Chapter Fifty-five🐾
"These are the plans to the new upcoming project in Busan and inside I also kept the documents with notes from the last meeting." Soobin
I kindly took the documents from him, passing him a nod with smile on my face when he opened the doors that lead to the meeting room.
"Thank you Soobin. Hopefully this wont last too long and we can go to lunch together."
Soobin nodded and stepped aside allowing me to enter the room as he stood just outside of the doors, still holding it wide open.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you later Y/n." Soobin
We both waved at each other and Soobin turned and left allowing the door to finally close. I turned around and walked around the table coming to sit down after Hoseok who was already there pulled out my chair for me which he didn't need to but it was nice of him before he sat down in the chair beside me.
In fact all my mates are here beside Jungkook even if he's suppose to be present in this meeting which is important since it's to discuss upcoming projects in the country for civilians as well as other matters that need to be discussed and dealt with.
"Aren't you suppose to be coming to lunch with me today?" Yoongi
He whispered in my ear from the other chair next to me which I giggled as I took out my notes and stacked them neatly on top of each other ready for talking business.
"You can come with us."
"You know I would anyway." Yoongi
Another giggle left me and I turned to look around the table to everyone else watching us. I just waved at everyone and blew a kiss towards Jin since he blew me one from across the table. But Namjoon's heavy sigh at the top of the table caught my attention when he also began to impatiently tap the end of his pen on the table.
"Joon lets just start, god knows how long he's going to be." Jimin
Namjoon let out a groan, wiping his hand over his face and then nodded.
"Fine, Jimin you said there's something you want to bring up first before we get to the project side of this meeting." Namjoon
Jimin only nods, flipping a page over in front of him and glances down for just a moment.
"Yeah so about Daegu, I wanted to sa-" Jimin
He was cut off when the double glass doors burst open abruptly resulting in Jin and Taehyung turning around to the door over their shoulders to see Jungkook stumble into the room, holding a couple of files of his own to his chest. I could almost smile to see him for the first time since I was in his apartment, it was good to see him but my smile didn't did come because he didn't come alone. Moon scurried in after him.
Taehyung growled at her and yet turned his back, crossing his arms over his chest. Even Jimin let out a groan mixed with a growl and looked away. Seeing Moon in here with us, made Hoseok scoot closer to me by pulling his chair up close and Yoongi to take my hand on the table.
"What is she doing here? This is private business matters only." Jin
Jungkook said nothing at first and pulled out a seat next to Taehyung, dropping his files to the table.
"I had no choice." Jungkook
I heard him mutter and sit down but much to Jimin's dismay that meant he had to sit beside Moon when she took the spare chair between Jungkook and him. He even so much as scooted his chair away from her, glaring which she returned for noticing but Jimin didn't seem to care.
"I'm here to take notes." Moon
Jin scoffed, leaning over the table to look over to her.
"Take notes? The only notes you should be taking love is beauty notes. You're in the wrong department." Jin
I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing but Jimin giggled out loud and even Taehyung chuckled which made Jungkook even grow a discreet smile, turning his upper body away from her so she wouldn't see but to my luck she instantly look at me from across the table, dark eyes filled with hatred boring into my soul but I held it and stared back innocently.
But Yoongi's growl towards her made her flinch and instantly look away which made Jungkook jolt up right in his chair and turn to Moon, whispering in her ear. I could only hear a couple words here and there and my name several times from her that came out as vicious and that only seemed to make Jungkook ball up his fist on the table and clench his jaw.
The room was quiet and just their constant whispering and bickering was heard. Whatever Jungkook was telling her didn't seem to go down well with her until Jungkook slammed his fist on the table, making it shake hard,
"THEN LEAVE!" Jungkook
He shouted, glaring at her. Moon gasped, in some sort of disbelief and stood up shaking her head and rushed out the door but that last scowl tossed my way didn't go unnoticed. As soon as those doors closed after her the air in the room cleared out and Jungkook exhaled heavily, brushed his fingers through his hair and gathered his notes again.
"I'm sorry about that. I told her not to come but she wouldn't listen. Did I miss anything before I got here?" Jungkook
His wide innocent eyes looked at everyone around the room who was still very quiet and yet I found myself shaking my head at him.
"No, actually Jimin was about to tell us something about Daegu I believe?" Namjoon
He gestured towards Jimin at the opposite end of the table. Everyone now turned towards Jimin who was grinning and now in more better mood now that Moon was gone.
"Ah yes. Just wanted to report that Daegu had a spike of crime this passed month but I already have a meeting with the chief of police in the area that was spiked the most so it should be taken care of within the next month." Jimin
I quickly noted that down using my pen from my pocket. I like to make notes during this times to be clear of what's going on and who's doing what.
"That's unfortunate but good thing you already have a solution. Y/n, do you have those sketches that were sent to you for the Busan project?" Namjoon
"Why yes I do."
I perked up and took out the eight copies of the same sketches and passed them out to everyone around the table but I just so happened to leave lingering eyes on Jungkook when he smiled at me when taking his copy and yet our hands almost touched too. Even when I sat back down I could feel his gaze on me instead of the plans I passed to him.
"These are just rough copies for the school and the official plans will be sent to me by the end of this week. If anyone has any problems with them just now I can inform Mr Pak on the problem and he would make some adjustments before finalising the decision."
I spoke firmly admiring the sketch for the school that is purposely made for families that cant afford high class education and so that way all children will be able to go to school since that isn't fully fixed in their society yet. It was my idea and since I brought it up it seems like the plan stuck.
"Very good. It all seems to be in order. Does anyone else here have problems with what they see so far?" Namjoon
As I looked around the room, everyone seemed to be shaking their heads, but from what I can see in their eyes when each one of them look at me was pride. Just seeing that expression from them and they way they smile at me made me feel proud in what I was doing and I was on the right path in their world.
"Okay, is there anything else that we should know about this project Y/n? Like the rough date of completion if they have one or any problems Mr Pak thinks would arise in this project?" Namjoon
I could only smile at him which he returned and that was when I began to discuss everything else I knew about this new school as they all listened to me intently.
The meeting went on for an hour before it finally finished. Now that it was, it was time for lunch and I was starving. Yoongi left the meeting room with me, hand in hand of course but I just so happened to walk passed Jungkook who was staring back at me before he shook his head from his thoughts and I caught him rushing towards Namjoon.
"Namjoon I need to speak to you urgently. I need your help." Jungkook
I heard him saying in a urgent yet rushed tone. Just before the doors closed I caught a glimpse of Jungkook standing close to a confused Namjoon before I lost sight of them both and continued to walk in with Yoongi and Taehyung who wanted to come with us since everyone else was busy for lunch this afternoon but not Taehyung and Yoongi.
Now we just had to meet Soobin by my office and off to lunch we go.
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