Part 27
Mark moved to lean against the wall beside the bars. He wanted to get the best angle to watch the three of them closely. The key to escape was knowing the enemy. He just had to wait. These guys were clearly crazy and at each other's throats. Knowing that Conquest and War didn't get along with each other was good. He might be able to use that to his advantage. War eyed Famine as he moved closer, grumbling around his cigarette. "It was only a matter of time before they found one. I'm not worried." Famine snatched the cigarette from War's lips, crushing it in his hand. War tensed up, his casual demeanor becoming more aggressive. Through the eye holes of Famine's golden expressionless mask, his light brown eyes glared into War's. Dropping the pieces of the cigarette, Famine told War in a blunt sneering tone. "I know it's hard... but use your head. One pull of a thread can unravel an entire canvas. A cure gives people hope. It will draw people to them like a moth to a flame. Scared people seek out a way to feel safe again. This could start a chain reaction. Now I need you to take this seriously. Or is that too hard for you?"
War didn't blink as he replied in a dark cool voice. "Just tell me what to do." Famine glanced to Conquest, who shuffled his feet anxiously but nodded. Famine relaxed a little, telling them both more casually. "Good. Conquest, go get him for me. He's being held by my men at the gate." Conquest bowed his head, then quickly strolled back up the cellar steps. Famine then pointed to War, saying in a darker tone of voice. "And you. Take your time with him. Break him in pieces until he tells me what I want. Then bleed him dry. I wanna make sure the cure isn't in his blood. Just in case." Famine started to walk away but stopped to turn and add in a more chipper tone. "Would you like a little something to help you focus?" War closed the gap between them with a smirk. Famine reached into his robe and pulled out a small sliver canister. Setting his staff aside, Famine's hand slid around War's neck, putting the canister to his nose. Mark winced hearing the sharp hiss of something escaping the canister as War inhaled deeply.
Famine removed it, clicking it shut again to put it away. War whipped his nose, tilting his head back to exhale lightly. Famine lowered his hand from him, asking him calmly. "You good?" War stretched, rolling his shoulders as he said with a grin. "Oh, ya. I feel great." Famine patted War's cheek with a small chuckle. War gestured around at his equipment, telling Famine with a strangely calm voice that didn't match his bouncing body. "How would you like me to tear into him?" Famine glanced around, then pointed to a spiked chair. War quickly moved to pull it out into the open with a bright smile. Famine unbuckled the thick leather restraints on it, playfully telling War. "Don't get too excited. I'm only doing this because your pain will balance out my pleasures." War stripped his armor off to reveal his red t-shirt that hung off his shoulder and his tight black leather pants beneath his leg guards. Famine ignored him, until War slid between him and the chair to purr out. "Come on, Famine. What goes together better than pleasure and pain? What more do I have to do to tip those scales in my favor?"
War reached under the hood to snap off Famine's mask, bringing his lips close to his. Famine grabbed War by the throat and shoved him into the chair. War fell into it without a sound. Mark could see the spikes puncturing through his leather pants, causing him to bleed. Yet, War didn't appear to care or notice. Famine tilted War's head back, purring over his lips in a smug lusty voice. "I want you to suffer. Because your pleasure in pain... is my pleasure." War dropped the mask, reaching up to cup Famine's jaw, purring back just as lustfully. "Then hurt me. Kill me with my own desires." Famine shook his head teasingly, taking a step back as he told him casually. "I already am. Now get up, Asshole." War grabbed the spiked arms of the chair and rose up easily, grinning devilishly. Famine rolled his eyes, shoving War aside and flipping his hood back. Mark straightened up a little at Famine's look. Out of all the horsemen, he was by fair the most normal looking. His shoulder length straight brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, showing off the small gold ring piercings around the edges of his ears. His brown eyes were so dark that they appeared to be black.
Around Famine's necklace was a gold chain choker that had charms around it. All the charms had something to do with sin and crime, leading to a larger golden scales charm. There was even a hint of a black tattoo peeking up above his black robe. He guessed from the look of the tattoo's loop, that it was a large Egyptian Ankh tattoo. Famine crossed his bandaged arms, locking eyes with War as he told him casually. "I don't know why you bother. You know I'll never sleep with you." War leaned on Zero's back, causing him to whimper in pain as he told Famine with a smirk. "Because one day... You'll take me up on my offer and I'll tear that ass up." Famine's eyes widened as a silent sarcastic answer but added aloud for War as he picked up his mask. "That's the problem, War... I'm rather fond of my ass." Famine straightened up, dusting off his mask, while mumbling out to himself. "God... I never should have showered with you." War moved away from Zero to sneak up to Famine, purring out devilishly as he confidently pressed up against him. "Why? Because I saw your tramp stamp?"
Famine stiffened, his eyes darting from Zero to Mark with a dark look. Mark lowered his eyes for a few seconds, listening to War chuckle. When Mark looked back up, War's hands had moved into Famine's robe to pull him closer by his hips. Famine locked his jaw, his eyes drilling into War. War tilted his head, wickedly whispering to him. "Don't worry about them. I'll kill them if they look at you wrong. I think your angel and devil wing is sexy. They hug your curves perfectly." Famine grabbed War by his balls, slamming him back into the wall beside Zero. War grunted, tensing enough to remove his hands off Famine. Famine stared War down with an icy glare, growling out bitterly. "Keep your dick off me! Or you might just wake up to find yourself choking on it!" War lowered his hands slowly, biting his lip with a lusty grin as he stated out under his breath. "A crime of passion? Come on, Famine. Admit it. Your curious what it would be like with me." Famine released him, his expression softening before he answered softly. "Unlike everyone else... I don't give in to my own desires."
War lifted Famine's chin, whispering over his lips. "Oh, I know. Would you try it if I let you chain me down? Would you fuck me until my heart gives out?" Famine snorted, removing what looked like an EpiPen from his robe. Twirling it around his fingers, he told him with a smug chuckle. "I wouldn't have too. One pump of this and your heart would give out before your cock even touched me. But look on the brightside... You'd be rock hard as your corpse rotted away." War kissed Famine very timidly like he was testing the waters. The second their lips made contact, Famine tried to jam the pen into War's leg, but War caught his wrist. Famine kneed War in the balls instead, forcing War to fall back against the wall. War leaned forward, cupping his balls and taking deep breaths. After a minute though, War strained out happily to Famine. "It was worth it." Famine put his pen away with a gruff snort. Mark watched Famine move to unbuckle Zero from the wall, snapping out to War. "Why don't you just fuck Conquest. He's clearly envious of you."
Zero groaned in pain as Famine pulled him from the wall and walked him to Mark's cell. Mark quickly moved away to let Famine shove Zero in. Zero stumbled, falling weakly across the dirt floor. Famine then slammed the cell door, locking it back up with the key that he had managed to snatch from War. Turning, Famine tossed the key back to War with disinterest. War caught the key, then finally answered Famine still in a strained voice. "Conquest? Really? The only time he gets dirty is when he's got to hold his dick to take a piss. The jeweled stick stuffed up his ass might as well be branded with a no vacancy sign." Famine chuckled softly, mumbling out with a small smile. "You just can't stand that he's not the rough sex type..." War slid down the wall to sit on the ground, chuckling out softly. "What can I say? I'm a lust at first sight type. The harder they fight, the more I want them." Famine pointed a stern finger at him, ordering bluntly. "Speaking of. You try to rape me again this week and I'll castrate you." War chuckled, tilting his head back as he asked in a menacing tone. "You still sleep with a pillow between your legs?"
Famine clenched his jaw in frustration but didn't answer because a man in a black hood fell hard into the cellar. Conquest stormed down the steps, muttering out bitterly. "The son of a bitch split my lip!" War playfully pouted, teasing out mockingly. "Oh? Poor baby... God help you if it leaves a scar." Conquest started to storm toward War, shouting out heatedly. "Eat me, Asshole!" Famine stepped in to stop Conquest, while War lazily retorted. "No thanks. I'm not interested in the taste of bleach." Conquest's jaw dropped in horror, while Famine snorted reluctantly. Even Mark did his best not to laugh. Conquest did look like the type that would bleach his asshole. Conquest puffed up his chest, growling out at War sourly. "Ya? At least I'm not a fire crotch!" War shot a glare back at Conquest, causing Death to shout from the top of the steps. "Knock it off!" Mark watched Death step down the steps and inhaled deeply. Going to the bars, he grasped them with a relieved look.
Death wasn't alone. He was guiding Sean into the cellar by a firm grip on his arm. At the bottom of the stairs, Sean's eyes scanned the cellar and lit up when he saw him. Mark waved to him discreetly, causing Sean to start for him. He barely went a step or two away before Death wrapped a firm arm around his shoulders to hug him close. Sean shivered from the contact but didn't resist him. Squeezing the bars, he looked Sean over. There was a bruise forming across his nose and under one of his eyes. Sean had a split lip and a fresh bite from something on his arm. What the hell had happened to him? He wanted to murder whoever had laid their hands on him! Rubbing Sean's arm, Death told the others seriously. "Let's get this over with. I've got to deal with Lilith's miscarriage and... Sean and I have a lunch to attend." Mark grinded his teeth, while Death kissed Sean's cheek lovingly. Conquest moved to the hooded man on the floor, listening to Famine tell him to put him in the chair.
Sean looked to Mark starting to mouth something, when his eyes darted to someone else. Mark followed his eyes straight to War. War glanced between the two of them with a weird look. Slowly, War rose up from the floor. Casually strolling over to Mark to say with a smug confidence. "Looks like the boys got some fight in him. Such a scared little thing though... Tell me. Is he a screamer?" Mark tensed up, growling through the bars. "I'm not telling you shit, Asshole!" War leaned on the wall by the bars, his eyes going to Sean as he coolly stated out. "That's fine. I'd like to find out for myself anyway." Mark shook his head, snapping out. "Touch him and I'll kill you!" War ignored Mark to ask across the room. "Hey, Death? Mind if I free your hands? Just for a minute." Conquest shoved the hooded man into the spiked chair, causing the man to scream. The scream frightened Sean into trying to bolt back out of the cellar. Death struggled to hold onto Sean, until Famine quickly ran over to take him. Mark rattled the bars, screaming out over the man's screams. "Don't touch him! Let him go, you assholes!"
War rushed to help Famine drag Sean across the floor toward the shackles on the wall. Death pointed toward them, shouting out loud. "Don't hurt him! I need him! Just keep him secure." War and Famine went to work shackling his wrists to the wall, despite Sean kicking out wildly. One kick hit Famine in the hip, knocking him to the floor. Which spurred War into pressing himself up against him and whispering something into his ear. Sean quivered, taking deep breaths with his eyes closed. Whatever War was saying was scaring him... and War liked it. Mark kicked the cell door, trying to bust it off the hinges. Famine got up to his feet, dusting himself off and removing something from his robe. Removing a little silver canister again, Famine told War seriously. "Oh, I've got something to calm him down. Hold him!" War grabbed Sean's jaw and Famine moved in to put the thing up Sean's nose. He barely heard the hiss of it over the man's agonized screams from being strapped down into the chair. However, after a second or two, War and Famine backed off Sean.
Sean slumped limply in the shackles, looking lightheaded and groggy as he began to giggle to himself. Famine tossed the canister to War, chuckling out. "There. He'll be riding that high for a bit." War snorted the last of the canister, then tossed it into a trash bin. Their focus was turning toward their prisoner, but Mark's only concern was for Sean. What had they given him? Whatever it was, was making Sean as giggly as a kid. Mark turned his eyes to Famine, glaring at his back. Famine removed something else from his robe and injected it into the neck of the man, saying loud enough to be clearly heard over the man's whining. "There we go! Now... The sooner you start answering our questions. The sooner we let you out of that chair. And don't bother trying to lie... truth serum is a bitch." Mark leaned his head on the bars. Getting out of here was going to be much harder than he had thought. To Be Continued...
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