Chapter fifty-one🐾
Stood at the bottom of the stairs I checked my watch to see the time and I could only frown confusingly and worried too. Usually by now Y/n would be awake and down stairs by now and she's not. Everyone is waiting for her in the kitchen so they could go to work but something feels off. They know it and I do too.
So in seeing the time I walked up the stairs and immediately made my way towards Y/n's bedroom, knocking on the door to wait for an response but grew even more worried when I didn't get one. Pushing the door open that was when I heard a sound I've heard many time before in my life. The sound of someone throwing up their guts accompanied with little groans and coughing coming from the bathroom.
I rushed through the door, closing it behind me so this didn't alarm anyone else in the house and ran to the bathroom just to find Y/n sitting on the floor hunched over the toilet, her arm placing on the toilet seat and the side of her head resting on it. Her head was facing away from me so she didn't see me coming until I spoke her name.
"Y/n? Are you okay?"
I quickly made my way to her side, crouching down to her level when she slowly turned her head to me, tired eyes and pale complexion, she looked horrible.
"I don't feel well." Y/n
She sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. I reached out and put the back of my hand to her forehead to check her temperature but she felt fine.
"How long have you been throwing up for? Just this morning right?"
She shook her head at me, sitting up right to lean her back against the sink beside her.
"No I was like this yesterday. I just didn't want to worry anyone. I think I've become allergic to water." Y/n
I tried to keep a laugh from escaping me and closed the toilet lid for her.
"I don't think you can be allergic to water Y/n."
"But that's what I've been drinking every night before going to bed and now I keep throwing up. Why else would I be sick every morning?" Y/n
I hummed at myself thinking about reasons she could be sick like this. It took me a few moments before something clicked in my mind. Snapping my fingers when I thought of it and that caused Y/n to land her full attention on me.
"You need to get dressed Y/n. We need to visit the pharmacy."
I stood up, holding out my hand for her to take and pull her up to her feet.
"The pharmacy? Isn't that where people buy their medicines and stuff?" Y/n
I nodded, still holding her hand to walk her back towards her bedroom and to her wardrobe to help her pick out some clothes.
"Yes that's where we're going. There's something we need to get for you and check something."
"And what would that be?" Y/n
I threw open her wardrobe and just grabbed what was closest to me but made sure it was suitable for her to wear out in public and then shoved the clothes to her chest which made her gasp and stumble back slightly.
"Kwan what's with the urgency about going to the pharmacy?" Y/n
I sighed, brushing my hair back from my face. Do I really have to be the one to explain this to her?
"Look Y/n we need to buy something called a pregnancy test. Then we take it back home, you pee on it and it will tell us if you're having a baby."
Y/n snorted and laughed at me like I was crazy, throwing her clothes on her bed and putting her hands to her hips turning back around to face me again.
"Kwan I'm not having a baby. I'm just sick." Y/n
Clicking my tongue I strode towards her just to stop dead in front of her.
"Tell me then, do certain smells bother you sometimes? Like make you feel sick to the point you might just do that?"
"Sometimes." Y/n
I nodded, making note of that.
"What about your breasts? Do they feel sore sometimes?"
I pointed to her chest but I kept my eyes up. Her eyes widen and she gasped, using her hands to cover them up.
"Kwan that's a little inappropriate don't you think?" Y/n
"They are aren't they? You're avoiding the question."
She nodded at me and sat on the edge of her bed.
"They do but it's not constant." Y/n
"What about your period? I've noticed I didn't have to stock up on any sanitary pads this month."
She shrugged at me, lowering her gaze to her feet.
"It happens sometimes when I'm stressed so I don't think it's anything to worry about." Y/n
A distant memory popped up in my mind when Y/n told me her periods sometimes would be late when she lived in the woods because of how stressed and scared she would be so I guess I can see why she wouldn't think much of it.
"Okay then how about this? When you and the guys had sex did any of them use protection?"
Y/n only frowned up at me, clearly she was confused about what I was talking about and to my disbelief I really couldn't imagine any of the boys not using any protection when having sex. I personally made sure they're stocked up on condoms.
"Protection? Protection against what?" Y/n
Oh lord.
They didn't use it did they?
"It's something we as men put over our....dicks I guess to stop pregnancies. I suppose none of them covered up when you know."
God this is so awkward but to Y/n she just widen her eyes and her mouth formed a large O as if she realised what I was talking about. But then she gasped, taking one large step towards me and grabbed both my arms in her small hands.
"Kwan you don't think I really could be pregnant right?" Y/n
"Well did they use anything?"
She shook her head and it was obvious she was panicking inside, even her breathing picked up and her eyes got a little teary which made me feel bad about this situation.
"Look Y/n let's just get test done and then we'll know, don't panic okay?"
Nodding at my words she let me go and I began to walk towards the bedroom door to leave.
"Just get dressed and meet me downstairs. I'll get the car ready and we'll go together okay?"
"Yeah but Kwan don't tell anyone what we're doing. Just between us please?" Y/n
"Of course I'll keep my mouth shut."
With that said I left the room, closing the door to allow her to get changed and made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen to grab my car keys that I keep in the drawer next to the sink away from everyone else's car keys so they don't get mixed up.
However six others were still waiting in the kitchen for Y/n and all eyes were on me when I entered and to see that many predatory hybrids staring me down like this made me feel uneasy but I pushed it away and reminded myself these guys are like my family. I know they wouldn't do me harm it's just my instincts that made me feel that way sometimes.
"So is Y/n coming down?" Namjoon
"Actually is she okay?" Yoongi
The two shared a nod towards each other and I walked around the island towards the drawer for my keys.
"She's okay but Y/n and I need to go somewhere before work so I'll drop her off at the office.....maybe."
I mumbled the last word quietly but I noticed the way Taehyung squinted his eyes at me since he was the closest but he said nothing but cross his arms over his chest.
"Where are you both going?" Jin
"Erm.....well you see we're goi-"
"We're going to the supermarket quickly so I can pick up some more melons that I can cut up and snack later. There isn't any left." Y/n
I sighed with relief when she entered the room and all the eyes were no longer on me but to her but she received much more softer gazes than myself. Pulling out the drawer I quickly pulled out my keys and pushed it back and looked up again to see Jimin rush towards her and bring her into his arms for a hug. I carefully watched as she hugged him back but I noticed the way Jimin suddenly stiffened and buried his nose into the crook of her neck as if sniffing her.
I cringed mentally, knowing what he's doing but said nothing.
"Okay then I guess we'll see you at lunch then?" Hoseok
Y/n nodded at him, forcing a smile his way when Jimin finally let her go but to stare down at the ground expressing a deep frown. He knows something is up, he's not stupid. But when his dark eyes flickered to me from across the room while everyone else was distracted in saying their goodbyes to Y/n until later, I flinched and tried to stay brave enough to hold it.
One by one they all left the house to their cars and off to work all but Jimin. He stayed in silence and kept staring at me with a look that was telling to explain all the while Y/n standing there not knowing what to say or do.
"Where are you two really going?" Jimin
I was stuck for words since Y/n told me not to tell but when she grabbed his hand for his attention I was relief that he took his hard gaze from me to her but softening immediately.
"Jimin we're going to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test." Y/n
"Is this for one of your sisters again Kwan?" Jimin
I shook my head at him when he briefly glanced my way but then he frowned again and leaned towards Y/n once again just to sniff back at her neck.
"It's for me Jimin." Y/n
He nodded, stepping back from her but not too far from her and kept their hands locked with one another.
"I thought so. Well I'm coming with you then and we'll find out together." Jimin
With that said he already began to drag y/n towards the door and I just followed, putting my keys into my pockets. I already know the answer and I'm sure Jimin does too but it's best to find out this way and she won't be alone when she does it.
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