Part 34
Sean shifted uncomfortably as the two guys slowly crept up on either side of him. One continued to massage his hand and wrist, sliding his hand along his arm. While after the other failed to get him to lay back, he caressed his neck and shoulders. Swallowing hard, Sean cleared his throat to nervously tell them. "Really... Guys, you don't have to... I've got a boyfriend and he gets VERY jealous." The man behind him, gently grabbed his neck, pulling him back into him to whisper over his shoulder wickedly. "Ya? I don't see him anywhere." Sean shivered at how the man's hand was warmer than his neck. Goosebumps sprang out on his arms, causing the man stroking his arm to tell him with a soft chuckle. "Relax. This is our pleasure." Sean shook his head, biting his lower lip hard as the man behind him worked out a tense muscle on his back. Leaning forward, he tried to avoid them, but it didn't hinder their work. Taking jagged breaths, Sean asked the man massaging his arm. "Can I at least know your names?" The man pushed up his black fedora hat to reveal his bright grey-blue eyes, answering with a charming smile. "Certainly. I'm Mafia Mike and that's Assassin Rico."
Sean raised an eyebrow, looking them both over more closely. He had been so distracted by their oiled muscles that he hadn't noticed what they were wearing. Mike was wearing clean cut black jeans with black bands on his arms that showed off the size of his muscles and a long silk black tie along with his fedora hat. Sean peeked over his shoulder to the other man to look at him. Rico had tanned skin with a black and white vest hoodie that almost completely covered his face. Along with tight black spandex shorts that hung off his muscular hips. Rico flashed him a wicked grin under his hood, teasingly asking him. "Like what you see?" Sean jerked his head away, stammering out. "I... I didn't realize what you were wearing." The men shared light chuckles, before Rico leaned over him to state seriously into his ear. "That's the point. Cause then you would see this coming." Rico extended his leg out to show off his knee-high black buckle boots. Sean didn't know what he was looking at first, until both the heel and toe of the boot shot out sharp glinting blades.
Sean yelped, jerking back. Rico took advantage of his startlement to shove him onto his back. Rico's boot blades retracted as he swung his leg over to straddle him with a chuckle. Sean's heart raced, watching Mike smack Rico across the face as he snapped out. "You're scaring him idiot!" Rico averted his eyes, mumbling aloud. "Oh, I couldn't help it... He's cute when he's spooked." Mike shoved Rico off Sean, telling Sean nicely. "Ignore him. He's not as tough as he likes to think he is." Rico propped himself up seductively beside Sean, purring out as his hand moved out to pull Sean's shirt up over his stomach. "It's true... I'm a lover more than a fighter... but I don't lack confidence." Sean's hands rushed to push his shirt back down, bring his legs up to close them tightly. Rico didn't persist with his shirt, instead he drifted his hand down to wedge between Sean's tightly closed legs to cup his groin. Sean arched his back with a whimper, turning slightly toward Rico as he tried to scoot away. Mike slid a hand down his side then to caress Sean's chest, purring down into his ear. "Easy. We're just allowed to touch to loosen you up. You're so tense..."
Mike shot a hard glare and Rico, who removed his hand from Sean to nudge his shoulder and nicely say. "Sorry. I can be... assertive. I'm not used to handling the shy ones." Mike rubbed Sean's chest lovingly, kissing Sean's shoulder with such tender innocence that it was calming him. Clearly, Mike was used to dealing with guys like him. Mike soothed him with brief touches and fleeting kisses to his arms and shoulders. The calmer Sean got, the longer Mike massaged him. Before long, Sean rolled onto his stomach and let Mike push his shirt up. Mike softly talked to Rico on what to do to keep Sean from tensing and together they rubbed down Sean's back. Sean groaned pleasantly into the pillows; his back had never felt so good. To keep things from getting awkward as their hands moved down to his lower back, Sean asked Mike curiously. "How do you keep a body like that nowadays?" Rico chuckled and Mike grinned as he answered sweetly. "Famine's compound is set in a small town that has a strip club and a gym nearby. So, we helped ourselves to the equipment that doesn't run on power. Keeps us in shape. Allows us to keep the Warlords in line if they get too rough. Famine says we should define the phrase 'Beauty can be deadly."
Sean laid his head down over his arms, slightly impressed. He had to give the Horsemen credit. They had given this plenty of thought. Rico took a break, laying down beside him to ask while Mike kept going. "Can I ask you a question?" Sean adjusted his head to look at him and nodded. Rico propped his head up on his burly arm, asking with smug curiosity. "This mysterious boyfriend of yours... Is he your first?" Sean stiffened a bit, mumbling under his breath. "I don't know what you mean..." Rico's eyes glanced at Mike, before rephrasing casually. "I mean, is he the only boy you've taken an interest in?" Over him, Mike added out seriously to Rico as he rubbed down Sean's thighs. "That's none of your business, Rico. Not everyone experimented as early as you." Rico rolled his eyes, innocently replying. "I know that. I'm starting a simple conversation." Sean thought about not answering but found himself quietly replying. "Yes... I've liked him since... Since I first met him. We became friends early on. So... I never had a desire to look at others. I always thought that-" Sean quickly locked his jaw to stop himself.
Rico licked his lips with a knowing smile, slipping out in a cool tone. "Ah. You're one of those types. Fascinating." Mike paused, asking Rico curiously. "What? I zoned out a for a minute." Rico turned his eyes to Mike without moving to casually inform him. "The boys heart aches for a straight guy." Sean rose up on his elbows, quickly rushing out. "That's not... Mark, is... into both. And we are together now that his girlfriend is out of the picture." Both Rico and Mike cringed and cut him off with groans of 'Oooh, damn.' Sean uneasily glanced between them, shuddering out with concern. "What?" Mike moved his hands back up to Sean's shoulders, answering with a saddened tone. "That sounds like a bad way to start a relationship..." Sean opened his mouth, but Rico slipped out bluntly. "Ya. It sounds like you shanghaied him into being with you." In a panic, Sean rolled to his side and snapped out lightly. "I did not! Amy's been out of the picture for months! For all we know she turned. He's moved on."
Rico raised an eyebrow, retorting honestly. "So, you don't know if she turned or not? You just convinced him to move on?" Sean shook his head, uttering under his breath as he thought about it. "No... I... He..." Mike cleared his throat, firmly ordering Rico. "Stop it, Rico. Leave him alone." Rico shrugged, innocently shooting back. "I'm just being logical. We're all animals in the end. When we desire something, we tend to find a way to get it through subtle manipulation. I'm not judging him... but I think he took advantage of him. No one wants to be alone in a world like this. Emotional lines blur and you give into the basic rules of the jungle. His mate was missing, and he moved in before someone else got the idea." Sean shook his head, mumbling out weakly. "No! That's not what happened." Rico leaned closer to Sean's face, purring out with hidden features behind his hood. "Really? How many guys have you kissed OTHER than him?" Sean thought about mentioning Death, but really didn't want to count that.
Averting his eyes, Rico whispered smugly into his ear. "Exactly. You've been hunting him without even knowing it. Just waiting for an opportunity to convince him to be yours." Sean shook his head more subtly now, refusing to look at them as he denied his words. Rico draped an arm over Sean's arm, purring more smugly into his ear. "How long did it take him to stop think about her when you were playing with him?" Sean jerked his head to look at Rico with wide eyes. Rico's smile spread into a devilish grin as he cooed out wickedly. "Ah. See? I knew it. I'm a master at seducing the boys straddling the fence. You're so scared of losing him... That you've forgotten that the only way to keep him, is to make him chase you. Cause if the boy ain't craving... he'll run." Sean swallowed, feeling guilty. Had he tricked Mark into being with him? Would Mark leave him? Rico flipped his hood back, revealing beautiful brown eyes that were so bright and light colored that they gave off a yellow look. The sides of Rico's head were shaved down to lines, while his black hair spanned a lazy mohawk that led to bangs that hung down passed his chin.
Over Rico's right eye was a healed glossy scar that might have once looked horrible, but it added to his look now. Sean admired the sleek black tribal tattoos down the sides of his neck, giving him the look of tiger stripes. Rico flicked his bangs out of his face with the jerk of his head, uttering out to him in a smooth deep voice. "Don't chase the boy because you need him... Be the one he chases because he can't survive without you." Sean sighed, wispily mumbling out. "That's never worked before..." Rico huffed, raising Sean's chin with his fingers as he answered over his lips warmly. "Probably because you don't know the value of yourself... So, how could you ever make him work for it?" Sean stilled as Rico very lightly brushed his lips against his. Sean flinched a little, but Rico didn't press him. Instead, he waited for Sean to kiss him back. Sean wasn't sure he wanted to but found himself leaning in to kiss him. Rico cupped Sean's cheek, kissing him only as much as Sean was kissing him.
Together they fell into a night of loving touches and passionate kisses. They even let him touch them in return. By morning, Sean was sleeping with his arm over Mike's side. They had done nothing but touch and kiss. It had been a new experience for Sean. Rico and Mike were far more confident, than Mark and he had ever really been. He liked the change... but he still could only think about Mark. Someone tapped the underside of his shoe, rousing him from his sleepy thoughts. With an uneasy smile, Zero whispered out to him casually. "Get up. Conquest wants to see you." Sean blinked a few times, asking completely shocked. "Zero? Where have you been?" Zero shifted uneasily, saying more reluctantly. "Getting my ass kicked... Come on. Conquest isn't patient." Slowly sitting up, Rico patted him on the back, sleepily coaxing out. "Confidence, Kid. Don't let him see how scared you are." Sean nodded, patting Rico's bare thigh, before climbing to his feet. Whistling for Chica, he slowly followed Zero out.
Back in the compound, Mark hesitantly picked up the phone. Amy put her phone to her ear, placing her hand on the glass. Carefully putting the phone to his ear, he just listened to her ask him a little worried. "Mark? Are you ok? Aren't you happy to see me?" Mark nodded, but his voice was gone. He didn't know what to say or how to react. He had convinced himself to move on and now... He felt like the guiltiest person in the world. Amy's hand slid down the glass a little, her smile fading as she said. "Mark? What's wrong?" Mark lowered his eyes to the table, forcing himself to tell her gently. "I'm just tired and seeing you is... It's a shock. I thought..." Amy removed her hand from the glass, finishing off for him sweetly. "You thought I was dead. It's ok. I thought the same thing... but seeing you now. I couldn't be happier. Oh, Mark, wait until you see this place." Mark's heart twisted in his chest. This was a nightmare that he just couldn't wake up from. Why did she have to be here? The world was pulling the cruelest joke on him.
How was he supposed to destroy this colony? It was eating him up inside. He needed time to think. Shaking his head, he scooted closer to the window with a serious expression. Amy narrowed her eyes on him, but he immediately started off by asking her seriously. "Amy, do you know where they have my stuff? Specifically, where they would take medical supplies?" Amy blinked, trying to ask why, but he cut her off to say sternly. "I don't have time to explain. Do you know or not?" Amy nodded, showing him a badge that claimed she was an intern to the lab personnel. Mark sighed with relief, feeling like his luck was coming back. Huddling up on the phone in his hand, he desperately told her. "I need you to get the medical supplies that they took from me. They look like insulin pens. I don't know how many were in the bag." Amy tensed, slipping in. "Mark, what's going on? You don't take-." Mark placed his hand on the glass to cut her off, desperately pleading with her. "Amy, please? I need you to do this for me without question. I promise, I will explain later... but you have to trust me. You can't tell anyone! I need you to hide them, until I get out of quarantine."
Lexi walked up to the window and Mark overheard her ask Amy over the phone. "Amy, my dear? Is something wrong?" Mark calmed down quickly, watching Amy closely. Amy brushed her hair away from her face, asking curiously. "Ya... He just... He's tired and startled me with an odd request." Mark's heart leapt in his chest. Had he made a huge mistake? Was she brainwashed into this new kind of colony cult? Lexi raised and eyebrow, taking interest as she gently prodded. "Really? What's that?" Mark locked his jaw. Had this been a clever set up? Had he walked right into it? Amy let out a light chuckle, casually blurting out. "He wants something personal from his bag. Can I go get it? It's a family heirloom and he's kind of freaking out about it? Please?" Lexi shrugged, gesturing her out toward another room. Amy casually got up to follow Lexi out. Mark dropped the phone, getting up to pace the length of the small room. He felt awful for getting Amy mixed up in this. Would Lexi watch Amy the whole time and get caught red handed?
After almost an hour, Amy came back with a cloth around something. Lexi followed behind, but she didn't appear to know what it was. Mark moved back to the window, picking up the phone. Amy set the object down, picking up the phone to say openly. "I got it for you. You can relax now. Just be careful with it. And don't make me regret giving it to you." Amy then took the clothed object to a circular tube. Upon setting it inside, Lexi quickly reached in to remove the cloth. Whatever Lexi had expected to see... this wasn't it. This made her chuckle and move away. Amy closed the door and hit the decontamination button. The tube hissed with chemicals, but the door on his end eventually beeped. Setting the phone down, he opened the tube and tried not to look too confused. Why had she given him a fucking garden gnome? To Be Continued...
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