Part 7
Mark's laugh died down, his gaze going to Chica. Clearing his throat, he told Sean softly. "Well, Chica will snuggle with whomever sleeps on the bottom." Sean tapped his heel against the mini fridge, telling him without looking at him. "I'll take bottom. I wouldn't mind keeping her company tonight." Mark was going to protest, but the air between them still too strained. Nodding, he dropped his stuff in the corner and moved to the ladder. Climbing up to the top bunk, he laid on his back, staring up at the roof in silence. He heard Sean climb onto the bunk beneath, calling Chica onto the bed with him. Glancing through the cable netting guard to see the floor, he let out a silent sigh. He couldn't help feeling like Sean was cracking jokes to hide his pain again. His heart and head stood at opposing sides. His heart wanted to accept that this was their life now. That Sean was here. That Sean loved him. In this hell, comfort was what you made it. It wanted him to accept that he had felt something for him. While his head could only rationalize finding Amy and adjusting to this new life with her.
He wanted to be faithful to her, but whatever was between him and Sean... It was starting to kindle again. Turning over restlessly, he forced his eyes shut. No matter how his mind recalled memories of Amy or what it would be like to see her again. His heart kept tempting him with something more... immediate. It would be just so easy to call Sean up. To kiss him and finally put these torn feelings to rest. Drifting off to sleep, his dreams haunted him. On one hand, he was enjoying a little farm with Sean. He was happy. Life felt bright and peaceful. Then every so often he'd catch a glimpse of a ghostly image of Amy and his heart would ache. It would paralyze him in fear and regret. Would she blame him? Would it make him a horrible person? If she was gone... could he move on? Would she want him to? A loud 'BANG' woke him, spooking the horses into spooked neighs. Mark's body jerked, searching for Becky. He'd left her below. Rushing to the ladder, he practically jumped down and stared out the front windshield with tired eyes.
The heavy drops of rain pattered against the windshield and through the watery glass, he saw lightening. A storm. Feeling tense, he glanced at the lower bunk to see Chica chewing quietly on her toy. Sean wasn't with her. Shaking his sleep away, his heart skipped with fear. Rushing between the seats, he forgot how to breathe. Sean was sitting in the passenger seat with his long legs braced up on the dashboard. Mark released the breath he was holding in relief. Sean didn't look at him, he was staring blankly out the window. Mark put a hand on the seat, asking him breathlessly. "What are you doing?" Sean lifted his chin a bit, answering with a forced small smile. "I couldn't sleep. I used to love the rain and the thunder... Now it terrifies me. I keep staring out there and thinking... It's making too much noise... They'll find us. When did I get like this...?" Mark backed up to sit in the driver's seat, telling him gently. "They don't like the storms anymore than we do. We'll be ok." Sean shook his head, whisper out in a shaky voice. "You don't know that. We keep seeing more and more of these things... Who knows how many different ones there are now. I hate this. There in my dreams, Mark."
Mark rested his arms on his legs, looking out the window as he said softly. "Go lay down, Sean. I'll keep watch." Sean shook his head, tears running down his cheeks. Reaching out, Mark took his arm gently, coaxing him from the seat as he told him comfortingly. "Sean, please go snuggle Chica. You know she doesn't like storms either. Keep her calm for me?" Sean reluctantly dropped his feet, slipping into the back to curl himself around Chica. Mark watched him for a minute. Watching him bury his face in Chica's fur, his body shaking. Looking back at the loud storm, he got comfortable in the seat. Leaning back, his eyes spotted the radio and with a small smile, he started humming to a soft tune that matched the falling rain. He usually didn't hum, but the storm was loud enough to cover it. After a while, he saw the sun rise. The heavy downpour turned to a light rain, the thunder and lightening fading farther out. Glancing in the back, he smirked to himself. Sean and Chica were fast asleep. Taking Becky, he discreetly slipped from the truck and out into the light rain.
He needed to check on the horses. It was light enough for him to see clearly. So, staying alert and observing everything, he made his way to the trailer. The horses were huddled together in the back of the trailer. As he passed, they watched him with slightly widened eyes. No animal really liked storms. Talking to them calmly, he checked on their water. The rain had helped keep their buckets full. He cursed a little for not thinking about filling their own water rations. He'd just been so worried about Sean. Glancing out at the surrounding area, he bit his lip. There really weren't any thick patches of grass. Taking Becky back into the store, he grabbed the last bucket on the shelf and looked around. Most of the veggies had gone bad without the fridges and gas stations weren't known for carrying farm animal food. He was starting to give up hope on being able to feed them, when snack bags of dried fruits caught his eyes. Shrugging he piled them into his bucket, he avoided anything covered in chocolate and took cereal boxes with grains and dried fruits.
Horses ate sugar cubes and licked salt blocks... So, he wasn't too worried that cereals like Raisin Bran and Special K would be too bad. It just had to tide them over for now until they could get back on the road. Pouring the food into the bucket, he stirred it as best he could to make it even. Saying a soft prayer for anyone listening, he carried the bucket up the ramp to the horses. Slipping in, he held the bucket to coax them into eating it. Barney was the first to sniff the bucket curiously, before taking the risk to munch on some of it. When he pulled his nose back to chew, Mark chuckled. Cereal oats were sticking to his nose. Seeing he was eating, the mare moved closer to get some and he turned the bucket for her to try some. She ate a bit more greedily than Barney, but Barney waited his turn. He tried to ration it between them, but the mare was very pushy. Barney did get as much as he could though. After they emptied the bucket, they began to guzzle their water down. Mark wedged between them to get their bridles, when he heard the truck door open and close.
Mark hung the bridles back up, feeling tense, until Sean walked into sight. Sean sleepily rubbed his eyes, asking him a bit strained. "What are you doing?" Mark took one of the bridles off the wall, replying honestly. "I wanted to check on the horses and feed them. I thought we'd be heading out soon." Sean shot a glance at the horses, mumbling out. "Mark... I know you want to keep going, but I can't ride..." Mark hefted the bridle, telling him with a smirk. "Let's fix that." Sean's eyes widened in fear. Mark moved to the Mare, coaxing her to put her bridle on. Taking the reins, he walked her down the ramp. Sean closed the door before Barney followed her out, sternly snapping at him. "Mark... Can't I just ride with you?" Mark rolled his eyes, walking the mare out in a wide circle as he told him seriously. "No. We'll travel faster if we aren't loading down one horse. Come on. You'll love it." Sean crossed his arms stubbornly, retorting coldly. "Ya... I love getting bucked off." Mark stopped the mare to tell him warmly. "These are beginner horses. They are nicer to new riders."
Sean shook his head, causing Mark to say firmly. "Sean, don't make me beg. Just try." Sean dragged his feet over to the horse, unfolding his arms. Mark held her reins tight, informing him confidently. "Grab the horn. Put your left foot in this stirrup and lean forward over the saddle as you swing over. Otherwise, you'll pull the saddle down and you'll hurt her. Think Indian burn by saddle." Sean snorted darkly but did as instructed. Once he was in the saddle, Mark moved closer. Placing a hand on Sean's thigh, he told him calmly. "Good. Relax. Keep your heels facing down. If you fall off, you want your foot to slide out. Not in. Keep one hand on the horn and just get to know her for a minute." Sean gripped the horn, mumbling out nervously. "I don't know about this, Mark... How am I supposed to get to know an animal this big?" Mark reached out to take his hand, then pressed it to the mare's damp neck. The misty rain was soaking them all bit. Keeping his hand pressed to her, he told Sean sweetly. "Think of her like a big dog. She understands how you feel by listening and watching you."
Sean started to pet her neck, asking him curiously. "Ok... What's her name?" Mark blinked, telling him honestly. "I don't know. You'll have to make one up for her. She's your partner now. I'll walk you around for a bit. Relax. Move with her, but keep your balance centered with her spine. Watch between her ears. She looks where she goes." Mark adjusted to stand beside the mare and started walking slowly in a wide circle. The mare didn't complain or resist. Her focus was on where he was guiding her. Glancing back every now and again, he'd correct Sean on how to sit. Sean started out so tense and huddled so close to the saddle, but the longer he just walked him around the lot, the more he relaxed. Feeling like a parent, Mark stopped the mare and told Sean. "Ok. Now take the reins and I'll show you how to move her." Sean's face turned even paler. Mark kept ahold of the mare's bridle but flipped the reins back for Sean. Sean shook his head more wildly. Mark pet the horse, addressing Sean firmly. "Sean, I've got her. Now pick up the reins." It was a lie. The mare could bolt despite his lesser human grip on her.
His words calmed Sean though. Sean took the reins and Mark showed him how to hold them. Running him through the basics on how to steer her, he left him try. Letting go of the mare, she took Sean's orders easily. Moving left and right, then backing up a step or two. Mark touched Sean's leg, informing him coolly. "Squeeze her ribs with her calves as you tell her to 'walk on.' She'll start going forward. Walk her in a circle like I showed you." Mark watched Sean shakily take a breath, before doing it. The mare started walking straight, until Sean nervously moved his hand to the left of the horn. Responding nicely, she turned. Mark grinned; he'd take it slow. Sean wasn't ready for anything faster than a walk. They'd travel slower but make less noise. That would have to do. Mark crossed his arms, grinning brighter as Sean rode past him. He was looking far more confident now. Sean was actually smiling. Mark lowered his eyes as the mare past, feeling proud of himself. Until he saw white spots on the ground.
Mark kneeled to get a better look. Thick white dots lined the pavement. Looking around, he saw that they went in a circle around him. Coming from the horse? Mark stood up, telling Sean seriously how to stop the horse. Sean stopped her, looking anxious as he asked. "Something wrong?" Mark didn't answer. He was scanning the mare's body for any wounds. Nothing. Bending over to check her stomach, he saw the problem. Sean stared at him with worried eyes, asking more worried. "Mark, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Mark straightened up, locking eyes with the mare as she turned her head to watch him. Sean patted her neck, telling him smoothly. "Mark... What's wrong with Agro?" Mark raised an eyebrow, his eyes rising to meet his. Sean blushed, mumbling out. "What? I like the name. It's from my favorite video game. Don't judge me." Mark chuckled softly, petting Agro as he told Sean with a smirk. "Well, Sean... Looks like Agro is leaking milk." Sean blinked, asking in an uneasy voice. "Is that good or bad?" Mark pet Agro's nose, telling him unsure. "I think it means she is pregnant...and getting close to labor."
Sean pet Agro lovingly, while asking Mark cautiously. "What are we going to do?" Mark gestured for Sean to climb down, replying reluctantly. "Nothing we really can do for her. We just have to keep moving. If we can get to a farm... Maybe we can start settling in. She's eating for two and we can barely feed one." Sean climbed down, flipping the reins down for Mark to take. Mark slowly started to walk her back up the ramp, while Sean followed pleading with him. "Mark... I know you'll hate me for saying this... but maybe we should stay here for a few more days." Mark closed the door behind Argo, telling Sean bluntly. "We can't... The longer we linger-" Sean raised his hands, cutting him off to rationalize with him hopefully. "I know, but this place has food and water. I don't want to stress her out, Mark. Besides, if she goes into labor on the road. We could be stranded out in the open for days somewhere. She might make noise and the baby could too... At least here, we can see out for a few miles in all directions."
Mark shifted on his feet, feeling like this was a bad idea. However, Sean was right. If she went down in an unsafe area... It could draw too much attention. Not counting what would happen to Sean's mental state if they had to leave her behind to use her as... a means to slow them down. Sean placed his hands on Mark's chest, begging softly. "I'm just asking for a few days. Please, Mark?" Mark let out a heavy sigh, grumbling out. "Fine. Two days tops. I'm serious, Sean. After we raid this place of everything we can possibly use. We are gone. Understood?" Sean hugged him tightly, then pulled away with smile. Sean hopped off the ramp to retrieve Chica from the truck in his excitement. Mark shook his head, then moved into the trailer to reluctantly remove their saddles. It killed him to do it, but he didn't want Agro rolling on it if she laid down. Setting them aside to dry in the trailer, he made his way out to see Sean excitedly telling Chica the news as she peed. Venturing back into the truck stop, Mark searched for things they could use. Finding clothes, Mark spotted a sign that read; 'Showers.'
Curiosity pulled him to go look. It had been months since he had showered. He had no hope that they'd work but he wanted to try. Going into the labeled door, he opened it up carefully. It was a large open tiled area with little shower stalls lined straight down the center of the room. While along the walls were little sinks with a mirror and little sitting stools. Grimly moving into one of the many small white cubicles, he stared up at the showerhead. Reaching for the chain handle, he felt silly. It was useless to try, but he couldn't help himself. Pulling carefully down on the handle, he laughed in disbelief. It worked! Water burst from the showerhead and not just any water. Heated water! Stripping quickly, he closed the cubicle door and let the hot water run over his chilled skin. He didn't mind staying here a few more days now. To Be Continued...
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