Chapter two🐾
"Woah! Look at this place!"
"The water looks so clean here."
"It's called nature dumbass. Look around you."
My eyes shot open in alert to hear the new voices. Three to be exact.
I rolled onto my stomach slowly sliding out my sleeping back, glancing over to my pit to check that my fire was out and it was so it wasn't smoking. I crawled over toward the edge of my cave. The water fall in front of the opening will cover any sight of me and my scent from them sniffing me out. A small part of me hopes their human but sadly when I seen two of them jump into the water with beaming yet excited smiles and their tails and ears, all those hopes flushed out of me. Who was I kidding?
I mentally scoff to myself and watch the three males carefully. I try to stay calm and not panic and just observe them. Two of them were in the water, swimming and splashing. I couldn't make out what type they are as they kept moving around a lot. But the third was sitting in a rock just watching the two play. His ears I could make out. They were rounded at the top, with a dirty yellow shade to them with black spots. I don't know the animal as there are a few he could be, like a cheetah, leopard, jaguar and a few others that I have seen in picture books.
That hybrid however doesn't look in the least bit interested in anything around him but to slide down to the floor and use the rock to lean against while he chills, one arm rested behind his head and closed his eyes. He looked ready for his sleep but his tail swayed calmly side to side beside him signally he was awake.
"Stop! Stop it!" ??
"Come on Jimin! Take it like a man!" ??
"Tae! Seriously stop! I could something in my eye!" ??
I watched the blonde haired man, with grey and white pointed ears, stand up in the water to wipe his eyes. He had nice plump lips and the other man snuck up behind him with a grin on his face before he jumped on the blonde haired mans back.
The two looked like they were having fun, the way they jumped on each other, splashing like they didn't have a care in the world. And they don't, what would they have to worry about?
Now that I come to think about it, I set some traps two days ago. I just hope they didn't see them and now that's they're here, how the hell am I suppose to go somewhere for a pee?
Just great.
I rolled my eyes to myself but stayed watching the hybrids swim and have fun. I was starting to really need that pee and I squeezed my legs together to try and stop it. I may live in a cave but there's no way I'm peeing where I sleep and eat, no way. I'm not an animal like they are.
"Hyung! We better get going before Jin starts to worry." ??
"It's not him I'm worried about. If we don't get back in time Namjoon is going to lose his head." ??
"Hey losers. Don't forget we came out here for a reason. He'll be pissed either way when we come back with nothing." ??
The two climbed out the water whining and shook their wet hair to attempt to dry it. One of them stiffened their shoulders just to turn around looking my way. I moved back but still peaking around the corner to look at them.
I gasped when I saw one of them staring directly my way.
I swear his eyes looked directly at me some how. Holding my hand over my mouth to keep quiet, pressing my back against the cave.
"Taehyung what's wrong?" ??
Nothing was said. It was quiet but I didn't dare look.
"TAE!" ??
I heard a growl followed with his loud yet deep voice. His growl made me quiver in fear.
Be brave y/n. Be brave.
I closed my eyes praying that they go away.
"What are you looking at?" ??
"Nothing. It was nothing." ???
"Lets go you two. We're already in trouble." ??
I heard their foot steps fade away but I didn't move yet. I counted to one hundred in my head. I'm not taking any chances but once I finished counting I peaked again to see they were indeed gone. I sighed in relief and now it was time to that pee I was desperate for.
Making sure I put on some old trainers of mine firsthand also to grab my bag and knife and then made sure to climb out the cave carefully to the side to make sure i didn't slip into the water put to land on the ground instead.
Double checking my surroundings I couldn't see anyone around so I took off running to the left of the water fall but found a near bush so I could squat down and do my business. There's leaves that I can use to dab myself with after I was done and went back to the water to clean off my hands. I clean myself later but now I need to go find out if my traps have been found and if there has been anything caught.
I took off running again, I know how to run and be quiet all at the same time. Many years of practise you could say. Knife firmly in hand just in case I need to use it on anyone and bag on my shoulder to carry with me.
Running a far distance huffing and puffing but I stopped when I heard fast movements behind me that also stopped when I did. Looking over my shoulder I saw nothing but held out my knife in front of me just in case.
I slowed my breathing so I could hear more of what was around me. I swear I'm being followed. And I know it would be one of those hybrids from before. I wanted to shout out, to ask if someone was following but that would be stupid.
That's when I saw it.
The quick flick of a tail from a tree a few yards away. I fucking knew it.
I took off running again, forgetting about the trap I was about to go check on and ran in the other direction to the right. I ran as fast as I could but I could hear the fast steps approaching behind me. Looking over my shoulder I could see the two from earlier. The one that was lounging by a rock and the blond one.
I cursed to myself seeing them run towards me but what made me more scared for my life was that I didn't know where the third guy was. The one that I was certain saw me through the waterfall and he did.
"STOP!!" ???
I didn't listen and kept running. I didn't know where I was going but I just ran for it. Just yesterday I was thinking of ending my life but now that I could die within seconds I come to realise just how much I want to live.
I want to live.
Damn right I'm fast even for my fragile state. My legs taking me as far as I Could go. Even running through a stream but in the corner of my eye I could see what looks like a tiger running along side with me but from a distance.
"Fuck! Stay away from me!"
I shouted back but they didn't stop they kept chasing me and the tiger was coming closer. I was running out of energy already, breathing hard and fast. Taking a quick unexpected turn to the left around a large tree I ran that way. Jumping over a large rock also in the way and bolt it.
A loud growl came from behind me but I didn't dare look back. Tears of fear started to run down my cheeks, but something pushed me from behind and I landed on the hard ground with a roll. I banged my head off the ground and I stopped rolling to lay on my back. My knife was no longer in my hand but somewhere else and I winced in pain but tried to get back up but the hit to my head made me dizzy and I fell back over on my side.
Now I was surrounded by three hybrids. Two in human form, another in animal form. The tiger baring it's teeth at me with a snarl while the other two stood over me. One man looking down at me with pity as the other stood there with an unbothered face.
I tried to speak, to beg them to leave me alone but my eyes suddenly closed with the heaviness in my head and I passed out.
This is it. I'm gonna die.
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