Chapter one 🐾
(Twelve years later.)
Happy nineteenth birthday to me.
Spending it alone was not my ideal plan on how to spend my birthday. Well not much difference from the last two birthdays I've spent alone. My seventeenth being the first birthday after Heejin had gone missing and I had later found her dead body a few days later. Another family member I had to bury, leaving me alone in this world. Only to speak to myself from time to time just to remind myself that I have a voice.
My dad was killed when I was nine. Murdered in front of me for my stupid wonders when I walked off to try and find that boy by the stream. It should of been me killed by the hybrid, not him. He was trying to protect me.
I haven't been near that stream since.
I still get the nightmares of my father being torn apart. If it wasn't for my mother's quick actions of take me away I would of for sure been next.
Not that life got better after that.
My mom grief stricken by the death of my dad, she slipped into a deep depression and took her own life a few months later. Another scene I would never forget when waking up to see my mother hanging from a tree. My sisters would of surely agreed and if it wasn't for Heejins quick thinking to get us moving because of Nari's screams we would of been caught.
Another death falled upon our family, when I was fifteen years old. Nari, fell sick. Heejin suspected pneumonia. It was hard to watch my little sister slowly die when there was nothing we could do to help her. It was very unlucky and after her death, we had to bury her just like my mother and father, or what was left of him.
That left Heejin and I alone together for another year and a half before she went missing and I found her dead lifeless body by a nearby trap. Her body......well let's just say she was brutally violated as well as murdered. She was naked when I found her lets just put it that way and I may not know much about that kind of thing but Heejin taught me a few things about sex education from books our mother stole from a village bookstore to keep us educated. But with that said I know what was done to her.
Since Heejins death, I travelled around the woods until I found this waterfall. Just behind it is a little cave so I've made due here for a very long time actually. The whole two years I've spent here it's been rather peaceful actually and only have I ever seen at least five different hybrids wonder past this place in two years also. It's very secluded here so a lot of privacy.
But to be honest, I don't know how long I'm gonna last living on my own like this.
Sure I've lived like this for the last seventeen years of my life. I don't remember what it's like to have a home, a house filled with warmth and home cooked food and such. My parents did what they could to keep us alive but unfortunately due to the living life style and tragedies, it's not been the best life.
I've not seen one human since just after Nari died. I didn't trust him though, he was too full of himself and believed he was invincible and that got himself killed. Heejin was upset as it was her first crush but I didn't care much for the guy. My first crush you could say was that hybrid boy, a year older than me if I remember. I really like him, like really really liked him but since what I seen what they're capable of I don't care if I see him again. He would be much older now and most definitely dangerous.
Then again, who do I have to life for now.
I could give up. Kill myself just like my mother did and be free of this suffering world.
But as I lay on my back, floating in the water next to my cave, I think deeply about ending my life. I could allow myself to drown and no one else would know. I could finally be reunited with my family in the next life and we will all be together.
I could be the only human left in this world.
So if that's true then, why should I give the hybrids any satisfaction to having my kind extinct?
I won't allow that.
It'll be like a middle finger stuck up to them.
I hate hybrids. Why do that have to be so cruel to us humans?
I doubt when things were the way they use to be that hybrids lived like this. I mean I don't fully know and I may never know but still, this isn't right.
I blankly stare up at the blue sky above that now has grey clouds forming signalling it's going to rain. I don't care, it's not like the water can get any colder. I'm use to it by now and I already have a fire lit and waiting for me in my cave.
It's my home now.
I just wonder how long I've got left to live in it. Will I ever be caught? Will I die of illness like my sister or be killed by a hybrid?
I don't know and I don't want to know. I just live my life as much as I can because every day I'm on constant alert even if not much hybrids come through here in the two years I've been here.
Because this place is very secluded, I had no problems in swimming in this water naked. No problems at all and it's not like anyone can see me. I just wanted to chill in the water in my own nakedness for my birthday.
I made sure to get extra food for me yesterday so I wouldn't have to do it today. Obviously tomorrow I will have to get more food but today I chill and relax my body in the water.
Rain started to fall from the grey clouds above. It came in pretty heavy, like a shower from above. I like it when it rains like this. It also helps to hide from hybrids since it affects their scene of smell so it's easy to hide from them. I've tested it a few times since I remember my father telling me things about hybrids before he died.
I smiled to myself thinking about him. The two of us were very alike as my mother use to say we're 'two peas in a pod.' I miss my family, more than I could possibly imagine. Now to swim to the edge to climb out the water and to my cave do I think to myself I may never have another one in this cruel world.
Crawling into my cave I see the fire still burning. It's warm and since I have nothing to use to dry myself off, I sit close by it to dry off. Pulling my knees up to my chest I sit and watch the colours, listening to the door pour of rain outside along with the water fall above me.
After what felt like forever and finally dried I dressed in what use to be my mother's clothes. They're a bit loose on me since my diet isn't very good so I'm very much in the skinny side but it does the job to keep me dressed and warm enough.
The wrapping the blanket around my shoulders do I cuddle up against the cave wall and begin to munch on some berries I gathered yesterday. I have some rabbit but I'll cook that later, for now I was just fine with some berries.
"Happy birthday to me."
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