Chapter forty-nine🐾
Standing outside his apartment door I started to rethink if this was a good idea or not.
My fist raised up to the door just ready to knock at any second but I don't know if I should. The last time we spoke it wasn't on very good terms and now I know the truth I felt guilty for not allowing to at least explain his reasons. I should of known, we all should of known straight away but in my defence he also didn't come out and say why.
I was torn in doing this.
In fact I was ready to give up and leave but the door suddenly opened to reveal an angry looking Jungkook but he softened as soon as he saw me standing there, fist raised and ready to knock. He caught me.
"Hyung?" Jungkook
He cocked his head to the side half shocked and confused to see me standing at his door but then I saw the smudged lipstick on his the corner of his lips, messed up hair and buttons undone half way down his shirt revealing the top half of his abs.
I asked him in a disgusted tone.
His eyes only widen and he looked down at himself just to spring his head back up shaking is head rapidly.
"It's not what it looks like I swear." Jungkook
Suddenly he tugged someone forward from behind the door and pushed her towards me but I just immediately stepped back away from her, not wanting any contact from her in any way.
"Ouch Kookie that hurt."
She whined and I rolled my eyes at her, watching her rub her arm and yet scowl towards Jungkook who growled at her, anger in his eyes and pushed her back by her shoulder when she tried to get back inside.
"I told you to fuck off. I don't want you!" Jungkook
"Come on Jungkook, I know you want me. You've kissed me enough." Moon
She tried again to get by him but this time I just grabbed her elbow and pulled her back just to stand in the way between them, crossing my arms over my chest.
"It was for show you moron!! I already have a mate and you're not her!" Jungkook
She pouted at him at first over my shoulder but then set her eyes on me and hats when her creepy grin slowly started to show through again.
"Say Taehyung, you're looking as handsome as ever. How about we get a drink?" Moon
Her hands slowly ran up my chest towards my collar but I just scoffed and yanked her hands off my, pushing her back with such force it made her stumble over her own feet.
"I'm taken and you know that. You aint touching this piece of ass, now goodbye."
I slammed the door in her stunned face after stepping inside Jungkook's apartment. Hearing her scream out her frustration like a spoilt brat was very satisfying so I laughed and dusted off my hands to my success and turned around to face Jungkook as he chuckled but headed towards the living room. I just followed him but didn't sit down on the couch as he did.
"So what's up with the lipstick and messy hair? Are you trying something new?"
He shook his head, smiling a little as he positioned himself for one leg over the other and stretch out his arms on the back of his couch.
"No nothing new. I was napping and she snuck into my apartment and woke me up kissing me. Not the greatest way to wake up when it's not the person you'd rather have do that." Jungkook
That sad look came upon his face, his smile that was once there long gone.
"How did she get in?"
"My dad gave her a key to this place and its been a nightmare ever since. The girl just doesn't know the meaning of no." Jungkook
He sighed, now to sit up but lean forward, his elbows resting on his knees shaking his head. I didn't say anything back to him and remained silent having a quick look around the place, arms crossed over my chest. It seems like a nice place but it's location is what bothers me the most. It's smack down in the middle of the city, the perfect place for anyone to capture pictures of you if you so much as walk outside.
"What are you doing here Taehyung?" Jungkook
His question brought me back to his form on the couch, staring up at me in all serious expression.
"I came here to talk to you."
"The last time we spoke it didn't go down so well. Is there something wrong? Is Y/n okay?!" Jungkook
Suddenly springing up to his feet on alert and frightened but I just laughed at him.
"She's fine Jungkook don't worry about it. She's spending the day with Yoongi since she's been a little tired today."
He relaxed and nodded, slowly sitting back down again.
"So what do you want to talk to me about then?" Jungkook
"That we all know your dad put you up to this whole Moon stunt."
His whole body froze, arms tensed and his spotted tail straightened behind him..
"H-How do you know that?" Jungkook
I shrugged my shoulder and walked around his coffee table and came to sit beside him. The whole time his eyes never leaving my form.
"My dad came to speak to me about the same thing. Telling me things like it would be for the best if we had Moon be our mate and that we cant be seen associating with a human who must be terminated and such things like that. You're dad told you the same thing right?"
Patting his back when I asked him the question he nodded staring down to the floor not showing anything of how he was feeling in this time right now.
"He told me if I didn't, Y/n would suffer a life that was way worse than the one she had before. I couldn't do that to her so I agreed to it. I had to keep my promise hyung, I had to." Jungkook
His teary eyes meeting mine but seeing those tears suddenly appear out of nowhere almost shocked me and better yet I had no idea what he was talking about. What promise?
"Promise? What promise? To who? Y/n?"
He shook his head, at first to bit his lip as he tried to wipe his eyes with the back of his hand letting out own sniffles. Seeing him like this melted me on the inside and I pulled him closer to me, my arm around his back so he could rest his head on my shoulder.
"Back when I was eight I made a promise to her dad. He somehow knew what she would be to me one day and knew that I would meet her again and asked me to promise him to keep his daughter safe and do what ever it took to give her a happy life." Jungkook
Okay I wasn't expecting that. I mean I knew Jungkook and Y/n met when they were kids in the woods but I didn't know Jungkook met her dad too. I even bet Y/n doesn't even know that.
"And that's what your doing is it? Anything to keep her safe even if it means you have to fake a relationship with someone you can't stand?"
He nodded in my shoulder, wiping away more tears that streamed down his face and onto my shirt. Now I just felt like shit for the way I've treated him, the guys will too when I tell them.
"I have to do anything to keep her safe. She has all of you so I know she'll be happy." Jungkook
"But she's not completely happy with out you Jungkook. You know that as well as I do."
And I know he does. He's not that stupid and I can tell by the way they look at each other at work when they steal those small glances at one another. Everyone notices but never says anything about it.
"I do but I can't. You may be strong enough to say no to your dad Tae, but I have a promise to up keep. I never break my promises." Jungkook
That he doesn't do. It's one of his best qualities but in this case it sucks.
"But don't tell Y/n this. If she knows she'll come to me and Moon will find out and if Moon finds out my dad will and so will yours. It's too dangerous Taehyung, they'll do horrible things to her." Jungkook
I nodded, placing my cheek on the top of his head keeping him close to my body to comfort him as the longer he talks be begins to cry harder.
"I wont tell her then but right now you need a friend so just cry on me and I'll not go anywhere."
He nodded into my shoulder and just let it go. It seems weeks of all his stress and loneliness has finally got to him and is finally able to let go of his pain and let it out on my shoulder. But that's okay, I'll be right here for him and I know the others will too.
At the end of the day he's still my brother and he's never alone.
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