Chapter nineteen🐾
Once everyone had fish he'd eating I asked Kwan to take y/n to her bedroom so I could discuss this with the others. Judging by their reactions earlier they're just as worried about this as I am.
Y/n also seemed somewhat scared but she mentioned nothing about it. She didn't need to, it was written all over her face but she shouldn't worry. None of us would let anything happen to her, not again.
After several minutes after y/n was gone we gathered in the living room together and at first no one spoke. All of us scattered across the living room, in deep thoughts to all the possibilities that could happen if our moms found y/n. Truthfully it would be worse if it were our fathers but still, that doesn't change much.
"What the fuck are we going to do Namjoon? They'll sniff her out." Yoongi
He was the first to break the silence, staring back at me in hope for an answer when I'm just as concerned as he is.
"The only thing I can think of is to hide her in one of our bedrooms for the day. That way our scent would mask over hers."
"You seriously think that would work?" Jin
He gave me a sceptical look you his face, not too sure if he believes it would but what other options do we have?
"I hope it does. It just has to."
"What about the rest of the house? Her scent linger everywhere she goes." Hoseok
I sighed and sat on the comfy stool, squeezing the bridge of my nose in frustration.
"I don't know."
"I know! Deep clean the place with bleach before they come. Bleach always hides anyone's scent so I'm sure it'll work with hers." Jimin
That didn't sound like a bad idea.
"What? That's stupid. Besides I don't want my nose to be tainted with that kind of chemicals. It burns." Taehyung
He scrunched up his nose, shaking his head dissatisfied sprawled out across his face as he sat alone on the one seater couch.
"Well put up with it because we're doing that. Unless you want y/n to be mauled again?" Jin
Jin raised a brow, arms folded and daring Taehyung to say more but Taehyung shook his head and bit his lip, sinking down into his couch.
"That's what I thought." Jin
"We'll need to buy more bleach then. When are they coming?" Yoongi
I answer with a low voice, scratching the back of my neck knowing the outbursts they will have to hear this news.
"Tomorrow?!" Jungkook
"That barely gives us any time!" Hoseok
"We're screwed." Yoongi
Jimin scoffed at Yoongi and slapped him across the chest.
"Think positive, not negative or we will be screwed. Well more like y/n will be." Jimin
Jimin sadly pulled his knees to his chest at the thought and I hummed yet nodded my head agreeing to him. I swore nothing would happen to y/n ever again, even if it means to protect her from our moms.
"I'll go to the shop to buy more bleach. I think we already have like two bottles but obviously we'll need a lot more." Jin
He stood up and began to walk toward the living room door to leave, grabbing his keys from a glass bowl that held the keys for all our cars.
"I'll come with you! We can't make it obvious that we're buying too much bleach. The press will see us." Hoseok
"Good point. Taehyung, Jimin you go too. Split up and go to different places to buy as much bleach as you can get away with. Then straight back to begin cleaning."
Both Taehyung and Jimin nodded without single protest and with Hoseok followed Jin to grab their own car keys and out the door they went single file.
"It's gonna be a long night."
I sighed, brushing back some of my hair that fell across my forehead.
"Jungkooks lucky, he has his speed to help him clean this house top to bottom." Yoongi
Jungkook let out a giggle, throwing back his head as he done so.
"You bet I am. I'll use it to my advantage obviously, so I can snuggle with y/n again tonight." Jungkook
Both Yoongi and I flashed Jungkook a jealous look. I was jealous because I haven't even come close to doing such a thing with her yet, but I know she looks to me for some sort of protection so I'll take that.
"Fuck off dick." Yoongi
Yoongi flipped him off but Jungkook just laughed harder, throwing a pillow at Yoongi just for Yoongi to lowly growl back in a non threatening manner.
"So who's bedroom shall we keep y/n in for the day?"
I asked the both of them.
"Oh mine. I think she should be in mine." Jungkook
He raised a excited hand above his head, jumping on his spot on the couch. Yoongi rolled his eyes at the younger and I just chuckled.
"Of course you would offer." Yoongi
"Well she's been in my room before so she would be more comfortable there." Jungkook
He scowled at the leopard who also glared back. Obviously they're just jealous of each other and I am too but I'm better at hiding it.
"That's not a bad idea actually. It'll be a nerve wrecking day for her so yes, we should ask her about your room."
Jungkook nods in triumph, crossing his arms over his chest while Yoongi lowly snarls at the boy, his tail slowly waving back and forth behind him.
"Yoongi stop. We both know it's true."
He did stop growls but he shrugged his shoulders and continued to glare at Jungkook but he didn't seem to care that he hand burning holes to the side of his head.
"Great I'll tell her tonight!" Jungkook
"Fine but while the others are away I think we should take the two bottles of bleach that we have and start cleaning while the others are out."
Jungkook didn't argue and ran off to the kitchen using his cheetah speed. Yoongi groaned and stood up at the same time I did from my stool.
"It looks like you and I are sharing a bottle."
I commented but he just grumbled and headed towards the kcitjen just as Jungkook ran back out with a bottle of bleach, mask on his face and gloves with cloths in his hands. Fully prepared he seemed to be.
Yoongi and I entered the kitchen and I walked over to the sink to take out the bleach, masks, gloves and cloths like Jungkook had and placed them all on the counter just to shut the cupboard. Yoongi came over, pulling in the gloves, scrunching up his nose as he put in the mask over his face.
I too did the same, picking up the bottle and squeezed some bleach into a cloth to begin deep cleaning the kitchen.
It is going to be a long night but if this means that our moms won't sniff her out then so be it. Y/n's safety will be worth it.
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