality. Their life just wasn't simple.
"Dude you won't believe me." Divya said the moment she stood in front of her .Surprisingly as she stopped, so did Madhav along with his bag hanging on his shoulders. Natasha nodded her head and smiled slightly, however it seemed Divya didn't really need it as she overcame her fit of laughter and continued, "This Madhav, he has the worst luck of any person that I have known till now. You know last month he had gone for a competition through BBI and he was expected to come first but he came second, before that or may be later on during the students wee as well he came second, and worst of all....today during the spotlight once again he came second...ohh shit you should have seen the way he looked at me. He would have literally cried while he said, ' Divya yaar, mom is going to kill me. This is the third time I am getting a second prize in just two months my mom is going to go bonkers, even during school events I used to come second, I really don't know what I should do."
While Divya kept on roasting Madhav, Natasha looked back at him and smiled at him apologetically, having said that she couldn't help but let out a chuckle of her own. Not because he came second, rather because her friend for sure without even her knowledge had roasted Madhav who was standing right there in front of a complete stranger for straight 2 min. she couldn't really fathom what all she might have to face later on, but this ...at this moment she couldn't help but laugh at the whole scenario.
That afternoon Divya had walked off along with Madhav, both of them arguing on something or the other. Since then, quite a lot more times Natasha had seen them together running off to somewhere or the other, there were times Divya would be scolding Madhav, or other times when she would be seated in the staffroom holding her head. And yet till now Natasha was clearly unaware what was the whole thing about.
As she saw Nandini walking ahead, along with a few of juniors who had as well joined them and simran, She quickly looped her hands back with Divyas and said, "Yaar I am really getting bored tell me something really interesting."
The two stopped right there. More like it was Natasha who stood there, as if showing her stubbornness, to make it crystal clear if till the time she won't tell her something really interesting she wasn't leaving her. Natasha enjoyed herself as Divya looked around, she could practically imagine all the gears in her head rolling around in search of something as interesting as to keep her mouth shut for a while.
It was quite rare times, times when Natasha would demand such stories. Her 'something interesting' was actually a kind of a code word to ' Did you find some good looking guys while I was not around?' and somehow Nandini as well as Divya would have some or the other interesting story to tell her of the times she wouldn't be around. Natasha looked at Nandini, and decided once she was done with Divya she would surely grill her, but right this moment she had Divya in her hands and she could suffice with her share of well picked guys.
"ummm, I don't know I don't really have anything interesting to tell you." Divya replied after a few long seconds and began walking towards the tea stall where the rest were headed to.
"ohh come on, you were thinking, even contemplating now tell me what is it?" Natasha waited for a few seconds as Divya looked around once again and looked back at her and said,
"okay I have this really interesting news for you but you won't tell anyone nor will you pray for more information. Promise?"
"Okay.' Natasha just nodded her head. Perhaps not adhering to the promise as she knew now that Divya had mentioned it to her, even though she might be dying off to tell her the information.
"umm so the thing is," Divya looped their hands together and began walking as she said in a very casual voice, "I might or might not have a crush on someone."
The dramatic way in which Natasha stopped had made the passersby stare back at the two of them. Diva looked around and hit her on her hand and hissed, "Stop being dramatic."
"Ohhh Fuck... shit... dude who is it? Is it someone I know...Nandini!!!" Natasha began yelling out in sheer excitement that she surely couldn't control for all her good being.
"I was so wrong, I shouldn't have just told you about it."
"ohh no you did the best thing. Dude three years, for three years I have been waiting to hear these magical words from you, now tell me do I know him?"
Divya thought for a while and then she replied, "well technically you do and at the same time you don't."
"ohh is it someone from our class? From the Vellas?"
"Naah not the class but yeah from vellas." The moment she said that the two passed through Madhav and his gang and it was as if the clock had struck 12 as the possibility struck her.
"don't tell me, is it Madhav?" Natasha surely noticed the way Divya went rigid and she looked around to see if someone heard them or not, as she shook her head vigorously and began walking ahead briskly.
"Divya you can't just leave me like this in utter suspense." The two had by then reached the tea stall as Natasha began pestering Divya, the rest of the group let the two be for a while, although Natasha couldn't really stay still. She knew it had to be Madhav, the way the two of them were hanging around and the fact that he wasn't from the class yet was a part of Vellas, and she knew him yet at the same time didn't really know him. all the criteria pointed out to just one person and that was Madhav.
"Divya please tell me I won't tell anyone."
"Natasha you asked me for one Interesting thing, I gave you now stop eating my head.... Nandu yaar please try and make her understand."
The whole group now had attention on the two as Natasha began leaning on Divya who shrugged off her shoulders and went and stood beside Rohit.
"Ayee Natasha why are you disturbing Divya? " Rohit chided her, which made the whole group a bit shocked, Natasha gaped at him and was about to reply, but rather found herself rolling her eyes and ignoring his statement. Saying something to him would only end up into a worthless and baseless argument. She saw the way Divya had almost smiled back at him when he said "if there is something really worth it tell me even I will disturb her, why are you trying to enjoy all the fun?"
Divya gave him a tight Jab as Natasha was about to open her mouth but shut it back when Divya glared at her, however Rohit had his own ways.
"Don't tell me Divya has a crush on someone?" the way Natasha had squealed had been an open answer for everyone to cheat from. The boys didn't really worry themselves with it however as Divya went and stood beside Edwin Nanidni and Simran had a lot to say.
"oh so this how it's going to be now, you are going to tell Natasha about it but not us." Simran taunted.
"Thank God at least this time I was the first one to know about this." Nanidini said and took a sip of her tea. The news was a shocker for Natasha and said, "Haaww you knew?"
the very next moment she snapped back, "Natasha did she tell you the name?"
"NOO that's what I have been telling her to tell me. I have three clues. The guy is Not from our class, but he is a part of vellas, and he is not Madhav." Soon everyone began guessing out names from all the courses, to juniors to ex students everyone. Natasha was quite enjoying this after a very long time but this was getting tiresome now. She needed a name else she would go mad.
"Okay I will tell you two alphabets from his name you all can guess it." Divya said as the first round of tea was done and Kabeer went off to order the next one.
"Okayy that's acceptable, now be quick and please give us sensible letters."
"M and K."
"I am sure it's Madhav, who else could it be other than that." Rohit said, Natasha was as well sure now that it had to be him however even before she could retaliate Nandini butted in and said,
"you know what she is trying to pry off your attention from the main name, you all will get settled with Madhav's name and the real name won't come out ever. I know her, she had sent a reply on my sticker story that I might or might not have a crush on someone, and when I had asked her who it was she had quickly changed the subject to a more serious one." She then cleaned her hands with the napkin as Natasha pondered on her words, but her instincts told her that it had to be Madhav who else could it be?
"lets go to the washroom?" the girls walked towards the washroom with Natasha still pestering Divya about the name, she could see that Divya any moment now would give in and let it out and hence she once again pestered her as they reached the washroom and as expected divya said,
"all right I will let you know."
"No wait I need to go to the washroom," Nandini said.
"even me." Simran exclaimed as the two ran off to the washroom. Although the impatient mind of Natasha had something else in her mind, she went near Divya and said, "you just whisper the name in my ear and one they are out you can tell us."
"Divya you won't do anything like that...else trust me I wont speak with you." Nandini yelled from one of the cubicles. Both Natasha and Divya shared a look as they chuckled about 10 min later the two walked out, washed their hands and the four of them stood huddled in the washroom as Divya explained.
"See I gave you two words, M and K, who do you know has both the letters in their whole name?" Natasha looked on as Divya asked looking expectantly at Nandini, however as clueless as she was she gave her a confused look and asked,
"ohh God Nandu!!" Divya slapped her forehead and said, "It's damn madhav Khandelwal." With that said she walked out of the washroom as soon it was occupied by yet another group of girls. All that while Nandni stood there still like a frozen Statue, Simran was smiling brightly and hugged Divya, Natasha began jumping around as if it wasn't a crush but Divya had actually found herself a boyfriend.
"Ohh see, see I told you it was Madhav...I was soo right...Chutiya aurat" she hit Divya on her hand and said, "I told you and what were you saying... no it's not him" she mimicked the weird face that Divya had made back then. The three of them were still in their own world when Divya and Simran noticed that Nandini was missing. Natasha stood there still hoping around quite excited as she saw the way Divya brought a quite shocked Nandini out.
"Noo wait,I need to breathe,I can't take this in...Divya likes Madhav, that Madhav Khandelwal..." she looked up at Divya and asked as if confirming, "you really like Madhav khandelwal, the aunty of our group, the marketing HOD of the college fest, the marketing coordinator of Milange, the chairman of BBI committee, that stupid jackass who always hogged on my food.. my best friend likes my other best friend???!!!"
Natasha kept on laughing about her mood being changed to a complete 360 degree as Divya asked Nandini to keep mum in front of the other that none should be known about this fact...however at the same time Natasha couldn't be any more thankful to the fact that she decided to come to college...now there was something really good to look up to for the remaining college days and even the IV.
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