Chapter eight🐾
I may be sitting in the living room with Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi but my mind was some where else. Ever since y/n came to this house two days ago I can't help but think about her. I only caught a glance at her when Jimin came bursting through the front door with her in his arms.
She was skinny and pale, just plain out not healthy but Taehyung was the one that was surprisingly calm to begin with and explained that he saw her at a water fall about two miles south of here. Yoongi was back at her so called home of a cave and picked up her stuff. Taehyung may have been oddly calm then but now he's just on edge constantly and very bad tempered. It's not like him since usually he acts like an innocent child like man, this Taehyung that I've seen the last two days is not the Taehyung I knew. I understand it's because y/n is human but I'm starting to think she won't be any harm to us.
I mean I remember humans back at that lab we all spent our early years of life at and they didn't do much to me that I can remember. Just poked and prodded at me now and again, made me run or hunt to observe me. Most of the time if I did something wrong they would pull at my large rounded ears in the top of my head which still irritates me to this day. My ears are off limits to anyone, not even the others can touch them.
We all have our own experiences there but Jungkook being the youngest he doesn't remember anything about being there which is good for him I guess. Taehyung in the other hand received the worst out of all of us. But that's not for me to really worry about since Over the years Taehyung was getting over it especially after they announced that humans were extinct. Oh boy was that wrong, we have a human right upstairs in one of our guest rooms.
My thought are clouded with her. I can't stop thinking about her which is odd and it makes me feel
Uneasy. I don't even know her yet I can't help but feel like I want to get to know her. It's all very confusing but when my ears perked up to the sound of Namjoons voice and Kwan's whispering to one another from behind me I turned around from my seated position on the couch to see them both walk down the stairs together in deep conversation about y/n. I heard Kwan mention her name.
"How is she?"
I asked them both, curious about her to hear what they know from her, especially from Kwan who has been with her all day. Namjoon glanced at me but there as sadness in his eyes that made me confused.
"She's okay." Namjoon
I looked at Kwan for more confirmation and he nodded and turned his gaze away fo look around at everyone else in the living. Jimin was sitting beside me while Yoongi was crashed out in the bean bag beside the fireplace that was on full blast and Taehyung sat by himself on the single couch.
"Are you sure?" Jimin
Namjoon nodded but sighed heavily, pushing up his glasses from the tip of his nose and came to join us in the living room but grabbing Kwan to drag him with him and sit the two of them together on the opposite couch from Taehyung.
I could tell Taehyung was already on edge, his nails digging into the leather of the chair he sat on and gritted his teeth together but yet he didn't say anything.
"She could be better if you ask me." Namjoon
"What about her phone? Did she like that?"
Tae scoffed and we all glanced at him for a moment but didn't question him about it.
"She seemed okay. Kwan, she was okay with it right?" Namjoon
He pats Kwan's knee and he just nods toward the rest of us.
"Yes she was very excited with it." Kwan
"Of course she would be. She just got a fucking phone for free." Taehyung
"Taehyung." Namjoon
Namjoon lowly growled at Tae to stop, glaring at the angry tiger with a dark look in his eyes. It's clear Namjoon isn't in the best of moods right now and I was thankful Taehyung didn't provoke him more.
"It's not about being the for free part that got her excited. She didn't even know what it was. I had to show her everything and how to use it. To be honest it was like an innocent child on Christmas Day which would be the best way to describe it." Kwan
You would think she would know what a phone was or at least some sort of technology somehow while living for so long.
"Really? Do you think she would know how to work a laptop at least?" Jimin
Kwan shook his head and brought himself to sit on the edge of his seat, his elbows resting on his knees.
"No she wouldn't even know what that was I don't think. Just speaking to her she's very....I don't know but she's too......underprivileged." Kwan
"What do you expect? She's a worthless human." Taehyung
Namjoon thumped his fist on the arm of the couch, glaring at Taehyung again.
"Tae, shut up! You have no fucking idea what she's like so back off with your stupid comments before I do something your really don't want me to do!" Namjoon
I never seen Namjoon so worked up before and it shocked me as well as Jimin to see Namjoon like this. Even Kwan sat back from him staring at him in alert and stunned. Taehyung just blankly stared at him with no expression but yet he didn't say anything again.
"Urgh! Where the fuck is Jin and Jungkook?" Namjoon
He stood up, gripping his hair in frustration and stomped off towards the kitchen before anyone could say anything. I would of told him that Jin was in his office and Jungkook was on the other side of the house in the indoor gym we have here but no, he stomped off.
When he was gone from sight Kwan sighed heavily and looked down at his lap.
"What's got his underwear in a twist?" Taehyung
He chuckles in amusement but yet I wasn't amused, I was worried more than anything. Yoongi groaned from his bean bag but curled over to lay in his side and his back to us and the heat of the fire to spread across his front. For a leopard hybrid he sure does like the heat just like everyone else does expect Jimin and Jin they're not too keen and keep a distance.
"Y/n said something that made him upset. Even I was upset to hear her talk like that." Kwan
He sighed once more and I raised a brow in curiosity but Jimin beat me to it to ask questions.
"What did she say?" Jimin
"She still believes that she's going to die here. It caught us of guard because Namjoon was only telling her about what would need to be done to assure her safety for when she starts to leave the house but she suddenly asked when she was going to die. I don't think she expects to live for very long here." Kwan
I can tell Kwan already likes her, he wouldn't be this upset if he didn't. This only makes me more curious about her to get her. Jin and Namjoon already really like her and now Kwan?
It's interesting.
"Why would she think that?" Jimin
Kwan's eyes peer over to Taehyung and he just widens his eyes in surprise with some sort of offended look.
"Me?! I haven't even touched her! Let alone speak to her!" Taehyung
He screamed out loud, one hand over his chest in utter disbelief. He isn't wrong but Kwan shakes his head and takes his eyes off Tae to look down at his lap with his tail in his hand.
"It's not that. Jin told y/n you didn't want her here so she's certain that you would be the one to kill her. It's like she's already accepted her fate anyway." Kwan
Taehyung growled and stormed up towards the stairs in a rush to get out of here. I stood up and turned around to watch him carefully to see which way he was going to go. Either left or right when he reaches the top of the stairs. Right would be where y/n was and left would be where our rooms are.
Even Jimin stood up too just in case to watch Taehyung but when he reached the top of the stairs he stood there with his back to us but when he turned around to see us staring at him he scoffed.
"I'm not gonna go to her room you assholes!" Taehyung
He tsked and walked off towards the left and I internally sighed in relief. I don't know why I felt relieved but I did. Jimin did too but sighed out loud and wiped his face accompanied with a groan when we both sat back down again.
"You guys y/n's a lovely girl. I'm sure you'll all like her, even Taehyung if he gives her a chance." Kwan
Jimin nods and so do I. I agreed with him since two of my friends already think so much of her already and now Kwan. I'm sure I'll like her too even if I already feel like that I do without having talk to her myself yet. But that will come with time, I don't want to overwhelm her and I'll wait until she's more comfortable here.
But deep down I honestly can't wait for that.
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