Part 31
Mark had the worst sleep of his life. They had taken up resting in a dusty old stone mausoleum in a church graveyard. The building was strong, but the place was cold and depressing. Dead flowers sat in small vases along the grey colored walls of immortalized graves. The metal benches lining the aisle center were about as comfortable as War's torture devices. On top of being cold and uncomfortable, the noises from outside kept him awake. The only comfort was that Kenny didn't appear to sleep at all either. He only made sure Mari was nestled comfortably on the floor with his jacket. The rest of the time, Kenny was standing by the only entrance to watch the iron gate with observant eyes. Just before dawn, Mark couldn't take it anymore and asked him curiously. "I don't mean to pry... but you mentioned that your mom works in a lab? And the Horsemen mentioned that your partner spoke of a cure? Is it really true?" Kenny kept his eyes on the gate but crossed his arms as he told him honestly. "I'm not the best person to ask. I'm just a soldier. My partner knew better than me. He was one of the scientists. My mother is part of the research team working to find a cure. Last I heard it was rough going... So, don't get too excited."
Mark tensed a bit, saying coolly. "Your scientist told Famine that the Colony had a cure. Said he was told to say that... Why would he say that?" Kenny's eyes finally turned away from the gate to look him the eyes. Kenny's expression was grim as he answered. "Because of people like you. You're suspicious of me. I get it. I've seen more than my fair share of crazy people posing as something they are not. But it has also kept good people from seeking us out. They don't trust us. So, they stay hidden. We bend the truth a bit to bring them out. To help them." Mark narrowed his eyes on him, dryly commenting. "And their infected loved ones that you lie to about this 'nonexistent' cure? What do you do with those people?" Kenny stared at him blankly, replying very softly. "Don't ask questions that you already know the answers too. We are doing our best to save who we can. It's not easy and I don't like doing it... but we are going extinct. We have to at least try to preserve ourselves."
Mark brushed his bangs away from his eyes, mumbling out softly. "I just don't think it's right to spread false hope like that. It only spreads more pain. Besides, you don't know what you've done. The hornets' nest you've kicked with this propaganda stunt." Kenny tilted his head back, grumbling out with disappointment. "I agree, but I'm just the muscle. The scientists make all the decisions. As for the Horsemen, I know how dangerous they are. They've been attacking colonies up and down the west coast. They are getting more followers than us by the day. We've been expecting them to come for us any day now." Mark clenched his jaw nervously but covered his unease by saying darkly. "Ya... Well, while you 'pretend' to have a cure. They have one." Kenny's arms uncrossed, blurting out in shock. "What?! How do you know this?" Mark waved a hand, dismissively muttering out. "They kidnapped us on the road. We got out... but two of our group are still prisoners there. During my prison time with War, I overheard them interrogating your partner. Along with a few interesting phrases."
Kenny moved off the wall, telling him seriously. "Are you positive that is what you heard them say?" Mark locked firm eyes on him, seriously retorting. "Ya. Like I said. You have no idea what you've done. By claiming to have a fucking cure, you have put a damn target on your backs." Kenny scoffed lightly, excitedly telling him. "If what you say is true. Then we need to get you to my mother. This could change everything!" Mark shot him a concerned look, replying sternly. "Did you not hear what I just said? You've gotten their full attention and that's NOT a good thing!" Kenny smirked back at him, saying confidently. "That might be so. But we've been expecting them anyway. So, let them come for us. We'll be waiting. Hell, you might even be one of the people that could help us steal it." Mark swallowed anxiously. Would letting this stuff slip hurt his chances of getting Sean back? Mark glanced to Mari's sleeping body and felt a knot form in his throat. Had he already made things worse by running off with Mari?
Turning to face the long row of graves, he tried to fight back tears. He didn't like not knowing what they could be doing with Sean. He told him that he'd protect him... but he felt like he was doing the opposite. Clenching his fists, he glanced at the backpack with a heavy heart. Zero had been right. This new world was blurring the lines of what made a person a monster. He felt like a good person, but when weighing in the lives of strangers to Sean's... he was morally twisted. He wanted to be the one to sacrifice Sean and save the world for the betterment of mankind. It was easy to say... but much harder to physically do. Most of the people in this new world, He wasn't so sure they were worth saving. Didn't one good soul outweigh a thousand evil ones? Raising a hand, he rubbed his aching temples. He felt so divided. His old self was clashing with the person this new world was turning him into. Behind him, Kenny asked him suddenly with concern. "Mark, right? Are you hurt?" Mark lowered his hand, glancing over his shoulder to reply emotionlessly. "What?"
Kenny pointed toward his neck, telling him suspiciously. "The bandage on your neck. It's soaked in blood. Were you bitten?" Mark straightened up defensively, stating out coldly. "No. War burned me with a blow torch." Mark saw Kenny casually remove his gun from his thigh holster, ordering him tensely. "Show it to me." Mark shook his head. He couldn't risk Kenny recognizing the Horsemen's brand and thinking he was one of them. Kenny cocked back the hammer of his gun, his voice becoming more serious as he said in a dead tone. "I wasn't asking. You'd do the same in my shoes. Now humor me." Mark glared at him, snapping back bitterly. "If I was one of them, I would have turned already." Kenny raised his gun up to aim at Mark's face, his eyes merciless as he retorted. "Only with some. Not others. This is your last warning." Mark watched Kenny curl his finger around the trigger, relenting as he raised his hands in surrender and blurted out. "Alright! I'll show you..." Kenny moved his finger off the trigger but didn't lower his gun.
Mark turned slightly, reaching for the bandage to pull it down. As he pulled the top down, he winced and groaned with pain. The bandage was stuck to his raw skin and pulling on it hurt like hell. He barely pulled it down halfway, when it began to bleed and leak pus. Kenny lowered his gun, inching closer as he told him more sympathetically. "That's good enough. Just hold it there a second." Mark held the bandage, feeling an urge to rip the whole bandage off. Kenny reached out to pull Mark's shirt away from his neck, looking over the rest of his skin and what he could see of the raw wound. Nodding his head, he holstered his gun and mumbled out apologetically. "Thank you. I'm sorry. I just had to be sure. That needs to be changed though." Kenny stepped back to see the sun rising, before adding dismally out to himself. "We'll have to what until the sun is high enough before leaving." Mark flipped his soggy bandage back, asking rather smugly. "Why? You think they're scared of the sun? Because I've got news for you-" Kenny grabbed the front of Mark's shirt, pulling him toward the iron gate.
Pressing a finger to his lips, Kenny pointed toward the misty cemetery. Mark closely observed the mist to see what looked like a cow standing in a dug-up grave. The cow shook the dirt off its head, then lowered its head to tear flesh off a corpse. While the cow chewed calmly, Kenny whispered into his ear. "Ghoulies are blind in daylight. Since they have bad hearing... We'll be able to sneak around them. Otherwise, good luck. Those bastards are like piranhas. Only they come up from the ground beneath you." Mark thought he was full of shit, until a goat bust out of the ground and charged toward the cow in the grave. The cow snorted aggressively, then rose to headbutt the goat away from his gravesite. The goat tumbled across the ground from the strength of the cow, bleating in a sickening tone. The cow stomped a sharp hoof on the edge of the grave and the goat sprang away to rapidly dig itself back into the ground. Kenny waited for the cow to go back to eating, before telling a stunned Mark with a smirk. "You've never seen a Ghoulie before?" Mark shook his head.
Back in the barn, Famine gestured for Sean to follow him. Sean didn't refuse. Anything was better than being left alone with War. Famine escorted him out of the barn, heading toward a shipping container in the back. Opening the door, he waved Sean and even Chica inside the modified container. The container had windows and inside was a small but clean looking laboratory. Famine closed the door behind him and locked it, causing Sean to flinch. Famine patted his back as he stepped around him, casually stating out. "Take it easy. You don't want to freak out in a lab full of chemicals." Sean backed up to the door, mumbling out shakily. "What are you going to do to me?" Famine dropped into a rolling chair, flipping open a grey box on the desk. Removing a syringe and medical supplies, Famine innocently told him. "I just want to draw some of your blood. Death swears he's tested it... but I'm all about second opinions. Have a seat." Famine nudged another chair with his foot, but Sean didn't move.
Instead, Sean firmly asked him. "Why? What is this serum going to do to me?" Famine sterilized the syringe, honestly replying. "That is what I want to find out. Sit." Sean still didn't move. Famine turned to look at him with caring eyes, reassuring him. "I'm not going to hurt you. And even if I was... I certainly wouldn't do it in here. This stuff is not easy to find anymore." Sean pulled Chica close and inched over to sit on the chair. Once he was seated, Famine grabbed the chair and pulled him closer to him. Taking Sean's arm, Famine began to rub a wet sterilizing cloth over a vein. Sean's arm shook uncontrollably. His encounter with War had put him on edge. Famine rolled up Sean's sleeve, tying a wrap around his bicep as he told him soothingly. "You won't be left alone like that again. It's sad to say that I can't trust anyone around someone as important as you. Especially, War." Sean swallowed, stating out. "Don't take this the wrong way... but why do you seem so different from the other Horsemen?"
Famine chuckled, picking up the syringe and honestly telling him in a distracted tone. "I'm not. And you'd be wise not to trust me." Sean winced as the needle pierced his skin, asking him curiously. "Why is that?" Famine removed the needle, looking over the blood in the syringe as he answered still distracted. "Do you know what a famine is?" Sean nodded, replying swiftly. "Ya. It's an extreme shortage of food. But I don't see how that pertains to you. You look well fed and other then the drugs you gave me. I just don't see-" Famine scooted back to put a drop of his blood on a microscope slide, cutting him off to interject seriously. "Famine is hunger. Doesn't always relate to food. Take your lover for instance. You could say that he has a hunger for you. A desire so strong that he'd do anything for you." Sean watched Famine take another syringe from a rack to add a drop of it with his blood. Leaning back in the seat, Sean blurted out. "I still don't understand your reasoning. A famine comes from the lack of something. Are you saying that you manipulated him into going? Just to separate us...?"
Famine peered up from his work to look him in the eyes as he answered coolly. "A quart of wheat for a penny, and three quarts of barley for a penny. But do not damage the oil or the wine. Those were the orders given to Famine. Do you know what it means in laymen's terms?" Sean shrugged. He wasn't very religious and barely paid attention to that kind of thing. Famine slid the slide under the microscope, simply informing him. "It means to give enough wheat to last one person or less nutritious barley for three people. It puts a price on health, until you crave luxury over true need. Think of it like an addict's addiction. It's in my nature to give you a little taste of your pleasure... until you inevitably overdose yourself from your own hunger of it." Sean stiffened in the seat, nervously questioning him. "Oh my god... Are you manipulating Mark?" Famine peeked into the microscope, softly answering without a trace of concern. "Oh, Sean... What makes you think I'm manipulating him?"
Famine looked up from the microscope completely to look directly at him. Sean shifted in the seat, mumbling out breathlessly. "Me?" Famine turned the microscope for him to have a look, regaling to him almost sweetly. "I'm very good at reading people. And I'm confident that you'll learn to like it here. Once you realize how strong you are on your own." To Be Continued...
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