Chapter four🐾
As soon as I closed the bedroom door behind me I could hear her cries. I don't know if she knows that I would hear her, but I sure can and it pains me even more to hear her. Just seeing the condition she is in after living what seems like almost all her life like the way she has, just breaks me in more ways than one.
I want to help her, I want give her a life she should have. I'm not against humans, I never have been but I guess some have their own opinions on that like some in this house. Some of us want to help her but some of us are also against it too. But after spending more time with her in that room, taking in her scent that's so sweet, I know it wont be long until they also start to soften with her. I just know it as I already know who she is to me and to one other in particular in this house that is dying to see her.
I needed to speak to the guys, I promised them I would and they were currently in the living room. I also need to tell Jin of her ankle. He's better with that stuff than I am.
Coming down the left side stair case I felt all eyes on me with anticipation and curiosity to tell them of what I know from her and what she is like.
"So? How is she?" Jimin
He was the first to ask me, standing up from the couch sitting next to Jungkook.
"She's okay, scared and confused but she's okay."
I pressed a smile but I locked eyes with Jin who was standing in front of the fire place.
"Jin, could you actually go look at her ankle. She fell over and sprained it I think."
He weakly smiled back at me with a nod, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Sure, I can do that. But first I'll go to the kitchen to make her something to eat. Just try and speak up so I can hear you. I want to know everything." Jin
I nodded but also thankful that he wants to make her something to eat as I planned to do that anyway. When I looked at Taehyung he was glaring to the back of Jins head as he was leaving to room. I just faked a cough to gain his attention and stepped closer towards everyone that was seated, even Jimin sat back down but continued to stare at me.
"What did you find out about her?" Hoseok
Out of all of us Hoseok doesn't know whether to be help or not. He's very undecided about the situation so I guess he wants to know as much as possible about her before figuring out for himself if he agrees with having Y/n here.
"Her name is Y/n and she's only nineteen. Her birthday was yesterday and she's been living in the cave for the last two years."
"I'm not surprised. It looked like she had been there a while." Yoongi
I sensed a little light scoff from him with a roll of his eyes as he lounged back in his chair beside the fire place. Yoongi may be another not too keen about having her here with us, but I can see the sympathy on him when we talk about her or even when he looks at her from what I saw when Jimin carried her inside. It's Taehyung I worry to be any where near her.
"What about any family? Or maybe any friends?" Jimin
I sighed and shook my head to take a seat on a leather foot stool.
"As far as I know, she's alone but that's not surprising when all of us here know she is the last human. I didn't dare to ask her about that. She's been living in the woods since she was two years old. It's all she's every known and she's desperate to get back."
Jungkook looks up at me for the first time since I started to speak. He keeps looking down to his lap, fiddling with his tail between his fingers and biting on his own bottom lip.
"She wants to go back to the cave? But why?" Jungkook
"I think it's because she's felt the most safest there. I can only imagine what happened to her out there and what she must of seen or gone through."
Jungkook looks close to bursting into tears but Jimin pulled him close for a side hug, his arm around his shoulder to comfort him.
"So that's a no, to having any others with her? She really is the last?" Yoongi
I nodded, clasping my hands together and elbows on the knees.
"Yes she's the last. I mean come on, it was declared last year that humans were extinct. Now we have one upstairs. She has to be the last of her kind."
"Good. Now it's just her that needs to die." Taehyung
I glared at him just to growl at him. Jungkook also to growl with me and even Jimin snuck in a low growl towards Taehyung. Taehyung only growled back and now the four of us were snarling at each other while Yoongi and Hoseok just sat there watching us, not knowing what to do. One thing with growing up together like brothers is that we never have growled at each other before, we've had our arguments but not like this. But I cant help it, I don't like to think of her dead, I just cant. Even back when she spoke about it upstairs, I didn't like to hear her talk like that.
"Okay you lot just stop it."
Jin now came back, walking through into the living room through the double doors with a tray of food and bottles of water on the tray also. We all stopped and turned to Jin who wasn't in the least bit happy about our behaviour.
"Now is not the time to be arguing about this and growling is not going to help the situation. Now I'm going to go upstairs and help that poor girl in whatever she needs help with so you boys better come up with a plan on how we're going to help her and hide her from our parents. Just no killing each other!" Jin
I followed him with my eyes, watching him walk up the staircase shouting back to us but after he rounded the corner Taehyung scoff gained my attention back again.
"I don't give a fuck if our parents find her, they'll just get rid of her for us." Taehyung
"Taehyung." Jungkook
Jungkook growled again at him. The two locked eyes, tails swaying dangerously slow behind them. Their going to fight, I can sense it.
"Taehyung look, we're keeping her, it's plain and simple. You're the only one that really shows that must hatred towards her and I understand why you would hate humans, but she is not them. Y/n is not the humans that conducted tortuous tests on you and your parents just because of you breed. She is not the one that killed your mother Tae."
Taehyungs dark eyes bore into my soul but I held my own, staring back at him with my own. If he were to attack me I was ready for one. He bared his teeth at me, snarling lowly before he quickly got up and stomped out the room through the doors that lead to the back garden swimming pool. That's right go for a swim, that usually helps him cool off but the thing is, if he really wanted her dead, he would of killed her by now and our parents would of arrived here by now if he really wanted them to know.
"I'll go keep an eye on him." Hoseok
I nodded and watched Hoseok stand up and run after Taehyung to leave outside through the doors. I groaned and threw my head back, my fingers pulling at me hair.
"What are we going to do with our parents? If they find out Y/n is here, they'll kill her." Yoongi
"I don't know. I guess just tell them that she's ours, a servant or something. I don't want her to work as one but it's the best we've got and if she so happens to go out and about with us we'll put a collar on her like our kind use to get when humans were the dominate ones."
I shrugged to myself, completely unsure of myself but I will think of something eventually.
"A collar? Really Joon?" Jungkook
I sadly nod and looked down to my shoes.
"Yeah it's the best I can think of right now. No one will touch her if they find out she belongs to us so we'll need to get a tag with at least one of our names in it."
"Mine! I want my name on her tag." Jimin
He looked quite happy about that thought but that didn't mean it was a nice thought. I don't want to treat her like an animal but we may have to pretend around our kind and if I have to defend her when it comes to my parents then I will. I wont let them touch her, she's mine.
"That sorts that then."
"I'll have you know when our parents find out about her, I wont stop them from trying to have her. I'm warning you now." Yoongi
I rolled my eyes at him with a sigh just to give him a disappointed look.
"Whatever Yoongi. They wont touch her, I know how to talk my way out of things."
And that I do. I will defend her the best I can.
She's just an innocent human, why should she have to suffer for the actions of others of the same kind as she is. It's not fair. Our kind got a second chance in life and look at us. Our parents were the ones that stood up and created the rebellion to start the new day of age so we have a lot of power to how things work around here.
I'm not scared of other hyrbids knowing about her, I just worry a little about our parents but like I said. I will do anything to defend her and I mean anything.
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