Chapter thirty-one🐾
I have to say I was very surprised that we came here to the beach. It's my first time ever setting foot on a beach let alone seeing one in person.
I just love it here.
Everything is bright coloured here, you could see the sky more clearly and feel the heat of the sun on your skin instead of hidden in the shadows from the trees. The soft sand under my feet instead of mud and rocks. The air smelled more clear and the waves just sounded so relaxing when you actually take a moment to listen to them as they come to shore.
At first I was little bit nervous to even touch the sand at first, to walk across it but Jin gave me a piggy back to walk across at first. It's not that I was scared of the sand, it was just surreal that I could finally see and touch the sand in person. It was overwhelming really but after some time sitting on the towels that Hoseok and Yoongi laid out, I first touched the sand through my finger before I finally came to stand on my own two feet.
What I did want to try out was the water. To compare the sea to the streams and water falls back where I once called home. I wanted to try it first but Jimin dragged me along with him so we could all play a game of volleyball they called it. Jungkook set up a net of some kind and we were split up between into two teams of four since there was eight of us.
I was teamed up with Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok. On the other team was Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and Jimin.
I didn't know how to play so Yoongi explained the rules before we actually played a game. I didn't understand at first when it came to counting up the scores and such but eventually I got the hang of it. I just thought I was lucky that I didn't get hit with the ball. I tried to dodge that as much as possible. I almost did at one point but Jungkook was quick to smack the ball away before it came into contact with my face. He was my saviour at that point.
Just in playing the few rounds that we did, I couldn't help but feel relieved and so much more happier to see Taehyung finally laughing and having fun too. After our chat last night, we've become so much more closer. At breakfast we sat next to each other and even so much as in the car too on the way over here. He was glued to my side but Jungkook's jealous side came out which resulted in teasing from Yoongi and Jimin. But everything between Taehyung and I was okay thank goodness.
Once we finally got bored of the game, we went out to do our separate things on the beach. Jin and Yoongi went back to the laid out towels, just to lay down and sun bath. Yoongi had his sunglasses on where as Jin didn't, he stated he was too cool for sunglasses which was a laugh.
Namjoon started making sand castles with a bucket and spade to himself but the smile on his face was cute when he used a twig as a flag on top of his first castle. Hoseok was using binoculars as he looked out to the ocean view in front of us. He said he likes to check out for ships but I secretly think he was looking for birds to catch because if he wasn't on his binoculars he was chasing birds.
That left Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung with me in the sea.
Jungkook actually carried me in on his back and only let go when I was comfortable enough to let go of him and stand on my tippy toes and the water coming up to my shoulders. I pretty much had to swim at this point but Taehyung showed off by going in further at a deeper level until he finally had to swim as well. Jimin tried too but didn't get as far in as Taehyung did. Where as Jungkook just stayed beside me the whole time and crouched down to be level with me.
The waves were pretty gentle at first but I kind of panicked when a strong wave came along, scared that I was going to be dragged down but I latched onto someone which just so happened to be Taehyung surprisingly. He just laughed at me and held onto me so I wouldn't go anywhere. That was when Jimin said we should play a game. A game that would be better if we were in a pool but the sea was okay for the moment.
It required that I were to get onto Taehyungs shoulders and Jimin would get onto Jungkook's which is what we did and then the first to fall off loses. I've seen them play this game back at the house in their own pool but never gave it a shot but here I was willing to.
On Taehyungs back, Jimin grinned at me, giggling menacingly.
"I hope you're ready to fall off Y/n?" Jimin
I let out a laugh of my own, Taehyung stepping over closer to Jungkook so Jimin and I could grab hands, our finger interlocking.
"I should be asking you that Jimin."
"Right, 1....2....3....Go!" Jungkook
I pushed some of my weight towards Jimin, trying to get him to fall off backwards but Jungkook had a hard grip on his legs to keep him up right. At one point I almost fell off backwards which I seen the panic in Jimin's face but it was only part of the game but after that I think he felt bad and purposely let me push him off Jungkook's shoulders making Taehyung and I win the game. But instead of coming of Taehyung's shoulders in a nice way like he could of crouched down so I could slid off but no. That tiger threw me off his shoulders and the three of them had the nerve to laugh at me about it.
I wasn't amused.
The four of us tunred around back to the shore to see Hoseok frantically waving his hand around in the air.
"WHY?!" Jimin
Hoseok just pointed into a direction towards the sand mountains I call them and just to see Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin already running over there where a group of people with large cameras in their hands.
"Oh fuck." Jungkook
Taehyung grabbed my hand just to drag me along the water with him and only did he pick me up when we got back to shore. His arms swooped underneath me and started to run towards the car.
"Ill take Y/n home!" Taehyung
"Look after her Taehyung!" Jungkook
Taehyung scoffed but didn't say anything as we left Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok behind to do what they were going to do. I couldn't help but to look over Taehyungs shoulder wondering what the hell was going on. I don't know why people would be taking pictures of us.
Only did Taehyung put me down on my feet again to open up the car door.
"Get in." Taehyung
I just did as I was told, getting into the car just for Taehyung to close the door on me. That's when two more men with flashing cameras now came running over, taking pictures of Taehyung asking him a bunch of questions about me. Taehyung growled, lowering his head and running around the front of the car and getting inside just to take out the car keys kept in the glove compartment and started up the car and quickly drove off, all the while ignoring those men that ran after the car until they couldn't keep up.
I was so confused.
One minute we were having fun in the sea, playing games and the next we're in the car driving off quickly, soaking the car seats because of our wet clothes and leaving everyone else behind.
"Taehyung what was that back there? Who were they?"
Taehyungs green eyes stayed focused on the road, jaw clenching.
"Paparazzi. They're the people that take pictures and post it all over the news for everyone to see." Taehyung
"Did they get a picture of me?"
"Most likely and if they got a good shot of you then you'll be everywhere. Let's not talk about that right now Y/n. I just need to get you home everyone else will be back soon." Taehyung
I nodded, turning to look out the window, watching the sea now become more distant the longer Taehyung drove away. I was sad that the day ended like this, it was so much fun and now it came to a abrupt end. An end to a joyful day, turned to stress and worry.
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