Chapter nine🐾
I panicked to myself when I heard Namjoons voice calling my name.
I was currently in the bath for the first time in my life. Kwan made it for me and left me to have some time alone in the bath to relax while he went to get some bedsheets to change my bed. Then to come back a while later. I don't even know how long I've been in here.
Then to make matters worse. My bathroom door was left open. Crap.
"Y/n?!" Namjoon
His voice was more panicked and I heard his fast steps rush to my way and I cursed again. I know Jin seen me naked but he didn't actually look at me just my face.
Then seconds later Namjoon appeared at the bathroom doorway and froze with widen eyes while I use the bubbles to try and cover myself. It was awkward because we just stared at each other in silence until jins voice was now heard calling out my name and Namjoons.
"Y/n? Namjoon? Where the hell are you guys?" Jin
Namjoon shook his head coming out of his trance and turned his back to me.
"I'm sorry." Namjoon
I heard him loud and clear and I blushed heavily but nodded even if he wasn't looking my way. Jin appeared in front of Namjoon with hands on his hips not amused in anyway.
"what are you doing standing there?" Jin
Namjoon didn't say anything again and Jin glanced over Namjoons shoulder to me just to see I'm in the bath. His eyes too widen and he quickly pulls Namjoon out the bathroom by his shirt and closes the bathroom with a quick apology.
I exhaled in relief and relaxed in the bath more while I hear them whispering to each other.
"Why the hell did you just walk in like that?! You should knock!" Jin
"I did knock!" Namjoon
"Then what made you go to the bathroom while she's in the bath?! Give the girl some privacy!" Jin
"I didn't mean too! I was worried when she didn't answer and the bathroom door was already open!" Namjoon
"Urgh, whatever. Here help me put these clothes away for her." Jin
I have more clothes?
Just that thought alone made me feel happy because right now I know I'm wearing some guys clothes but who's, I don't know. They're comfy anyway.
Now that I know Jin and Namjoon are here maybe I should get out the bath now and change. I'm just glad I took my clothes into the bathroom with me. Getting out was no problem and I dried myself before changing into a pair of small grey sweatpants is what Kwan told me they were called and a big black T-shirt. I didn't have any underwear to wear but I assume Jin would have some for me now that he's been clothe shopping for me. He told me he would last night but when it comes to the bra size he would have to guess but take me out when I feel more confident to do so which is not anytime soon.
Brushing my hair now clean and dressed I heard Kwan's voice suddenly appear on the other side of the door.
"Namjoon? Jin? What are you two doing here?" Kwan
"What are you doing in here?" Namjoon
I sensed an annoyed yet dark tone in his voice that made me step back and eyes on the door. What's wrong with him suddenly?
"Namjoon stop it. It's just Kwan. Sorry dude." Jin
"No it's fine. I should expect that since I entered your mates room without permission." Kwan
What's a mate?
Setting the brush down next to the sink now done with my hair I walked over to the door but pressed my head against the door.
"You had my permission to come in and out as long as you had y/ns permission. She did know you would be coming right?" Jin
"Oh of course! I just got these bed sheets to change her bed for her." Kwan
"And what? We're you going to change the bed while she had a bath with her bathroom door wide open?!" Namjoon
"WHAT?! No!" Kwan
Then the next second I did something without fully thinking and opened the bathroom door just so all three hybrids could turn their heads quickly my way.
Kwan was stood by the end of my bed with a pile of stuff in his hands which I can assume is what he was getting while Namjoon and Jin stood side by side over by the open doors that led to my walk in closet that I still haven't really gone into yet.
"What's going on?"
I asked them out of nowhere and I walked over to Kwan just to sit on the bed bedside where he stood. All eyes were quietly on me and I looked up at each one of them staring at me.
"I was just telling Jin and Namjoon I was about to change your bed but I can do that just before dinner." Kwan
I nodded up at him with a smile as he sets the stuff in his hands down on the bed beside me.
"Y/n I got you some clothes for now. I tried my best to guess your size with everything. We put them away in the drawers and hung us some things too." Jin
He smiled sweetly at me and I couldn't help but to return the smile. Even I found myself blush too for some reason and I looked away when I noticed how Namjoon was staring at me intensely especially after what happened in the bathroom. But it shouldn't be that big of a deal, Jin saw me completely naked but I did blush heavily afterwards after getting dressed.
"Thank you."
I mumbled to him, just to bring my fingers to my wet hair and run them through as if I was brushing my hair again.
But then.
"Hey what's a mate?"
I looked up at Kwan first when I heard him choke suddenly and he patted his chest and gulping hard. Jin let out a nervous chuckle and that led to me looking over to him again but he was looking at Namjoon as if he wanted him to answer the question.
"Ah, well you see.....mates are.....em.....well....shit, Namjoon? Can you explain it?" Jin
Jin lightly pushed Namjoon on the shoulder making him stumble a little closer to me. Namjoon glanced at him over his shoulder and stuffing his hands into his trouser pocket.
"Y/n mates are something that hybrids have like...em, I don't know how to put it." Namjoon
He tapped his chin looking up at the ceiling but Kwan spoke for him.
"A husband, wife situation." Kwan
My eyes widen and I glanced up at Kwan but Namjoon snapping his fingers caught my attention again.
"Exactly. That's it but more to it. Humans don't have mates they simply fall in love and get married and so on right?" Namjoon
He asked me and I nodded thinking of my parents.
"Well for a hybrid to have a mate it's like an instant affection and attraction to that other person. Both would normally feel an instant connection to protect and most definitely love that person until they die. Each hybrid gets one and only one all their lives." Namjoon
Why does that seem so complicated to me?
"How? How is that possible?"
Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and Jin moved to stand back next to Namjoon again.
"No one knows y/n. It's just always been there. Just the scent alone can be a huge tell to who your mate is. Their scent would be nothing like any other and stand out among others." Jin
I nodded and looked down at my lap to fiddle with my fingers. Another question brewing in my mind that I ended up asking anyway.
"Have any of you found your mate then?"
I shyly asked everyone in the room and I glanced at Kwan who shook his head at me with a light smile and then I looked at both Jin and Namjoon who also shook their heads while Jin made the first move to come to stand in front of me but kneel down to my level too.
"Yes but let's not think about that right now, okay?" Jin
A rush of sadness came upon me and I didn't know why. It confused me but I nodded and forced a smile towards Jin just to look back up at Kwan again who was staring at him with an unreadable expression. However when I looked at Namjoon he was staring at me with a raised brow, his eyes roaming around me face until a smirk started to form on his lips.
Why is he looking at me like that?
I hope my sadness wasn't noticeable?
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