Chapter twenty-eight🐾
Work was so boring today yet busy. I didn't have the least bit of interest in my job today. My thoughts were somewhere else the whole day and I was pretty pissed that I didn't see Y/n at work today when I was suppose to with Yoongi but something came up and so I couldn't.
Because I was so busy today I know that I'm the last one home. It's pretty late at night and even the office was dead by the time I left.
Now coming home, the house filled with the scent of Y/n, I wondered to my room quietly. I just passed the kitchen on my way to the living room leading to the stairs. I already ate, so I didn't need grab anything on my way. But knowing Jin, he would of left some leftovers for me to eat when there's no need to.
Walking up the stairs to my room, I could hear Y/n laughing from Hoseok's bedroom but I just headed into my own room. I needed a shower and then I wanted to speak to Namjoon about something.
It only took me twenty minutes to get a shower, changed and back out the door again to Namjoon's room which so happens to be across from Hoseok's room. Y/n was still laughing but I could hear Jimin's voice too.
Ignoring that fact I knocked on Namjoons bedroom door just to hear his voice telling to come in and I did. Pushing the door open by pulling on the handle I stepped inside his room and made sure to close the door behind me. Turning around I saw Namjoon sitting by his desk playing about on his laptop and dressed in his pjs.
"What's up Tae?" Namjoon
He smiled at me and I pushed off his door to wonder over to his bed while he watches me come to a stop by his bed and sit down.
"I just wanted to ask you about today. You know with Y/n, how was she?"
I've been wanting to ask this all day. It's been itching in my brain all day.
Namjoon laughed at me lightly, spinning around to face me in his chair to face me more directly just to lean back and cross his legs over the other.
"She was nervous at first but other than that she was okay. Nothing bad happened either if you're going to ask that too." Namjoon
I was going to ask that but at the same time I know I would of been notified if something did happen to her in a bad way.
"What did you all do after leaving this morning?"
I fiddled with my sleeves feeling like a shy teenage boy again, asking your friend about your crush at school. I hate this feeling.
"Nothing much really. We just drove around the city and then to the fields since Y/n wanted to see the farms and have a run through the fields of sunflowers that we found. She had a lot of fun Taehyung." Namjoon
I nodded, biting on my lower lip now not being able to look at him. I feel ashamed for my past actions with her. The longer she stays here the more I want to get to know her and be with her but because of what I did to her, it just wouldn't be very fair of me to do that.
"Look Tae, I know you're trying to prove to everyone that you wont hurt her again but maybe you can try and be around a lot more. I get you had a lot of work today, I get that but if you maybe pushed yourself to be around her a lot more then you wouldn't be feeling so bad about what you did to her?" Namjoon
"How could I after what I did to her? She's scared for life Namjoon, physically and probably mentally too."
I scoffed to myself, reliving that event in my mind. I don't even know what the fuck I was doing in the first place.
"Well put it this way, has she ever given you any reason since then to make you think she hates you?" Namjoon
"No. I mean I think she's scared of me."
I glanced at Namjoon staring back at me, nodding and stroking his chin with his finger.
"Perhaps she is but I wouldn't think she was so terrified of you that she cant be in the same room as you. I mean she insisted you eat with us at dinner from now on, she didn't try and escape your room when you took her there and you both slept in your bed together whether she knows it or not. You'd be surprised with what her instinctive mind can do Taehyung. Living out there in the wild if she thought she were in danger in anyway she would of ran from you." Namjoon
She did when I attacked her now thinking back on it. She even kicked me in my manhood area.
"I guess so."
"My advice Tae, is just join in with her, whatever it is. She'll become more and more comfortable with you and you will with her too. You can't fight against this and sooner or later you wont have to come to me asking how her day went when you can just ask her." Namjoon
I nodded. I know of what he's talking about and it makes sense.
"Thanks I guess for the advice."
"Sure thing. Now go across the hall and join in whatever it is that Hoseok is doing to make Y/n laugh so much." Namjoon
He nods his head towards the door, smiling widely when he mentions her name. I sighed, standing up on my two feet and wondered to the door again. But stopped, keeping my one hand on the handle to glance over my shoulder to Namjoon again.
"Are you not coming?"
He shook his head, a disappointed look on his face.
"No I can't. I still have a few things to prepare for my meeting tomorrow. Luckily I could work from home or I would of been like you." Namjoon
"Okay, well goodnight then."
"Goodnight Tae." Namjoon
Pressing a smile to him, I opened his door and walked out, again closing the door behind me but only to stop and stare at Hoseok's bedroom door again. This time I could hear music playing and now Hoseok's laughter as well as Y/n's. What are they doing?
It only took me two steps to reach Hoseoks bedroom door that was slightly left open with a small gap. Peaking inside I saw Hoseok's dancing with Y/n. Her body flushed against hers, holding her hand and just swaying side to side. But both were looking at Jimin who also was dancing with a partner. Yoongi.
Although Yoongi was sluggish, face scrunched up, holding Jimin's hand as they two danced around Hosoeks bedroom in circles. Clearly Yoongi didn't want to do this but because Y/n was laughing he obviously was only doing this for her.
"Come on Yoongi. Shake those hips!" Jungkook
Over by the bed both Jin and Jungkook were sitting there watching. But Jin looked to my direction from Y/n and Hoseok just to stand up and rush over to me.
"Taehyung come in here and join us!" Jin
I tried to get away, to run off but Jin was quick to grab my wrist and pull me inside the room, making me stumble over my own feet in the process and cursing to myself because of it. Jin dragged me to the bed and I just fell on it, landing next to Jungkook.
"You can't be all creepy like that and watch from the door." Jin
Y/n's sudden giggle caught my attention from across the room. Ignoring what Jin said I looked over to her, just to catch her smiling at me just before Hoseok twirled her around in a circle and then back to dancing around the room. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Truly she's beautiful in every way, her smile, her eyes they way they sparkle when she's happy.
She's too innocent to the world around her.
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