Part 29
Mark hugged the bars, whining softly as his neck burned. Zero started to inch toward the open cell door, when War whirled to face him. Zero froze, then started to back up as War pointed the red-hot iron brand at his chest. Death patted War on the chest, telling him seriously. "War, leave him. Release Sean." War kept the iron brand pointing at Zero as he began backing out, saying coolly to Zero. "You better hope I don't find that girl. Or I'll make you watch as I rip the flesh from her bones." Zero stood shakily by the far wall, trying to avoid War's glare. Backing up to the door, War reached out to lift Mark's chin as he purred to him. "Welcome to the Warlords. Let me finish with our guest and I'll fix you up." War slammed and locked up the cell, going to a barrel of water to drop the iron into. Steam burst from the barrel as the hot brand met the water, filling the area with a heated fog for a few seconds. Mark rested his temple against one of the bars, his teeth biting the bar gag hard. It was helping to dull the pain a little but not enough.
War moved up to Sean with a wicked grin. Mark didn't have the strength to yell at War or comfort Sean. Sean jerked in the restraints, trying to stay as far from War as he could. War took his time unlocking the shackles from Sean's wrists. However, Sean didn't waste time trying to run to Mark. Slipping from the shackles, Sean bolted. Mark sat up on his knees, a muffled yell coming from him as War snatched Sean around the waist. War yanked him close, leaning over Sean to growl playfully into his ear. "Where do you think you're going, Sweetheart? Why don't you stay with me? I'll show you a good time." War licked the side of Sean's neck, causing Sean to snap out over his shoulder. "Get off me, arsehole!" War's response was to grab Sean's crotch. Sean yelped, bending over to gasp in pain, while War growled into his ear. "How high can you scream, bitch?" Death withdraw a small scythe from a leg holster beneath his robe and brought the curved blade out to cup War's throat. Over War's shoulder, Death hissed to him bitterly. "Release him, War. He's not yours!"
War slowly released Sean, raising his hands innocently as he told him calmly. "Just playing with him a little." Sean dashed straight for Mark, dropping to his knees to grab his shackled hands as he asked perplexed. "Mark? What's going on?" Mark squeezed his hands, muffling out that it would be ok... but Sean had trouble hearing him over the wailing prisoner. Sean reached through the bars to unbuckle his gag. Mark eyed War and Death, expecting them to stop him... but they didn't. They just watched with creepy interested expressions. Sean loosened the gag enough to pull it down, his eyes fragile. Mark touched Sean's throat, telling him in a slight rush. "It's going to be alright. They're going to send me away... but I'll be back for you." Sean shook his head, stammering out in disbelief. "What? Why would you do that?! You can't leave me here!" Mark cupped his face, wincing out through his pain. "Sean, listen to me. This is the only way to keep you safe. Trust me!" Sean bowed his head but nodded. Grasping his arms though, Sean desperately told him. "You better come back... Alive."
Sean's fingers timidly touched around the burned flesh of his neck, a tear running down his cheek as he tried to say in a quivering voice. "Mark... I-" Mark saw War move and grabbed Sean's jaw. Pulling Sean close to the vertical bars, Mark pressed his lips to his in a deep loving kiss. The kiss was cut short by War shoving Sean to the ground, telling him with a dark look. "Again. You will be watched. We get word that you told them anything... and I'll take my frustration out on his ass and then I'll let my followers line up to take a share. By the time you show up to get him... He won't want to live. Got it?" Mark nodded. Death stormed over to grab Sean's arm, yanking him upright and starting to drag him away. Sean thrashed, screaming out Mark's name. Mark clutched the bars, watching him go as he shouted back. "It's going to be ok, Jack! I promise!" War smirked down at him, then shot Zero the similar look. Making his way to the prisoner, War began interrogating him for more information about the compound.
Mark tugged on the shackles around his wrists, before giving up to discreetly tell Zero. "When I'm gone. Watch over him." Zero crossed his arms firmly, mumbling out darkly. "Like you watched Mari?" Mark shot him a fowl glare, snapping back. "I did protect her! And in case it has slipped your mind... They still don't have her! So, do me this favor!" Zero huffed, leaning his shoulder against the wall as he discreetly answered. "Fine. I'll do my best... but I don't get it. Why did you volunteer for this? Are you crazy?" Mark winced, feeling blood leak down over his shoulder. Collecting himself, he made sure that War was distracted before answering in a low voice. "Maybe it was stupid... but for him... I'll do what I have to in order to keep him safe." Zero stumbled forward, battling his own pain as he snapped out. "The best thing for him is to have you here. Do you think they'll keep their word? War has a history of ra-" Zero fell silent as his eyes drifted to the door. Mark glanced up through the bars to see War leaning on the wall with a smug smirk.
War showed no emotion, but his voice was dripping with sarcasm as he said coolly. "I'm hurt, Zero. You think I'm not a man of my word? I've always done everything that I said I would." Famine stormed back down the steps, jumping in surprise to see the prisoner was bleeding from his mouth and slit wrists into a set of steel pans. Famine gestured to the guy, asking War a little frustrated. "What the fuck?! I still had things I wanted to ask him?! War, god damn it!" War casually looked over his shoulder, calmly saying. "I got everything we needed out of him. Slitting his wrists really loosened his tongue. But after I told him that I had no intention on saving his life. He called me a fowl word. So, I took his tongue." Famine looked over the prisoner, listening to his distressed soft whines. War then dangles the tongue for them all to see and Zero swallowed. War tossed the tongue to his table, then opened the cell to step inside with a bottle of whiskey in his other hand. Zero backed up again to the far edge of the cell to avoid him.
War pushed Mark's head to the side, looking over the branding. Mark swallowed, asking him curiously. "When do I leave?" War bluntly answered in a distracted voice. "Soon as we get everything ready." Mark exhaled with disappointment, then screamed because War poured the bottle of whiskey over the brand. For a slip second, his eyes only saw white from the pain... and then everything went dark. When he slowly opened his eyes, he found himself laying on the cell's dirt floor. His wrists no longer shackled. Sitting up stiffly, his hand went instinctively to his neck to touch the aching pain he felt there. Someone had bandaged his neck up. He looked for Zero, but he was gone. Mark shifted to his feet, heading to the bars. The prisoner's body was gone now and other than a few lit lanterns, he was in the dark. Sitting at one of the desks with an open doctor's bag was Famine. Mark cleared his throat, causing Famine look up from writing something in his journal. Mark pointed inside his cell, asking weakly. "Where's Zero?"
Famine turned off a burner under a beaker, casually getting up as he told him honestly. "Conquest took him a while ago. Don't worry. He's fine. I treated his back myself... and your neck." Mark lowered his hand from the bandage, telling him nicely. "Thank you." Famine removed a ring of keys off the desk, replying lightly. "Don't thank me. We're sending you on a suicide mission. All my work will have been for nothing if you fail." Mark eyed Famine closely, asking him curiously. "Where's Sean?" Famine pointed above them, answering casually. "He's resting. He dislocated his shoulder trying to escape at lunch. I gave him a mild sedative to calm him down for a few hours." Mark grabbed the bars, pleading with him hopefully. "Can I see him?" Famine unlocked the cell, then glanced around. Mark waited to see what he'd say. With a soft sigh, Famine whispered to him. "The others would say no... but I know what he means to you. Take that and come with me." Famine pointed to a backpack on the ground beside the cell as he walked toward the cellar steps.
Grabbing the bag, he listened to Famine tell him. "There is a map in the bag with the location. Enough food supplies to get you there. And a few EpiPens. Get in. Deliver or administer the medicine. Come back. When you are successful... Talk to War about your rights as a Warlord." Mark snorted, grumbling out as he walked up the steps. "Look, I don't give a rat's ass about joining your cult. Or the sick benefits it provides." Famine stopped at the top of the steps, turning to face him as he seriously told him. "You should care. I literally handled you the only thing that will keep War's hands off him. 'If' you succeed to prove your worth to him. Otherwise, Him and his men with beat you to death for being a weak link in their chain." Mark pointed to the branding, snapping out. "You told him to do this to me?!" Famine grabbed the front of Mark's shirt, yanking him closer to sneer back. "As a Warlord, you can lay claim to a lover of your choosing if he isn't branded. Sean isn't branded yet and he won't be, until after Death sleeps with him on the Eclipse. You're welcome." Mark shrugged, asking him confused. "Why are you helping me?"
Famine gave him a sarcastic look, before answering dryly. "It's my nature. I give people what they want... But you should know... Whether you can handle the price is up to fate. Now hurry." Famine dropped his hand from his shirt, gesturing to a large horse stall down by the end. Mark dropped his bag and jogged over quickly. Peeking in every stall on the way down, he almost ran past him. Sean blended in with the mountain of pillows he was laying on. He started to run in, when Chica lunged for him with a warning snarl. Mark raised his hands, cooing to her sweetly. "Easy, Chica. It's me." Chica tilted her head, then limped toward him with soft whimpers. Mark's heart fell into his stomach at the sight of her. Falling to a knee, he looked over her bandaged legs, asking her with a horrified tone of voice. "Oh my god... Who did this to you?" Famine leaned against the stall door, answering for her in a calm tone. "Death said it was Warlords. Won't be hard to find them. Warlords always brag about their deeds. Just be thankful that Death's undead Komodo Dragon led him right to him."
Mark blinked, mumbling out softly. "He has a what?" Famine smirked, replying with a chuckle. "He rescued a few infected pets from the zoo. You'd be amazed to see what Death can control." Mark shivered at the thought. Kissing Chica's head, he inched over to Sean. Sean was certainly on some kind of drug. He looked tired and could barely keep his eyes open. Mark could see the wraps on his shoulder to hold pressure where he must have dislocated it. Sean weakly raised a hand, telling Mark in a sleepy but serious voice. "Mark... Take Chica with you... She can protect you." Mark took his hand, squeezing it as he told him warmly. "No. I want her here with you. Keep her close. I shouldn't be gone long. I... I love you, Sean." Sean's fingers touched his cheek, coaxing him in for a passionate kiss. Mark savored it for as long as he could, until Famine lightly told him. "Mark. Time's running out." Mark broke the kiss, reluctantly leaving his side. Forcing himself to turn away, he pet Chica one last time and headed back out to get the bag.
After picking up the bag, Famine guided him out of the barn. Outside in the dark, Famine escorted him toward the front gates, informing him. "Conquest has your horses... They are being used for plowing more crops. Death won't let you take your vehicles... but he did arrange for you to have this." Famine stopped in front of a man that had a horseshoe tattoo with judgment scales behind a horsehead and was dressed in tight leather. Mark paid more attention to the bike though. A gas-powered sport bike. Mark cleared his throat, saying nervously. "I appreciate it... but I've never driven one of these." Famine chuckled, gesturing to the man with it as he retorted simply. "That's why Angel is here. He's going to show you the basics." Mark looked more closely at Angel and raised an eyebrow. Angel had an innocent face and a muscular body... but he dressed like a devil. Angel smirked back at his facial reaction. Mark set the bag down and swung his leg over the bike. Angel ran him through everything he needed to know, then had him drive around a bit.
Mark was thankful for being a fast learner. Once he had it down, Famine gave him the backpack, telling him what road to start following. After he finished, he patted his shoulder and wished him luck. The Death Stalker's awaited Famine's orders to open the gate and he gave it to them. Mark drove the bike up closer to the gate, waiting for enough of an opening to get through. He didn't like driving at night with Zombies around... but they didn't ask his opinion. He revived his engine and was about to move, when a form dashed out from under a nearby truck. Mark jumped thinking a zombie had gotten inside, but as it ran into the light of lanterns, Mark relaxed. Mari swung up onto the back of the bike, telling him in a panic. "GO!" The Death Stalkers ran for him, shouting out to them. "HEY! It's her! Grab her!" Mark released the brake, lifting his foot to let the bike take off across the grass. They tried to rush back to close the gate, but it was too late. Zipping through the gate, Mark opened up the throttle to put some distance between them and the camp. To Be Continued...
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