Chapter twenty-one🐾
"Y/n you must wear these headphones too. No one must figure out that you are in the bedroom." Kwan
I nodded, picking up Jungkooks headphones to put over my head and plug into the Xbox remote. I so wanted to prove a point to Jungkook that I am better at mario kart so I'm going to make sure to beat all his high scores. I'll show him.
"Yeah thanks Kwan."
I put my thumb up to him as he sets a tray of drinks and snacks next to the bed on the bedside table at the same time I get comfy on Jungkooks bed, laying on my stomach watching the tv come on and connect to the Xbox so I could login to Jungkooks account.
I do have my own since he set one up for me but no, to beat his scores I need to go into his.
"Depending on how long their moms are here I'll be back and forth as much as I can to check on you okay?" Kwan
"How long do they usually stay?"
I asked him, just to look up and see him already begin to walk to the door, but to stop and hold the handle as he turns around to face me when he responds.
"It depends on what they're here for and how well their conversations will go. Sometimes they all don't see eye to eye on things so we'll see how things go." Kwan
I nodded just to chew on my bottom lip.
"Anyway I'll be back soon. There's food there and drinks too so this should be fine. Just remember to stay away from the window and please for your own safety y/n, don't leave the bedroom." Kwan
"Yes sir! I promise I won't leave."
And I meant it.
There's no way I'll leave this bedroom if my life depends on it.
Kwan nodded, forming a light yet nervous smile and then left the bedroom.
I sighed to myself feeling all sorts of nerves to know their parents are coming round to see them all. Well their moms anyway but still the chances of getting caught are still likely because they might sniff me out.
Precautions were made this morning meaning Jungkook carried me to his bedroom so my scent wouldn't linger around the halls like before since they had to bleach the whole house. Then I had to change into Jungkooks clothes so I'd be more hidden in his scent in his bedroom while he took a shower but after that we couldn't touch.
I did see Jin and Namjoon when they came in to see me earlier just before Kwan came in with food and drinks. They were making sure that I was okay and I am, but scared as hell.
As a matter of fact, while I wait for the game to load on the screen of the large screen tv, I buried myself under Jungkooks bed sheets. Wrapping myself up like a burrito in sheets only to have my head and two hands fit out the whole so I could see the game and play it with the controller in my hands.
This should work in hiding me more. No one should be able to sniff me out this time.
Turning the volume up to medium on the headphones I began to play and set out in my mission to beat all of Jungkooks high scores.
It was game on.
After some time passed by I managed to complete my mission and I beat the high scores and now all I could imagine was Jungkooks face when he sees this. I'm not going to tell him I did, I'll wait for his reaction when he check for himself. It'll be so funny and a big slap to the face too.
I didn't know what other game to play so I decided to watch Netflix on his games console. Finding something to watch I decided I wanted to watch the notebook.
It was a romantic and from what I could read it sounded like a good movie to watch but before i could put it on. I needed a pee first.
Luckily Jungkook has his own bathroom.
So I pulled myself still wrapped up in the covers, shuffled closer to the edge of the bed on my butt just to stand up on my feet that stuck out at the bottom and worm my way through just to push these sheets down to the floor but.......:
Sadly for me when I tried to take my foot out, it got caught and I fell forward to the hard wooden floor. Landing on my side with a thud, I cursed quietly when the pain from my bad leg erupted through my leg like a rush of burning pain.
Pushing myself up I looked down at the sore leg just to check it and thankfully the stitches hadn't come undone. They were fine but it still hurt. I don't know who something as simple as falling could hurt my leg just like that. Weird.
I tired to push myself up to get up off the floor and go to the bathroom but I froze when I heard the door open and close behind me. But then I thought it's Kwan so I turned around over my shoulder just to gasp to see who entered the room.
"T-Taehyung. I...em..."
He just rolled his eyes at me, quickly rushed over to me, picking me up in his arms just to rush back out Jungkooks bedroom and straight across the hall into another bedroom I've not been in before but I know who the room belongs to.
It's his own bedroom.
Taehyung placed me seated on the bed, just step back to the door and press his ear against it for a moment.
I fiddled with my fingers on my lap, unsure and slightly scared to be alone with him again. The last time didn't go so well.
I didn't dare say anything but I watched every movement he made and thankfully he stayed on the opposite side of the room.
"Okay no one followed me." Taehyung
He said more to himself I think but he looked somewhat relieved but I didn't say anything.
At first he leaned his head against the door and took a deep breath as I watched from behind.
But I needed a pee.
"Erm T-Taehyung?"
His shoulders tensed as I said his name, his hands began to claw his door as they slid down.
"What?" Taehyung
I was surprised by the tone of his soft whisper but his tail was waving back and forth behind him rapidly so I didn't know if that would be a good thing or bad thing.
"I need a pee."
I mumbled and yet I was surprised by the way he chuckled. I was taken back when he turned around but kept his back on the door and showed something of a small smile mumbling something to himself that I couldn't hear.
"The bathrooms there." Taehyung
He pointed off to the side of the room. My eyes followed to a single white door to the side of the room. I only nodded to him, standing back up but the pain shot through my leg again. Hissing to the pain I stumbled back and fell back on the bed. Taehyung wondered over, hesitantly offering me his hand as he couldn't even look at me as he offered.
"I can help you." Taehyung
I only stared at his hand for a couple seconds until I took a deep breath and took his large hand that closed around mine. I think he was shocked that I did that because he quickly whipped his eyes to meet mine and his lips parted but he closed them again.
He helped me to stand up and I limped my way over to the bathroom as he let me use him as support only to let me go once I entered the bathroom.
"Thank you."
"Are you going to be okay by yourself in there?" Taehyung
Again he was hesitant to ask and only spoke quietly. I found him actually cute with the way he acted so shy and spoke so quietly.
"I think I'll be fine thank you."
He only nodded, letting go of my hand and closing the bathroom door for me so I could lock it on the inside.
The bathroom was cute big but simple.
The toilet was on the far end of the room so I limped over and I managed to do a pee and then wash my hands afterwards.
Limping back to the door as I unlocked it I heard Kwan's voice suddenly on the other side of the door.
"Where is she? Where's y/n?" Kwan
"Calm down she's in the bathroom." Taehyung
I opened the door and Kwan's eyes widen at my appearance, somewhat surprised I was in okay condition. The hybrid rushed over to me but stopped when he remembered at the moment he can't touch me.
"Are you okay? Why are you in here and why are you limping?" Kwan
He gazed down to my leg with a frown but then quickly shot Taehyung a glare.
"Kwan it's fine. I fell and Taehyung took me in here. I'm okay."
"Yeah she's fine Kwan. I only took her in here because everyone heard that she fell and I didn't want to take chances." Taehyung
I only stared at Taehyung as he sat in his chair by his desk far on the other end of the room next to the window.
"So you're okay y/n?" Kwan
I nodded and hummed a response.
"Yes I'm perfectly fine."
Kwan's eyes wondered up and down my body then nodded as if he were to confirm something.
"Okay fine. I'll come check on you later then. Taehyung are you coming back down?" Kwan
Taehyung shook his head, to turn on his laptop.
"No I have work to do." Taehyung
He blankly said to turn in his chair to his desk and login to his laptop.
"Y/n are you sure you're okay here?" Kwan
"Yeah I'll be fine."
The sound of a drawer was pulled open and both Kwan and I looked over to see Taehyung pulled out that shocker collar. I gasped yet he didn't react but to concentrate on putting the metal object around his neck and locking it on the back of his neck with a click.
"Tell Namjoon I have this on again. He'll still have the button." Taehyung
He only spoke after but didn't look at either one of us but to begin typing away on the lap top. I don't like seeing him with that thing on. Knowing what it does, I don't like it and not to mention it looks uncomfortable.
"Okay fine. I'll be back soon." Kwan
I nodded to him and watched him slowly move out the room and close the door.
At first now alone with Taehyung I didn't know what to do at first. I stood there awkwardly in the middle of his room watching him type away on his laptop in his own little world.
He hummed at me, eyes still trained on the laptop.
"Do you have Netflix?"
He stopped typing abruptly and slowly turned in his chair, cocking his head to the side curiously.
"Is there something you would like to watch?" Taehyung
I nodded yet couldn't meet his intense gaze by the way his strong dark eyes were staring right at me. He sure can look intimidating.
"Yes please."
"What film? I'll put it on for you." Taehyung
"Notebook please."
"That's a sad movie you know, but if that's what you want then okay. Just sit down on the bed I'll put it on." Taehyung
Without a word I complied by sitting in his bed up against the headboard and pulling up my knees to my chest but careful so I wouldn't hurt my leg. All the while Taehyung turned on his tv located in front of the bed, turned on his Netflix that was already logged in and found the movie to put it on.
Taehyung didn't speak after that, he just put in the movie and sat back down at his desk turning his back to me when the movie began.
This wasn't how I imagined my day, to be alone with Taehyung in his bedroom. It's not what I imagined at all.
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