Part 21
Mark gathered the bowls together. He was going to dump them outside. Sean shivered, huddling against his backpack as he muttered out. "This people are sick..." Mari covered her mouth, straining out in a muffled voice. "I think I'm going to be sick." Her stomach let out a small gurgle, causing her to launch from her seat and out the door. Zero rushed after her, but he didn't go far. Just outside the sheet door, they all heard Mari tossing up her stomach contents. Zero lingered by the sheet door, peeking out to keep an eye on her. Mark picked up the two bowls, telling the others seriously. "We only eat what we brought in. Got it? I don't want them saying we need to work off what we've taken. Let alone ask where it came from..." Zero nodded in agreement. Mark stepped out of the hut to toss the soup in the grass, when his eyes caught the look of the man stationed on a bench nearby. The man grinned back at him, his glowing white skeleton face paint giving him a frightening look in the dark.
Turning away slowly, he made his way back into the hut with Mari. He even rubbed her back to comfort her a little. Zero put a hand on Mari's shoulder, then helped her set up her sleeping bag. Sean laid his out too, asking Mark with worry. "Who's keeping watch?" Zero looked to Mark, who glared back at him. Mark didn't trust Zero, but he answered firmly. "Zero and I will. The more eyes the better." Zero nodded, uttering out. "Good idea." Mark took the final two bowls out and tossed them. The second he did, he swallowed down his own urge to vomit. His suspicions were confirmed. From one of the bowls, a piece of meat came out with a part of the horsemen tattoo printed on it. Looking up toward the tree in the center of the square, he saw Death standing proudly with his scythe. Before him were four of his Death Stalkers and they were hanging a new skeleton up into the petrified branches. Another skeleton to swing in the windless night. The hairs on Mark's arm stood up and Death turned his shrouded face in his direction.
He didn't know why, but Death frightened him. His very presence was haunting. The lights illuminating the tree glinted off the steel blade of the scythe and Mark instinctively rose to his full height. He didn't have the urge to run. He felt like running would only give this person more power than he already had over people. He refused to be afraid of a man. Death tilted his head slightly, before turning to look back at his men. It was only after he looked away that Mark forced his feet to move. Walking back into the hut, Mark dropped to his knees and let himself breathe. How long had he been holding his breath? Zero scooted closer to sit across from him by the door, asking in a whisper. "Are ya ok?" Mark glanced at the others to see that they were now laying down for the night. Seeing that they looked rather peaceful, he relaxed enough to whisper back. "I don't know. This Death guy... He really unsettles me. How fucked up do you have to be to take on a persona like that?" Zero wrapped his arms around his raised knees with a light huff.
Mark eyed him seriously, until Zero told him in a fragile whisper. "Mark, none of these people were anything to admire in that old world. These people were outcasts. People that had seen the worst of humanity and were either beaten down or got locked up for it. Now that all hell has broken loose. These 'Crazy' people... They have all the answers. The insane becomes rational. Survival of the fittest. And who better to lead people than powerful murderers? Get enough people to believe something in a crisis and that becomes strength in numbers. Scared people will believe and do anything to survive. Fear is a powerful weapon and these leaders wield it like a loaded gun. People come to them scared and they welcome them with open arms. They give them hope for a future. In return... They get their undying loyalty and devotion." A chill went up Mark's spine. He wanted to believe that humans were better than that, but the evidence was all around him. Staring out between the sheet door and the support pole, he asked Zero cautiously. "The tattoo... Who is he?"
He expected Zero to deny it or lie. Instead, he openly answered discreetly. "His name is Conquest. And he's the most beautiful man I have ever seen. But he is ruthless. Behind his beauty is a man made of pure ice. Of all the Horsemen, Conquest is the most renowned. He doesn't hide behind a mask like the others. He's a silver-tongued devil. I used to joke that he could trick a nun into stripping." Mark chuckled despite himself. Zero even chuckled a little, before shuffling his feet and seriously adding out. "Mark, I put that life behind me... but if I have too... I will try to use it in order to get you three out of here. Just do me one favor?" Mark looked at Zero with neutral eyes. He didn't want to agree to anything until he heard what this 'Favor' was. Zero took a deep breath, answering nervously. "Promise me that if things go south... You'll get Mari out of here? Even if you have to leave me behind. Don't let her come back for me." Mark watched how Zero's hands shook against his legs. He was terrified and Mark could almost see him bracing himself for defeat.
Reaching out, Mark put a hand on Zero's knee, telling him in a strong commanding voice. "Hey. We're all getting out of here. We just have to stick together and play our cards right." Zero nodded, but there was no spark of hope in his eyes. Mark swatted Zero's leg to get him to look at him, before adding in with a smile. "If things go wrong... I give you my word. I'll get her out of here." Zero let a small smile pull at the corner of his lips, before his eyes drifted to Mari. Mark looked between them, trying to lighten things up with a fluffier subject. "Do you love her?" Zero's eyes snapped back to him as his cheeks reddened and he chuckled out softly. "What...? No... I'm..." Mark raised an eyebrow with doubt, causing Zero to look away. For a second Zero shifted uncomfortably, before answering under his breath. "Ya... I've never liked girls... but I do feel something for her. But it would never work out between us. She's Asexual and I'm gay." Mark watched a grin spread over his face seconds before he started laughing.
Mark shrugged, asking him innocently. "What's so funny?" Zero tilted his head back, quietly chuckling out. "I just thought of something really stupid." Mark prodded him on with a smirk. "Well, lay it on me." Zero rolled his eyes, answering. "I was just thinking that if aliens did come to try and save us... with our luck... they'd get two people that just aren't fucking attracted to each other. We are so diverse and complicated as a species... I think they'd just give up trying to figure us out." Mark chuckled to himself, curiously asking him for the fun of it. "What's worse? These Zombies or Aliens?" Zero glanced outside, answering coolly. "Honestly? I think they have more to fear from us." They're playful conversation was stopped just before dawn. Just before the sun even came up, the people in the community came out of their huts in unison to the sound a grim tolling bell. Both of them moved the sheet door to watch the people with wide eyes. All of them were naked but covered in black paint that resembled their skeleton on their skin.
They moved out to stand in a circle around the petrified white tree. They raised their hands and fell to their knees with their heads bowed. Mark gripped Becky tightly and Zero clutched his bow the same way. The barn doors swung open to reveal a slender woman with long black hair that was pulled up into two ponytails on the sides of her head. They almost looked like drooping horns. Her face had a half-bone mask that made her purple eyes stand out amongst the black eye paint. She wore a sheer black skirt and a belly top that hugged her body enough to show that she wore nothing beneath it. In her hands, she carried a small skull bottle with bright green liquid. She held her head high and walked barefoot toward the crowd around the tree. Neither of them took their eyes off her, because following right behind her like a shadow was Death. Mark watched them stroll past the bowed people into the center, asking Zero softly. "What's going on?" Zero's voice was shaky upon answering. "Morning ritual. Every Horsemen does something different. But I'm sure that is his high priestess... Lilith. His most devoted follower."
They continued watching as Lilith put her back to the tree trunk. Death removed a chalice from his robe and a dagger, starting to go down the line of bowing people. He'd take one of their raised hands and lick their palm. Then he'd slice a line across their hand to let them bleed into the cup. When they added enough, he'd lick the blood from their hand and whisper something to them. Mark shivered with disgust. While Zero whispered to him. "I never did anything like that... Ugh. No wonder they call him a necrophiliac." Death repeated the gesture to every member in the circle. No one looked up and all appeared grateful to be chosen. The only people Death skipped over and didn't take blood from were the children. For them, he'd simply kiss their hand and whisper something before moving on. When the last of the blood was collected in his cup, he moved up to Lilith. Lilith raised the small skull bottle for him to kiss and then she uncorked it and downed the little bottle in one go. Dropping the bottle, she raised her hands to cup Death's shrouded face. Kissing him with a lusty passion.
Mark stared at this scene, feeling so confused with what this was supposed to mean. These people just kept getting crazier. After their kiss, Lilith raised her hands up into the branches, where the skeletons snatched her wrists and tried to pull her up to bite her. However, Death allowed her to wrap her legs around his waist. Death then tore off her top and poured the chalice of blood over her bare chest. It was then that Mark stopped watching. He didn't need to see a man like Death fuck her like that. The loud moans she was making was bad enough. Zero kept watching though with horror on his face. The bells tolled again as the sun rose, mixing with her pleasured screams and waking up both Sean and Mari. Mark kept them from looking and tried to explain the situation as best he could. Mari shivered, hugging her sword as she asked them. "You don't think he does that to... all the woman here, do you?" Zero huffed doubtfully, answering as he still watched. "Not a chance. That bitch either matches his crazy. Or she means something to him. Everything these Horsemen do is symbolic. This has to be his twisted version of life and death."
Sean shot Mark a sarcastic look, mumbling out under his breath. "Or an excuse to stick his dick in crazy..." Mark couldn't deny that. He'd have to shower for days to clean himself of all this madness. This did present an idea though. Tapping Zero, he asked him seriously. "You said this is a morning ritual? He'll do it again?" Zero finally looked away to give him a curious look but nodded. Mark glanced at them all in turn, whispering very discreetly. "Maybe we can us that to our advantage." Sean tapped Mark's arm, pointing for him to look out one of the bug screen walls. One of Death's Death Stalkers was approaching the door. A set of Death Stalkers were approaching all the huts that housed new recruits. Zero scooted away from the door as it was flipped open rather aggressively. The Death Stalker was at least clothed in a black swat gear uniform with only his white skeleton face paint really standing out on his features. The Death Stalker looked them all over, before ordering out in a stern voice. "Leave your weapons and come with me. Now."
Zero rose to his feet, snapping back. "And if we chose to stay armed?" The Death Stalker showed no hint of emotion, when he answered. "Then I'll strip you naked and drag you out. Your choice." Mari was the first to set her sword down on her sleeping bag. Which got Zero to set down his bow and remove his other weapons. As Mari reluctantly approached the Death Stalker, he stopped her with a firm hand. Everyone tensed, listening to him tell her seriously. "You know I've got to check." Mari nodded, her body shaking slightly but she held her head high. The Death Stalker ran his hands all over every inch of her body. Mari flinched as he practically fondled her chest to feel past her fluffy sweater, but he didn't seem to enjoy it anymore than she did. The last thing he did was tell her to open her mouth. She obeyed nervously and without another word he waved her on. Mark both hated and admired him for being so thorough at his job. Sean approached him next, causing Mark to crack his knuckles.
The man did the same thing to Sean. His hands being extra thorough with him, since Sean's clothes were loose on his lean frame. The second Sean yelped from the man grabbing his balls, Mark snapped out. "HANDS OFF!" The man groaned in frustration, retorting out as he continued. "You think I like this part of my job? Be thankful I don't have to give you a cavity search too, pal. Deal with it. We are a peaceful community and we don't need you fucking it up." Mark clenched his jaw, trying desperately not to address who was fucking who outside. Setting down Becky, Mark went next as Sean was waved out. The man gave him the same treatment and he wasn't gentle. Once he was satisfied that he wasn't hiding anything, he waved him out too. Sean stood with Mari finally seeing what Mark had tried to keep them from witnessing. He was going to try to turn them away, when Death stepped back away from Lilith. Lilith went limp in the hands of the hanging skeletons. She tilted her head back and willingly let them take her up into the branches.
She looked like a strange kind of sacrifice. As the light shined through the branches, Death raised his hands casually. The skeleton's pulled themselves to her, their mouths inches from either side of her throat. She showed no fear and even chose to look them in their empty eye sockets. The Death Stalkers all made sure that the new recruits were watching now as Death moved closer and ordered allowed in a firm tone. "Take her or Release her!" To Mark's astonishment, the skeletons simply released her. Lilith didn't even scream as she fell. She expected Death to catch her and he did. She draped herself limply across his arms, letting him turn to face the crowd and announce to everyone around him. "It is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not! They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness! Come. I bestow my power unto Lilith. And through her, unto you. Come and partake her rosy flesh. So that the seeds of immunity pass unto all of you. With this new day. Comes new life." Death hefted Lilith up over his head and the crowd cheered and extended hands out to her.
When Death lowered her back down, he took her around the circle for people to lick the blood off her flesh. When all his followers had gotten a taste, he casually carried her toward the line up of new recruits. A few recruits actually kneeled down and licked her flesh. Leaving the others to stare in disbelief. Death carried Lilith over to them, telling him in a smooth calming voice. "Don't be afraid. You are safe and welcome to partake in the glory of a new morning." Lilith grinned, extending her hand with long black nails toward Mark's thigh. Mark stepped back out of her reach, extending his own arms out to push Mari and Sean back. He couldn't see Death's face beneath his hood, but he was sure that this action upset him greatly by the way his fingers pressed into Lilith's skin. A silence fell over the crowd as all eyes turned to them. Death let Lilith regain her feet, announcing to everyone as he stared down Mark. "Your heart is full of fear. But you will see. You will want the life I can give you. If you can prove yourself worthy of it."
Death lifted a hand for Lilith to put her hand on and together they walked around them toward the barn. Mark was so focused on Death, that it wasn't until Mari asked where Zero was that he felt sudden panic. Glancing back toward their hut, he didn't see Zero or the Death Stalker. They were missing and that was never a good sign. To Be Continued...
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