Chapter thirty🐾
When I say I ran to Taehyung's room, I literally ran to his room.
I didn't even knock but to open his door and run inside slamming the door shut, startling him from his seated position on his bed, dropping his phone to his lap.
"What the fuck woman?! Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?" Taehyung
He glared at me, picking up his phone again, just to cross his legs over the other and rest his back on the headboard of his bed.
"Actually no. No one taught me how to knock before entering Taehyung."
Realisation hit him, eyes grew wide to stare at the black screen of his tv.
"Oh yeah. Sorry." Taehyung
Averting his eyes from the tv he went back to his phone not even so much as to glance my way, making me sigh and make that brave step closer towards his bed but his eyes met mine unexpectedly, causing me to stop mid step.
"What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be with Jungkook or someone right now?" Taehyung
I caught onto that light scoff coming from him, his nose scrunching up when he mentioned Jungkooks name. This only made me laugh at him which changed Taehyungs expression from distaste to confusion.
"What are you laughing at?" Taehyung
"Are you jealous?"
"Pft, no. I don't care." Taehyung
Rolling his eyes at me I laughed again, now feeling much more comfortable to walk over to him and actually have enough courage to sit beside him as he watches my every move, squinting his eyes at me.
"Don't worry you don't have to be jealous Taehyung. I'm spending some time with you right now."
"You're so annoying you know that?" Taehyung
Now this was the only time ever that I think of Taehyungs blank expression to be funny as he spoke. It's obvious he's jealous, I mean I know that I'm his mate too as well as the others. So I know he enjoys my company right now even if he wants to deny it.
"You love it really."
I laughed again, slapping his leg. I actually surprised myself in doing that, gasping to myself and a hand over my mouth when I realised what I did. Shit.
I stared at his leg, just waiting for something to happen but when my eyes met his, Taehyungs lips only curved into a small smile and chuckled with that deep tone of his.
"I'll let you off with that one." Taehyung
I huffed at him because he found my panicked state amusing but at the same time I was glad we were getting on like this.
"Why did you come in here anyway Y/n?" Taehyung
"I just wanted to see if you were okay? It looked like you were very upset downstairs."
His smile dropped into a frown and then I knew he put up those walls again.
"I'm fine but if you think I'm going to tell you want happened to me then you're severely mistaken." Taehyung
I sighed, looking down at my hands that I pressed against his bed sheets picking at the fabric. I knew he wouldn't tell me anything and he doesn't have to but I think it would be better for him if he did because that way he could start to open up to me more rather than hide himself away all the time. I've seen the pictures of him smiling and pulling funny faces. I've seen the videos of him pulling pranks on everyone in the house and messing about. I want to see that Taehyung, not the cold distant one that can't bare to be in the same room as me.
"Well it would be better if you did so just to let you know I'm here if you ever want to speak about it."
"I don't want to. Now if that's all you want to talk about then please leave." Taehyung
He pointed towards the door just to lay down on his side, throwing his phone to his side table and curling up as if he was ready to sleep but I wasn't going to leave that easily. So I decided to do something brave again. I crawled across his bed to the other side and laid down on my back to look up at the ceiling.
"What are you doing?" Taehyung
I saw him looking at me over his shoulder but I just shrugged at him, glancing at him for a quick second and then back up to the ceiling.
"I'm laying down next to you. I think you could use a friend."
"I told you I'm fine." Taehyung
"Taehyung you and I both know that's not true. Someone that keeps telling everyone their fine, is just a secret code to say I'm not fine. I'm going no where."
I could feel his eyes staring at me from the side of my face but I remained unfazed.
"Whatever." Taehyung
He turned back around, shifting further away from me on the bed so his back wouldn't touch my arm but I couldn't help but smile since he didn't try anything else or any harder to get me out of his room.
Several minutes passed by in silence and I just knew he wasn't sleeping. Every now ans then he would move as if to get more comfortable, or to look over his shoulder at me but I just remained staring up at the ceiling, tapping my fingers along my stomach.
Maybe if I open up to him, he might too?
"I know what it's like to loose a parent Taehyung. I lost both of mine and my sisters."
I paused for a moment, the air becoming thick between us.
"I know. I'm sorry about that." Taehyung
"And I'm sorry about your mother Taehyung. I am. You lost your mother to humans and I lost my father to hybrids."
I heard him gasp and the bed moved as he quickly turned around, spinning on his stomach to face me in shock.
"How do you know about my mother being killed by humans?" Taehyung
Surprisingly, he didn't seem angry that I knew, more just shocked that I knew in the first place.
"I may have been told a little about it from Jin but not a lot."
I turned my head to the side just to look at him as he stared back at me, wondering eyes along my face as if he was searching for something.
"You lost your Dad to someone of my kind too?" Taehyung
I nodded sadly, turning my head again to face the ceiling, trying to not let my eyes fill with tears thinking back on the haunting memory that's engraved in my mind.
"Yes. When I was nine. It was my fault really and he was attacked because I wondered away from my family and was seen by a lion hybrid that hated people like me. So my Dad defended me to save my life."
"I'm so sorry Y/n but you still had your mother right?" Taehyung
I nodded yet took a deep shaky breath. My mothers face clearly in my mind.
"Not for long though. My mom loved my dad very much and because of her loss she killed herself by hanging from a tree in our campsite. My sister was quick to get us away from there before we were caught."
"That's awful. And you were nine?" Taehyung
I nodded, turning back to face him just to see him prop his head up by his hand that was supported by his elbow on his pillow. I could see the sympathy in his eyes even more so than the other day when he saw me looking through my pictures.
"I was. Not only did my sisters and I have to bury what was left of our father but to wake up and see the dead face of your mother hanging from a tree is something you never forget."
Taehyung hummed and moved much more closer to me but shifting on the bed, his body almost pressed up against mine.
"I assume something happened to your sisters then too?" Taehyung
"Yes. Nari died when I was fifteen. Heejin told me she thought it was Pneumonia, there was nothing we could do for her out there. Then two years later I lost Heejin. She went out to check our traps and never came back. When I went to go look for her, all I found was her body parts too so once I buried her I found the cave and lived there by myself until you found me."
I rolled onto my side, to face him face to face, leaning my head on my bend arm biting my lip to not cry. I didn't want to cry but when thinking back on everything it's not something that is of happy memories.
"So if anyone in this house understands what you're going through Taehyung, it's me. I lost all of my family and so if you ever want to talk about your mom to me, you can. I'll listen."
My voice came out in a whisper and I reached out to touch his hand that laid flat on the bed between us. Resting my hand fully on top of his, he flinched at first but didn't pull away. Eyes gazed down in thought to our hand for a moment but I stayed looking into his dark eyes until they met mine again.
"I was twelve when I lost my mom." Taehyung
I suppressed the smile that was trying to appear and only nodded, watching him gulp nervously.
"She liked the lake a few miles away from here. She would always take me there swimming and have picnics. My mom just wanted to give me a good life but that one time we went without my dad...." Taehyung
He paused and looked down to the small space between us. Tears were already coming to his eyes, and I just grabbed his hand, entwining my fingers with his trying to show him some support.
"I was swimming in the water and my mom was watching from the rocks and that's......that's when a....a man he ran up behind my mom and started stabbing her from behind. I didn't see what he was using but I knew what he was doing." Taehyung
I nodded, allowing him to continue.
"Anyway I ran to the man, soaking wet from swimming and I blacked out after that and the next thing I knew I was sitting beside my mothers body and the man was dead too. I don't remember killing him but I had blood all over my face and stuff. I don't remember." Taehyung
Something came to mind as I listened to him carefully, I just had to ask him.
" long were you out there with your mom? You went for help right?"
He shook his head, closing his eyes letting out a little sob. I melted to see how vulnerable he has suddenly become.
"N-No. I couldn't. I didn't want Dad said I was missing for two days but I don't know how long I was out there for. I just couldn't leave her Y/n......she was my mom." Taehyung
His voice cracking made me tear up and I felt so bad for him. Cupping his cheeks I forced him to look at me, opening his eyes as I did so.
"Taehyung listen to me. I'm so so sorry you had to go through all that and whatever it was that happened to you before that but I promise you, if you let me that I will never hurt you in any way. You can rely on me for anything you have to know that. We can share our pain together."
He nodded and I just pulled him to me, my arms to wrap around his shoulders, trying to comfort him through his fragile state. I've never seen him so broken and it hurt to see that. His face pressed against my chest and his own arms instantly grabbed me around my waist, cuddling into me as he cried.
"Don't leave me Y/n. I'm sorry for everything just please don't go anywhere." Taehyung
I rested my cheek on top of his head, holding him as close a I possibly could.
"I won't I promise."
And I intend to keep that promise as long as he'll allow me to.
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