Part 32
Sean shook his head, petting Chica's head on his thigh. He didn't believe Famine's words. Straightening up, he shakily mumbled back. "You're wrong. I will never like it here. You're all crazy..." Famine leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest as he told him firmly. "Every genius in history was called crazy. Now we look at their work as leagues ahead of their time. Human population was growing too fast. We don't have any natural predators. We as a species can kill anything that we unite against. However, on a molecular level... we are weak. It's a predator that we can't contain because humans are careless. We are top dog and we take that for granted. So much so, that a little flea seems like nothing... Until it grows into a swarm. Inevitably killing the dog. To cut overpopulation, sacrifices had to be made. Future generations will thank us." Sean gestured toward door, saying softly. "But Death said..." Famine rolled his eyes, telling him casually. "He told you about his bioweapon theory. While it is true that exposure to the virus gave us... unique traits. I don't see the virus as the next stage of evolution. That's his logic. Each of us sees this virus as something different."
Famine sighed lightly, lowering his gaze to Chica, when he informed him. "I know our ways are frightening. I won't pretend that we're entirely righteous. We are still human after all. But this new world is brutal and cruel. Unlike Noah's ark, we couldn't just steal the worlds best and brightest. We had to deal with whatever was left behind. This generation is cannon fonder. It's the generation that comes next that will be important to the future. Which is why YOU are so important to us." Famine uncrossed his arms to tap the microscope, adding confidently. "Take a look. This is your blood mixed with the blood from one of Death's Brute Hyenas." Sean hesitantly leaned over to look inside the microscope. He could see cells attaching to other cells and neutralizing them by absorbing them. Sean didn't know exactly what he was looking at, but Famine informed him coolly. "The cure in your blood works against the Brutes. Keep in mind though... This is just one test against a single form of the virus. But if more tests against the other forms of the virus work... You are the solution for the end game."
Sean peered at Famine through his bangs, asking him curiously in a cool voice. "Why are you telling me this? Aren't you worried that I'll take this information and run?" Famine leaned on his desk, propping his head up on his hand as he retorted bluntly. "How far do you think you'll get?" Sean puffed his chest up, stating out rather smugly. "Mark got away... So, I think I can get pretty far." Famine scoffed, flashing him a beautiful grin upon saying casually. "Mark and Mari got away because I made it so." The air deflated from Sean's lungs. Famine lifted his head, staring him down with a wickedness to his eyes as he whispered out so simply. "I knocked out both War's and Conquest's night patrols. I even manipulated Mari into escaping by slipping her a letter from an... anonymous friend. Then I let her take the fall for the dead patrols." Sean stared Famine down, mumbling under his breath nervously. "Why would you do that?" Famine inhaled deeply, before saying bluntly. "One. I make it a hobby to deny War anything he desires. It's how I manage to control him. Second. I know who Mari is. The granddaughter of the Canadian PHAC. The Public Health Agency of Canada. An agency that War destroyed quite recently. And she's the daughter to a leading scientist in the CDC of America."
Sean blinked, he really regretted not asking her more about herself. Famine waved a dismissive hand, continuing on simply. "While I could have held her hostage to root out her family in the Colony... Where Zero claims she was heading for that reason of meeting up with them. I have another reason for letting her go." Sean shrugged, trying to sound casual as he asked. "Which is?" Famine flashed him a smile, smugly saying. "Oh Sean... War overheard Mark's little chat with Zero. He was supposed to protect you... like Mark did for Mari... but have you noticed how you haven't seen him? They left you here Sean." Sean shifted in his seat uncomfortably, firmly stating out. "No. Zero might have. But Mark will come back for me. He promised." Famine blinked, before slipping out in a cool tone of voice. "So, you have no reason to doubt him? He's never let you down? He's never forgotten about you?" Sean felt a knife twist in heart, causing him to look away from Famine and clenched his jaw to keep it from shaking. Famine scooted closer, brushing the back of his fingers over Sean's neck as he leaned in to whisper by his ear. "That's what I thought... This world and its people are all heartbreaking. He can't see how special you are... but I can."
Famine's breath warmed his neck, then he pulled away to say to him with a warm smile. "I wanna show you something." Famine removed the wrap from Sean's arm and quickly bandaged it up. Climbing to his feet afterward, Famine patted Sean's good shoulder and told him sweetly. "Follow me." Sean slowly got to his feet, following him back outside. Outside the trailer, a set of Famine's guards jerked up to attention. As Famine walked off toward the barn entrance, the guards flanked him to keep an eye on him as well as Famine. Holding Chica close, he followed Famine with a heavy heart. He didn't want to believe Famine's words. Mark had always disappointed him before... but he still had faith in him. Mark was different now. Mark loved him. Famine took him into the barn where a few people were engaging in different activities. War's Warlords were sparring with each other in both weapons and hand to hand combat. Death's Death Stalkers were sparring with long and short scythes.
While Conquest's men were shooting arrows into human looking burlap sack targets. He didn't know what their fancy name was or even what Famine called his own men. He did see Famine's men shooting blowguns and darts into similar burlap targets too though. The barn looked so much different from when he had last been in here with Mark. Some people sat in the stands watching and encouraging those training or practicing. Famine moved to a table laid out with weapons, gesturing to them as he said. "Wanna burn off some energy? Choose your weapon and give it a try." Sean let go of Chica, moving to the table to pick up a bow and a single arrow. Notching the arrow, he drew back the string and aimed it directly at Famine's face. Everyone in the barn stopped what they were doing. Those with weapons at the ready turned them on Sean. Sean ignored them all, his eyes locked on Famine. Famine showed no hint of fear. He simply addressed him in the eerie silence. "If killing me will make you feel better, by all means... do it. But your victory will be short lived. You'll have wasted your life. And for what? It won't prove me wrong."
Sean squeezed the string, trying to decide for himself if the shot was worth it. While Famine calmly regaled to him. "And if he does come back... Do you really want him to see your bones hanging from that tree beside his dog? I'd imagine the sight of that would haunt him into an early grave... Don't you think?" Sean exhaled, turning slightly to shoot the arrow over Famine's shoulder and into the head of a target. Famine glanced over his shoulder casually to look, then grinned with pride. Sean lowered the bow, telling him seriously. "Stop trying to get into my head. You don't know anything about Mark or Me." Famine lowered his gaze, stepping up to him to whisper discreetly. "How well do you know him? Did he seem like the type to join the Warlords? You've seen what the Warlords are like. What War is like. Hell... Do you even know what he's going to do to prove his worth to them?" Famine's eyes slowly rose to lock with his, staring him down as he whispered lightly to him. "He's going to infect the last colony... Does that sound like the man you know so well?"
Back in the cemetery, Mark slowly pushed his bike slowly over the soft ground. Kenny led the way back out toward the surrounding gate, keeping an eye on the few Ghoulies that were trying to finish up their meals in the open graves. Mari followed between them silently with her katana at the ready. A human Ghoulie sat crouched on a dug-up grave, chewing on a fleshy arm. The Ghoulies eyes were a solid black, but the rising sun forced the ghoulie to keep its eyes as closed as it could. They passed by inches from it in eerie silence that was only broken when Mari yelped in surprise. A skeletal hand had burst up from the ground to snatch her ankle. Mari stabbed her katana into the ground, only to have the torso rise from the dirt unaffected from being impaled. Mark kicked down his kickstand, but Kenny reacted faster. Dropping his bike, Kenny rolled across the ground to stab the munching Ghoulie in the temple with his boot knife. The Ghoulie jerked before going down, then removing his knife, he flipped it over and flung it into the head of the skeleton trying to bite Mari's leg. The knife was so big and heavy that the hit took the head clean off the body.
Mari struggled to pull her katana from the moving ribcage, until Kenny reached out to hold it steady for her. Pulling the katana out, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. Kenny looked over her ankle and leg, chuckling out softly. "Good thing you wore plushy socks over those leggings." Mari moved back to let Kenny snap off the arms of the skeleton, tossing them quietly aside. Mari brushed her ponytail off her shoulder, mumbling out. "I forgot how much I hate you, Kenny..." Mark glanced between them, questioning her softly. "Is that anyway to talk to the man that saved your life?" Kenny moved to the other Ghoulie, dragging it away from them as he casually said. "Oh, she doesn't mean it like that. She's just upset because while she got cursed with bad luck, I got all the good luck." Mari blew a raspberry at Kenny, who smirked and collected his bike back up. Mark continued to follow them out of the cemetery gate cautiously. He felt like that was good to know about Kenny. He'd have to keep an eye on him.
Outside the gate, they swung their legs over the bikes and continued their drive. Mark was getting better at driving his bike. He was able to ride up alongside Kenny now. He enjoyed riding in the daylight a hell of a lot more than at night. Within four hours of driving, they pulled up to the small town of Hawthorne. The entire town had been fortified with a large cement wall that was too high to see over. From the crest of the hill road though, he could clearly see the many military hangers and town buildings. As they drove closer, Mark saw the armed soldiers standing watch in the watch towers around the wall. Approaching a large gate, a set of guards aimed their guns from both outside and above the gate. Kenny stopped a good distance away, announcing to them clearly. "It's alright, Peter! It's me." One of the soldiers moved closer, asking seriously. "And your friends?" Kenny gestured to them in turn, answering. "This is my sister, Mari. And her friend, Mark. They're survivors."
None of them lowered their weapons. Peter stood his ground, stating aloud bluntly. "They'll have to go into quarantine. Same as you, Kenny. You know the drill." Kenny nodded, tapping Mari to get her to slide off the bike. Climbing off himself, Kenny raised his hands in surrender, casually droning out. "Ya. Ya. I know the fucking drill. Come on. Frisk me." Peter was the only one who moved up to him, lowering his gun enough to remove Kenny's weapons. Watching his weapons get tossed into the ground made Kenny cringe and mumble out. "Fuck... Peter, I just cleaning that damn gun! Now it's going to have sand and dirt-" Peter cut him off to gesture him on toward the gate, snapping out. "Oh, shut up, Hot-Shot." Kenny crossed his arms to gesture something fowl, then backed up for the gate. Peter raised his gun to Mari, telling her sternly. "Toss the blade into the dirt. Now." Mari shook her head, clinging to her sword. Kenny calmly told her from a distance. "It's alright, Mari. You'll get it back. They just don't want you armed in quarantine. Peter's just being a dick about it."
Peter didn't look away from Mari as he answered coolly. "I'm doing my job. I have a duty to protect the colony." Mari set her sword down, letting Peter quickly pat her down for anything else. Gesturing her on, Peter moved to Mark. Mark climbed off his bike, removing his backpack to set it in the dirt. He only had a gun that the Horsemen had given him, but it was somewhere in the bag. Peter frisked him down, then pointed his gun at Mark's neck, growling out. "Bitten?" Mark shook his head, honestly telling him. "Burned by a blow torch." Peter gestured him on, mumbling out. "They'll know for sure in quarantine. So, for your sake boy. I hope you aren't lying." Kenny beckoned to both him and Mari, lightly telling them a bit sarcastically. "Follow me. This is the fun part... I've done this like a hundred times. It's not so bad." Mari hugged herself, asking curiously. "What are they going to do?" The guards opened the gate but blocked them off from going into the town. Instead, they pointed them to a large military hanger nearest to the inside of the gate.
Kenny nudged Mari's shoulder playfully, telling her sweetly. "Don't worry. They are just checking for bites and signs of infection. The colony is healthy, and they want to keep it that way." People in white hazmat suits, opened the hanger doors and gestured them inside more quickly. Once inside, a group of women in hazmat suits escorted Mari to the womens side nicely. Leaving Mark and Kenny to be ushered into the mens side by other men inhazmat suits. Mark felt like cattle as he was nudged into the showers. There a hazmat suited man told them both calmly. "Please remove all your clothes and put them in the basket. Then go stand on the little yellow feet designs under a showerhead. Mark slowly began to strip, feeling more than a little awkward about stripping in front of complete strangers. He understood this was to keep everyone safe... but it didn't make him feel any better about it. To Be Continued...
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