Part 41
Mark forced his eyes open. His mind was groggy, and his eyes took a minute to adjust to the light. He was still in Amy's room, but the room had changed a little. There was more medical stuff around the bed now. Beside him was a metal stand holding a clear bag of liquid that was hooked up to his arm. Mark jerked his arm in the restraint, but his arm felt heavy and weak. Every movement wore him out. They were drugging him to keep him docile. Mark tried to look for a clock, but the room didn't appear to have one. He did notice that the window was open. Stiffening, he tried to recall if they had done that or someone else. A soft squeak came from the floorboards, causing Mark's heart to start racing. He prayed that something bad hadn't gotten in. He couldn't even lean over the bed to look. He could hear something moving and resorted to laying still. The sound grew louder, before a figure popped up beside the bed. Mark jerked in the restraints, his heart leaping from his chest to jump out the window. Mari flicked her long hair off her shoulder, wincing as she whispered out. "Oops. Sorry."
Mark mumbled through the gag in his mouth. Only making Mari shush him before saying discreetly. "We'll talk later. Let me get you out." Mari grabbed his wrist, looking over the cuff a minute. Mark didn't see how she was going to get him out. Not when Amy had the keys to these somewhere. Mari ran a hand through her hair, pulling a hair pin from somewhere over her ear. At Mark's stunned look, she chuckled out softly. "What? Kenny taught me... Long story." Mark watched the door, while she worked. As she worked, she uttered out to him. "I've been trying to wake you for hours. Spencer knocked you out good... I had to hide when he came back. Right now, we should have an hour or two before he gets back." The cuff popped open and Mari wasted no time going down to his ankle. Flexing his wrist, he stiffly reached over to carefully pull the syringe from his arm. Once it was out, he reached for the dog collar around his neck. Finding the latch, he released it and quickly pulled his gag down.
Tossing the collar away, he rushed out to Mari in a strained voice. "Mari, I need your help." Mari finished popping his ankle cuff, stating out bluntly. "Duh, what do you think I'm doing?" Mark shook his head, sitting up a bit as he said groggily. "No. Mari, listen. Kenny could be in danger." Mari froze in her work to ask with concern. "What do you mean?" Mark rubbed his throbbing temples, telling her gently. "I didn't escape... I was sent here. They were going to hurt Sean... So, I was supposed to infect the colony." Mari shrugged, going back to work as she said coolly. "You're not infected. They would have seen it when they-" Mark shook his head, blurting out. "The gnome, Mari! It was carrying EpiPens with the virus." Mari stopped working, straightening up as she asked a little hurt. "What...?" Mark panted a little to match his racing heart as he told her honestly. "I wasn't going to go through with it... But Amy found them and took them. Mari, if you don't find them... Something bad is going to happen here and your brother-" Mari backed up, glancing at the window as she finished for him. "Kenny..."
Mark nodded, telling her seriously. "Mari, leave me here and go." Mari shook her head, saying nervously. "I can't do it alone. I don't know what to look for..." Mark coughed, then told her quickly. "You know what EpiPens look like, right?" She nodded. Mark nodded in return, telling her coolly. "Good. Take them all if you have too. Just don't let anyone use them. You'll be able to get in... They'll notice me." Mari hesitated, before pulling the hair pin out and handing it to him. Taking it, Mark pointed to his backpack and told her. "Take that. Just in case. Just be careful." Mari adjusted her katana, taking the backpack as she asked him uneasily. "Mark?" Mark looked at her and she nervously chuckled out to him to break the tension. "I told you so." Mark chuckled lightly, replying as he rolled his eyes. "Good luck." Mari flashed him a smile, telling him as she went to the window. "Don't worry, Mark. If I run into Kenny, I'll send him your way. I won't leave you behind." Mark waved her out and she carefully peeked outside. When it was clear, she swung herself out and left him. Mark tugged on his cuff and tried to figure out how to pick the lock.
After a minute, he realized that he had no skill for lockpicking. He'd have to find something else. Frustrated, he looked over the cuffs more closely. There had to be a way to get out. He started to resort to trying to dislocate his thumb again when he noticed a bolt on the bed frame. Smirking, he tried to use the hair pin to turn the bolt but it broke. Tossing the pieces on the bed, Mark looked for something else. Reaching for the syringe, he stopped himself. Amy's manicure kit was sitting on the bedside table. Leaning over, he strained to reach for it. Snatching it, Mark unzipped it and removed the metal nail file. Using the flat of it, he used it to unscrew the bolt. Unscrewing the bolt, Mark tugged the cuff and pulled the metal sections apart. Allowing his hand to slide the cuff up past the bar. He'd worry about getting the cuff off his wrist later. Jerking upright, he looked over the bar on the footboard for another bolt. Finding one, he quickly began to unscrew it. Tugging on the bar, he separated the pieces and managed to get the cuff free... Just as the side of the bed collapsed with a loud 'BANG!'
Tumbling off the bed, Mark groaned and unbuckled the straps to the tubing over his cock. Yanking the stuff off him and his thigh, he tossed it aside and scrambled to his feet to find his pants. Finding them, he slipped them on and dashed to the wall beside the door as he heard footsteps in the hallway. Someone knocked on the door, asking in a soft feminine voice. "Miss Amy? Are you ok?" Mark moved to the basket to snatch the chloroform bottle and washcloth that Amy had used on him. Leaning back against the wall, he quickly poured the liquid over the cloth as the woman messed with the locks. Tossing the bottle to the floor, he waited as the woman opened the door and stepped inside timidly. Glancing around, the young woman gasped and called aloud. "Miss Amy...?" Mark acted, kicking the back of her leg to knock her down. Dropping down over her, he covered her mouth with the cloth and held her tightly against him. The woman thrashed and muffled out screams, but his strength kept her contained. He didn't want to hurt her... but he couldn't have her alerting everyone to his escape either.
After five minutes, the woman stilled and he set her down. Tossing the cloth aside, he grabbed his shoes and made his way out of the room. Creeping down the hall, he listened to every sound. Peeking around the top of the stairs, he moved down the steps and headed for the back door. Slipping out the door, Mark staggered to a stop to the sound of music starting to blare over the speakers around the compound. Listening to the voice for a second, he mumbled out to himself. "I know that voice." Dashing across the compound through the alleys, he made his way toward the source of the music. In a field across from the church in a small enclosed gazebo, he saw a man playing a guitar and singing into the microphone. Leaning against the building, Mark gawked in slight relief as he stated to himself. "Nate? Oh my god." A few women stood outside the gazebo watching him play. Nate looked like a bird in a cage. Mark's heart sank. Had Nate always been there? He had never noticed the gazebo. He'd been too worried about everything else.
The gazebo had guards stationed at the doors to keep the women back. Mark felt torn. He could run or try to help his friend. He didn't know how he would get close, until he looked into the backyard of a nearby house. Grimly groaning, he kicked the wooden fence and slipping inside. Pulling down the clothes he found, he quickly changed. He didn't know why they were letting Nate play. Wouldn't that attract a hoard? Stuffing the extra clothes into a canvas laundry bag he had found, he held it tightly against his handcuffed wrist. Wrapping a silky blue scarf around his neck, he pulled it up over his nose to hide his scruffy beard. Otherwise, when he caught his reflection in the window... he looked like a butch girl in an ankle length breezy black sundress. Taking the black floppy hat that was left out to dry, Mark put it on and tried to act casual as he slipped out. In his mind, he kept telling himself how bad of an idea this was. Stepping calmly out into the street, Mark could barely breathe. He felt like all eyes were on him, but they weren't. The women barely glanced at him in passing. He didn't know whether to be happy or offended by that.
Slowly making his way up to the gazebo as the music started to fade out, Mark listened to one of the guards tell Nate through a com on the gazebo wall. "The experiment worked. Good job. The Madame is pleased." Nate flicked the guy off, stating something that couldn't be heard through the soundproof glass. Mark lifted his chin a little. That explained why he hadn't heard Nate before. The other guard cut the power to Nate's equipment, causing Nate to kick the glass and yell out something in frustration. Mark looked at the gazebo and frowned. From the looks of it, they were keeping Nate locked up in there. He had his amps and guitar stuff... but also a little metal cot laid out. Mark glanced around the compound to see the walls. Was that the secret to why they were never attacked? They played music? He could see that working for some, but not all of the zombies. As the women brushed past him to leave, he overheard one say with disappointment. "I wonder why the Madame won't let anyone have him." Another woman answered with a giggle. "You didn't hear? She's saving him for something."
Mark raised an eyebrow. Lexi was saving Nate like the Horsemen were saving Sean? Turning to face the gazebo, Mark started to walk to the door when a guard put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Pushing him back gently, the guard told him sternly. "And where do you think you are going, Miss?" Mark lowered his head to let the hat hide his features as he pointed toward Nate. The guard huffed, stating out. "I'm sorry, Miss. No one sees him unless-" Mark cleared his throat, timidly forcing out a lighter tone of voice as he anxiously rushed out. "But Madame told me too... Said he's to be mine." The guards glanced at each other, then shrugged. The closest guard turned to run a card along the side of the door, before opening it to let him in. In a stern tone, the guard told him swiftly. "You get five minutes." Mark noticed the other guard was acting a little stiffly. He looked eager to do something. Faking a trip, Mark fell into the arms of the closest guard. The guard caught him, stammering out. "Whoa... You ok?" Mark discreetly swiped the card from the guard's lanyard, chuckling out shyly. "Sorry. New shoes." The guard helped him back up and Mark slipped inside the gazebo.
The guard shut the door, then gestured to the other guard as they dashed off. Did they recognize him? Or simply suspect that he was lying? Setting the laundry bag down, he turned to face Nate. Nate backed up against the far wall, asking him nervously. "What do you want?" Mark raised his hands, stating out. "Nate, it's me." Nate blinked, his eyes looking Mark over as he said as gently as he could. "I think I'd remember you... and I don't. So whatever you want-" Mark lifted the brim of his hat up and pulled the scarf down, retorting quickly. "It's me. Mark. Come on, let's get out of here." Nate's eyes widened as he looked Mark over again, saying to himself. "Well, that explains a lot..." Mark shot him a hard glare, kicking the bag toward him as he growled out. "Save it and strip. We don't have much time." Nate crossed his arms, defiantly snapping out. "Oh hell no. You're not dressing me up like Malibu Barbie." Mark stormed up to him, snapping out. "I don't have time to argue with you. You want out or not?!" Nate rolled his eyes, asking smugly. "Sure. Soon as you get the tracker off me."
Mark blinked, his blood turning to ice as he asked shakily. "Tracker?" Nate raised his leg to brace on his amp, pointing to a little black box attached to his ankle. Mark's heart sank to the floor as he lifted his dress to reveal the black box still attached to his own ankle with the handcuff. Looking up into Nate's eyes, he muttered out in horror. "Oh shit..." Nate gave him a shrug, coolly asking him. "Didn't think this through, did you?" Mark pointed a finger at Nate in warning, but nicely said. "Hey, I'm... Working on it..." Nate glanced out the gazebo windows, then shoved Mark to the floor. Mark let out a high-pitched yelp as he fell back across the floor, causing his dress to flip up over him. Nate didn't notice as he told him without looking at him. "You better hide. They are coming back." Sitting up, Mark flipped his skirt back down over his bare legs, asking sternly. "Where am I supposed to hide in a fucking gazebo, Nate?!" Nate groaned, then gestured to the cot as he stammered out in a rush. "Just... Just... Cover yourself!"
Mark jumped onto the cot and Nate dumped the clothes from the laundry bag out over him. Dropping the bag, Nate kicked it under the cot and flipped his blanket over both the clothes and Mark. Mark crushed the hat against his chest and tried to breathe as little as possible. He strongly believed this was a bad idea. Which was only made worse when Nate dropped on top of him. Biting his arm to keep from groaning, he listened to Nate strum a few cords as the door opened. Mark winced as Nate reclined over him, telling their guests smugly. "Hey, boys. Can I help you with something?" To Be Continued...
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