Part 46
Mark leaned over a map that Kenny rolled out on his coffee table by the fireplace. While waiting for Mari to return, Kenny pointed to the quarantine building and told them confidently. "The way I see it. Mari will have to take you both into the visitor entrance to see Zero. Once in there, you'll have to find a way to get Zero out. The only way to open the container he'll be in is by a lab ID tag with high enough clearance. So, look for badges with a blue or red stripe on them. Any others won't open the doors. If you pull the alarm it will lockdown the building and buy you some time... but without those badges... you'll be trapped in there." Mark narrowed his eyes on Kenny, asking curiously. "You're not coming with us?" Kenny shook his head, admitting nervously. "No. I'll be working on the exit plan. The second we start this chaos... We're going to need to book it out of here. Zero came in with a truck. I'll try to get it and meet you at the front gate." Nate shuffled his feet, saying anxiously. "How are we going to get passed all the guards at the gate?"
Kenny took a deep breath, before answering. "They trust me... If I tranquilize them. We'll be able to slip right out." Mark bit the inside of his cheek a little before asking him curiously. "And your mother? You just plan to leave and let her keep doing this to people?" Kenny tensed, looking at Mark before seriously answering. "Yes. To go after my mother is a huge risk. Suicidal. Our plan should be to get out while we have a chance. If we linger too long... We don't have the numbers. Even if you got to my mother and killed her. Her followers will kill you or worse. No. We need to focus on getting Zero and Sean out. That will be hard enough to pull off." Nate licked his lips, slipping in. "My ability might be able to turn this fight into our favor?" Kenny shook his head, firmly stating out. "No. Your infection could do more harm than good. You can't control it." Mark strongly disagreed, trying to interject just as firmly. "Mari was unaffected by his ability. As long as she is with us, we can use it to-" Kenny locked cold eyes on Mark, growling out through his teeth. "You are not putting my sister in danger like that. That could have been a fluke and Nate wasn't even focused on her. Next time he could hurt her. Or worse... He'd make YOU hurt her."
Mark wanted to say that he was wrong, but he didn't have the proof to confirm it. Nodding, he relented into saying. "Alright. We'll do this your way. But if I get the shot at your mother..." Kenny never blinked as he calmly but sternly replied. "Then you better make damn sure that you don't put us all at risk over it. If it comes down to her or us. You better chose us. I'm risking everything to help you. I can't come back from this. You get my sister killed... and I'll hunt you down. That I promise you." Mark heard the sincerity in his voice and nodded confidently. Kenny then exhaled his tension away, grumbling out. "Fuck..." Kenny raised his hands to run this fingers through his short dirty blonde hair with a grim expression. Nate shrugged, beating Mark into asking him bluntly. "What? What's wrong?" Kenny dropped his arms limply, grumbling out with disappointment. "Our plan is good... Until you get to Sean. I've never been in the labs. I don't know how you'd get him out, or where they'd even put him. You'd be flying blind in there."
Nate crossed his arms, stating out slightly confident. "I've been inside. I have an idea where they'd take him. But I was always sedated when they put me in and took me out of the container... I don't know how they open." Mark huffed, shrugging out. "I saw the tube that he's in. Looks like plexiglass... So, we'll take a fireman's axe to it. The steel end should cut into it. They must have one in this town, right?" Kenny chuckled, asking him sarcastically. "And how do you plan to carry an axe with you? Women here don't walk around armed... Not counting my sister. So, What do you plan to do? Slip it up your skirt?" Nate snickered and Mark blushed a little at the thought, mumbling out innocently. "It's not a bad idea..." Kenny sat down on the edge of his bed, smirking as he said. "Sure. Have you ever tried walking with that stripped to your leg? See how far you get." Nate chuckled, leaning back against a wall. Mark itched his chin, mumbling out. "It could work. I mean, how often do women really bend their legs when they walk in dresses?" Mark straightened his legs and demonstrated by walking regally in a straight line.
Kenny propped his head up on his hand as he leaned over his knees, commenting dryly. "That's easy when you don't have anything. Think about it like this. The handle of the average axe is about twenty-eight to thirty-six inches long. The head of the axe is anywhere from four to eight pounds. That's not counting for how wide some of the heads are. You'd have to strap it up high and walking with something that sharp between your legs..." Nate and Mark winced at the thought. Kenny shrugged, adding in bluntly. "Told you." Nate hefted the side of Mark's skirt, asking Kenny curiously. "What about on the outside of the leg? We could strap it without issue." Kenny shook his head, reaching up to hold the skirt as he told him. "It will show under the skirt. The skirt doesn't billow out that far to compensate for the extra bulk. It will be too noticeable. They'll search you." Mark swatted their hands off his skirt, pushing the hem down, before sternly saying. "Anything smaller that could do it?" Kenny shrugged, then suddenly his expression changed. Mark stiffened a little, asking Kenny hopefully. "Kenny? You got something?"
Kenny snapped his fingers, chuckling out. "I think I know what you can use. Stay here!" Kenny jumped to his feet, racing toward the stairs. Mark shrugged, asking aloud. "Kenny?! Care to tell us?" Kenny slipped past Mari as she came through the door, stating out excitedly. "No time. I'll be back." Mari blinked, watching Kenny leave before stating out a little startled. "Having fun?" Mark huffed, sarcastically shooting back. "Tons. How did your hunt go?" Mari dropped a few bags on the bed, saying coolly. "Eventful. Stole some shit. 'Borrowed' some stuff from an abandoned store or two." Mari removed a small pouch from a bag and tossed it to Mark, telling him seriously. "Shave. Unless you like the bearded lady look?" Mark rolled his eyes, opening the pouch to look over the grooming kit. Removing the razor, he frowned at the small round compact mirror. This was going to be hell. Mari removed stuff, telling them through a sigh. "I don't know your sizes... So I got a little of everything."
Mari held up a solid black bra to Mark and then Nate, before tossing it to Nate. Nate dropped the bra to the table next to him like it was gross, snapping out. "Why are you giving that to me? I'm flat chested. I don't need it." Mari rolled her eyes, turning to face him as she told him as calmly as she could. "No. You're not. Trust me. There are two types of flat chested women. The ones that have nothing to support and the ones with just enough to get away with wearing a bra. You both have broad shoulders and enough muscles in your chest to fit the later. Put it on." Nate crossed his arms, smugly saying. "And if I prefer not wearing one?" Mari removed a bottle of vodka from one of the bags and moved over to the bra to reveal the tube on the side, asking him just as smugly. "What if we need to burn something? These will store it and balance out your chest to look more... natural. Otherwise, with shoulders like yours... their eyes are going to look at your chest and get suspicious." Mark chuckled, saying with a smirk. "Broad shoulders mean big boobs?" Mari winked at him, saying nicely. "In your case. Yes. Trust me."
Mark got to work shaving his beard over a trashcan, while Mari helped strip Nate and helped him get the bra on. The party bra fit snug to him and as Mari filled the chest, Mark's jaw dropped. Mari hadn't been lying. The bra did make a big difference. It drew attention away from Nate's shoulders to his busty chest. Mari giggled when she saw Mark staring and said with a blush. "See? And if anyone touches them, they will feel real and act real. While at the same time, you are by definition... wearing a bra." Nate's hands went to feel his chest and Mari smacked his hands, snapping out. "Don't do that! Show some self-respect." Mark laughed loudly and Nate adjusted the straps of the bra, mumbling out. "I feel top heavy..." Mari narrowed her eyes on him, stating out. "You'll get used to it. Stand up straighter." Mari looked over Nate's arm tattoos, adding softly. "You'll need long sleeves... I was afraid of that..." Nate flexed his arm, asking curiously. "Why? Girls have tattoos." Mari dug through a bag, grumbling out. "Those are too noticeable. People might recognize them. Besides... Your arms are thick... most dresses were not designed for muscular arms. So... I'll have to go with plan B for you."
Mari removed another dress that was sleeveless and then tossed him a black denim jacket. Mari then moved to Mark to help him put his bra on. She put him in a top that hung off his shoulders more, allowing his... deceiving bright blue bra to show a little beneath the loose white shirt. She put him in a floor length green skirt and put a thick brown leather belt with embroidered flowers around his waist. By tightening it on him a little it accented his hips more. Mari rushed to Nate, helping him fix his low-cut black dress and the high slits up the sides. At the top of the slits on the sides there were strips of cloth that snapped to the belt to keep them open. With the garter belt and stockings, Mark found it hard not to look at Nate's legs. She gave him fancy zip up dress boots that had flat heels to put on. Taking a breath, she ran back to Mark to give him brown boots with flat heels to slip into, then started in on his make-up. With Mark, she kept his make-up minimal and light to brighten up his dark brown eyes and bring out the green and tan colors of his outfit.
Rushing back over to Nate, she did something different. She darkened his eyes with eyeliner and added what looked like silver glitter to the edges to bring out the silver accents of his outfit. The last thing she pulled out was a clear thin string with long black hair attached to it. Going to Nate, she told him with slight disappointment. "They didn't have wigs. But these will work just fine since you both have long bangs." Mark watched her lift up some of Nate's long hair to put the clear band over him like a hairband. After adjusting it to lay Nate's hair naturally over the clear band, she pulled the long straight ends over his shoulders. Mark's jaw dropped. He really had to look at Nate to tell that he wasn't a woman. Mari snapped her fingers, rushing to a bag to pull out a thick black Halloween costume choker with a small fake diamond on it. Carefully attaching it around his neck, she told him with a smile. "Perfect. This will hide your Adam's apple from view with just a subtle touch. I'd do your nails too... but we don't have time. I won't worry about your gauges. They seem to just... work with the look."
With Mark, she put hair on him that was a dark wavy brown and went down passed his shoulders. Then she removed a smaller breezy green scarf and tied it elegantly around his neck to cover his bandage and throat better. Stepping back, she looked at them in turn and said softly. "I don't know. I think I've been looking at you both too long. I still see you as men..." Behind her, Kenny staggered off the last step and dropped a bag of tools loudly to the floor. Mari yelped, jumping closer to Mark as Kenny gawked out in a startled tone. "Holy shit... Mari, what did you do to them?!" Mari relaxed, letting out a groan as she said a little upset with herself. "Ugh... I know, but I didn't have much to work with! And they are built like fucking tanks... How was I supposed to make them women with limited-" Kenny cut her off by telling her a little amused. "Mari... How the fuck did you give them breasts?" Mari crossed her arms, glancing at Nate as she grumbled out. "Men... If they're all as observant as my brother, I think you'll be fine."
Mark walked over to Kenny, asking curiously. "Why did you run off?" Kenny kept looking him over, distractedly answering. "Um... I think I found something to break the glass." Kenny tore his eyes from Mark to dig into the bag of tools. Removing a small red hammer with a steel end, Kenny handed it to him and informed him lightly. "That is a glass breaker. We found a box of them in a warehouse raid a few weeks back. They use those to smash the glass of fire extinguisher cabinets that are often made from plexiglass." Mark's eyes widened with excitement and he grabbed Kenny to kiss his cheek, telling him happily. "Kenny, I love you! These are perfect!" Mark snatched another from the bag to toss to Nate, while Kenny blinked and mumbled out. "I'm really starting to question my sexuality now..." Mari chuckled, waving a hand at him as she said. "You were always confused." Kenny narrowed his eyes on her with a smirk as he retorted under his breath. "I'm on the fence. There is a difference." Mari shook her head, saying back to him. "Call it what you want. You're Bi and you can't tell me otherwise." Kenny swatted Mari's arm and she swatted him right back.
Mark chuckled watching them, strapping the tool to his inner thigh. Nate finished doing the same thing and told Mark curiously. "Are we ready to do this?" Mark straightened up, adjusting his boobs as he told him. "Yep." Kenny raised an eyebrow, softly telling Mari. "Good luck." Mari glanced back to see them touching each other's breasts, before telling Kenny. "Thanks... We're going to need it." Kenny hugged Mari, telling her to be safe and to meet him at the gate after. Mark straightened himself up, following them out. Kenny slipped away shortly after leaving the bunker, leaving Mark and Nate to follow Mari across the compound. The streetlamps were on as they walked casually down the street. Patrolling guards that passed them all took a second glance, making Mark blush a deep red. He knew people found him attractive as a man... but as a woman? Nate dropped his watch as he tried to adjust it and cursed. Bending over to pick it up, he made a guard walk face first into a lamppost.
The guard fell back across the ground, causing Nate to look at the man with concern from how loud the 'clang' of his body armor hitting the post had been. Nate stopped, asking the man in a sweet voice. "Hey, man? You ok?" Mark lost it. Covering his mouth, he laughed loudly into his hands. Nate hadn't seen what had happened, but he had. Mari smirked, taking Nate's arm to pull him onward as she said. "He's fine." As they walked on, Nate asked them both with a blank look. "What? What is so damn funny?" Mark couldn't answer him, his cheeks hurt too much from smiling. Walking up to the visitor doors of the quarantine building, Mari told the two guards casually. "We're here to see Zero. These are his... Cousins." The guards looked over both Mark and Nate closely with their flashlights. When they looked over Mari, their lights stayed on her Katana, upon asking her. "And you are?" Mari lifted her chin, answering a bit pridefully. "Lexi's daughter. So, can we go in or not?" The guards looked at each other, then stepped aside to let them go in. Mark eyed their badges, looking for a Red or Blue stripe. Theirs were both yellow.
Stepping just inside, Mark swallowed hard. There was a metal detector. Mari removed her katana to hand to another guard. She then stepped through without issue. Nate glanced at Mark, nervously inching toward the detector. This was bad. No one had told them about this part. To Be Continued...
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