Chapter One
Quiet. All of Paris quiet. Not a sound in the atmosphere. The air crisp, yet so.... static. Just Perfect, the perfect night. No akumas, no angry parisians, Clean streets. Everything was just right. Come to think of it, when was the last time Ladybug and Cat Noir could have a night as perfect as this.....?
they couldn't
"Cat Noir Run!" Ladybug yelled as she slid across the freshly glossed road hoisting a cloud. This was no ordinary cloud, inside held a tornado, a deadly tornado sweeping citizens off their feet left and right, holding them captive within the storm. The sky grew gloomy and rain began to pour.
"Ladybug, Cat Noir give me your miraculous or your little friend here we be doing a little more than getting hit with a splash of water" the remark followed heavy cackling as the villain let out a sinister sneer."Maybe the ocean would be a nice place to substitute, don't you think?" the figure circled the sky producing massive pours, overshadowing the current downpour .
Ladybug scavenged in search for Cat. "Over here weather lady!" the kitten danced around drawing attention away from Ladybug. Thankful for the cover she quickly devised a plan. Ladybug knew she had to find a way. They've fought against this villain countless times before. Stormy weather. something was off about her. she seemed more powerful, more..... rageful. Before Ladybug could conjur her magical charm she heard a scream from Cat Noir. Her eyes darted into his direction.
She looked in horror as a vine twisted around her partners waist. Just as Cat felt it tighten Ladybug extracted her yo-yo slicing the vine releasing him. He took deep exhales regulating his lost oxygen.
"Cat Noir!" he shot his head up giving her a reassuring look. She looked up upon her, before she could react Cat Noir jumped extending his staff moving them to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The previous spot they were in, now destroyed by a strike of lightning.
Not soon after snow began to fall. The two heroines stood on the monument, their shadows stained the streets of Paris. Nothing could ever stop them. They were a duo. Nothing more, Nothing less. "Lucky Charm" Ladybug called as a massive net fell into her hands. She looked down with a cold face "What am i supposed to do with this?"she screeched at the useless item in her hand throwing her head back sequencing he knees together as she looked around waiting for her spotted vision to commence, nothing. She felt a sudden warmth on the back of her shoulder from a certain Cat.
"Ladybug" he took a step forward, his eyes staring into the destruction of Paris. "There's always a way" he smiled down at her before leaping back into action. His words echoed inside her head. He was right there's always a way. She should know this by now, it's all an illusion.
She tied the massive net around her waist swinging from tower to tower approaching the trouble she soon needed to face. Her face laid determined, polished with confidence and endurance. Her feet inflicted the piercing snow leaving deep footprints with each step taken.
Cat Noir was on thin ice. The water beneath him was frozen in frost. He was getting exhausted, his eyes twisted in pain as his arms tensed from consistently blocking the attacks of Stormy Weather. Icicles piercing his way, all way to close coming nearly into contact with his body.
Stormy Weather snarled unsatisfied that the heroine was still standing. A wild smirk danced along her face. "I've had enough of playing with you pussy Cat!" She began chuckling once again gliding away as the snow quickly shifted back to rain.
On que Ladybug swung in looking around as the snow melted away. Her face enfuguled with rage. This has gone on long enough. Her eyes furrowed as the akumatized victim had flown off once again. This wasn't just a look of rage it was resentment. Not towards the Victim but resentment towards the man in change. Her head hung low.
She looked up in the distance as her Ladybug speckled lenses picked up her Lucky Charms purpose. Cat Noir hopped next her shaking his arms "phew that was a close one Ladybug, I would've been a Cat Sickle!" he shiverd leaning over in his shaky voice "you know how much cat's hAtE water right Ladybug" his eyes stood petrified. Thinking how he could've potentially been a Cat Pop by now. The thought was so horrid his teeth chattered.
"WAAA CAT NOIR!!!" Ladybug grabbed him by the waist hastily swinging away from the ice that was now once again a lake.
"Talk about being close" she swiftly swung her neck to the side to see the dangling girl in Stormy Weathers hands above the large body of water.
"gotcha" Ladybug plastered a wide smirk diving down from the ledge connecting the massive net to all the podiums securing it to catch the akumatized victims victim.
"NOW CAT NOIR!" he jumped tackling Stormy Weather from behind loosening her grip on the girl leading to the muffled screams of her falling, that were soon silenced by her back hitting the net hitching her breath as she realized the water was beneath her. Relived she wasn't already drowning.
"CATACLYSM!" the black Cat decentergrated the girls umbrella as the dark butterfly exited. Ladybug swung her yo-yo trapping it before it could do anymore evil doing. The yo-yo cleansed the innocent butterfly setting it free from the sins of it's captor "bye-bye little butterfly" she smiled letting the pure insect begin its new journey.
"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" the beautiful magical pink and white Ladybugs swirled around the disaster of weather returning the missing citizens and the city back into its warm, mellow state. "Pound it!" the two partners shared their signature first bump embracing each other.
Beside them the evil aura faded around the girl once consumed with darkness. She cluelessly looked around on her hands and knees wondering how she ended up on the side of the bridge.
"wh-what happend?" her eyes wandered as Ladybug helped her up "you were akumatized, can you tell us what happened?" Aurore bit her lower lip embarrassed. Cat Noir grabbed her hand "it's okay, we're not going to tell anyone, but we need your help. Even if it's just a little. Each and every detail is a help to defeating Hawkmoth." a side of his mouth tilted upwards into a gentle smile and soft eyes.
Her eyes fell to the floor as her voice cracked "I- don't know,everything really is just a blur, I'm so sorry Ladybug and Cat Noir" Ladybug patted her back lightly catching the fallen tear. "It's okay, emotions are a hard thing to control, the only thing really matters is that you're safe" Aurore took both the offering hands of the heros lifting her up off the ground.
"once again I really with I could help mor-" she was cut off by the echo of heals clacking against the pavement.
"Oh, no" the girl stopped and grabbed the rail of the bridge gripping her chest while catching her breath.
The yellow haired girl rolled her eyes with arms crossed. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to escalate to the extent of you getting akumatized. I don't know how I ever could make it up to you. I'm so terribly sorry." the brown haired girl frowned clutching her chest with her head tilted downwards, her bangs covering her almond eyes.
"Lila!" Aurore looked frustrated at the girl who lied about having a disability to win the competition "I'll tell them truth!That I lied! I wish you could find it in your heart to forgive me" Aurore gave her a hesitant sympathetic look "you have to tell the truth, it's only fair to me and the other contestants."
"I will, I promise!" Lila gasped as she ran to embrace the girl for her forgiveness. The two girls began to depart. Ladybug stopped the yellow haired girl as she pulled a magical charm out of her yo-yo "Aurore wait, take this" Ladybug placed the charm in her hand "it'll prevent you from another potential Akuma attack" she lightly smiled.
The weather girls face lit up with joy "Thank you Ladybug!" she skipped back to Lila.
Ladybug and Cat Noir rolled their eyes "Lilas never going to change" he huffed with his arms crossed looking sideways at Ladybug "you can say that again" she facepalmed reciprocating Cat Noirs Actions.
The moment was interrupted by the flashing miraculous of both the Ladybug and the Black Cat
"WAAA!!!!" the bug jumped her arms and legs going in all directions
"uh-oh, I better get going or this could be a CAT-TRASTOPHE!" Cat Noir pointed at the ring down to a half of a paw print
"Hate to say you're but right Kitty, BUG OUT!" she perished from the streets of Paris in a moment.
"Claws awayyyy!" Cat Noir goofingly tried a new pun much like his lady, disappearing into thin air without a trace.
Lila looked back at the empty streets hiding a devious smirk.
"Claws off" Adrien closed the window shutting out the breeze he claimed beautiful not many moments ago.
"Why the sour face Adrien, tonight was a blast" the blonde boy disregarded Plaggs statement and continued to the bathroom changing into his Pajamas.
"Heyyy Adrien, don't give me the cold shoulder, what's wrong?" Adrien frowned falling into his bed tossing up a piece of camenbeart
"Tomorrow's my birthday" he laid as his eyes drained emotion. His face grew cold "My father never talks to me despite it being my birthday. I'm used to it. It's been this way for three years. I don't expect it to be any different this one." Adrien's eyes began to become weak
"Look on the bright side Adrien" Plagg paused munching down the rest of his cheese "Atleast you have amazing friends, specifically that girl Marinette" he gulped flying around fiddling with everything in his reach
"She seems to care a lot about you" finally plopping down into the pillow next to Adrien. The boy turned away "Aw c'mon Adrien, try to be a little optimistic. Adrien felt part of him cling onto something. Plagg was right he knew his friends cared about him
His sour expression twisted into one of satisfaction "you know what, you're right Plagg"
The boy turned his lamp off and slid over in hopes of tomorrow being one of his best days ever.
Ladybug let her yo-yo go as she detransformed doing stunts falling into her bed, stretching out fully.
"ugh, Tikki today was exhausting, it doesn't help any that Hawkmoth has gotten stronger now that he has the rest of the miraculous" the bluenette curled up into a ball as she hugged her pillow squeezing it tight closing her eyes "Marinette, please don't blame yourself, you made a mistake"
The polka dotted kwami rested aside the girls pillow flashing her baby doll eyes "Tikki, I was supposed to be the guardian, and I did make a mistake, I made a mistake for love I can't take that risk again" she fiddled with the fringe of a tassel on her pillowcase.
"Marinette?" the kwami hesitantly sighed fetching a calender "hm Tikki?" the bluenette cooed as she begun to sink into the warmth of her bed slipping away from reality.
"Did you forget tomorrow is Adrien's Birthday? He's turning 17 remember?" Tikki instantly felt awful about dropping this this bomb on the already stressed girl.
"WHAAAAA NO I DIDN'T" she fell to her knees pondering how she could have forgotten. Her face painted with blue and purple.
She paced pack and forth biting her nails trying to figure out JUST HOW she was going to be able to come up with a gift for Adrien in less than 5 hours. Her feet became restless just as her eyes drooped by the second. Tossing crumpled papers over her shoulders for nearly 2 hours
Tikki who had been helplessly seeking the restless girls attention finally shouted, exhaling a number sighs. Marinette adverted her attention away from the half empty sketchbooks. Her bluebell eyes drained from the lack of sleep she was getting.
Between balancing life being the daring, amazing , quick-witted and beloved Ladybug and then Marinette.
There was nothing special about Marinette to everyone, she was just the clumsy, ditzy daughter of bakers Tom and Sabine Dupan-Chang.
"I have an idea Marinette" Tikki flew around in circles presenting Marinette with a broad smile with her tiny arms crossed.
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