Chapter twenty-six🐾
It's only tomorrow that I'll finally go outside beyond this house and the woods around this place. It's nerve wrecking to think about but at the same time a part of me feels excited. To finally see the outside world rather than in books and pictures. As long as I have someone by my side I trust that I'll be okay. I've been here long enough to finally start exploring.
I am curious about this collar thing that Namjoon mentioned a few times. At first I didn't really know what that was until Jimin was the one to explain to me what that was. Its this strap that goes around your neck with some sort of tag on it, whatever that is. Jimin was quite excited because he said his name was going on it and then he had to explain to me why. It's another source of protection on my part. If someone on the outside of this house sees his name and knows where I live and who with, apparently I'll be almost untouchable. But the almost part kind of gets to me a little bit but I try not to dawn in it too much.
Because we apparently have a lot to do tomorrow I was told to get some sleep since it's early rise in the morning but the problem was is I cant sleep. I know in a little while Jungkook will soon come into my room like he always does to either spend the night in my bed or just to talk a little while before he goes back to his own bed too. It's a little tradition we have going on now. Not that I mind.
Now that I couldn't sleep, I sat up in my bed, turning on my lamp on the bedside table looking around the room. That was until my eyes set on a single door beside my wardrobe across the room. A closet that Namjoon told me about that holds all my things in it from when I lived in the cave.
I haven't even looked at any of my pictures or anything of my families belongings since I came here. Now to think I could be exploring the outside world, I cant help but to think of them again.
Stepping out of bed, throwing my covers to the side I walked over to the closet just to open it and sit on the floor, pulling out what use to be my dads rucksack. It was still dirty, frayed straps and a stitched up tear on the bottom right side corner of the bag. My dad mended it himself. I chuckled thinking back on the memory of my mom and dad bickering about who was best at sewing up the bag.
I unzipped the front pocket first, pulling out the bracelet Heejin made me years ago before she died. I didn't wear it when I was out in the woods. I didn't want to risk it breaking off and myself losing it somewhere. She made me this one my birthday, the first one we had since losing both parents. Heejin tried her hardest to keep us all safe and I believe she did a great job despite how Nari died. She blamed herself for that but even I knew there wasn't anything we could of done.
The bedroom door sudden opened, I gasped and turned over my shoulder, closing my hand into a fist to hide and protect the fragile bracelet made of now dead leaves and thin strands of wood.
Thank god it was just Jungkook. I should of known.
"Y/n what are you doing over there?"
He stopped after closing the door, scratching the top of his head between his spotted ears.
"I'm looking through some of my stuff that I kept."
"Do you mind if I look with you? I promise I wont touch any of it." Jungkook
I nodded, pressing my lips into a thin line to turn back around and open my hand again to look back to the bracelet. Jungkook walked over just to sit down next to me, crossing his legs and positioned close.
"What's that?" Jungkook
Oh yeah. I haven't spoken to any of them about my family before. I don't even like to talk about this with anyone but Jungkook. I trust him so much, with my life even.
"A bracelet. My sister made it for me for my birthday one year."
I smiled weakly, grazing my finger along the thin skinned off wood that was twisted into a knot.
"That's sweet. How old were you when she made that for you?" Jungkook
"Fifteen I think. To be honest I don't remember anymore."
I felt him lean closer, his cheek almost pushed up against my shoulder as he stares down at the bracelet in this dim lighted room.
"It's quite impressive. So you had a sister huh?" Jungkook
I nodded, gently placing the bracelet down to sigh sadly. Her face coming to my mind of everything I remember from her. The freckles on her nose to the bright smile she forced herself to have to show and comfort me that everything was okay when clearly it wasn't.
"Yeah. Heejin. Her name was Heejin. I had two sisters. I was the middle child."
"So was Heejin the oldest or youngest then?" Jungkook
I looked up at him, seeing him stare back at me with his innocent eyes staring back at me curiously.
"Heejin was the oldest. My youngest sister was the baby. Nari, she was two years younger than me."
I looked away from him and back down to the rucksack but a creak by the door caught my attention and Jungkooks too judging by the way Jungkook suddenly jumped up to his feet in defence mode and growled to the sound.
But when we both seen who was standing at the door we both relaxed and I turned back around to my dads bag again.
"Oh Taehyung. You scared the shit out of me." Jungkook
"Sorry I just heard voices in here. I'll just go, goodnight." Taehyung
I turned back around quickly to face the door again, just to see him already closing the door.
"Wait!! Taehyung!"
The door paused for a second before Taehyung pushed the door open again, frowning and yet clearly confused.
"Yes?" Taehyung
Even Jungkook was staring down at me curiously.
"You could stay with us if you want to? I don't mind."
His eyes grew in size then he looked to Jungkook. I gazed up to Jungkook seeing him also stare back at Taehyung. It seems they may be having some sort of silent conversation.
"Please Taehyung."
Jungkook sighed and sat back down next to me, his back now facing Taehyung. Taehyungs eyes met mine again and he quietly nodded just to step inside the room, closing the door behind him and walked over to us just to sit beside Jungkook on his other side, but stayed sitting on his knees and hands on his lap while Jungkook gave his a corner glare.
I just Ignored that and unclipped my dads bag on the top and pulled the opening wide so I could get in inside it. Sticking my hand inside first I pulled out my Nari's baby blanket I kept. My Dad stole this from shop when there use to be a village close by. I don't even know if it's there anymore.
"Did that belong to you?" Jungkook
I shook my head, bringing the still soft pink blanket to my face, taking deep breaths in the earthy scent yet a faint smell of lavender. My mom use to crush up lavender flowers and constantly rub them against the blanket to help Nari sleep at nights.
"One of your sisters?" Jungkook
"Sisters?" Taehyung
"Yes sisters. She had sisters Taehyung, keep up." Jungkook
I didn't bother to look at either one of them and hugged the blanket close to me. Reaching back into the bag I pulled out some of my moms old books that she used to teach Heejin and I and the same books Heejin tried to use for Nari when she got a little bit older.
I placed them to the side just to notice the way Taehyung was staring at them curiously, brow raised and chin lifted.
"It was all my mom could use to give us some sort of education. Just these books."
I gently patted the hardcover of the top book. Taehyung glanced at me, nodding and then averted his eyes away to Jungkook just for the two to share a sad look. But I don't need their pity.
Reaching back into the bag, still clutching onto Nari's blanket I pulled out a handful of pictures. First I placed them on the floor to look down at the first picture. It was of my mom and dad on their wedding day when they were younger. Both smiling to the camera widely and completely happy. I never saw them smile like that in person, not that happy anyway but i was still nice to see. My mom looked beautiful in her wedding dress and my dad smartly dressed in his suit as the two stand side by side, my dads arms around my moms waist. They loved each other no doubt about it, which is why my mom ended her life after he died.
"Are these your parents Y/n?" Taehyung
I nodded still staring down at the picture, a small smile upon my face.
"Yes they were getting married."
"They look happy here." Jungkook
I nodded again, picking up the picture to place to the side for the next picture.
"I never saw them smile like that in person though."
Neither one of them said anything more about it and I stared at the next picture. It was a family picture of my mom and dad sitting on a couch together holding Haewon and I. My mom was holding Haewon on her lap and I was sitting on my Dads lap. Again both smiling happily to the camera and even Haewon was smiling sitting in a pretty white dress with pink sparkly shoes and a bow in her short black hair. She must of been about three, maybe four in this picture. That would of made me one or two years old. This must of been taken before the take over.
"This was my mom and dad and this is my sister and me."
I pointed out to each person in the picture but I couldn't look at my dads face for long. Happily smiling with me in his lap.
"May I?" Jungkook
He pointed to the picture and I nodded knowing of what he was asking. e smiled at me, carefully picking up the picture to bring it closer to his face. Taehyung leaning close to Jungkook by his shoulder to also look at it.
"Y/n you looked so cute!! Look at those fat cheeks!" Jungkook
I chuckled but only to look away, wiping my eyes so no one could see that I was beginning to cry.
"Didn't you have another sister though?" Jungkook
I nodded, sniffing and wiping my eyes once more.
"Y-Yeah but she wasn't born until a year after everything happened."
"What?! So your mom gave birth out in those woods?" Jungkook
I nodded, looking away.
"Wow." Jungkook
Jungkook carefully passed me the picture again and only could I look down at the picture. Staring at my dads face again. I miss him, I miss all of them. Every time I look at his face, I cant help but blame myself for his death. If I didn't wonder away, he would be alive, my mom too.
I couldn't hold it back, I started to cry. Dropping the picture to the floor and the blanket just to cover my face with my hands. Jungkook immediately pulled me into his arms, to sit onto his lap and wrap his arms around me to rock back and forth.
"I'm so sorry Y/n. But if it means anything to you, we'll be your family now. You'll never be alone again." Jungkook
I sniffed, wiping my cheeks finding some comfort to his words yet I found myself looking up from Jungkook's chest to Taehyung, meeting his eyes. To my surprise they weren't staring back at me with a glare or in hatred. No, in fact they were soft and for the first time ever I could see that he pitied me or somewhat more sympathetic.
Taehyung and I just stared at each other for several seconds before the bedroom light was suddenly turned on and Jungkook turned around but kept me close to his chest more protectively as Taehyung growled to the new comer in the room, baring his teeth.
"Oh relax it's only me."
"Jin don't do that!" Jungkook
I glanced up to see Jin standing at the door but he wasn't alone. Jin stood by the door only to step inside to allow the everyone else that lives in this house to pile inside my room. Both Jimin and Hoseok rushing over to skid across the floor on their knees to come to a stop in front of Jungkook.
"Y/n are you okay? What happened to her?" Jimin
"Why is she crying?" Hoseok
They started to fuss over me but Jungkook tried his hardest to shield me away from them, trying to turn away.
"She's fine, back off." Jungkook
"No let me see her!" Jimin
I caught a glimpse of Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Kwan by the door and Taehyung walking over to them. I guess to tell them what's going on. But it still amazes me how they can hear things like that. I guess I'll just have to get use to it from now on.
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