Chapter fifty-four🐾
It's been a couple hours since Yoongi and I came home and after that emotional conversation with Jungkook it was good to be home. Snuggled up on the couch with Taehyung under some blankets as he refuses to let me move and clings to my very body resting his chin to the top of my head as my face was pressed against his chest. Yoongi though sat on the floor in front of me, staying close on guard like he always is, carefully watching everyone's movements around me. It's sweet but I don't understand exactly how he can be like this with me for the next upcoming months.
I was quiet, surrounded by my own thoughts but instead of watching the movie that Hoseok put on in the living room, I cant help but to gaze towards everyone else here.
Both Namjoon and Jin sitting beside each other on the couch opposite us, eyes glued towards the tv but Namjoon's tail every now and then flicking side to side behind him. Hoseok and Jimin decided to sit on the floor too next to the coffee table, Hoseok stuffing his face with popcorn and Jimin just leaning back against the single seat couch Kwan was on, staring blankly at the screen but I could tell he wasn't paying attention. Something else was on his mind. His eyes were dark yet fuelled by something brewing within himself.
Curiously I watched him instead of the movie, seeing his pointy ears on the top of his head twitch every now and then, cross his arms over his chest and clench his jaw. I wondered what he was thinking about and I thought about calling out his name for his attention but went against that since it was gain the attention of others too.
But after several seconds passed by I didn't need to call his name since he suddenly whipped his eyes to my direction, catching my curious gaze on him. I forced a thin smile towards him and he sent a weak one back that didn't meet his eyes. I bet it's because he misses Jungkook being here with us?
Actually I know that's the case.
Jimin and I picked up some kind of hidden conversation, using our eyes. I nodded towards him, asking if he was okay and he shrugged at me, twisting his lips. In return I threw a sad look his way, resisting the urge to sigh at him so Taehyung wouldn't notice or Yoongi to turn back to check if I was okay. Mouthing Jungkook's name to him he nods slowly, copying my sad expression.
There was more I wanted to express to him but Hoseok turned his head towards Jimin, catching Jimin mid mouthing something to me and then turned my way, furrowing his brows my way and placing his bowl of popcorn on the table.
"Are you two okay?" Hoseok
Looking back and forth between us. Jimin shrugged, turning his head to the side to look away. Before I could even respond to that Taehyung if possible, lightly squeezed me in his arms, closer to his chest and Yoongi was on his knees, twirled around to face me.
"Is something wrong? Are you okay? Do you need to cry again?" Yoongi
"Again? When was she crying?" Namjoon
Yoongi scrunched up his nose, squeezing his head shut now that information has come into light. I told him not to tell any of them I was crying before coming home, now that truth is out the bag and I know I'll have to admit it because Namjoon is already sitting on the edge of his seat, dark eyes demanding an answer staring back at me.
"You cried?" Taehyung
He whispered down to me but I nodded, moving my arms around Taehyung's torso to try and press more of my face into his chest to hide from Namjoon's stare.
"Y/n are you even going to tell us what happened with Jungkook?" Jin
Now he too sat on the edge of his seat and both Jimin and Hoseok up on their knees and Kwan just calmly sitting on his chair, sipping on a small bottle of beer since it's his night off any duties of they were to arise.
"Please Y/n." Jimin
I sighed, rubbing my nose against Taehyungs white shirt, not daring to look any one in the eye right now.
"Fine but no matter what I said to him he wouldn't budge. Something about a promise he doesn't want to break."
"What promise?" Kwan
Now interested he sat up in his chair, resting his bottle on his lap.
"I don't kn-"
"I know what he's talking about." Taehyung
I looked up at him after shuffling back a little bit. Gazing up at him curiously his lips formed a thin line when he glanced towards me and then back to everyone else in the room that was equally as curious and clueless as I was.
"Then what is it?" Namjoon
"A promise Jungkook made to Y/n's dad." Taehyung
My eyes shot widen open, gasping and leaning so far back from Taehyung my back was pressed against the arm of the couch.
"My dad? Jungkook met my dad?"
Taehyung only nods at me, saying nothing more about it.
"When did he meet my dad? When I first met him I was alone, so how is that possible?"
"You weren't alone. Jungkook told me after you left, your dad appeared from a bush or something and asked him to look after you no matter what it took." Taehyung
I was stunned, trying to process this in my mind. I had no clue.
"Jungkook took his promise too seriously though. To leave and do this is just beyond anything." Yoongi
"Shut it Yoongi, you would do the same thing for Y/n." Jin
"Yeah but I wouldn't keep it a secret. I bet her father didn't make him promise that." Yoongi
Jin shrugged at Yoongi but returned his attention back to Taehyung but Taehyung shrugged towards Jin, not knowing the answer to that.
"We all know what Jungkook is like with his promises." Namjoon
"But he needs to come home Joon. It's not the same and if Y/n cant convince him to come home, knowing she is pregnant then what else can?" Jimin
I don't know what could but inside I just want him to come home. I don't care if he has a promise with my dad, he needs to come home. I miss him even if I saw him only hours ago, it's not the same with him gone.
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