Part 57
Sean dropped down beside War's horse. The horse was panting heavily as Sean started pulling at the red hazmat suit to tear it open enough to see the wound. Upon seeing the cut, Sean held his hand over it and irritated his wound until droplets of blood fell. Mark inched closer, looking over the horse as he said softly. "War's horse... It's not a zombie." Sean pet the horse's white hair to calm him. As the wound healed slowly, Mark began unzipping the suit from the horse in pieces. The horse's hair was missing it places were the suit had rubbed mercilessly against him. He was even a little distressed when the mask came off, allowing him to breathe in deeper. Sean glanced around as the area grew more visible from the rising sun. The clouds were still thick and grey though and as they sat there... It began to rain in light sprinkles. Gesturing to the animals, Sean told Mark. "We've got to get the animals back inside." Mark nodded, wincing as he wounded arm shot a wave of pain through him. Sean touched the skeleton horse, coaxing it out to get the animals.
The skeleton horse began to trot out, herding the animals back to the barn like a sheep dog. Sean cleared the path for them to rush into the barn as the heavy rain started to batter the tin roof. Mark did his best to coax War's horse up and out on the last of its suit. The horse was so distracted with how it could feel the rain on its face, that it made it hard to guide him into the barn. Sean got the sheep into their stall. Then struggled to get the horses into theirs. Finbar was limping, making Argo a bit aggressive to being herded anywhere without him in front of her. Getting them in, Sean checked Finbar's leg, while Mark guided War's horse into an unused stall. Over the rain, Mark asked Sean curiously. "Is he ok?" Sean gave a small shrug but answered with a positive attitude. "I don't know. I don't feel a fracture. He might just have bruised it. Zero should look at him. Or that Amish guy." Mark nodded, groaning as he closed the stall door with one hand. The skeleton horse stood at the doors of the barn, unfazed by the rain falling over it.
Mark was going to ask if they should put him in a stall, when Sean touched his wounded arm. Mark yelped, listening to Sean ask with concern. "Mark? Are you hurt?" Mark pointed to the wound, grumbling out. "War's blade is still in there. It's in deep and it fucking hurts..." Sean tugged at Mark's shirt, helping him take it off. Taking a seat on the floor, Mark braced his back to an empty stall door. Sean touched his wound, mumbling out. "Damn... It's in there pretty deep. Stop moving. You're making it worse." Mark chuckled, touching Sean's cheek with his good hand. Sean looked so scared and worried about him. After everything he saw Sean do, it was cute to think Sean was still... Sean. Sean grabbed his wrist to stop him from touching his cheek, telling him a bit distracted. "I think there is a small medical kit in the storage room. Wait here." Sean held Mark's hand until he got out of range. Sitting still, Mark looked up at the roof. He liked listening to the rain droplets peppering the tin roof. It was calming.
In the distance came a soft rumble of thunder. Mark smirked a bit. This was great for their freshly planted seeds, but he hoped the lightning stayed in the sky. Sean rushed back with a small med kit, grumbling out. "This doesn't have what I need... but I'll make it work." Sean removed a pair of tweezers, rubbing them down with a sterilizing wet cloth. Mark groaned softly. The tweezers were small. This was going to hurt. Sean leaned forward, kissing Mark's lips briefly before telling him regretfully. "I'm sorry..." Mark closed his eyes, clenching his jaw as he uttered out. "Just get it out. I can handle it. I've been through worse." Sean kissed him again, then eased the tweezers in to find the metal. Mark barely felt the tweezers. He felt Sean's fingers holding him more. Until Sean found the blade. Trying to pull it out was murder. Mark tried to stay still, but his legs kept sliding over the floor as the blade was pulled on. Panting between every pull Sean made, Mark held his breath as much as possible. Once it was out enough to grab, Sean told Mark uneasily. "Should I keep going slow?"
Mark shook his head, growling out. "Just get it out. NOW." Sean grabbed his shoulder harder, grabbing the blade with his other hand and yanking it out as level as he could. Mark arched his back with a loud groan but felt so better to have it out. Sean used the blade to cut his wound more, pressing it to Mark's bleeding shoulder. Grabbing his wrist, Mark told Sean seriously. "Stop hurting yourself." Sean kept his hand to Mark's wound, mumbling out to him in a shaky voice. "I will. Once I know you'll be ok." Mark wrapped an arm around Sean, pulling him up against his chest. Over his ear, Mark purred lovingly to him. "I'll be ok. I'm more worried about you. How did you kill Death?" Sean snuggled against him, chuckling out lightly against his neck. "I cured him. And then kind of... attacked him." Mark started rubbing his back more slowly, prompting Sean to sit up and say honestly. "Mark... I don't think I'm completely cured. I attacked them like... one of them. But somehow, I'm able to heal you... I don't understand."
The skeleton horse reared, trotting into the barn and cracking its bones violently. They both looked to the door as a robed man stepped in out of the rain with a horse that had bandages all over its legs and thin body. Sean bolted to his feet, bracing for a fight as he uttered out darkly. "Famine." Mark tried to get up, but he wasn't quite ready yet. Famine raised his hands, dropping a belt with his darts over the back of his horse. Stepping away from the horse, he pulled his hood back, saying calmly as he shut the barn door to muffle some of the rain. "I'm not here to fight." Mark glared at Famine, asking bluntly. "Then why are you? What were you doing this whole time?!" Famine pointed to Sean, answering calmly. "Watching. Mourning." Mark huffed, stating out darkly. "Mourning for Death and War? That's your excuse? Why not help them fight! Get your revenge. Why wait?!" Sean licked his lips, slipping out as he relaxed a little. "Because he wasn't mourning them... He was mourning Conquest."
Famine nodded subtly, telling him grimly. "Yes... But I don't blame you for that. I knew Conquest was going to get himself killed. He refused to listen to me." Mark forced himself up to his feet, using the stall for support as he asked with mistrust. "Why are you here?" Famine took a deep breath, replying softly. "I came to ask Sean a favor." Sean stiffened a little, asking him uneasily. "What kind of favor?" Famine pulled back the sleeve of his robe and for the first time began to unwrap the bandages around his arm. Famine's voice quivered a bit, when he told him. "The reason they called me famine... Was because I'm dying slower than them and in constant pain." Sean moved closer, ignoring Mark as he tried to grab him. The skin of Famine's arm was extremely dried out and cracked. From the cracks in his skin, he was bleeding. Famine couldn't even look at his arm as he said softly. "I was anemic before the virus... What should have been my cure all... Became my worst nightmare. It started slow at first... but now I've got more damages than skin. I've been drinking blood like it's going out of style. Everyday... I need more." Mark didn't like how close Sean was getting, but he asked with concern. "Is it contagious?"
Famine shook his head, starting to wrap his arm back up as he mumbled out. "No... The virus adapts to the host. This curse is unique to me. Just as the virus is unique to Sean." Sean shrugged, asking him blankly. "What can I do?" Famine lifted his chin, sinking to his knees as he told him coolly. "Kill me." Sean hesitated, taking a step back as he said. "What? I can't..." Famine huffed, casually telling him. "I've used you both. Lied and manipulated you. I organized the delivery of the cure to Wyatt's mother. I was the informant. I made sure Mark took it to her in order for her to test the cure on Nate. I even helped Mari escape with him. I used War, Death, and Conquest to get what I wanted. And I told you not to trust me... Guys. If I wanted you dead. You'd both be dead." Mark stood in stunned silence. Sean shook his head though, telling him coolly. "But we're still alive. And I'm sorry. But I'm not a murderer." Famine huffed, chuckling out. "It's not murder if I want it. It's more like a mercy killing." Sean hugged himself, saying seriously. "No. I can't do it. Killing the others was one thing... but you..."
Famine slowly rose up to his feet, chuckling quietly to himself without real humor. Dusting himself off, famine told him just as seriously. "Would it make you feel better if I attack you?" Sean stepped back another step, telling him gently. "No. I just..." Sean looked down at his arms, asking him in a low voice. "If you drank my blood... Would it cure you?" Mark stepped away from the stall door, snapping out. "Sean, no!" Famine raised a hand to stop Mark, answering in a sad tone. "I already did the math. I'd have to drain you dry to counter what this virus has done to me. The damage isn't just surface deep. It's in everything. I'm getting weaker by the day. So, no. It wouldn't help me." Mark glanced between them, telling Sean openly. "I'll kill him." Famine rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "Makes my death a little unpoetic if you do it... but I guess, I can't be too picky." Famine moved closer to Mark, extending his arms out as he told him. "Take your best shot." Mark slowly bent down to pick up Becky.
Mark didn't care what Famine was after. He didn't trust him, and he would always be a risk if he was left alive. Gripping the handle to hold it better in one hand, Mark started to approach Famine. Just before he shoved the tip into Famine's chest, Sean came out of nowhere and hit Famine's shoulder. Rushing clear past Famine after, Sean grabbed the shovel from Mark and told him. "There." Mark was confused, until he looked down at Sean's hand. Nestled in the palm of his hand was one of Famine's darts. Famine dropped to his knees weakly, pleasantly cooing out to Sean. "You are very interesting, Sean." Sean turned around, telling him nicely. "You probably deserve to suffer... but not at my hands." Famine smirked, leaning forward a bit to keep himself up. Famine seemed almost at peace as he told him just as nicely. "I'm sorry this happened... but at least some good came out of it. Nature has a method for every madness. Save as many as you can." Without another word, Famine slowly laid down across the floor and seemed to just fall asleep.
Walking over to Famine, Sean kneeled to check his pulse. He felt and heard his heart slow and stop. Mark lowered Becky to brace her on the floor, asking Sean coolly. "He's gone?" Sean nodded, then got up and moved away from him. Mark moved in to finish the job while Sean's back was turned. Of all the horsemen, Sean only felt bad about Famine. He and Famine had bonded a little bit during his time, and it was painful to think that he couldn't save him. Leaning on the ladder not too far away, Anti told Sean in warm voice. "That was almost crueler. For a man who lived his life in pain... you took away his pain moments before his death with his own poison." Sean took a deep breath, mumbling out to Mark. "I'll see if there is anything to... clean his blood from the floor." Mark cut him off on his way to the storage room, wrapping an arm around him to hug him. Sean was happy for the contact. Mark told him in a comforting whisper to worry about cleaning it later. Sean shook his head, but Mark kissed his neck and coaxed him to one of the empty stalls.
Slipping inside it, Mark set down Becky and pulled Sean down with him into the straw. Mark didn't feel like running out into a storm to see the others yet. He felt like Sean needed some time alone. Sean curled up against his chest and together they listened to the rain pelting the roof as the thunder grew closer. It even made Mark smile when Sean started to doze off reluctantly. Mark hadn't realized that he had dozed off himself, until the barn door opened. Rain was still falling outside as Nate called out in a panic. "Mark?! Sean?!" Mark shushed him with a smile. Nate leaned on the stall door, relaxing as saw them. He started to ask about Famine, but Mark told him that he'd explain later. Sean was reluctant to get up, but Mark managed to take him back to the house with Nate. With Sean tired from his ordeal, Mark put him to bed and recused Chica from the closet. She only briefly kissed Mark before rushing out to go to the bathroom. Clearing out the busted dresser and cleaning the blood, he tried to get the room in order. He even gave the snake to Kenny to skin for fun.
He eventually got around to seeing Mari. Both Zero and Kenny had taken turns donating blood to keep her stable. She was coming around though. By the end of the day, Kenny and Zero had taken care of the bodies and had seen no sign of the zombie squirrels or War's zombie body yet. Nate took over cooking for everyone and helping out where he could. Even going so far as to get the fireplace in the living room working. Everyone was just starting to wind down from the chaos, when a knock came at the door. Reluctantly going to the door, Mark opened it. It was John and what Mark believed were his older sons. He'd never seen Amish carry guns, but they did. John asked to come in and Mark was reluctant to let him, until he told his boys to stay on the porch. Letting him in, he gestured to the fireplace and asked him. "What brings you out here in the rain?" John smirked at him a little, coolly replying. "I'm not afraid of the rain. But I am here for another matter." They sat down and John gently asked him. "I'm not one for prying into another's business. But one of my boys as of late has been... watching you."
Mark stiffened in the chair, glancing at Kenny and Zero. John raised a hand to calm them, not looking them in the eyes as he said calmly. "I just want to know one thing. Is the man you have... safe?" Zero shrugged, asking a little concerned. "Which one?" John smirked, answering casually. "The bitten one. The one you haven't introduced us too. Is he safe?" Mark leaned forward, defensively retorting. "He's harmless. I promise. What your boy saw... Those men were-" John waved a hand, saying nicely. "That's not what I'm worried about. Can I see him? If he's as harmless as you say..." Zero shook his head, but Mark nodded to him. Without getting up, Mark called out. "Sean? You want to stop hiding and greet John?" Mark smirked, pointing to a mirror in the wall that showed Sean on the stairs. John chuckled. Hesitantly inching around the wall, Sean stared at John. John stood up, making Sean flinch back toward the steps. John didn't advance to him as he said to himself. "We'll I'll be..."
Mark stood up, telling John openly. "He's not a threat to anyone. And depending on what you believe caused the virus-" John raised a hand to stop Mark without looking at him, answering calmly. "We believe the virus to be biblical. A cleanse to man's greed... However, after every disaster is a rainbow. Hope. When my son told me about your man... I had to see it for myself." Zero shrugged, asking bluntly. "Why is that?" John calmly moved closer to Sean, informing them sweetly. "I believe in signs. And an infected that protects the uninfected... That's enough to make a man pause." John extended a hand out to Sean and Sean shook it. After the handshake, John turned his hand over to see the bandaged cut. Without hesitating, John asked him hopefully. "You saved a girl from dying?" Sean nodded, letting John continue in a soft fatherly voice. "Will you save mine?" Everyone in the room moved closer as John told Sean desperately. "My daughter got bitten this morning by a snake. She's turning... As a man of god, I should let it happen... but as a father... I'm praying you're my answer."
Sean straightened himself up, saying with a hopeful voice. "I'll try. Show her to me." John gestured to the door, rushing out. "She's in the buggy outside." Mark rushed out with Sean at his side, incase this was a trap. John led them to the buggy, pulling down the back to reveal a crying mother and a young girl of five in her arms. The girl's eyes were leaking blood and her skin was breaking out in black veins from the bite on her leg. Stepping back, Sean called out to Nate to bring the med kit and looked over her leg. John paced and uttered out a prayer. Nate brought the med kit and Sean removed an empty syringe. Mark helped him take some blood from his arm, then injected it into her bite slowly. At first there was no change. Then the black veins vanished, and the girl stopped crying as much. Mark stepped back as the father rushed in to see her. The longer she sat there, the more color seemed to return to her skin. Sean grinned watching them hug each other. Mark even hugged him from behind with a warm smile.
After that, word got around to the other farms about him. Anyone that suffered bites came to him for help. To everyone's surprise, the people that Sean healed became immune to future bites. The Blood orchards grew fast and as they did, their roots branched out into the fields. Cleansing the polluted soil and eating the infected zombies that got too close to the border of the farm. Sean harvested the seeds and traded them to the other farms to cleanse their fields. Within two years, they were thriving better than ever. Even the animals were growing healthier and stronger from the nutrient rich food. When word spread farther to other Amish communities, more people began to arrive in town. Expanding and growing their small colony, until it almost felt like things were back to normal. The doctors that arrived, began to look into the blood from the immune and began working on ways to distribute the cure better. Sean was pleased with how everything was turning out.
Sitting in the potato field, Sean inhaled the fresh air and enjoyed the quiet. It was a beautiful sunny day and he liked sitting with nature. It was an amazing feeling to see the seeds he'd planted with Mark grow. Playing with the dirt, he smiled as Mark's arms slid down over his shoulders. Mark smelled like their new milk cow. Kissing his cheek, Mark whispered to him warmly. "What are you up to, Jackaboy?" Sean pointed to the field, telling Mark happily. "Just admiring what we've done. Thinking about how far we have come. I'm still not used to how normal this feels." Mark hummed against his ear, hugging him tighter. Pulling him down into the dirt, Sean squealed as Mark laid over him. Mark's hand stroked Sean's side, while he looked into his eyes and told him lovingly. "None of this would have been possible without you. I love you, Sean." Sean reached up to cup Mark's face, trying to coax him down into a kiss, until Mark's hand moved up between them to say in a sudden deep voice. "Here. A little piece of gold for the person at the end of my rainbow."
Sean stared at the goldenwedding band, realizing the Mark was wearing one. Sitting up, Mark told him softly. "There is no one to marry us officially... butI was hoping that having me would be enough." Sean let Mark put the ring on him, telling him in a sweet voice. "It's more than enough." Pulling Mark into a passionate kiss, Seanlaid back down in the field with him. From this moment on, nothing would be the same... because it was the startof a hopeful future. Together. The End.
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