Chapter twenty-seven🐾
I've never been this nervous in a while now.
It's scary but I'm ready.
I got dressed, Kwan showing me and helping me with more appropriate clothing to wear when going out of the house other than pjs or more sweatpants. Kwan told me to wear a purple floral dress that came down to my knees and gave me some white flat shoes to wear. I think I looked cute to me honest.
It was the first time I've ever seen myself dress in such a way but before leaving I gave to say that Jungkook's reaction and Hoseok's in seeing me in a simple dress was just hilarious. I didn't think Jungkook could turn the shade of white that he did when he saw me and Hoseok spitting out his coffee when I entered the kitchen this morning. Kwan was quite impressed by the reactions since it was of his choosing to what I would wear but seeing their reactions I have to say I might just wear more dresses from now on. I actually quite like them.
I didn't get to see Yoongi or Taehyung this morning but I heard Jin mention that they were already at work which is somewhere we have to go today.
Apparently the so called office place or what ever is closed down and so we now have to go to their main building of work. Jin and Jimin weren't happy about this but since getting in this big metal thing with wheels called a car, Jimin told me he wouldn't let me go. And he hasn't. Jimin has kept a firm hold of my hand the whole car journey, sitting beside me in the back seats while I gawk outside to the world while Jin drives and Namjoon sits beside him but would glance over his shoulder to me.
I couldn't think straight with everything I was seeing out these windows.
After the trees disappeared there was fields upon fields of flowers and even a small farm by the looks of it. I know what a farm looks like but it was so amazing to see in person. The more clear skies above, the blue shake with the white clouds. Its so much more better to see here than back in the woods or the house.
Driving along these big buildings came to view, like they were so huge they could be touching the sky they were that big but so cool. Pressing my face against the glass after Jimin told me the windows were shaded black so no one could see in but we could see out, I stared at everyone walking around outside, in and out buildings and shops minding their own business. Hyrbids of all breeds. It just reminded me of the way humans once lived going by the books and stories from my parents. It looks all so easy.
I just couldn't believe it. This was just great.
While staring at everything and everyone around, the car came to a stop right outside a big building, the doors leading the inside right across from us, only a few feet away at least.
"Y/n you'll have to put these on." Namjoon
He held out a mask and a beanie hat, one of Yoongis to be exact. I remember seeing him wear this the other day.
I asked him, watching Jimin take the objects from Namjoons hands.
"Because we don't want people to know your human right away. It's just safer this way." Namjoon
I nodded, taking the hat from Jimin to put on my head, listening to both Jin and Namjoon get out the car, slamming the car doors shut. Jimin helped me put on the mask, covering my nose and mouth and the small string behind my ears. He also made sure that his jacket that I was currently wearing and what drowned me, was securely zipped up too.
The door next to me opened and the gust of wind flushed through my legs into the car and Jin stood there offering me his hand, smiling at me but I could tell he was nervous. I took his hand, stepping out the car, adjusting my dress again making sure it didn't go up. My eyes wondering around at all the people walking passed and not even paying attention and minding their own business.
Jimin took my other hand and came to stand beside me after he closed the car door. Namjoon nodding to both Jin and Jimin standing by my sides we followed him towards the spinning doors. I've seen these in pictures and on the tv. You have to step into a part of the door as it turn around and around none stop and you have to push yourself out.
Namjoon went in first and then Jin made the first move, taking me and Jimin with him, walking in a half circle just to walk back out now inside the building. It was actually really cool.
Staring at it over my shoulder as we walked along, passing people I noticed a few people to start giving me weird looks already. Now to frown and face the front, I kept the hands of both Jimin and Jin, watching Namjoon walk a head but everyone to part ways as if to stay away from him but they weren't coming near Jin or Jimin either. I wonder why?
A small woman with small white pointing ears run over to Namjoon, holding a clipboard and a pen, frantically walking side ways to keep up with the pace.
"Mr Kim, your father called twice today requesting to speak to you." ?
"Well tell him its my day off Jia. I'm not to be disturbed on my days off and he knows that. Next time he calls ignore him. Is Mr Kim or Mr Min here yet?" Namjoon
Why do we need them?
"Yes sir. They're expecting you on the forth floor."
"Good. Now go prepare the documents for funding of a high school resource for me. I'm due for a meeting tomorrow," Namjoon
"Yes sir."
The woman then took off running, her small thin tail swaying side to side as she ran. I think she looked quite cute but Namjoons serious yet deep tone made me unsure if I should even say a word at this point.
Contiuing to walk quite quickly we came to a stop again by an elevator. I know what this is too. Tv and movies does wonders in learning what these type of things are. The doors pinged after Namjoon pressed a button making the doors open wide and a further two more people walked out, not even sparing a look. Another two people were inside but Namjoon walked in first, glaring at the two.
"Out." Namjoon
My eyes widen to see both hybrids scramble out the elevator and Jimin pulled me along with him to step inside with Jin following suit. Namjoon then pressed another button that lit up and the doors closed. But when the small space suddenly moved, I squeal and threw myself onto Jimin. Grabbing him by the shoulders and eyes roaming the space and to the floor. It feels like this place is going to fall. I don't like it.
However the three of them just laughed at me.
"It's not going to collapse Y/n you're perfectly fine." jin
I glared at him for laughing but stayed put, close to Jimin which he didn't seem to mind since he didn't push me off him.
The doors opened again and we walked out.
The place was dark, empty. It looked almost abandoned with no one in sight. Empty spaced out desks and chairs pushed out. Even one light flickered above us. It looked kind of creepy to be honest.
"It's about time you got here. Taehyung had to leave because he had a meeting."
Seeing as this place was empty and now Yoongi suddenly stood up from one of the empty desks I let go of Jimiin to run over to him and jump into his arms which he caught and laughed as he always does when I do this to him. It was kind of freeing to be able to run like that since it's somewhere new.
"Why am I not surprised?" Jin
"Do you have everything then?" Namjoon
Yoongi nodded, and I moved back from him just to see Yoongi pull out brown folder and passed it to Namjoon just for him to open and flick through the pages, reading quickly.
"What's that?"
"It's a legal document to acknowledge that you as a human, exist. The media are going to have a field day when they find out but it'll be okay. I promise." Namjoon
He quickly flashed me a dimpled smile and then back down to reading that file.
"Why didn't we go to a office or what ever it was?"
"It closed down Y/n. Everything that has to do with humans adoptions and such were closed down so I had to set things up since I deal with the legal procedures." Yoongi
"So does that mean I don't get a collar then? I don't understand."
Yoongi chuckled, sticking his hand in to his pocket and then held out his closed hand towards jimin. Jimin skipped over excitedly, grabbing his closed hand while Namjoon and Jin were busy going through the documents together.
"I think you would like to do the honours Jimin." Yoongi
He opened up his hand to Jimin just for him to pick up this cute little thin leather strap with a buckle and a tag on it. It was shiny and quite pretty but by looking at it I know what it is. I've seen pictures.
Jimin giggled, eyes sparkling with excitement just to skip over to me and come to stand behind me. He gently placed the collar on the front of my neck, the leather pressed against my skin. Yoongi came over to help me lift my hair since I did have a lot of it.
"Here you go. This should stop anyone from touching you when they see my name on it." Jimin
He finished buckling it up at the back, his hands to rest on my shoulders. My fingers ran along the leather, feeling this new object on my skin then to flick the tag on the front. I couldn't see it but I actually really liked wearing it.
"I actually had other tags made too. So if we took you out at one point without Jimin being there you would have someone else name on you too." Yoongi
I only nodded, too busy feeling the collar around my neck.
"You're our little human Y/n." Jimin
He giggled, bouncing on his feet behind me. I guess there is no denying it, I am their little human.
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