Chapter three🐾
I gasped a sharp breath as I suddenly woke up to sit up quickly on something that felt incredibly comfy.
I was breathing heavily out of fear, I had no clue where I was but this room or whatever felt warm compared to what I'm use to. My head throbbed slightly and I clutched onto my head that hurts like hell.
Looking around the room, this huge massive room I can tell it's a bedroom. I've never been in one that I can remember but I know this is a bedroom. Where am I?
But where ever I am, I can't be here. I have to get out of here if I want to live.
I got up from the bed but only to fall to the floor when I tripped over my own feet. Pain flashed through my left ankle and I winced at the pain.
I gripped my ankle to look at it. Touching it slightly I could tell it was sprained. Just great, now it's gonna be even harder to run from here.
The door on the far end of the room started to open by the handle so I crawled back over to the bed but instead of getting onto it, I crawled underneath it. Just in time for the door to open, I could see a pair of black shoes, shoes I've never seen before walking into the room and close the door behind them.
My hand now over my mouth, I tried to remain silent but he may have already heard me since there's nothing that could distract his hearing. Also every now and then as he walks around the bed would I see his tanned colours tail with a brown fluffy end flicker around the back of his legs.
I watched him walk around the room quietly. First over to another door opposite the bed to push open that door with a slight knock. Then he paused there with a heavy sigh before he walked back over to the bed and came to a stop. His shoes pointed right at me, making me cower back as far as I can get under this bed.
"I know you're under there." ??
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to let out a sound to show him I'm scared. I hate feeling like this. As a child I was brave, fearless but now after what I've gone through I can't help but be scared over everything.
The hybrid sighs again, much heavier than last time.
"I'm not going to hurt you. If I wished you harm you would of been dead by now. Please just come out so I can talk to you." ??
Still with my eyes closed, I started to count like I always do when I hope the person goes away. Up to one hundred like always. Only to count in my head, so he can't hear me. I heard his movements again and felt he bed above me move but I remained counting to one hundred.
I know he's not gone but once I finish counting I open my eyes to see the back of his shoes and legs. He must be sitting down.
"Miss can you please come out. I won't touch you, I won't even turn around to look at you if that makes you more comfortable." ??
How would he know I wouldn't attack him from behind?
I grunted softly which I heard him chuckle from the bed. Slowly I pushed myself to the side, to the opposite side to where he is. Coming out from under the bed, I slowly got up but only to sit in my knees. My ankle was still sore but I wasn't going to tell him that.
I peaked over the bed to see he was sitting away from me. He was facing the bedroom door with his back to me. His light brown hair was brushed back, he wore something light blue with a fancy collar around his shirt but what caught my attention was his ears and tail. His tail resting on the bed calmly, his tanned rounded ears on the top of his head that twitched slightly as if he heard my movements.
From what I can tell he's a lion hybrid.
"See. I told you I wouldn't turn around if that makes you feel any better." ??
He held up his hands, his large hands at that so I could see them well and clear.
"Let me go. Please."
My voice only came out softly, yet my dry throat didn't help any.
"I'm sorry but I don't think that is a good idea." ??
My lip quivered to that.
"Why? Are you going to kill me?"
Again he sighs and from what I can tell he looked down at something.
"No. I told you I'm not going to kill you. None of us are." ??
He chuckles and nods.
"Yes. There's seven of us that live here. This is our house." ??
"What do you want from me? I want to go back home."
I was referring to my cave. My safe place as I think of it. The place that kept me from harm for the last two years of my life. No death, no threats just safe.
"To your cave you mean?" ???
I gasped and sat back to land in my butt.
"Yes we know all about where you've been living. That's no way to live. Even for a human." ???
"It's my home."
I mumbled sadly. It has all my belongings there. My parents things, pictures of the life we once had before all this. I was only two at the time and sadly Nari wasn't in any pictures. But I had her teddy that my dad stole for her after she was born, she carried it everywhere with her even before she died. I had my dads pocket watch, my moms books and even Heejins bracelets that she made for me out of cut off thin pieces of wood that she bent and twisted. She truly was gifted in that type of stuff.
"How long have you been living like that?" ???
"In the cave or woods?"
"Both." ???
I carefully watched his back, sitting back up on my knees.
"The cave two years and the woods ever since I was two."
He picked up his head to look straight away.
"How old are you?" ???
"I just turned nineteen yesterday."
He hung his head back to look up at the ceiling but thankfully not all the way back to see me or look at me in any way.
"What about you?"
The hybrid straightened his shoulders and head to look a head of him again.
"I'm twenty three." ???
I nodded to myself and slowly pushed myself up to stand. I think he could tell my movements by the way his ears moved.
"Can I please go back to my cave. My things are there and they're all I have left."
I attempted to take a step back but I forgot about my ankle and again fell to the floor, a curse word escapes my likes without thinking.
The hybrid quickly turned around to face me. I flinched at how fast he turned around and quickly stood up from the bed to come rushing over but that made me panic even more and I tried to crawl backwards away from him but it proved no use and he scooped me up in his arms and set me on the edge of the bed gently taking hold of my sore ankle.
"Are you okay? How did this happen?" ???
His brows furrowed as he looks down carefully at my ankle. It was getting swollen now.
"You must of sprained it. Is it sore?" ???
He looks up at me, worry and concern in his eyes that makes me question why he's looking at me like this. I only nodded a yes and he exhales a breath, and gently puts my foot back down on the soft carpet beneath my feet. I've never felt anything like it before.
"I'll get my friend to look at it. He's best at things like that. By the way what is your name? I'm sorry I should of asked that first." ???
He stood back up to tower over me which only made me anxious and scared to see just how tall this hybrid is.
I stuttered to him. Sheepishly looking up to him I see his eyes widen and his lips form a large O for some reason before he nods with hands on hips to replace that look with a friendly smile that I don't quite trust. I don't trust any of this just now.
"Well I'm Namjoon. About your stuff, my friends actually gathered your things and placed them in the cupboard over there." Namjoon
He points to a single white door that was also beside another pair of white doors.
I was relieved that my stuff was here but that doesn't mean I want to stay.
"Thanks but I must get going."
I tried to stand up again but he lightly pushed me back down on the bed to sit and I flinched back away from him again, making him quickly retreat his hands from me.
"I'm sorry. Y/n you can't leave. It's not safe out there for you. You could die if you're found." Namjoon
"I know but it's all I know. Its dangerous for me to be here with you. You're a hybrid, your friends are hybrids. Any of you could kill me and there's no where for me to run, hide or even anything for me to defend myself."
"Y/n I want to help you. You're the first human I've ever seen in a very long time but I really want to help you. You could be the last of your kind and I think you could use our help to survive." Namjoon
I looked down sadly to my lap.
"I am the last of my kind. There's no other human left. How could I survive living here? Like a prisoner or something? A slave?"
He quickly shook his head.
"No, no. Nothing like that. I mean....there's a lot to talk about but I wouldn't have you here as a slave. I want you to live, not work for us." Namjoon
Now I was starting to get frustrated. I balled up my fists and bitterly laughed.
"I don't think you get it. I appreciate you want to help me but I can live out in the open. Someone will try and kill me one way or another. I'm human. I'm hated everywhere. There's no life for me anywhere except in my cave so I can wither up there and die there."
Namjoon started to growl loudly in the room, glaring at me when I mentioned dying. I gasped and pushed myself away from him to grab a pillow and use it to try and separate myself from him and myself.
When he noticed how scared I became he softened and cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Look y/n please just stay. We'll think of something but I can't have you leave. I need to go speak to the others but there's spare clothes in the bathroom already for you so you can have a shower and whatever else you need to have. My friend Jin will come and see to your ankle in a moment so please just be careful okay?" Namjoon
He already started to walk around the bed and towards the door but also came to a stop as he put his hand on the handle.
"Oh and I'll see about you getting something to eat too. Just please stay here and be careful." Namjoon
He didn't let me say anything more and left the bedroom, just to close the door behind him. When that door closed, I immediately began to cry.
He wants to help me yet I don't trust it. All hybrids want to kill humans so why does he want to help me? Is this one of his games he plays with his friends when they find humans?
Butter me up and then kill me afterwards just for fun?
I don't know. I'm scared to what's going to happen to me. Now I realise that the woods had become my comfort zone. I grew up there and now that I'm here, in a house for the first time, in a bedroom I don't know what to do with myself.
I just want my cave. My quiet, peaceful cave.
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